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Sen. Todd Lakey

Senator Todd  M.  Lakey (R)
District 12
4th term
12905 Venezia Court, Nampa, ID, 83651
Home (208) 908-4415
Bus (208) 908-4415
Statehouse (208) 332-1328 (Session Only)
Judiciary & Rules – Chair
Commerce & Human Resources
Local Government & Taxation

B.S. in international business, Brigham Young University; Juris Doctorate, Lewis and Clark Northwestern School of Law; Canyon County Deputy Prosecutor 1993-1999; Canyon County Commissioner 1999-2004; owner, Borton-Lakey Law Office; Past President Idaho Association of Commissioners and Clerks; Previous Chairman Community Planning Association of SW Idaho; Officer U.S. Army Reserve, retired; spouse: Jan; five children, three grandchildren.