Minutes of February 14, 2024 | Senator Anthon, Senator Harris |
The Gubernatorial Reappointment of Susan D. Kerrick to the Idaho Lottery Commission | Chairman Guthrie |
RS 31395C1 | Relating to Concealed Weapons | Senator Herndon |
RS 31486 | Relating to Naturopathic Doctor Licensing | Senator Anthon |
SCR 110 | COVID-19 – States findings of the Legislature and authorizes the Legislative Council to establish a committee to complete a study of Idaho’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. | Senator Foreman |
H 496 | PROPERTY – Amends existing law to exempt federally recognized Indian tribes from the definition of “foreign government,” such that certain restrictions regarding real property will not apply to them, and to include forest land as one of the kinds of property that a foreign government may not purchase. | Senator Trakel |
H 390 | CITY AND COUNTY OFFICERS – Amends existing law to authorize investigations and actions against city and county officers by the attorney general. | Representative Skaug |
H 498 | LIABILITY FOR PUBLISHERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF MATERIAL HARMFUL TO MINORS ON THE INTERNET – Adds to existing law to establish provisions to protect minors from harmful material on the internet. | Senator Toews |