1998 Legislation
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 134 – Indian affairs, study


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Daily Data Tracking History

SCR134.....................................................by STATE AFFAIRS
INDIAN AFFAIRS - Stating findings and authorizing the Legislative Council
to appoint a committee to study Indian affairs issues.

02/24    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/25    Rpt prt - to 10th Ord
02/26    3rd rdg - ADOPTED - 32-3-0
      AYES--Andreason, Boatright, Branch, Burtenshaw, Cameron, Crow,
      Danielson, Deide, Dunklin, Frasure, Geddes, Hansen, Hawkins, Ingram,
      Keough, King, Lee, McLaughlin, Noh, Parry, Richardson, Riggs, Risch,
      Sandy, Schroeder, Sorensen, Stennett, Sweeney, Thorne, Twiggs,
      Wheeler, Whitworth
      NAYS--Bunderson, Darrington, Ipsen
      Absent and excused--None
    Floor Sponsor - Schroeder
    Title apvd - to House
02/27    House intro - 1st rdg - to W/M

Bill Text


 ||||              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ||||
Fifty-fourth Legislature                 Second Regular Session - 1998

                                      IN THE SENATE

                           SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 134

                                BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE

 1                               A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
 4        ISSUES.

 5    Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 6        WHEREAS,  there are Indian tribes in the state of Idaho with unique rights
 7    which are inherent or acknowledged by treaties, statutes or case law and these
 8    tribes are recognized by the United States as sovereign dependent nations; and
 9        WHEREAS, due to the unique character of tribal governments, there are many
10    complex issues relating to law enforcement, water rights, zoning and land use,
11    natural resources, wildlife management, health and  welfare  services,  educa-
12    tion, and taxation which should continue to be addressed in a coordinated man-
13    ner by legislative bodies of federal, state and tribal governments; and
14        WHEREAS,  the  United States Congress, as the ultimate authority on Indian
15    tribes, has not acted in a decisive manner to resolve  many  of  these  legal,
16    social and economic issues relating to Indian tribes in Idaho; and
17        WHEREAS,  the Legislature of the State of Idaho and tribal councils of the
18    five Idaho Indian tribes have started a  successful  effort  toward  resolving
19    these  complex  issues through cooperation, negotiation, and mutual agreement;
20    and
21        WHEREAS, failure to address Indian affairs issues will result in expensive
22    court litigation which has strained tribal-state relations in the past and has
23    not satisfactorily resolved any of these important issues; and
24        WHEREAS, it is the goal of the  Legislature  of  the  State  of  Idaho  to
25    address  current  Indian affairs issues through coordinated legislative action
26    based upon improved communications and better understanding between  the  fed-
27    eral, state and tribal governments.
28        NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the Second Regular Ses-
29    sion of the Fifty-fourth Idaho Legislature, the Senate and the House of Repre-
30    sentatives concurring therein, that the Legislative Council is  authorized  to
31    appoint  a  committee  to  undertake  and  complete  a study of Indian affairs
32    issues. The Legislative Council shall determine the number of legislators  and
33    membership from each house appointed to the committee with consideration given
34    to  appointing members to the committee to achieve a geographical balance, and
35    shall authorize the committee to receive input,  advice  and  assistance  from
36    interested and affected parties who are not members of the legislature.
37        BE  IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee may seek opinions of and infor-
38    mation from the various Indian tribes, both jointly  and  individually,  state
39    agencies, local government, citizens living on or near Indian reservations and
40    other interested persons and entities, to assist the committee in its deliber-
41    ations  as  the members deem appropriate for studying Indian-related issues of
42    the various tribes in Idaho.
43        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nonlegislative members of the committee may be
44    appointed by the cochairs of the committee who are appointed by  the  Legisla-


 1    tive  Council.  Nonlegislative  members of the advisory committee shall not be
 2    reimbursed from legislative funds for per diem, mileage or other expenses  and
 3    shall  not have voting privileges regarding the committee's recommendations or
 4    proposed legislation.
 5        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee shall report its findings,  rec-
 6    ommendations and proposed legislation, if any, to the First Regular Session of
 7    the Fifty-fifth Idaho Legislature.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact


                        STATEMENT OF PURPOSE
    The purpose of this legislation is to establish an Indian Affairs 
    Legislative Committee.
                            FISCAL IMPACT
    The cost of this committee is approximately $1O,OOO per year.
    Contact: Senator Gary J. Schroeder
             332-1 321
    SCR 134