Charge: To ask and find answers for the unprecedented increases in health insurance premiums; to determine a method of limiting the assessments that may be imposed on carriers providing reinsurance by way of excess or stop-loss coverage and on carriers selling insurance in the individual market; to review options regarding initially limiting enrollment of the Individual High-Risk Reinsurance Pool in order to preserve the financial integrity of the pool.
Idaho Code, Section 41-5502
Sen. Dean Cameron, Co-chair | Rep. Bill Deal, Co-chair |
Sen. Sheila Sorensen | Rep. Max Black |
Sen. Joe Stegner | Rep. Kathie Garrett |
Sen. John Goedde | Rep. Gary Collins |
Sen. Fred Kennedy | Rep. Margaret Henbest |
Staff: Caralee Lambert, Susan Bennion, Secretary: Toni Hobbs
Meeting Minutes:
July 29, 2003
August 19, 2003
October 8, 2003
December 3, 2003