2000 Legislation
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SENATE BILL NO. 1490 – Species conservation office created


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S1490..........................................by RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT
SPECIES CONSERVATION - Adds to existing law to provide legislative intent
regarding species conservation; to provide for a delisting advisory team,
duties of the team and membership; to provide operations of the delisting
advisory team; to provide delisting management plan requirements; to
provide for recommendation of management plans; to create an Office of
Species Conservation in the Office of the Governor; to provide for an
administrator, duties and reports; and to authorize acceptance of funds.
02/21    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/22    Rpt prt - to Res/Env
03/09    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
03/10    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
03/16    3rd rdg - PASSED - 29-4-2
      AYES--Andreason, Boatright, Branch, Bunderson, Burtenshaw, Cameron,
      Crow, Danielson, Darrington, Davis, Deide, Geddes, Ingram, Ipsen,
      Keough, King-Barrutia, Lee, McLaughlin, Noh, Richardson, Riggs,
      Risch, Sandy, Schroeder, Sorensen, Stegner, Thorne, Wheeler, Williams
      NAYS--Dunklin, Hawkins, Stennett, Whitworth
      Absent and excused--Frasure, Parry
    Floor Sponsors - Williams, Noh
    Title apvd - to House
03/17    House intro - 1st rdg - to Res/Con
03/24    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
03/27    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
03/28    3rd rdg - PASSED - 61-8-1
      AYES -- Alltus, Barraclough, Barrett, Bell, Black, Bruneel,
      Callister, Campbell, Cheirrett, Clark, Crow, Cuddy, Deal, Denney,
      Ellsworth, Field(13), Field(20), Gagner, Geddes, Gould, Hadley,
      Hammond, Hansen(23), Hansen(29), Hornbeck, Jones, Judd, Kellogg,
      Kempton, Kendell, Kunz, Lake, Linford, Loertscher, Mader, McKague,
      Meyer, Montgomery, Mortensen, Moss, Moyle, Pearce, Pischner, Pomeroy,
      Reynolds, Ridinger, Sali, Schaefer, Sellman, Shepherd, Smith,
      Stevenson, Stoicheff, Stone, Taylor, Tilman, Trail, Wheeler, Wood,
      Zimmermann, Mr Speaker
      NAYS -- Bieter, Boe, Chase, Henbest, Jaquet, Marley, Ringo, Robison
      Absent and excused -- Smylie
    Floor Sponsors - Wheeler, Mader, Denney
    Title apvd - to Senate
03/29    To enrol
03/30    Rpt enrol - Pres signed
03/31    Sp signed
04/03    To Governor
04/12    Governor signed
         Session Law Chapter 270
         Effective: 04/12/00

Bill Text

  ||||              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ||||
 Fifty-fifth Legislature                  Second Regular Session - 2000
                                       IN THE SENATE
                                    SENATE BILL NO. 1490
  1                                        AN ACT
 14    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
 15        SECTION 1.  LEGISLATIVE INTENT. (1) It is hereby declared by the  Legisla-
 16    ture of the State of Idaho that:
 17        (a)  Idaho  is  home  to  a  unique diversity of plant and animal species.
 18        Populations of some species have decreased due to a variety of causes.
 19        (b)  Idaho's wildlife and plants are an important economic, esthetic, cul-
 20        tural, and scientific resource to the state and its citizens.
 21        (c)  The state of Idaho must marshal the various resources of the state in
 22        a cooperative, consensus-based approach to address the population  decline
 23        in some of Idaho's species.
 24        (d)  The  state  of  Idaho must weigh the sometimes competing needs of the
 25        citizens of the state of Idaho and the plant and animal  species  resident
 26        in the state.
 27        (e)  It  is  through the proper balancing of these needs that Idahoans can
 28        provide for the continued survival and well-being  of  Idaho's  plant  and
 29        animal species.
 30        (f)  Coordination  between  the  various  state governmental entities with
 31        jurisdiction over state resources is necessary  to  foster  a  partnership
 32        within the state and between the state of Idaho and federal agencies.
