2001 Legislation
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SENATE BILL NO. 1232 – Blaine/Minidoka counties, boundary


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S1232......................................................by STATE AFFAIRS
BLAINE/MINIDOKA COUNTIES - Amends existing law to redefine the boundaries
of Blaine and Minidoka counties by taking territory from Blaine County to
add to Minidoka County.
03/08    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
03/09    Rpt prt - to St Aff

Bill Text

  ||||              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ||||
 Fifty-sixth Legislature                  First Regular Session - 2001
                                       IN THE SENATE
                                    SENATE BILL NO. 1232
                                 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE
  1                                        AN ACT
  6    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
  7        SECTION  1.  That  Section  31-109, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
  8    amended to read as follows:
  9        31-109.  BLAINE COUNTY. Blaine county is described as  follows:  beginning
 10    at  the southeast corner of township two (2) south, range seventeen (17) east,
 11    thence east along the township line between townships two (2)  and  three  (3)
 12    south,  to  the  intersection  of  the  same  with  the  line  between  ranges
 13    twenty-fivesix  (256)  and  twenty-sixseven (267) east; thence south along the
 14    said range line to the middle of the channel of Snake  river;  thence  up  the
 15    center  of  the  said channel of Snake river to the point of intersection with
 16    the range line between ranges twenty-seven (27) and  twenty-eight  (28)  east;
 17    thence  north  along and upon said range line to the northwest corner of town-
 18    ship nine (9) south, range twenty-eight (28) east; thence east upon and  along
 19    the  north  line  of  said township nine (9) south, to the northeast corner of
 20    section four (4), township nine  (9)  south,  range  twenty-eight  (28)  east;
 21    thence  in  a  northerly  direction along and upon the section line which when
 22    surveyed will be between sections  thirty-three  (33)  and  thirty-four  (34),
 23    township  eight  (8)  south, range twenty-eight (28) east; and an extension of
 24    such line to the point where such extended line will intersect with the  town-
 25    ship  line  which  when  surveyed  will be the township line between townships
 26    seven (7) and eight (8) south, range twenty-eight (28) east; thence west  upon
 27    the  township line to a point which when surveyed will be the southwest corner
 28    of township seven (7) south, range twenty-eight (28) east; thence north  along
 29    and  upon  the  range  line which when surveyed will be the range line between
 30    ranges twenty-seven (27) and twenty-eight (28) east to a point which when sur-
 31    veyed and established will be the northwest corner of township four (4) south,
 32    range twenty-eight (28) east; thence east along and upon  the  north  line  of
 33    said  township  four  (4)  south  to the northeast corner of township four (4)
 34    south, range twenty-nine (29) east; thence north along the range line  between
 35    townships  twenty-nine  (29)  and thirty (30) east, to the northeast corner of
 36    township two (2) south, range twenty-nine (29) east; thence west to what  will
 37    be,  when  surveyed,  the  southwest  corner  of township one (1) south, range
 38    twenty-seven (27) east; thence north to  what  will  be,  when  surveyed,  the
 39    southwest   northeast   corner   of   township  one  (1)  north  south,  range
 40    twenty-sevensix (276) east; thence west to the  southeast  corner  of  section
 41    thirty-one (31) in township one (1) north, range twenty-four (24) east; thence
 42    north  to the summit of the range of mountains dividing the headwaters of Fish
 43    creek, Cottonwood creek and Copper creek from the waters of Lava creek,  Cham-
  1    pagne  creek and Antelope creek; thence northwesterly along the summit of said
  2    range of mountains to the southern boundary  line  of  Custer  county;  thence
  3    westerly  along  and  upon  the  summit of the range of mountains dividing the
  4    headwaters of the East Fork of the Salmon river from the waters of the  Little
  5    and  Big  Wood  rivers  and continuing westerly on the said divide between the
  6    East Fork of the Salmon and Wood rivers to the intersection  of the  longitude
  7    line  of longitude one hundred fourteen (114) degrees, forty (40) minutes west
  8    from Greenwich; thence north on said longitude line to a point on said  divide
  9    due  east  of the northeast corner of section twenty-four (24), township seven
 10    (7) north, range fourteen (14) east; thence due west to the  northeast  corner
 11    of  section  twenty-four  (24),  township seven (7) north, range fourteen (14)
 12    east; thence west along and upon the section lines to the corner  divide  line
 13    to  the  southern  boundary  of section sixteen (16) township seven (7) north,
 14    range fifteen (15) east; thence westerly along section line to  the  southwest
 15    corner  of sections fifteen (15), sixteen (16), twenty-one (21) and twenty-two
 16    (22), township seven (7) north, range fourteen (14) east; thence  north  along
 17    and  upon  the  section lines to the corner of sections three (3) and four (4)
 18    and thirty-three (33) and thirty-four (34), township seven (7) and  eight  (8)
 19    north, range fourteen (14) east; thence north along and upon the section lines
 20    to the one-quarter (1/4) section corner between sections twenty-seven (27) and
 21    twenty-eight  (28), township eight (8) north, range fourteen (14) east; thence
 22    west along and upon the one-quarter (1/4) section lines to the west  one-quar-
 23    ter  (1/4)  section  corner  of section thirty (30), township eight (8) north,
 24    range fourteen (14) east; thence southwesterly along and upon  the  summit  of
 25    the  mountains dividing the waters of Yellow Belly lake and Pettit lake to the
 26    summit of the Sawtooth mountains; thence following  the  summit  of  the  said
 27    mountains  to where the trail crosses the summit of what is known as Mattingly
 28    creek divide on the boundary line of Camas county; thence southeasterly  along
 29    the boundary line of Camas county to the place of beginning.
 30        County seat--Hailey.
 31        SECTION  2.  That  Section  31-136, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 32    amended to read as follows:
