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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIPS - Adds to existing law to provide for establishment of local needs-based scholarship endowment funds by local school boards of trustees; to provide for annual awards of needs-based scholarships to eligible students; to provide for annual calculation of the amount of each year's scholarship; to create an Idaho Needs-Based Scholarship Fund; to provide definitions; and to appropriate $31.5 million from the General Fund to the Idaho Needs-Based Scholarship Fund. 03/01 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 03/02 Rpt prt - to Educ
]]]] LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO ]]]] Fifty-eighth Legislature Second Regular Session - 2006IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 759 BY EDUCATION COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO SCHOLARSHIPS; AMENDING CHAPTER 5, TITLE 33, IDAHO CODE, BY THE 3 ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 33-522, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE FOR ESTABLISHMENT 4 OF LOCAL NEEDS-BASED SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUNDS BY LOCAL SCHOOL BOARDS OF 5 TRUSTEES, TO PROVIDE FOR ANNUAL AWARDS OF NEEDS-BASED SCHOLARSHIPS TO ELI- 6 GIBLE STUDENTS, TO PROVIDE FOR ANNUAL CALCULATION OF THE AMOUNT OF EACH 7 YEAR'S SCHOLARSHIPS AND TO PROVIDE DEFINITIONS; AMENDING CHAPTER 43, TITLE 8 33, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 33-4319, IDAHO CODE, TO 9 PROVIDE LEGISLATIVE INTENT, TO CREATE A NEEDS-BASED SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM, 10 TO PROVIDE FOR DISTRIBUTIONS FROM THE FUND, TO CREATE AN IDAHO NEEDS-BASED 11 SCHOLARSHIP FUND AND TO PROVIDE DEFINITIONS; AND APPROPRIATING MONEYS FROM 12 THE GENERAL FUND TO THE IDAHO NEEDS-BASED SCHOLARSHIP FUND. 13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 14 SECTION 1. That Chapter 5, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 15 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des- 16 ignated as Section 33-522, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 17 33-522. LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NEEDS-BASED SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. (1) Each 18 school district board of trustees shall establish a local needs-based scholar- 19 ship endowment fund for the purpose of administering a local needs-based 20 scholarship program. In order for a school district to receive its proportion- 21 ate share of moneys from the Idaho needs-based scholarship fund in accordance 22 with the provisions of section 33-4319, Idaho Code, it shall first accumulate 23 the moneys necessary to meet the required match of state funds. As determined 24 by the local board, such board shall deposit moneys for that purpose in its 25 scholarship endowment fund. Upon certification to the state board of education 26 pursuant to section 33-4319, Idaho Code, that the local scholarship endowment 27 fund contains the required moneys to meet the state match, the local board 28 shall deposit its distribution from the Idaho needs-based scholarship fund to 29 its local district needs-based scholarship endowment fund. The endowment fund 30 may also consist of appropriations, gifts grants, and donations. The fund 31 principal shall remain inviolate and intact; moneys in the fund shall be 32 invested according to standards provided by law; and interest earned on the 33 investments shall be returned to the fund. Only the interest earned on the 34 fund principal shall be used to provide scholarships for eligible students. 35 (2) A local board of trustees shall annually award scholarships to eligi- 36 ble students. The dollar amount of each year's scholarships shall be deter- 37 mined by dividing the interest earned on the principal of the endowment fund 38 available at the time of awarding that year's scholarships, by the number of 39 students eligible for a scholarship in that year. Scholarship awards shall 40 only be used to defray tuition costs at a qualifying postsecondary institution 41 in Idaho and shall not be used for any other purpose. The local board of 42 trustees shall adopt procedures to ensure that the needs-based scholarship 43 program is implemented according to the provisions of this section and appli- 2 1 cable portions of section 33-4319, Idaho Code. 2 (3) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall 3 apply: 4 (a) "Eligible student" means a senior student graduating from a public 5 secondary high school in the state of Idaho who has applied for admission, 6 or has been accepted to, a qualifying postsecondary school, whose house- 7 hold family income does not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the 8 per capita income of the county in which the secondary high school from 9 which the student is graduating is located, and who has not received nor 10 expects to receive scholarship or grant money from any other source. 11 (b) "Qualifying postsecondary school" means an Idaho public or private 12 postsecondary institution of higher learning approved by the state board 13 of education and board of regents of the university of Idaho, and includes 14 a community college or a professional-technical school. 