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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


16-1648 [16-1649].  notification of rights. (1) When the department, in accordance with this chapter, commences an investigation after having received information that a child may be abused, neglected, or abandoned and in the course of such investigation contacts, directly and in person, the parents, guardians, or any persons having legal custody of the child, then the department shall notify such parents, guardians, or persons that they have the right to:
(a)  Refuse to answer questions;
(b)  Obtain an attorney at their own expense, consult with such attorney, and have such attorney present during an investigation; provided, however, that the department is not authorized to appoint or obtain an attorney for such parents, guardians, or persons;
(c)  Refuse entry to their home or other real property; and
(d)  Refuse the questioning of any minor children in their home or on their property, unless there is an order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction authorizing a particular entry or particular questioning or examination.
(2)  The notification required by subsection (1) of this section shall be made in writing at the time of or within seventy-two (72) hours after the department makes the first contact directly and in person with the parents, guardians, or other persons having legal custody of the child.
(3)  A parent, guardian, or other person having legal custody of the child may expressly assert the rights provided in this section.
(4)  The notification required by subsection (1) of this section shall be made in writing on a form prescribed by the department. Such notification shall state that if the safety of the child cannot be determined, the department may request assistance from a law enforcement agency or seek a court order.
(5)  Failure by the department to provide the notification required by this section in a specific investigation shall not affect the department’s ability to conduct such investigation or to carry out the department’s duties as provided in this chapter.

[16-1648 [16-1649], added 2024, ch. 64, sec. 1, p. 328.]

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