Joint Finance-Appropriations

Posted by lso admin | March 26, 2024 | 2024jfac

Joint Finance-Appropriations
Room C310
Wednesday, Mar 27, 2024 8:00 AM

8:00 AM Recognition of the Pages Co-chairs Representative Horman and Senator Grow
8:10 AM FY 2025 Budget Setting:
1. S1380- Department of Health & Welfare, Ombudsman Alex Williamson, LSO
2. H646- State Controller’s Office, County Boundaries Christine Otto, LSO
3. Department of Education- Correction Jared Tatro, LSO
4. H596- Department of Insurance, Pharmacy Benefit Managers Brooke Dupree, LSO
5. S1292- Attorneys, Department of Lands Janet Jessup, LSO
6. Judicial Branch: Tim Hibbard, LSO
i. Court Operations, LBB 3-61
ii. Guardian Ad Litem, LBB 3-69
iii. Judicial Council, LBB 3-73

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