1998 Legislation
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SENATE BILL NO. 1449 – Occupational therapy aide, defined


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S1449.................................................by HEALTH AND WELFARE
OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY AIDE - Amends existing law to define an "occupational
therapy aide" as a person who aids a licensed occupational therapist or
therapy assistant.

02/13    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/16    Rpt prt - to Health/Wel
02/20    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
02/23    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
02/26    3rd rdg - PASSED - 35-0-0
      AYES -- Andreason, Boatright, Branch, Bunderson, Burtenshaw, Cameron,
      Crow, Danielson, Darrington, Diede, Dunklin, Frasure, Geddes, Hansen,
      Hawkins, Ingram, Ipsen, Keough, King, Lee, McLaughlin, Noh, Parry,
      Richardson, Riggs, Risch, Sandy, Schroeder, Sorensen, Stennett,
      Sweeney, Thorne, Twiggs, Wheeler, Whitworth
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- None
    Floor Sponsor - Darrington
    Title apvd - to House
02/27    House intro - 1st rdg - to Health/Wel
03/11    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
03/12    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
03/13    3rd rdg - PASSED - 63-1-6
      AYES -- Alltus, Barraclough, Barrett, Bell, Bieter, Bivens,
      Black(15), Boe, Bruneel, Callister, Campbell, Chase, Clark, Crane,
      Cuddy, Deal, Denney, Field(13), Field(20), Gagner, Geddes, Gould,
      Hadley, Hansen, Henbest, Hornbeck, Jaquet, Jones(22), Judd, Kellogg,
      Kempton, Kendell, Kunz, Lake, Linford, Loertscher, Mader, Marley,
      McKague, Meyer, Miller, Mortensen, Newcomb, Pischner, Pomeroy,
      Reynolds, Richman, Ridinger, Robison, Sali, Schaefer, Stevenson,
      Stoicheff, Stone, Stubbs, Taylor, Tilman, Tippets, Trail, Watson,
      Wheeler, Wood, Zimmermann
      NAYS -- Jones(20)
      Absent and excused -- Black(23), Crow, Ellsworth, Jones(9),
      Kjellander, Mr Speaker
    Floor Sponsor - Bieter
    Title apvd - to Senate
03/16    To enrol
03/17    Rpt enrol - Pres signed
03/18    Sp signed
03/19    To Governor
03/20    Governor signed
         Session Law Chapter 153
         Effective: 07/01/98

Bill Text


 ||||              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ||||
Fifty-fourth Legislature                 Second Regular Session - 1998

                                      IN THE SENATE

                                   SENATE BILL NO. 1449

                             BY HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE

 1                                        AN ACT

 4    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 5        SECTION  1.  That  Section 54-3702, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 6    amended to read as follows:

 7        54-3702.  DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter:
 8        (1)  "Association" means the Idaho occupational therapy association.
 9        (2)  "Board" means the Idaho state board of medicine.
10        (3)  "Licensure board" means the board established to conduct examinations
11    under this chapter, to make recommendations and consult with the board and  to
12    perform such other duties as may be required or authorized by this chapter.
13        (4)  "Occupational  therapist" means a person licensed to practice occupa-
14    tional therapy.
15        (5)  "Occupational therapy" is the use of purposeful, goal-oriented activ-
16    ity  with  individuals  who  are  limited  by  physical  injury  or   illness,
17    psychosocial  dysfunction,  developmental  or  learning disabilities/deficits,
18    poverty or cultural difficulties or the aging  process  in  order  to  achieve
19    optimum  functional  performance, independence, prevent further disability and
20    maintain health.  The practice of occupational therapy encompasses the evalua-
21    tion, consultation and treatment of individuals whose abilities to  cope  with
22    the  tasks  of  daily  living are threatened or impaired by physical injury or
23    illness,    psychosocial    dysfunction,     developmental     or     learning
24    disabilities/deficits,  poverty  or cultural difficulties or the aging process
25    and includes a treatment program through the use of specific techniques  which
26    enhance  functional  performance and includes the evaluation/assessment of the
27    patient/clients self-care, work and  leisure  skills,  cognition,  perception;
28    sensory  and  motor  performance;  play  skills;  vocational and prevocational
29    capacities; need for adaptive equipment; application of selected prosthetic or
30    orthotic devices; and the administration of standardized  and  nonstandardized
31    assessments.
32        (6)   "Occupational therapy aide" means an unlicensed person who aids
33    a  licensed  occupational  therapist  or occupational therapy assistant in the
34    practice of occupational therapy, whose activities require an understanding of
35    occupational therapy but do not require professional or advanced  training  in
36    the  basic anatomical, biological, psychological, and social sciences involved
37    in the practice of occupational therapy.
38        (7)   "Occupational therapy assistant" means a  person  licensed  to
39    assist  in  the practice of occupational therapy, who works under the supervi-
40    sion of an occupational therapist.
41        ( 7  8 )  "Person" means  any  individual,  partner-
42    ship, unincorporated organization, or corporation.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact


                        STATEMENT OF PURPOSE
                              RS 08063
    The purpose of this legislation is to add a definition of 
    "occupational therapy aide" to the statute governing the 
    practice of occupational therapy.
    There is no fiscal impact.
    CONTACT: Larry Benton
             Idaho Association of Occupational Therapists
    S 1449