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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS - PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Provides amounts to be expended from various funds for the public schools; appropriates $920,000,000 to the Public School Income Fund for fiscal year 2003; appropriates $985,513,000 for theEducational Support Program for fiscal year 2003; provides the amount necessary for the Unemployment Insurance Program; provides authority for the Department of Education to monitor and evaluate use of funds for enhancement programs; provides for expenditures for certain technology, including the Libraries Linking Idaho Program; provides for expenditures relating to the Idaho Council for Technology in Learning; provides for expenditures for non-English and limited English proficiency programs; provides for expenditures for the teacher-mentor program; provides for expenditures regarding moneys received pursuant to Sections 63-2506, 63-2552A and 67-7439, Idaho Code; provides for allocation of moneys and requirements for the Idaho Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program; provides intent that the Idaho Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program must include certain features; provides for expenditures for training of teachers in working with children with disabilities; provides for expenditures for training of teachers working with gifted/talented students; appropriates moneys for property tax replacement; provides allocation of moneys for master teacher recognition; provides for expenditures for literacy programs; provides for expenditures for achievement standards; provides that certain discretionary funds be retained in the Public School Income Fund; provides for distribution of discretionary funds; and provides for an allocation of moneys to teachers for classroom supplies. 02/26 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 02/27 Rpt prt - to 2nd rdg 02/28 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg 03/01 3rd rdg - PASSED - 48-21-1 AYES -- Aikele, Barraclough, Barrett, Bedke, Bell, Black, Block, Bolz, Bradford, Bruneel, Callister, Campbell, Collins, Crow, Deal, Denney, Ellsworth, Eskridge, Field(13), Field(20), Gagner, Gould, Hadley, Hammond, Harwood, Higgins, Hornbeck, Kellogg(Duncan), Kendell, Kunz, Lake, Langford, Mader, McKague, Meyer, Montgomery, Mortensen, Pischner, Raybould, Roberts, Schaefer, Smith(23), Stevenson, Tilman, Trail, Wheeler, Young, Mr. Speaker NAYS -- Bieter, Boe, Clark, Cuddy, Ellis, Henbest, Jaquet, Jones, Loertscher, Martinez, Moyle, Pearce, Pomeroy, Ridinger, Robison, Sali, Sellman, Shepherd, Smith(33), Smylie, Stone Absent and excused -- Wood Floor Sponsor - Field(20) Title apvd - to Senate 03/04 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to Fin 03/05 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg 03/06 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg 03/08 3rd rdg - PASSED - 26-9-0 AYES -- Branch(Bartlett), Boatright, Brandt, Bunderson, Burtenshaw, Cameron, Darrington, Davis, Deide, Geddes, Goedde, Ingram, Ipsen, Keough, Little, Lodge, Noh, Richardson, Risch, Sandy, Sims, Sorensen, Stegner, Thorne, Wheeler, Williams NAYS -- Andreason, Dunklin, Frasure, Hawkins, Hill, King-Barrutia, Marley, Schroeder, Stennett Absent and excused -- None Floor Sponsor - Deide Title apvd - to House 03/11 To enrol 03/12 Rpt enrol - Sp signed 03/13 Pres signed - to Governor 03/22 Governor signed Session Law Chapter 238 Effective: 03/22/02, Section 19 07/01/02, All others
|||| LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO |||| Fifty-sixth Legislature Second Regular Session - 2002IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 683 BY APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO THE APPROPRIATION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL SUPPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003; 3 PROVIDING THE AMOUNT TO BE EXPENDED FROM STATE SOURCES; APPROPRIATING GEN- 4 ERAL FUND MONEYS FOR TRANSFER TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL INCOME FUND; APPROPRI- 5 ATING A TOTAL AMOUNT FROM THE PUBLIC SCHOOL INCOME FUND; PROVIDING MONEYS 6 FOR THE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE PROGRAM; PROVIDING THAT THE STATE DEPART- 7 MENT OF EDUCATION SHALL HAVE CERTAIN AUTHORITY; DIRECTING THAT $3,100,000 8 IN ONGOING EXPENDITURES AND $5,000,000 IN ONE-TIME EXPENDITURES BE 9 EXPENDED FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY GRANT PROGRAM, AND $300,000 FOR 10 TRANSFER TO THE LIBRARY SERVICES IMPROVEMENT FUND; DIRECTING THAT NOT MORE 11 THAN $173,000 BE EXPENDED FOR IDAHO COUNCIL FOR TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING 