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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


66-906.  Succession to property of deceased resident. Hereafter, the application of any person for membership in a veterans home of this state and the admission of the applicant thereunder shall be and constitute a valid and binding contract between such applicant and the administrator of the division of veterans services in the department of self-governing agencies of the state of Idaho. Each applicant must agree prior to admission to any veterans home that on the death of said applicant, while a member of such home and leaving no heirs at law next of kin, all intangible property owned by said applicant at the time of his death, including money or choses in action held by him and not disposed of by will, whether such property be the proceeds of pensions or otherwise derived, shall vest in and be delivered to the unclaimed property division within the office of the state treasurer within one (1) year after the member’s death pursuant to section 14-513, Idaho Code. The applicant’s property may be reclaimed by any legatee or person entitled to take the same by inheritance at any time within five (5) years after the death of such member, unless the member directs in writing that such property be donated to the division of veterans services after the member’s death. A certificate of death for the resident is required for the division of veterans services to accept the donation. Any tangible property unclaimed within thirty (30) days of the death or discharge of said applicant is exempt from the unclaimed property act, chapter 5, title 14, Idaho Code, and shall be assigned to the state veterans home. The administrator of the division of veterans services is directed to so change the form of application for membership as to give reasonable notice of this provision to each applicant and as to contain the consent of the applicant to accept membership upon the conditions herein provided.

[(66-906) 1911, ch. 135, p. 424; reen. C.L., sec. 799a; C.S., sec. 1257; I.C.A., sec. 64-706; am. 1969, ch. 134, sec. 4, p. 417; am. 1974, ch. 23, sec. 178, p. 633; am. 1990, ch. 56, sec. 8, p. 131; am. 2000, ch. 59, sec. 6, p. 128; am. 2024, ch. 185, sec. 1, p. 673.]

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