15 SECTION 2. That Chapter 43, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 16 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des- 17 ignated as Section 33-4319, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 18 33-4319. IDAHO NEEDS-BASED SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM -- FUND CREATED. 19 (1) Intent. It is the intent of the legislature to offer financial assistance 20 to eligible Idaho students who are graduating from an Idaho public secondary 21 school and who intend to immediately continue their education at an eligible 22 postsecondary institution in Idaho. The legislature recognizes that existing 23 scholarship programs in Idaho do not provide the funding necessary to support 24 all students with financial need. By establishing an Idaho needs-based schol- 25 arship fund, it is the intent of the legislature to provide an additional 26 source of educational financial assistance to needs-based students who have 27 not received any other scholarship or grant moneys to further their educa- 28 tional goals. 29 (2) Needs-based scholarship program. Each school district in the state is 30 eligible to receive moneys from the Idaho needs-based scholarship fund in the 31 proportion that the number of students enrolled in the district bears to the 32 total number of students enrolled in all school districts of the state. Stu- 33 dent enrollment, for calculation of each school district's proportionate 34 share, shall be based on the total average daily attendance of the school dis- 35 trict that is used to compute the state distribution factor for the February 36 2006 payment to school districts pursuant to section 33-1009, Idaho Code. The 37 board shall distribute to a local school district its proportionate share of 38 moneys from the fund, created in subsection (3) of this section, upon receiv- 39 ing certification from the board of trustees of the local school district that 40 the trustees have: 41 (a) Established a local needs-based scholarship endowment fund for the 42 purpose of administering a local district needs-based scholarship program 43 and to which the state funds will be deposited; and 44 (b) Raised matching funds in an amount at least equal to the amount the 45 district is entitled to receive from the Idaho needs-based scholarship 46 fund, and that such matching moneys have been deposited to the district's 47 local needs-based scholarship endowment fund. 48 Distribution of moneys from the state fund shall continue until all school 49 districts have met the requirements for receiving their proportionate share of 50 moneys, or until June 30, 2010. Any moneys remaining in the fund on June 30, 51 2010, shall be distributed to those school districts that have previously 52 qualified for and received a distribution from the fund, in the proportion 53 that the number of students enrolled in such a qualifying district bears to 3 1 the total number of students enrolled in all such qualifying school districts 2 of the state. Student enrollment, for calculation of each qualifying school 3 district's proportionate share, shall be based on the total average daily 4 attendance of the qualifying school district that is used to compute the state 5 distribution factor for the February 2010 payment to school districts pursuant 6 to section 33-1009, Idaho Code. 7 (3) Fund. There is hereby created in the state treasury the Idaho needs- 8 based scholarship fund. The fund shall be administered by the state board of 9 education and the board of regents of the university of Idaho and shall con- 10 sist of moneys received by a one-time appropriation from the general fund. The 11 board shall distribute moneys from the fund to local school district boards of 12 trustees in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, 13 and by June 30, 2010, the board shall cause final distributions to be made 14 from the fund as provided in subsection (2) of this section. The state trea- 15 surer shall invest moneys in the fund, and until the final distributions are 16 made from the fund, interest earned on the investments shall be returned to 17 the fund. The board is authorized to promulgate rules as necessary to imple- 18 ment the provisions of this section. 19 (4) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following defini- 20 tions shall apply: 21 (a) "Board" means the state board of education and board of regents of 22 the university of Idaho. 23 (b) "Fund" means the Idaho needs-based scholarship fund created in the 24 state treasury and administered by the board. 25 SECTION 3. There is hereby transferred and appropriated $31,500,000 from 26 the General Fund to the Idaho Needs-Based Scholarship Fund.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS 16120 The purpose of this legislation is to establish an endowed needs-based Idaho Scholarship Fund and to set guidelines by which the funds will be dispersed and administered. FISCAL NOTE There is a one-time fiscal impact of $31.5 million on the general fund. Contact Name: Representative Joseph Cannon Phone: 332-1000 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE H 759