House Education

Posted by lso admin | February 23, 2024 | 2024HEDU

House Education
Room EW41
Monday, Feb 26, 2024 9:00 AM

Amended Agenda #1

RS 31496 School internet use policy Rep. Green
The Science of Reading in Action: Phonics-Based Classroom Instruction Ryan Cantrell, Chief Deputy Superintendent, State Department of Education
Shane Williams, Superintendent, West Jefferson School District
Kyle Johnson, Principal
HJR 2 Indebtedness, limits Rep. Furniss
S 1274 Diversity statements, prohibition Rep. Petzke
H 634 Broadband, state board of ed Rep. Horman
Testimony Limited to Two Minutes

Public Testimony Will Be Taken by Registering Through the Following Link:
Register to Testify

If you have written testimony, please provide a copy to the committee secretary.

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