House State Affairs

Posted by lso admin | February 26, 2024 | 2024HSTA

House State Affairs
Room EW40
Tuesday, Feb 27, 2024 9:00 AM

Amended Agenda #2

H 497 Elections, vacancies Rep. Ehardt
H 477 Auditorium districts, dissolution Rep. Furniss
H 560 Equality in financial services Rep. Tanner
RS 31473 Equality in financial services Rep. Tanner
RS 31522 Synthetic media, elections Rep. Rubel
Rep. Dixon (1)
RS 31495C2 Critical infrastructure Rep. Hill
RS 31518 State investments, foreign Rep. Ehlers
RS 31477 America250 in Idaho Rep. Pickett
RS 31465 Absentee ballots Rep. Kingsley
RS 31516 Sex education, abortion Rep. Skaug
RS 31528 No public funds, gender transition Rep. Young
Rep. Skaug
H 486 Veterans, property Rep. Allgood

Public Testimony Will Be Taken by Registering Through the Following Link:
Register to Testify

If you have written testimony, please provide a copy to the committee secretary.

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Posted by lso_admin | 03 April 2024
House State AffairsRoom EW40 Wednesday, Apr 03, 2024 11:59 PM This Agenda has been temporarily withdrawn for further editing.Please check back periodically for the Amended agenda.