2001 Legislation
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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 6 – Natural resource issues, study


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Daily Data Tracking History

HCR006....................................................by WAYS AND MEANS
NATURAL RESOURCE ISSUES - Stating findings of the Legislature and
authorizing the Legislative Council to appoint an interim committee to
study natural resource issues.
01/17    House intro - 1st rdg - to printing
01/18    Rpt prt - to 2nd rdg
01/19    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
01/22    3rd rdg - ADOPTED - 60-0-10
      AYES -- Barraclough, Barrett, Bedke, Bieter, Black, Boe, Bolz,
      Bradford, Bruneel, Callister, Campbell, Chase, Collins, Crow, Cuddy,
      Deal, Denney, Ellis, Ellsworth, Eskridge, Gould, Hammond, Harwood,
      Henbest, Higgins, Hornbeck, Jaquet, Jones, Kellogg, Kendell, Kunz,
      Langford, Loertscher, Mader, Marley, McKague,  Montgomery, Mortensen,
      Moss, Moyle, Pearce, Pomeroy, Raybould, Ridinger, Roberts, Sali,
      Schaefer, Sellman, Shepherd, Smith, Smylie, Stevenson, Stone, Swan,
      Tilman, Trail, Wheeler, Wood, Young, Mr. Speaker
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- Bell, Clark, Field(13), Field(20), Gagner,
      Hadley, Lake, Meyer, Pischner, Robison
    Floor Sponsor - Wheeler
    Title apvd - to Senate
01/23    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to St Aff
01/25    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 10th Ord
01/26    10th Ord - ADOPTED - 25-0-10
      AYES -- Boatright, Brandt, Bunderson, Cameron, Danielson, Deide,
      Dunklin, Frasure, Goedde, Hawkins, Ingram, Keough, King-Barrutia,
      Lee, Lodge, Richardson, Riggs, Risch, Sorensen, Stegner, Stennett,
      Thorne, Wheeler, Whitworth, Williams
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- Andreason, Branch, Burtenshaw, Darrington,
      Davis, Geddes, Ipsen, Noh, Sandy, Schroeder
    Floor Sponsor - Lee
    Title apvd - to House
01/29    To enrol
01/30    Rpt enrol - Sp signed
01/31    Pres signed
02/01    To Secretary of State

Bill Text

  ||||              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ||||
 Fifty-sixth Legislature                  First Regular Session - 2001
                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 6
                                BY WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE
  1                               A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
  4        ISSUES.
  5    Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
  6        WHEREAS, a number of major water and natural resource related  issues  are
  7    working  their  way  through  various forums and are all subjects that require
  8    legislative scrutiny; and
  9        WHEREAS, these issues include the effort to negotiate a settlement of  the
 10    Nez Perce tribal claims in the Snake River Basin Adjudication, the development
 11    of  the biological opinion by the National Marine Fisheries Service for salmon
 12    recovery, the expiration and potential renewal of legislation authorizing  the
 13    use of 427,000 acre feet of Idaho water for salmon recovery and evolving water
 14    rights issues connected to electric utility restructuring; and
 15        WHEREAS,  these  issues  are all events which will have major impacts upon
 16    the future of Idaho and the quality of life our citizens enjoy; and
 17        WHEREAS, it would be more efficient, less costly, and foster better  rela-
 18    tionships to discuss in advance the potential renewal of legislation authoriz-
 19    ing  the  use  of 427,000 acre feet of Idaho water for salmon recovery than to
 20    have the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's transfer applications, as referenced  in
 21    Section 42-1763B, Idaho Code, move forward; and
 22        WHEREAS,  the  Legislature has also approved a committee to study the sub-
 23    ject of electric utility restructuring which is a  large  subject  in  and  of
 24    itself,  but  is  one  that  needs  to  be  coordinated with the above natural
 25    resource issues.
 26        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the First Regular Session
 27    of the Fifty-sixth Idaho Legislature, the House  of  Representatives  and  the
 28    Senate  concurring  therein,  that  the  Legislative  Council is authorized to
 29    appoint a committee to undertake and  complete  a  study  of  various  natural
 30    resource  issues including, but not limited to, the effort to negotiate a set-
 31    tlement of the Nez Perce tribal claims in the Snake River Basin  Adjudication,
 32    the  development  of  the  biological opinion by the National Marine Fisheries
 33    Service for salmon recovery, the expiration and potential renewal of  legisla-
 34    tion authorizing the use of 427,000 acre feet of Idaho water for salmon recov-
 35    ery   and   evolving   water  rights  issues  connected  to  electric  utility
 36    restructuring. The committee shall consist of ten legislators with  five  from
 37    the  Senate and five from the House of Representatives.  The Legislative Coun-
 38    cil shall authorize the committee to receive input, advice and assistance from
 39    interested and affected parties who are not members of  the  Legislature.  All
 40    interested  parties,  including those protestors and intervenors to the Bureau
 41    of Reclamation's 1995 water right transfer applications, shall be afforded the
 42    opportunity to provide input to the committee.
 43        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon agreement by the U.S. Bureau of  Reclama-
 44    tion  to meet and discuss salmon recovery issues prior to January 1, 2002, and
  1    the Bureau of Reclamation's expression of willingness to the Idaho  Department
  2    of  Water Resources that the above-referenced transfer applications be held in
  3    abeyance, the committee shall study whether mutually satisfactory  legislation
  4    can be developed on the issue to present for consideration by the Second Regu-
  5    lar Session of the Fifty-sixth Idaho Legislature in the year 2002.
  6        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cochairmen of this committee shall consult
  7    and  coordinate  with  the  cochairmen  of  the  committee on Electric Utility
  8    Restructuring.
  9        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nonlegislative members of the committee may be
 10    appointed by the cochairs of the committee who are appointed by  the  Legisla-
 11    tive  Council.  Nonlegislative  members of the advisory committee shall not be
 12    reimbursed from legislative funds for per diem, mileage or other expenses  and
 13    shall  not have voting privileges regarding the committee's recommendations or
 14    proposed legislation.
 15        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee shall make a progress report  to
 16    the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-sixth Idaho Legislature and shall make
 17    a  report detailing its findings, recommendations and proposed legislation, if
 18    any, to the First Regular Session of the Fifty-seventh Idaho Legislature; pro-
 19    vided that the committee shall make a report detailing its findings, recommen-
 20    dations and proposed legislation, if any, regarding the potential  renewal  of
 21    legislation authorizing the use of 427,000 acre feet of Idaho water for salmon
 22    recovery to the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-sixth Idaho Legislature.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                     STATEMENT OF PURPOSE
                                         RS 10667
                                   This resolution would authorize the Legislative Council to appoint an
      interim study committee to undertake and complete a study of natural
      resource issues. A number of interrelated major water and natural
      resource issues could soon have major impacts upon the state and its
                          FISCAL IMPACT
                                   If this resolution is adopted by the Legislature and the committee is
      appointed by Legislative Council, any necessary legislator travel and
      per diem expense would be paid from the existing legislative
      appropriation to the Senate and the House of Representatives. Funding
      for staff support and expenses would be provided from the existing
      appropriation to the Legislative Council for the Legislative Services
      Office. There would be no additional impact upon the state general fund
      as a result of this resolution.
                        Name: Rep. Cameron Wheeler Rep. JoAn Wood
                                            Phone:     208 332 1000
         STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                              HCR6