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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION DITCHES/CANALS - RECREATIONAL USE - Adds to and amends existing law to make recreational use of ditches, canals, laterals and drains an infraction where such use is prohibited by the owner; and to provide that ditches, canals, laterals and drains are not classified as navigable streams. 01/28 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 01/29 Rpt prt - to Res/Con 02/18 Rpt out - to Gen Ord 02/19 Rpt out amen - to engros 02/20 Rpt engros - 1st rdg - to 2nd rdg as amen 02/21 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg as amen 02/27 3rd rdg as amen - PASSED - 64-3-3 AYES -- Andersen, Barraclough, Barrett, Bauer, Bedke, Bell, Bieter, Black, Block, Boe, Bolz, Campbell, Cannon, Clark, Collins, Crow, Cuddy, Deal, Denney, Douglas, Edmunson, Ellsworth, Eskridge, Field(18), Field(23), Gagner, Garrett, Harwood, Henbest, Jaquet, Jones, Kulczyk, Lake, Langford, Langhorst, McGeachin, McKague, Meyer, Miller, Mitchell, Moyle, Naccarato, Nielsen, Raybould, Ridinger, Ring, Roberts, Robison, Rydalch, Sali, Sayler, Schaefer, Shepherd, Shirley, Skippen, Smith(30), Smith(24), Smylie, Snodgrass, Stevenson, Tilman, Wills, Wood, Mr. Speaker NAYS -- Eberle, Martinez, Ringo Absent and excused -- Bradford, Kellogg, Trail Floor Sponsor - Raybould Title apvd - to Senate 02/28 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to Res/Env 03/17 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg 03/19 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg 03/20 3rd rdg - FAILED - 7-27-1 AYES -- Burtenshaw, Keough, Marley, Noh, Pearce, Richardson, Williams NAYS -- Andreason, Bailey, Bunderson, Burkett, Calabretta(Wilson), Cameron, Compton, Darrington, Davis, Gannon, Geddes, Goedde, Hill, Ingram, Kennedy, Little, Lodge, Malepeai, McKenzie, McWilliams, Noble, Schroeder, Sorensen, Stegner, Stennett, Sweet, Werk Absent and excused -- Brandt Floor Sponsor - Noh Ret'd to House 03/21 Filed w/Office of the Chief Clerk
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2003IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 125 BY RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO USE OF DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS AND DRAINS; AMENDING CHAPTER 43, 3 TITLE 18, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 18-4311, IDAHO 4 CODE, TO MAKE RECREATIONAL USE OF DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS AND DRAINS AN 5 INFRACTION WHERE SUCH USE IS PROHIBITED BY THE OWNER; AND AMENDING SECTION 6 36-1601, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE THAT DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS AND DRAINS 7 ARE NOT CLASSIFIED AS NAVIGABLE STREAMS. 8 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 9 SECTION 1. That Chapter 43, Title 18, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 10 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des- 11 ignated as Section 18-4311, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 12 18-4311. RECREATIONAL USE OF DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS AND DRAINS. It 13 shall be an infraction for any person to swim, wade, raft, tube, water ski, 14 boat, float, dive, play or conduct any other water-based recreational use of 15 water within the inside slopes of a ditch, canal, lateral or drain when the 16 owner or managing agent of the ditch, canal, lateral or drain prohibits such 17 use and provides notice of such prohibition to the sheriff of the county or 18 the police department of the city in which the ditch, canal, lateral or drain 19 is located, and the person has actual notice of the prohibition or the owner 20 or managing agent posts notice of the prohibition on signs spaced at intervals 21 of not less than one (1) per six hundred sixty (660) feet along such ditch, 22 canal, lateral or drain. 23 SECTION 2. That Section 36-1601, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 24 amended to read as follows: 25 36-1601. PUBLIC WATERS -- HIGHWAYS FOR RECREATION. (a) Navigable Streams 26 Defined. Any stream which, in its natural state, during normal high water, 27 will float cut timber having a diameter in excess of six (6) inches or any 28 other commercial or floatable commodity or is capable of being navigated by 29 oar or motor propelled small craft for pleasure or commercial purposes is nav- 30 igable. Ditches, canals, laterals and drains that are constructed and used for 31 irrigation or drainage purposes are not navigable streams. 32 (b) Recreational Use Authorized. Navigable rivers, sloughs or streams 33 within the meander lines or, when not meandered, between the flow lines of 34 ordinary high water thereof, and all rivers, sloughs and streams flowing 35 through any public lands of the state shall be open to public use as a public 36 highway for travel and passage, up or downstream, for business or pleasure, 37 and to exercise the incidents of navigation -- boating, swimming, fishing, 38 hunting and all recreational purposes. 39 (c) Access Limited to Navigable Stream. Nothing herein contained shall 40 authorize the entering on or crossing over private land at any point other 41 than within the high water lines of navigable streams except that where irri- 2 1 gation dams or other obstructions interfere with the navigability of a stream, 2 members of the public may remove themselves and their boats, floats, canoes or 3 other floating crafts from the stream and walk or portage such crafts around 4 said obstruction re-entering the stream immediately below such obstruction at 5 the nearest point where it is safe to do so.