 33        (2)  It is hereby declared that the purposes of this act are to:
 34        (a)  Authorize  within  the  Office  of the Governor, an Office of Species
 35        Conservation that shall provide coordination, cooperation and consultation
 36        among and between the various state and federal agencies with responsibil-
 37        ity for species listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA); solicit and
 38        review data and scientific information; develop an integrated state policy
 39        towards those species; negotiate  and  implement  conservation  plans  and
 40        agreements;  and  marshal  state resources to assist in the management and
 41        conservation of those species;
 42        (b)  Provide the resources and authority necessary to recommend an  appro-
 43        priate management plan for species that may be delisted under the ESA;
 44        (c)  Facilitate  the development and use of federal and state programs and
  1        incentives to provide protections for nonfederal   landowners  willing  to
  2        assist  in  the management of federally listed endangered species, threat-
  3        ened species and petitioned species.
  4        SECTION 2.  That Title 36, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby, amended
  5    by the addition thereto of a NEW CHAPTER, to be known and designated as  Chap-
  6    ter 24, Title 36, Idaho Code, and to read as follows:
  7                                      CHAPTER 24
  8                                 SPECIES CONSERVATION
  9        36-2401.  DEFINITIONS. As used in this title, the following terms have the
 10    following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise:
 11        (1)  "Best scientific and commercial data available" means that where this
 12    chapter requires the use of the best scientific and commercial data available,
 13    the  state, when evaluating comparable data, shall give greater weight to sci-
 14    entific or commercial data that is empirical or has been field tested or  peer
 15    reviewed.
 16        (2)  "Candidate  conservation  agreements"  means agreements, entered into
 17    with the fish and wildlife service or the national  marine  fisheries  service
 18    (services), to implement mutually agreed upon conservation measures for a pro-
 19    posed  or candidate species, or a species likely to become a candidate or pro-
 20    posed candidate in the near future, that include assurances from the  services
 21    that  additional conservation measures above and beyond those contained in the
 22    agreement will not be required, and that additional land,  water  or  resource
 23    use  restrictions  will  not  be  imposed  upon them should the species become
 24    listed in the future.
 25        (3)  "Candidate species" means a species for which the secretary of  inte-
 26    rior or secretary of commerce has on file sufficient information on biological
 27    vulnerability  and  threats  to  support  a proposal to list the species as an
 28    endangered species or a threatened species, but for which listing is precluded
 29    because of pending proposals to list species that are of a higher priority.
 30        (4)  "Endangered species" means those species listed as endangered  pursu-
 31    ant to  16 U.S.C. section 1532(6).
 32        (5)  "Habitat conservation plan" means a plan submitted pursuant to a per-
 33    mit as provided in 16 U.S.C. section 1539, et seq.
 34        (6) "Listed species" means threatened or endangered species.
 35        (7)  "Rare  and  declining  species"  means those species in need of addi-
 36    tional management consideration due to natural rarity, downward trends in pop-
 37    ulations and habitats, or other factors, natural or human, that, without addi-
 38    tional management, might be listed as threatened or endangered  species  under
 39    the ESA in the future.
 40        (8)  "Recovery plans" means federal plans or conservation programs, refer-
 41    enced  in  16  U.S.C.  section 1533(f), that set forth the actions designed to
 42    assure  the  continued  survival  and  recovery  of  the  species  listed   as
 43    "endangered" or "threatened" pursuant to the endangered species act.
 44        (9)  "Species  conservation  assessment"  means a state analysis, based on
 45    the best scientific and commercial data available, about the status of a  rare
 46    or  declining species throughout its range which describes current and antici-
 47    pated factors limiting the viability of the species  as it relates to  desired
 48    goals  and  objectives  and identifies specific research needs relative to the
 49    species.
 50        (10) "Species conservation strategy" means a state strategic plan for  the
 51    management  or  conservation of a rare or declining species that describes the
 52    species needs in terms of habitat needs,  population  size,  distribution  and
  1    connectivity. The strategy shall include voluntary, landowner-based incentives
  2    and measures to achieve the management or conservation goals.
  3        (11) "Species management plan" means a plan which provides for the consid-
  4    eration and management of a species upon its being delisted.
