Senate Resources & Environment

Posted by lso admin | February 22, 2024 | 2024SRE

Senate Resources & Environment
Room WW55
Monday, Feb 26, 2024 1:30 PM

S 1337 IRRIGATION DISTRICTS – Amends existing law to revise provisions regarding irrigation district lands. Paul Arrington, Director, Idaho Water Users Association
S 1342 GRAZING LEASES – Amends existing law to exclude grazing leases from certain hearing requirements and to provide that all state lands may be leased for a period of up to 40 years for grazing leases. Senator Harris
H 403 SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICTS – Amends existing law to establish provisions regarding a reduction in the number of supervisors and to revise provisions regarding terms of office, the filling of vacancies, and quorums. Rep. Garner
PRESENTATION: Idaho Department of Lands Performance Update Dustin Miller, Director, Idaho Department of Lands

Public Testimony Will Be Taken by Registering Through the Following Link:
Register to Testify

If you have written testimony, please provide a copy to the committee secretary.

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