1999 Legislation
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SENATE BILL NO. 1180 – MV, liability insurance, amount


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S1180.......................................by COMMERCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES
MOTOR VEHICLES - LIABILITY INSURANCE - Amends existing law to raise the
minimum required limits for motor vehicle liability insurance coverage.

02/12    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/15    Rpt prt - to Com/HuRes

Bill Text


 ||||              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ||||
Fifty-fifth Legislature                 First Regular Session - 1999

                                      IN THE SENATE

                                   SENATE BILL NO. 1180


 1                                        AN ACT

 6    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 7        SECTION 1.  That Section 49-117, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
 8    amended to read as follows:

 9        49-117.  DEFINITIONS -- P.
10        (1)  "Park" or "parking" means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied
11    or  not,  other than temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged
12    in loading or unloading property or passengers.
13        (2)  "Park trailer." (See "Trailer", section 49-121, Idaho Code)
14        (3)  "Part-time salesman" means any person employed as a vehicle  salesman
15    on behalf of a dealer less than thirty (30) hours per week.
16        (4)  "Peace officer." (See section 19-5101(d), Idaho Code)
17        (5)  "Pedestrian" means any person afoot and any person operating a wheel-
18    chair or a motorized wheelchair.
19        (6)  "Pedestrian  path" means any path, sidewalk or way set-aside and used
20    exclusively by pedestrians.
21        (7)  (a)  "Person" means every natural person, firm, fiduciary, copartner-
22        ship, association, corporation, trustee, receiver or assignee for the ben-
23        efit of creditors, political subdivision, state  or  federal  governmental
24        department, agency, or instrumentality, and for the purposes of chapter 22
25        of  this title shall include a private, common or contract carrier operat-
26        ing a vehicle on any highway of this state.
27        (b)  "Person with a disability" means:
28             (i)   A person who is unable to walk two hundred (200) feet  or  more
29             unassisted by another person;
30             (ii)  A  person  who is unable to walk two hundred (200) feet or more
31             without the aid of  a  walker,  cane,  crutches,  braces,  prosthetic
32             device or a wheelchair; or
33             (iii) A  person  who is unable to walk two hundred (200) feet or more
34             without great difficulty or discomfort due to the  following  impair-
35             ments: neurological, orthopedic, respiratory, cardiac, arthritic dis-
36             order, blindness, or the loss of function or absence of a limb.
37        (8)  "Personal  information" means information that identifies an individ-
38    ual, including an individual's photograph or computerized  image, social secu-
39    rity number, driver identification number, name,  address,  telephone  number,
40    and  medical  or  disability  information, but does not include information on
41    vehicular accidents, driving or  equipment-related violations, the  five-digit
42    zip  code  of the person's address, or status of the driver's license or motor
43    vehicle registration.


