Joint Finance-Appropriations

Posted by lso admin | February 9, 2024 | 2024jfac

Joint Finance-Appropriations
Room C310
Monday, Feb 12, 2024 8:00 AM

8:00-8:30 AM College of Western Idaho, LBB 1-75 Keith Bybee, Division Manager, LSO, Budget & Policy Analysis
Gordon Jones, President
8:30-9:00 AM College of Eastern Idaho, LBB 1-75 Keith Bybee, LSO
Rick Aman, President
9:00-9:10 AM General Fund Daily Update Keith Bybee, LSO
9:10 AM Budget Setting:
1. Department of Agriculture, Supplemental FY 2024 (Deficiency Warrant), LBB 5-9 Janet Jessup, LSO
2. Department of Agriculture, LBB 5-5
3. Soil & Water Conservation Commission, LBB 5-17
4. Office of Species Conservation, LBB 6-127
5. Office of Information Technology Services, LBB 6-95
6. Board of Tax Appeals, LBB 6-179 Tim Hibbard, LSO
7. State Tax Commission, LBB 6-185
8. Division of Financial Management, LBB 6-77
9. State Historical Society, LBB 5-67 Jared Tatro, LSO
10. Commission for Libraries, LBB 5-73
11. Office of Drug Policy, LBB 6-65
12. Charter School Commission, LBB 1-139
13. Office of Energy/Mineral Resources, LBB 6-71 Frances Lippitt, LSO
14. Commission on the Arts, LBB 6-53
15. Public Utilities Commission, LBB 5-55

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