  5        (12) "State  conservation programs" means the programs developed, pursuant
  6    to 16 U.S.C. section 1535(c), for the conservation of endangered  species  and
  7    threatened species.
  8        (13) "Threatened  species" means those species listed as threatened pursu-
  9    ant to 16 U.S.C. section 1532(20).
 10        36-2402.  DELISTING ADVISORY TEAM -- DUTIES -- MEMBERSHIP. (1) The  direc-
 11    tor of the department of fish and game for animal species or the department of
 12    parks  and  recreation for plant species, in cooperation and consultation with
 13    the governor's office of species conservation, may establish a delisting advi-
 14    sory team (DAT) of no more than nine (9) members for a threatened  species  or
 15    endangered  species, to recommend an appropriate state species management plan
 16    for a listed species in response to a notification from the secretary of inte-
 17    rior or secretary of commerce of intent to delist the  species  or  sooner  if
 18    deemed appropriate.
 19        (2)  The  delisting  advisory team members shall be broadly representative
 20    of the constituencies with an interest in the species and  its  management  or
 21    conservation  and in the economic or social impacts of management or conserva-
 22    tion including, where appropriate, depending on the specific  species,  repre-
 23    sentatives  of  tribal  governments, local governments, academic institutions,
 24    private  individuals  and  organizations  and  commercial   enterprises.   The
 25    delisting advisory team members shall be selected based upon:
 26        (a)  Their knowledge of the species;
 27        (b)  Their  knowledge  and  expertise in the potential conflicts between a
 28        species' habitat requirements or management and human activities;
 29        (c)  Their knowledge and expertise in the interests that may  be  affected
 30        by species management or conservation; or
 31        (d)  Other  factors  that may provide knowledge, information, or data that
 32        will further the intent of this act.
 33        36-2403.  OPERATIONS OF DELISTING ADVISORY TEAM. (1) The  delisting  advi-
 34    sory  team  shall elect a team leader who shall chair all meetings of the team
 35    and otherwise administer its operations. The team shall meet as necessary, but
 36    shall meet no less than once every six (6) months.
 37        (2)  Members of the team not in the employ of public agencies may be  com-
 38    pensated  as provided in section 59-509(b), Idaho Code, from the budget of the
 39    governor's office of species conservation. Their department or division  shall
 40    compensate its members of the team who are state employees.
 41        36-2404.  STATE  DELISTING MANAGEMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS. (1) The delisting
 42    advisory team shall develop a state management plan for a species in  response
 43    to  all notification of intent to delist the species by the secretary of inte-
 44    rior or secretary of commerce or sooner if deemed appropriate. The state  man-
 45    agement  plan shall provide for the management and conservation of the species
 46    once it is delisted, and contain sufficient safeguards to protect the  health,
 47    safety,  private property and economic well-being of the citizens of the state
 48    of Idaho.
 49        (2)  The department of fish and game or the department of parks and recre-
 50    ation, as appropriate, shall provide the delisting advisory teams, the  infor-
 51    mational, technical or other needs and requirements of those teams in the per-
 52    formance of their duties.
  1        (3)  In  developing  state delisting management plans, the delisting advi-
  2    sory team  shall consult with the appropriate state agencies, commissions  and
  3    boards.  The appropriate state agency for wildlife biological and species man-
  4    agement issues is the department of  fish  and  game.  The  appropriate  state
  5    agency  for plant life biological and species management issues is the depart-
  6    ment of parks and recreation. The appropriate state agency for timber  harvest
  7    activities,  oil  and  gas exploration activities and for mining activities is
  8    the department of lands.  The  appropriate  state  agencies  for  agricultural
  9    activities are the department of agriculture and the soil conservation commis-
 10    sion.  The appropriate state agency for public road construction is the trans-
 11    portation department. The appropriate state agency for  water  rights  is  the
 12    department  of water resources. The appropriate state agency for water quality
 13    is the division of environmental quality in the department of health and  wel-
 14    fare.  The  appropriate  state agency for outfitting and guiding activities is
 15    the Idaho outfitters and guides licensing board.
