1999 Legislation
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SENATE BILL NO. 1244 – Admin staff allowance, excess, use


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Daily Data Tracking History

S1244................................................by JUDICIARY AND RULES
relating to the education support program to authorize the use of excess
administrative staff allowance for instructional materials.

03/01    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
03/02    Rpt prt - to Educ
03/08    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
03/09    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
03/10    3rd rdg - PASSED - 30-4-1
      AYES--Boatright, Branch, Bunderson, Burtenshaw, Cameron, Crow,
      Danielson, Darrington, Davis, Deide, Dunklin, Frasure, Geddes,
      Hawkins, Ingram, Ipsen, Keough, King, Lee, Richardson, Riggs, Risch,
      Sandy, Schroeder, Sorensen, Stegner, Stennett, Thorne, Twiggs,
      NAYS--Andreason, McLaughlin, Noh, Whitworth
      Absent and excused--Parry
    Floor Sponsor - Branch
    Title apvd - to House
03/11    House intro - 1st rdg - to Educ

Bill Text


 ||||              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ||||
Fifty-fifth Legislature                 First Regular Session - 1999

                                      IN THE SENATE

                                   SENATE BILL NO. 1244

                             BY JUDICIARY AND RULES COMMITTEE

 1                                        AN ACT

 5    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 6        SECTION 1.  That Section 33-1004, Idaho Code, be, and the same  is  hereby
 7    amended to read as follows:

 8        33-1004.  STAFF  ALLOWANCE.  For  each  school district, a staff allowance
 9    shall be determined as follows:
10        1.  Using the daily attendance reports that have been submitted  for  com-
11    puting  the  February 15th apportionment of state funds as provided in section
12    33-1009, Idaho Code, determine the total support units for the district in the
13    manner provided in section 33-1002 8.b., Idaho Code;
14        2.  Determine the instructional staff allowance by multiplying the support
15    units by 1.1. A district must demonstrate that it actually employs the  number
16    of  certificated  instructional staff allowed. If the district does not employ
17    the number allowed, the staff allowance shall be reduced to the actual  number
18    employed;
19        3.  Determine  the  administrative staff allowance by multiplying the sup-
20    port units by .075. A district must demonstrate that it actually  employs  the
21    number  of certificated administrative staff allowed. If the district does not
22    employ the number allowed, the staff allowance shall be reduced to the  actual
23    number  employed, except that not more than twenty percent (20%) of the admin-
24    istrative staff allowance may be noncertificated  staff  ,  and  provided
25    that  if  a district does not employ the number of certificated administrative
26    staff allowed, but can  show  that  the  amount  allowed  is  expended  toward
27    instructional materials, no deductions shall be made ;
28        4.  Determine  the  classified  staff allowance by multiplying the support
29    units by .375;
30        5.  Additional conditions governing staff allowance:
31        a.  In determining the number of staff in subsections 2.,  3.  and  4.  of
32        this  section,  a district may contract separately for services to be ren-
33        dered by nondistrict employees and such employees may be  counted  in  the
34        staff  allowance.  A  "nondistrict  employee"  means a person for whom the
35        school district does not pay the employer's obligations for employee bene-
36        fits. When  a  district  contracts  for  the  services  of  a  nondistrict
37        employee,  only  the salary portion of the contract shall be allowable for
38        computations.
39        b.  If there are circumstances preventing eligible use of staff  allowance
40        to  which  a  district is entitled as provided in subsections 2. and 3. of
41        this section, an appeal may be filed with the state department  of  educa-
42        tion  outlining  the  reasons and proposed alternative use of these funds,
43        and a waiver may be granted.


 1        c.  For any district with less than forty (40) support units:
 2             (1)  The instructional staff allowance shall be  calculated  applying
 3             the actual number of support units. If the actual instructional staff
 4             employed  in  the school year is greater than the instructional staff
 5             allowance, then the instructional staff allowance shall be  increased
 6             by one-half (1/2) staff allowance; and
 7             (2)  The  administrative staff allowance shall be calculated applying
 8             the actual  number of support units.  If  the  actual  administrative
 9             staff  employed in the school year is greater than the administrative
10             staff allowance, then the administrative  staff  allowance  shall  be
11             increased by one-half (1/2) staff allowance.
12             (3)  Additionally,  for  any district with less than twenty (20) sup-
13             port units, the instructional staff  allowance  shall  be  calculated
14             applying  the  actual  number  of  support  units.  If  the number of
15             instructional staff employed in the school year is greater  than  the
16             instructional staff allowance, the staff allowance shall be increased
17             as  provided  in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, and by an
18             additional one-half (1/2) instructional staff allowance.
19        d.  Only instructional, administrative and  classified  personnel  compen-
20        sated  by  the  school district from the general maintenance and operation
21        fund of the district shall be included in the calculation of staff  allow-
22        ance  or  in any other calculations based upon staff, including determina-
23        tion of the experience and education multiplier,  the  reporting  require-
24        ments,  or  the district's salary-based apportionment calculation. No food
25        service staff or transportation staff  shall  be  included  in  the  staff
26        allowance.
27        6.  In  the event that the staff allowance in any category is insufficient
28    to meet accreditation standards, a district may appeal to the state  board  of
29    education,  demonstrating  the  insufficiency, and the state board may grant a
30    waiver authorizing sufficient additional staff to be included within the staff
31    allowance to meet accreditation standards. Such a waiver shall be  limited  to
32    one (1) year, but may be renewed upon showing of continuing justification.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                      STATEMENT OF PURPOSE


This legislation provides that if a district does not employ the
number of certificated administrative staff allowed it may
expend that excess allowance toward the purchase of
instructional materials.

                          FISCAL NOTE


CONTACT:  Sen. Branch
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/ FISCAL NOTE                      S1244