 33        31-136.  MINIDOKA COUNTY. Minidoka county is described as follows:  begin-
 34    ning  at  the point where the center line of the Snake river is intersected by
 35    the township line dividing township ten (10) south, range twenty-one (21) east
 36    and township ten (10) south and range twenty-two (22) east on the west section
 37    line of section three (3) nineteen (19), township ten (10) south, range  eigh-
 38    teen (18) twenty-two (22) east;
 39        Western  boundary.  Thence  northerly  along  the said section line to the
 40    northwest corner of section three (3), township nine (9) south, range eighteen
 41    (18) east; thence easterly along the township line to the northwest corner  of
 42    township  nine  (9)  south, range twenty-two (22) east; thence north along the
 43    township line to the northwest corner  of  township  eight  (8)  south,  range
 44    twenty-two (22) east; thence easterly along the township line to the southwest
 45    corner   of   section  thirty-four  (34),  township  seven  (7)  south,  range
 46    twenty-three (23) east; thence north along the section line to the north  line
 47    of  township  seven  (7)  south, range twenty-three (23) east; thence easterly
 48    along the township line to the southwest corner of section  thirty-four  (34),
 49    township six (6) south, range twenty-three (23) east; thence northerly along a
 50    line  which is three (3) miles west of and generally parallel to the east line
 51    of range twenty-three (23) east, north of the first  (1st)  standard  parallel
 52    south,  to the north line of township three (3) south, range twenty-three (23)
 53    east;
  1        Northern boundary. Tthence easterly along said township line (1913, ch. 3,
  2    section 2, pp. 5, 6) to the intersection of the same  with  the  line  between
  3    ranges twenty-fivesix (256) and twenty-sixseven (267) east; thence south along
  4    the  said  range  line  (R.C., section 23e), north along the range line to the
  5    northwest corner of township two (2)  south,  range  twenty-seven  (27)  east;
  6    thence  east  along  the township line to the northeast corner of township two
  7    (2) south, range twenty-nine (29) east; thence  south  along  the  range  line
  8    between townships twenty-nine (29) and thirty (30) east, to the southeast cor-
  9    ner  of  township  three  (3)  south, range twenty-nine (29) east, thence west
 10    along and upon the south line of said township three (3) south to  the  south-
 11    east  corner of township three (3) south, range twenty-seven (27) east; thence
 12    south along and upon the range  line  between  ranges  twenty-seven  (27)  and
 13    twenty-eight  (28)  east  to the southeast corner of township seven (7) south,
 14    range twenty-seven (27) east; thence east upon the township line to the north-
 15    east corner of section four (4), township eight (8) south, range  twenty-eight
 16    (28)  east;  thence  in  a southerly direction along and upon the section line
 17    between sections four (4) and three  (3),  township  eight  (8)  south,  range
 18    twenty-eight  (28) east; and an extension of such line to the point where such
 19    extended line will intersect with the township line  between  townships  eight
 20    (8)  and  nine  (9)  south, range twenty-eight (28) east; thence west upon and
 21    along the south line of township eight (8) south, to the northeast  corner  of
 22    township  nine (9) south, range twenty-seven (27) east; thence south along and
 23    upon the range line between townships twenty-seven (27) east and  twenty-eight
 24    (28)  east to its intersection with the center line of the Snake river; thence
 25    southwesterly along said center line of the  Snake  river,  to  the  point  of
 26    beginning (1913, ch. 3, section 2, p. 6).
 27        County seat--Rupert.
 28        SECTION  3.  An  emergency  existing  therefor,  which emergency is hereby
 29    declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and  effect  on  and  after
 30    June 1, 2001.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                          Statement of Purpose
                              RS 11231
The purpose of this legislation is to adjust the boundaries of Minidoka
County, as indicated on the attached map. The affected area is 
currently in Blame County and was originally drawn to give Blame 
County a piece of the railroad and consequently the property taxes. 
The area in question has only a few residents who are provided 
services from Minidoka County. It is my understanding that some of 
those services are being reimbursed by Blaine County.
The benefits of this change are:
  1.    The resident’s of that area would be closer to their
        "communities of interest"
  2.    The resident’s of that area would be closer and have
        more influence to political entities that represent them.
        (i.e. County Government & Legislative)
  3.    Minidoka County officially becomes responsible for
        needed services in the area and correspondingly collects
        the property taxes from the area.
  4.    The adjustment cleans up the lines prior to
        reapportionment and may help in drawing those lines and
        preventing counties form being divided.
                       Fiscal Impact
      The will be adjustment to maps and books etc., however those
adjustments will be made as those are naturally reprinted under there
current schedule. Therefore this would not cause additional general 
fund appropriation.

        This boundary change would:
        - Decrease total Blaine County acreage by 21%
        - Increase total Minidoka County acreage by 74%.
        The new Blaine/Minidoka County boundary
        would be the range line between Township 2
        South, Range 26 East and Township 2 South
        and Range 27 East, Boise Meridian, Public
        Land Survey System.
        The new Blaine/Minidoka County boundary
        would be the township line between Township
        2 South, Range 26 East and Township 3
        South, Range 26 East, Boise Meridian, Public
        Land Survey System.
       New Blaine County (1,337,438 Acres)
       Existing Minidoka (489,629 Acres)
       Area lost from Blaine and added to Minidoka
       (360,402 Acres)
       This transfer would create a new Blaine County with 1,337,438
       acres and a new Minidoka County of 850,031 acres

                        Southeast Corner Detail
                   Proposed County Boundary Change
                      Blaine and Minidoka Counties


                                                 S 1232