 16        36-2405.  RECOMMENDATION ON MANAGEMENT PLANS. (1) The  delisting  advisory
 17    team  shall  submit  the  management plan to the director of the department of
 18    fish and game for animal species, or to the  director  of  the  department  of
 19    parks and recreation for plant species, for review and recommendation.
 20        (2)  The  director shall review the management plan and make a recommenda-
 21    tion to the fish and game commission, or the board of parks and recreation, as
 22    appropriate. The director may recommend  either  approval  of  the  management
 23    plan,  or  recommend  to  return the management plan to the delisting advisory
 24    team for further study and review, with instructions, prior to return  of  the
 25    species strategy or management plan to the directors.
 26        (3)  If  the fish and game commission or the board of parks and recreation
 27    finds that the management plan provides for the management and conservation of
 28    the species when it is delisted by the secretary of the interior or  secretary
 29    of commerce and that reasonable safeguards are included in the management plan
 30    to protect the health, safety, private property and economic well-being of the
 31    citizens  of  the state of Idaho, the fish and game commission or the board of
 32    parks and recreation, as appropriate, shall approve the management plan.
 33        (4)  If the fish and game commission or the board of parks and  recreation
 34    makes  the  finding  required  in subsection (3) of this section, the fish and
 35    game commission or board of parks and recreation shall forward the state  man-
 36    agement  plan, to the governor's office of species conservation and the legis-
 37    lature.  The management plan is  subject to legislative approval, amendment or
 38    rejection by concurrent resolution at the regular session immediately  follow-
 39    ing the commission's or board's finding and approval of the plan.
 40        (5)  The  governor's  office  of  species  conservation  may  petition the
 41    responsible public agencies to initiate rulemaking to facilitate the implemen-
 42    tation of the approved management plan.
 43        (6)  Each management plan developed pursuant to this chapter shall include
 44    a public education component that shall be developed and implemented in  coop-
 45    eration  with  other appropriate bureaus of the department of fish and game or
 46    department of parks and recreation.
 47        (7)  Nothing in this act shall be interpreted as granting  the  department
 48    of  fish  and game or the department of parks and recreation with new or addi-
 49    tional authority.
 50        SECTION 3.  That Chapter 8, Title 67, Idaho Code,  be,  and  the  same  is
 51    hereby  amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des-
 52    ignated  as Section 67-818, Idaho Code, and to read as follows:
  2    AND ENDANGERED SPECIES IN IDAHO. (1) There is hereby created in the office  of
  3    the  governor,  the "Office of Species Conservation." The administrator of the
  4    office of species conservation shall be the official in the  state  designated
  5    to  oversee implementation of federal recovery plans, as provided in 16 U.S.C.
  6    section 1533(f), and to fulfill the  duties  provided  by  this  section.  The
  7    administrator  shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the gover-
  8    nor and shall be subject to confirmation by the state senate.
  9        (2)  The duties of the office of species conservation shall include:
 10        (a)  Coordination of all state departments and divisions with  duties  and
 11        responsibilities affecting endangered species, threatened species and spe-
 12        cies petitioned to be listed;
 13        (b)  Coordinating  state  implementation  and response to federal recovery
 14        plans, biological opinions, guidance and  projects  among  all  state  and
 15        local governments in the state of Idaho;
 16        (c)  Participation in regional efforts to cooperatively address endangered
 17        species and threatened species;
 18        (d)  Providing input and comment to federal and state agencies, and tribes
 19        on  issues relating to endangered species, threatened species, petitioned,
 20        rare and declining species;
 21        (e)  Cooperating and consulting with the departments of fish and game  and
 22        parks  and  recreation  regarding agreements pursuant to 16 U.S.C. section
 23        1535;
 24        (f)  Negotiating agreements with federal  agencies  concerning  endangered
 25        species, threatened species and candidate species, including, but not lim-
 26        ited  to,  agreements  pursuant to 16 U.S.C. section 1533(d) and 16 U.S.C.
