Joint Finance-Appropriations

Posted by lso admin | February 15, 2024 | 2024jfac

Joint Finance-Appropriations
Room C310
Friday, Feb 16, 2024 8:00 AM

8:00 AM General Fund Daily Update Keith Bybee, LSO
8:10 AM Budget Setting:
1. FY 2025 State Historical Society, LBB 5-67 Jared Tatro, LSO
2. FY 2025 Commission for Libraries, LBB 5-73
3. FY 2025 Office of Drug Policy, LBB 6-65
4. FY 2025 Career-Technical Education, LBB 1-99 Keith Bybee, LSO
5. FY 2025 Office of the State Board of Education, Special Programs, LBB 1-113
6. FY 2025 Office of the State Board of Education, Health Education Programs, LBB 1-93
7. FY 2025 STEM Action Center, LBB 6-133
8. FY 2025 Secretary of State, LBB 6-191 Brooke Dupree, LSO
9. FY 2025 Lieutenant Governor, LBB 6-171
10. FY 2025 Commission on Aging, LBB 6-47
11. FY 2024 Military Division Hazardous Materials Deficiency Warrant- Cash Transfer, LBB 6-116 Frances Lippitt, LSO
12. FY 2024 Military Division Supplemental – FY 2023 Reverted Project Costs, LBB 6-116
13. FY 2024 Military Division Supplemental- Construction & Facilities, LBB 6-116
14. FY 2025 Military Division, LBB 6-113
15. FY 2024 Dept of Water Resources Supplemental – Reverted ARPA Funding, LBB 4-56 Janet Jessup, LSO
16. FY 2024 Dept of Water Resources Supplemental – Adjudication Fee Language, LBB 4-56
17. FY 2025 Department of Water Resources, LBB 4-53
18. FY 2025 Department of Environmental Quality, LBB 4-3

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