 1        (9)  "Pneumatic tire." (See "Tires", section 49-121, Idaho Code)
 2        (10) "Pole trailer." (See "Trailer", section 49-121, Idaho Code)
 3        (11) "Possessory lien" means a lien dependent upon possession for  compen-
 4    sation  to which a person is legally entitled for making repairs or performing
 5    labor upon, and furnishing supplies or materials  for,  and  for  the  towing,
 6    storage, repair, or safekeeping of, any vehicle of a type subject to registra-
 7    tion.
 8        (12) "Possessory  lienholder"  means any person claiming a lien, that lien
 9    claimed to have accrued on a basis of services rendered to the  vehicle  which
10    is the subject of the lien.
11        (13) "Preceding  year"  means,  for  the purposes of section 49-435, Idaho
12    Code, a period of twelve (12) consecutive  months  fixed  by  the  department,
13    prior to July 1 of the year immediately preceding the commencement of the reg-
14    istration  or  license year for which proportional registration is sought. The
15    department in fixing the period shall make it conform to the terms, conditions
16    and requirements of any applicable agreement or arrangement  for  the  propor-
17    tional registration of vehicles.
18        (14) "Pressure regulator valve" means a device or system which governs the
19    load  distribution and controls the weight borne by a variable load suspension
20    axle in accordance with a predetermined valve setting.
21        (15) "Principal place of business" means an enclosed commercial  structure
22    located within the state, easily accessible and open to the public at all rea-
23    sonable  times, with an improved display area large enough to display five (5)
24    or more vehicles of the type the  dealer  is  licensed  to  sell,  immediately
25    adjoining  the  building, and at which the business of a dealer, including the
26    display and repair of vehicles, may be lawfully carried on in accordance  with
27    the  terms of all applicable building codes, zoning and other land-use regula-
28    tory ordinances, and in which building the public shall be able to contact the
29    dealer or his salesmen in person or by telephone at all reasonable times,  and
30    at which place of business shall be kept and maintained the books, records and
31    files necessary to conduct the business. The principal place of business shall
32    display  an  exterior  sign  permanently affixed to the land or building, with
33    letters clearly visible to the major avenue of traffic. In no  event  shall  a
34    room or rooms in a hotel, rooming house, or apartment house building or a part
35    of any single or multiple unit dwelling house be considered a "principal place
36    of  business"  within the terms and provisions of this title unless the entire
37    ground floor of that hotel, apartment house,  or  rooming  house  building  or
38    dwelling house be devoted principally to and occupied for commercial purposes,
39    and the office or offices of the dealer be located on the ground floor.
40        (16) "Private  property  open to the public" means real property not owned
41    by the federal government or the state of Idaho or any of its political subdi-
42    visions, but is available for vehicular traffic or parking by the general pub-
43    lic with the permission of the owner or agent of the real property.
44        (17) "Private road"  means every way or place  in  private  ownership  and
45    used  for  vehicular  travel  by the owner and those having express or implied
46    permission from the owner, but not by other persons.
47        (18) "Proof of  financial  responsibility"  means   proof  of  ability  to
48    respond in damages for liability, on account of accidents occurring subsequent
49    to  the effective date of the proof, arising out of the ownership, maintenance
50    or use of a motor vehicle, in the amount of    twenty-five    
51    fifty   thousand dollars ($ 2 5 0 ,000) because of
52    bodily injury to or death of one (1) person in any one (1) accident, and, sub-
53    ject to the limit for one (1) person, in the  amount  of    fifty  
54       one   hundred     thousand  dollars  ($  5    10
55    0,000) because of bodily injury to or death of two (2) or  more  persons


 1    in  any  one  (1)  accident,  and  in the amount of  fifteen  
 2    thirty  thousand dollars ($ 15  30  ,000)  because
 3    of injury to or destruction of property of others in any one (1) accident.
 4        (19) "Proper authority" means a public highway agency.
 5        (20) "Public  highway  agency"  means the state transportation department,
 6    any city, county, highway district or any other state agency which has  juris-
 7    diction over public highway systems and public rights-of-way.
 8        (21) "Public  right-of-way"  means  a  right-of-way open to the public and
 9    under the jurisdiction of a public highway agency, where  the  public  highway
10    agency has no obligation to construct or maintain said right-of-way for vehic-
11    ular traffic.
12        (22) "Public road jurisdiction" means a public highway agency.
13        (23) "Purchase."  (See  "Sell,"  "sold,"  and "buy," section 49-120, Idaho
14    Code)

15        SECTION 2.  This act shall be in full force and effect on and  after  July
16    1,  1999,  and  shall  apply to all relevant policies, coverages and contracts
17    which are written or renewed on and after July 1, 1999.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                     STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

                           RS 09054

The purpose of this legislation is to increase the required
insurance or proof of financial responsibility as follows:

               TYPE                FROM     TO
               Single Liability    $25,000  $50,000
               Single Accident     $50,000  $100,000
               Property Damage     $l5,000  $30,000

                         FISCAL NOTE

There is no fiscal impact to the state.

CONTACT: Senator Bart Davis

                                      STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/ FISCAL NOTE             S1180