 27        section 1539(a), other than those agreements  negotiated  pursuant  to  16
 28        U.S.C. section 1535;
 29        (g)  Providing  the people of the state of Idaho with an ombudsman who can
 30        listen to citizens being harmed or hindered by the regulations of the  ESA
 31        and direct them to the appropriate state or federal agency and/or speak on
 32        their behalf, as deemed appropriate by the ombudsman, to address issues or
 33        concerns related to the ESA;
 34        (h)  Serve  as  a  repository  for agreements and plans among governmental
 35        entities in the state of Idaho to conserve threatened and endangered  spe-
 36        cies.
 37        (3)  State  policy and management plans developed pursuant to this section
 38    shall be developed in accordance with the following subsections:
 39        (a)  State policy on threatened, endangered  and  petitioned  species  and
 40        state  management plans shall be developed in consultation with the appro-
 41        priate state agencies. The appropriate state agency for wildlife  biologi-
 42        cal  and species management issues is the department of fish and game. The
 43        appropriate state agency for plant life biological and species  management
 44        issues  is  the  department of parks and recreation. The appropriate state
 45        agency for timber harvest activities, oil and gas  exploration  activities
 46        and  for  mining  activities  is  the department of lands. The appropriate
 47        state agencies for agricultural activities are the department of  agricul-
 48        ture  and  the  soil conservation commission. The appropriate state agency
 49        for public road construction is the transportation department. The  appro-
 50        priate state agency for water rights is the department of water resources.
 51        The appropriate state agency for water quality is the division of environ-
 52        mental  quality  in  the department of health and welfare. The appropriate
 53        state agency for outfitting and guiding activities is the Idaho outfitters
 54        and guides licensing board;
 55        (b)  State management plans shall be the policy of the state of Idaho, but
  1        are subject to legislative approval, amendment or rejection by  concurrent
  2        resolution.  State  management plans shall be subject to public notice and
  3        comment but shall not be subject to judicial review.
  4        (4)  The governor's office of species conservation shall prepare a  report
  5    to  the  legislature recommending a plan to develop state conservation assess-
  6    ments and strategies for rare and declining species in the state of Idaho  and
  7    submit that report and recommendation to the legislature.  The report and rec-
  8    ommendation  are  subject  to  legislative approval, amendment or rejection by
  9    concurrent resolution.
 10        SECTION 4.  That Chapter 8, Title 67, Idaho Code,  be,  and  the  same  is
 11    hereby  amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des-
 12    ignated as Section 67-819, Idaho Code, and to read as follows:
 13        67-819.  FUNDING -- ACCOUNT CREATED. (1) The governor's office of  species
 14    conservation may accept private contributions, federal funds, funds from other
 15    public  agencies  or any other source. The moneys shall be used solely for the
 16    purposes provided in section 67-818, Idaho Code, and be expended and accounted
 17    for as provided by law.
 18        (2)  There is hereby established in the state treasury the species conser-
 19    vation fund which shall consist of all moneys received pursuant to  subsection
 20    (1) of this section. Moneys in the species conservation fund shall be used for
 21    purposes described in section 67-818, Idaho Code.
 22        SECTION  5.  An  emergency  existing  therefor,  which emergency is hereby
 23    declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after its
 24    passage and approval.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 
     The purpose of this bill is to establish an office on  policy development for
     threatened and endangered and listed species issues. It is  also intended to be a
     central place for the citizens and the interests of Idaho to bring their concerns and
     problems with the endangered species issues and get assistance for a solution to
     those grievances. The office will develop policy and speak with one voice to the
     federal government in Idaho's negotiations on Endangered Species Act issues.
     Finally, this legislation sets up a process for delisting of the endangered species in
     the State upon recovery. 
                    FISCAL IMPACT 
     The amount of $500,000 for the Office of Species Conservation will come from
     the General Fund. 
                         Contact                                      Primary Sponsors: Rep. Cameron
                                        Name: Rep. Cameron Wheeler,              Wheeler, Rep. Dan Mader, 
                                        Rep. Dan Mader,                             Sen. Stan Williams 
                                        Sen. Stan Williams            Co-Sponsors:  Rep. Lawerence Denney,
                                   Phone:(208)332-1000                         Rep. Bruce Newcomb, Rep. Mike 
                                     Moyle, Rep. John Stevenson 
                                             STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                                S 1490