Joint Finance-Appropriations

Posted by lso admin | March 14, 2024 | 2024jfac

Joint Finance-Appropriations
Room C310
Friday, Mar 15, 2024 8:00 AM

8:00 AM Budget Setting:
1. FY 2025 Department of Commerce, LBB 5-23 Keith Bybee, LSO
2. FY 2025 Executive Office of the Governor, LBB 6-83 Tim Hibbard, LSO
Department of Health & Welfare: Alex Williamson, LSO
3. FY 2025 Independent Councils, LBB 2-97
4. FY 2024 Licensing and Certification Supplemental (Contract Nurses), LBB 2-71
5. FY 2025 Licensing and Certification, LBB 2-71
6. FY 2024 Indirect Support Services Supplemental (MPIU), LBB 2-66
7. FY 2024 Indirect Support Services Supplemental (Inflationary Items), LBB 2-66
8. FY 2024 Indirect Support Services Supplemental (Cost Allocation Plan), LBB 2-66
9. FY 2025 Indirect Support Services, LBB 2-63
10. FY 2024 Medicaid, Onetime Recission, LBB 2-40
11. FY 2024 Medicaid Supplemental (Electronic Records Incentive Program), LBB 2-40
12. FY 2024 Medicaid Supplemental (Hospital Assessment Fund), LBB 2-40
13. FY 2025 Medicaid, LBB 2-37
14. FY 2025 Public Health Services, LBB 2-49

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