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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact JUDICIARY AND RULES HOME/COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES WAIVER - Stating findings of the Legislature and directing the Department of Health and Welfare to cease denying services to persons who qualify under the Home and Community-based Waiver for individuals with developmental disabilities. 02/15 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing 02/16 Rpt prt - to Health/Wel
SCR118|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-fifth Legislature First Regular Session - 1999IN THE SENATE SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 118 BY JUDICIARY AND RULES COMMITTEE 1 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 2 DIRECTING THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE TO FULLY IMPLEMENT THE HOME AND 3 COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES WAIVER FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DIS- 4 ABILITIES WHO MEET THE STANDARD OF CARE PROVIDED IN AN INTERMEDIATE CARE 5 FACILITY FOR PERSONS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION (ICF/MR). 6 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 7 WHEREAS, the Department of Health and Welfare is empowered and directed, 8 to develop and coordinate services for Idahoans with a developmental disabil- 9 ity, and to establish a system for diagnosis, care and treatment in a manner 10 consistent with legal rights and least restrictive settings; and 11 WHEREAS, the state has made progress in designing and establishing in-home 12 services for people with developmental disabilities as an alternative to 13 institutionalization; and 14 WHEREAS, the state should further expand individualized services so 15 in-home living arrangements become the preferred policy of the state and are 16 offered as the first choice as a living arrangement for Idahoans with a devel- 17 opmental disability; and 18 WHEREAS, the state has received approval from the Health Care Financing 19 Authority (HCFA) to implement a Home and Community-Based Services Waiver 20 (HCBS) for Idahoans with developmental disabilities; and 21 WHEREAS, growth in the Medicaid budget requires all opportunities for sav- 22 ings to be explored including strategies to become even less dependent upon 23 expensive institutional services; and 24 WHEREAS, services provided through the HCBS Waiver have been proven to be 25 more cost-effective than institutional care; and 26 WHEREAS, there are currently more than 300 individuals with developmental 27 disabilities who are on a waiting list for these services; and 28 WHEREAS, there are current residents of the Idaho State School and Hospi- 29 tal who desire HCBS Waiver services; and 30 WHEREAS, limitations on the waiver imposed by the Legislature have been 31 removed and limitations from HCFA have been raised. 32 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the First Regular Session 33 of the Fifty-fifth Idaho Legislature, the Senate and the House of Representa- 34 tives concurring therein, that the Legislature direct the Department of Health 35 and Welfare to cease from denying services under the HCBS Waiver to individu- 36 als who so qualify. 37 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Health and Welfare fully 38 implement Home and Community-Based Services Waivers for individuals with 39 developmental disabilities in Idaho.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS08993C1 Directs the Department of Health and Welfare to cease denying Home and Community-Based Waiver Services to individuals with developmental disabilities who qualify and to fully implement the HCBS/DD and ISSH waivers. FISCAL NOTE This will result in a cost savings to the State of Idaho. When compared to private ICF/MR costs for the individuals currently on the waiting list, the savings would be $11,205,500. Fifty-nine of the people of the waiting list currently live in ICFs/MR. The cost savings of moving these 59 individuals onto waivered services would be approximately $2,153,500. Fifty-four of the individuals on the waiting list are in facilities paid for with only state funds (no Medicaid match). If these individuals received waivered services, it would generate an additional $616,896 in federal Medicaid funds. Estimated Savings: $11,205,500 ($3,361,650 in state general funds and $7,843,850 in federal Medicaid funds) CONTACT: Marilyn Sword 334-2178 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/ FISCAL NOTE SCR118