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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


54-4303.  DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter:
(1)  "Allied health advisory board" means the Idaho allied health advisory board established pursuant to chapter 1, title 54, Idaho Code.
(2)  "Board" means the state board of medicine.
(3)  "Certified respiratory therapist" or "CRT" means the professional designation earned by a person who has successfully completed the entry level examination required by the board.
(4)  "Polysomnographic technician" means a person who holds a permit and meets requirements as set forth in section 54-4307, Idaho Code.
(5)  "Polysomnographic technologist" means a person who holds a permit and meets requirements as set forth in section 54-4307, Idaho Code.
(6)  "Polysomnography" means the process of analysis, attended monitoring, and recording of physiologic data during sleep and wakefulness to assist in the assessment and diagnosis of sleep/wake disorders and other disorders, syndromes, and dysfunctions that are sleep-related, manifest during sleep, or disrupt normal sleep/wake cycles and activities.
(7)  "Polysomnography-related respiratory care services" means the limited practice of respiratory care in the provision of polysomnography services.
(8)  "Practice of respiratory care" means the provision of cardiopulmonary care services as directed by a qualified health care practitioner licensed in the state, including but not limited to the diagnostic and therapeutic use of the following:
(a)  Except for the purpose of anesthesia, administration of medical gases, aerosols, and humidification;
(b)  Environmental control mechanisms and hyperbaric therapy;
(c)  Pharmacologic agents related to respiratory care procedures;
(d)  Mechanical or physiological ventilatory support;
(e)  Bronchopulmonary hygiene;
(f)  Cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
(g)  Maintenance of artificial airways;
(h)  Specific diagnostic and testing techniques employed in the medical management of patients to assist in diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, and research of pulmonary abnormalities, including measurement of ventilatory volumes, pressures, and flows, collection of specimens of blood and blood gases, expired and inspired gas samples, respiratory secretions, and pulmonary functioning testing;
(i)  Hemodynamic and other related physiologic measurements of the cardiopulmonary system;
(j)  Accepting and carrying out a practitioner’s written, verbal, or telephonic prescription or order specifically relating to respiratory care in a hospital or other health care setting; and
(k)  Functioning in situations of patient contact requiring individual judgment in administering respiratory care under the general supervision of a qualified practitioner.
(9)  "Registered respiratory therapist" or "RRT" means the professional designation earned by a person who has successfully completed the written registry and clinical simulation examinations administered by the national board for respiratory care.
(10) "Respiratory care" means the treatment, management, diagnostic testing, monitoring, and care of patients with deficiencies and abnormalities associated with the cardiopulmonary system.
(11) "Respiratory care practitioner" means a person who has been issued a license or permit by the board under the provisions of this chapter to practice respiratory care under the general supervision of a licensed physician or other authorized licensed health care professional.
(12) "Sleep disorder center or laboratory" means a facility for sleep-related disorders that provides polysomnography and is under the supervision of a physician or medical director licensed in the state of Idaho.
(13) "Written registry and clinical simulation examinations" means the certification examinations administered by a board-approved national accrediting organization.

[54-4303, added 2021, ch. 21, sec. 2, p. 55; am. 2024, ch. 61, sec. 24, p. 299.]

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