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2003Moved by Stevenson Seconded by Wood IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE AMENDMENT TO H.B. NO. 125 1 AMENDMENT TO SECTION 1 2 On page 1 of the printed bill, in line 14, following "water-based" insert: 3 ", contact". Moved by Raybould Seconded by Moyle IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE AMENDMENT TO H.B. NO. 125 4 AMENDMENT TO SECTION 1 5 On page 1 of the printed bill, in line 15, following "drain" insert: ", or 6 portion thereof,".
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-seventh Legislature First Regular Session - 2003IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 125, As Amended BY RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO USE OF DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS AND DRAINS; AMENDING CHAPTER 43, 3 TITLE 18, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 18-4311, IDAHO 4 CODE, TO MAKE RECREATIONAL USE OF DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS AND DRAINS AN 5 INFRACTION WHERE SUCH USE IS PROHIBITED BY THE OWNER; AND AMENDING SECTION 6 36-1601, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE THAT DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS AND DRAINS 7 ARE NOT CLASSIFIED AS NAVIGABLE STREAMS. 8 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 9 SECTION 1. That Chapter 43, Title 18, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 10 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des- 11 ignated as Section 18-4311, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 12 18-4311. RECREATIONAL USE OF DITCHES, CANALS, LATERALS AND DRAINS. It 13 shall be an infraction for any person to swim, wade, raft, tube, water ski, 14 boat, float, dive, play or conduct any other water-based, contact recreational 15 use of water within the inside slopes of a ditch, canal, lateral or drain, or 16 portion thereof, when the owner or managing agent of the ditch, canal, lateral 17 or drain prohibits such use and provides notice of such prohibition to the 18 sheriff of the county or the police department of the city in which the ditch, 19 canal, lateral or drain is located, and the person has actual notice of the 20 prohibition or the owner or managing agent posts notice of the prohibition on 21 signs spaced at intervals of not less than one (1) per six hundred sixty (660) 22 feet along such ditch, canal, lateral or drain. 23 SECTION 2. That Section 36-1601, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 24 amended to read as follows: 25 36-1601. PUBLIC WATERS -- HIGHWAYS FOR RECREATION. (a) Navigable Streams 26 Defined. Any stream which, in its natural state, during normal high water, 27 will float cut timber having a diameter in excess of six (6) inches or any 28 other commercial or floatable commodity or is capable of being navigated by 29 oar or motor propelled small craft for pleasure or commercial purposes is nav- 30 igable. Ditches, canals, laterals and drains that are constructed and used for 31 irrigation or drainage purposes are not navigable streams. 32 (b) Recreational Use Authorized. Navigable rivers, sloughs or streams 33 within the meander lines or, when not meandered, between the flow lines of 34 ordinary high water thereof, and all rivers, sloughs and streams flowing 35 through any public lands of the state shall be open to public use as a public 36 highway for travel and passage, up or downstream, for business or pleasure, 37 and to exercise the incidents of navigation -- boating, swimming, fishing, 38 hunting and all recreational purposes. 39 (c) Access Limited to Navigable Stream. Nothing herein contained shall 40 authorize the entering on or crossing over private land at any point other 41 than within the high water lines of navigable streams except that where irri- 2 1 gation dams or other obstructions interfere with the navigability of a stream, 2 members of the public may remove themselves and their boats, floats, canoes or 3 other floating crafts from the stream and walk or portage such crafts around 4 said obstruction re-entering the stream immediately below such obstruction at 5 the nearest point where it is safe to do so.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS 12708 The amendment would clarify that the use of ditches, canals, laterals and drains for water-based recreation would be prohibited only if such use is prohibited by the owner, or managing agent of the ditch, canal, lateral or drain and notice is provided to the public through actual or posted notice. FISCAL IMPACT None. Contact Name: Norm M. Semanko, Idaho Water Users Association Phone: (208) 344-6690 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE H 125