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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact TRANSPORTATION SAWTOOTH SOCIETY LICENSE PLATES - Amends and adds to existing law to establish an Idaho Sawtooth Society license plate program. 01/30 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing 02/02 Rpt prt - to Transp
S1366|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-fourth Legislature Second Regular Session - 1998IN THE SENATE SENATE BILL NO. 1366 BY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO SPECIAL MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE PLATES; AMENDING SECTION 49-419, 3 IDAHO CODE, TO REDESIGNATE THE SECTION; AMENDING CHAPTER 4, TITLE 49, 4 IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION 49-419, IDAHO CODE, TO ESTAB- 5 LISH AN IDAHO SAWTOOTH SOCIETY LICENSE PLATE PROGRAM; AND PROVIDING AN 6 EFFECTIVE DATE. 7 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 8 SECTION 1. That Section 49-419, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 9 amended to read as follows: 10 49-4 2 19. REGISTRATION CARDS. (1) Upon the reg- 11 istration of a vehicle, the registering agency shall issue to the owner, as 12 defined in section 49-116(3), Idaho Code, a registration card which shall con- 13 tain the date issued, the registration number assigned the owner and to the 14 vehicle, the name and address of the owner, a description of the registered 15 vehicle, identification number and any other information the department may 16 require. 17 (2) The owner, upon receiving the registration card, shall sign in the 18 space provided upon the card as proof of compliance with the insurance 19 requirements of section 49-1229, Idaho Code. 20 (3) Upon a change of address the registrant shall report such change to 21 the county assessor or the department within ten (10) days following the 22 change of address. 23 SECTION 2. That Chapter 4, Title 49, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 24 hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION , to be 25 known and designated as Section 49-419, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 26 49-419. SAWTOOTH SOCIETY PLATES. (1) On and after January 1, 1999, any 27 person who is the owner of a vehicle registered under the provisions of sec- 28 tion 49-402, Idaho Code, or registered under any other section of law for 29 which the purchase of special plates is allowed, may apply for and upon 30 department approval receive special sawtooth society license plates in lieu of 31 regular license plates. Availability of Idaho sawtooth society license plates 32 for other vehicles shall be subject to the rules, policies and procedures of 33 the department. 34 (2) In addition to the regular registration fee required in chapter 4, 35 title 49, Idaho Code, the applicant shall be charged a fee of fifty dollars 36 ($50.00) for the initial issuance of the plates, and fifty dollars ($50.00) 37 upon each succeeding annual registration. Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) of the 38 initial fee and fifteen dollars ($15.00) of the renewal fee shall be deposited 39 in the state highway account and shall be used to fund the cost of administra- 40 tion of this special license plate program. Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) of 41 each initial fee and thirty-five dollars ($35.00) of each renewal fee shall be 2 1 deposited by the state treasurer with the sawtooth society who must have pri- 2 vate funds to match the amount remitted by the state treasurer. Moneys 3 received by the sawtooth society pursuant to this section shall be utilized to 4 acquire an interest in or to purchase land in the Stanley Basin area and in 5 Sawtooth Valley. If adequate moneys for the match are not on hand by the 6 sawtooth society, the state treasurer shall remit to the state highway account 7 the moneys that would have otherwise been remitted to the sawtooth society. 8 (3) Whenever title or interest in a vehicle registered under the provi- 9 sions of this section is transferred or assigned, the owner may transfer the 10 special plates to another vehicle upon payment of the required transfer fees. 11 The owner may only display the plates on another vehicle upon receipt of the 12 new registration from the department. 13 (4) The Idaho sawtooth society plate shall be of a color and design com- 14 parable to the standard issue of license plates with blue numerals on a red, 15 white and blue background, except that the word "Idaho" shall appear on each 16 plate and the county designator shall be omitted to provide for distinguishing 17 designs and slogans, acceptable to the Idaho sawtooth society, to be added to 18 the plate. The design shall be approved by the department and shall utilize a 19 numbering system as determined by the department. Initial costs of the plate 20 program, including costs of plate design, shall be paid by the Idaho sawtooth 21 society. 22 (5) Sample Idaho sawtooth society license plates may be purchased for a 23 fee of thirty dollars ($30.00), twelve dollars ($12.00) of which shall be 24 deposited in the state highway account and eighteen dollars ($18.00) of which 25 shall be deposited with the sawtooth society if equivalent matching funds are 26 available. If equivalent matching funds are not available the amount shall be 27 deposited in the state highway account. No additional fee shall be charged 28 for personalizing sample plates. 29 SECTION 3. This act shall be in full force and effect on and after Janu- 30 ary 1, 1999.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS07684C1 The Sawtooth National Recreation Area is Idaho's gem and America's treasure. But its unique beauty is now threatened by large-scale residential development on private inholdings. This measure will create a Sawtooth Society vehicle license plate to allow Idahoans to support the Society's goal of acquiring private holdings within the Sawtooth National Recreation Area. The plate's display will raise public awareness of the Society and its mission and a portion of the fee will go to a fund that, if matched by private funds, will help realize the vision of a rural ranching community surrounded by spectacular peaks. FISCAL NOTE Each set of special Sawtooth Society license plates will cost $50 initially and $50 a year thereafter. Twenty-five dollars ($25) per set the first year and $35 a year thereafter will be deposited with the State Treasurer, to be releaseed when the Society obtains appropriate matching funds. Twenty-five dollars ($25) per set the first year and $15 a year thereafter will go to the State Highway Account to cover administrative costs. CONTACT: Sen. Clint Stennett 332-1358 STATEMENT OF Purposed/FISCAL NOTE Bill No S1366