12 EXPENSES; DIRECTING THAT $4,475,000 BE ALLOCATED FOR PROGRAMS FOR STUDENTS 13 WITH NON-ENGLISH OR LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY; DIRECTING THAT $2,000,000 14 BE DISTRIBUTED FOR A TEACHER MENTORING AND PEER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM; 15 DIRECTING THAT $4,700,000 OF THE MONEYS ACCRUING PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 16 63-2506 AND 63-2552A, IDAHO CODE, AND SUCH OTHER MONEYS WHICH MAY BECOME 17 AVAILABLE PURSUANT TO SECTION 67-7439, IDAHO CODE, BE EXPENDED FOR THE 18 IDAHO SAFE AND DRUG-FREE SCHOOLS PROGRAM; DIRECTING THE DISTRIBUTION OF 19 FUNDS FOR THE IDAHO SAFE AND DRUG-FREE SCHOOLS PROGRAM; EXPRESSING LEGIS- 20 LATIVE INTENT WITH REGARD TO FEATURES OF THE IDAHO SAFE AND DRUG-FREE 21 SCHOOLS PROGRAM; PROVIDING DIRECTION REGARDING THE EXPENDITURE AND DISTRI- 22 BUTION OF $1,000,000 FOR EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING FOR WORKING WITH CHILDREN 23 WITH DISABILITIES; DIRECTING THAT $500,000 BE ALLOCATED FOR TRAINING TO 24 SERVE THE NEEDS OF GIFTED AND TALENTED STUDENTS; APPROPRIATING THE AMOUNT 25 OF GENERAL FUND MONEY NECESSARY AS DETERMINED BY SECTION 33-1002D, IDAHO 26 CODE, FOR PROPERTY TAX REPLACEMENT; DIRECTING THAT UP TO $560,000 BE DIS- 27 TRIBUTED FOR MASTER TEACHER AWARD PAYMENTS; DIRECTING THAT $3,300,000 BE 28 USED FOR THE IDAHO READING INITIATIVE AND EXPRESSING LEGISLATIVE INTENT 29 THAT THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SEEK ADDITIONAL FEDERAL GRANT FUNDS 30 TO SUPPORT THE PROGRAM; DIRECTING THAT $4,000,000 BE DISTRIBUTED BY THE 31 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION AND USED FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF 32 ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS AND EXPRESSING LEGISLATIVE INTENT THAT THE STATE 33 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SEEK ADDITIONAL FEDERAL GRANT FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE 34 PROJECT; DIRECTING THAT ANY UNANTICIPATED FUNDS IN THE FISCAL YEAR 2002 35 BUDGET, UP TO $10,000,000, BE RETAINED IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOL INCOME FUND 36 FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROPRIATION; DIRECTING THAT CERTAIN DISCRETIONARY FUNDS 37 BE DISTRIBUTED IN JULY 2002; DIRECTING THAT $2,000,000 BE DISTRIBUTED FOR 38 THE PURPOSES OF PURCHASING CLASSROOM SUPPLIES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY 39 FOR SECTION 19 OF THIS ACT. 40 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 41 SECTION 1. The following amount shall be expended from state sources for 42 public schools for the period July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2003: 43 FROM: 2 1 General Fund $920,000,000 2 Public School Endowment Earnings 3 Reserve Fund Transfer 43,313,000 4 Federal Mineral Royalties 2,000,000 5 Liquor Control Fund 1,200,000 6 Cigarette/Tobacco and Lottery Income Taxes 4,700,000 7 Miscellaneous Receipts/Balances 14,300,000 8 TOTAL $985,513,000 9 SECTION 2. There is hereby appropriated from the General Fund the follow- 10 ing amount to be transferred to the Public School Income Fund for the period 11 July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2003: 12 FROM: 13 General Fund $920,000,000 14 SECTION 3. There is hereby appropriated from the Public School Income 15 Fund to be expended for the Educational Support Program pursuant to law and 16 the provisions of this act, an amount not to exceed $985,513,000 for the 17 period July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2003. 18 SECTION 4. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, the 19 amount necessary for the Unemployment Insurance Program shall be expended 20 according to Section 72-1349A, Idaho Code, for the period July 1, 2002, 21 through June 30, 2003. 22 SECTION 5. The State Department of Education shall have the authority to 23 monitor and evaluate the use of funds appropriated to public school districts 24 for enhancement programs. 25 SECTION 6. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 26 $8,400,000 shall be expended by the Superintendent of Public Instruction as 27 follows: $3,100,000 for ongoing expenditures and $5,000,000 for one-time 28 expenditures for the Public School Technology Grant Program upon direction of 29 the Idaho Council for Technology in Learning, for software purchases, technol- 30 ogy equipment repairs and maintenance, and equipment necessary to administer 31 state-required assessments; and $300,000 to be transferred to the Library Ser- 32 vices Improvement Fund for the State Library's "Libraries Linking Idaho" 33 (LiLI) statewide database licensing project. 34 SECTION 7. Of the $8,400,000 referred to in Section 6 of this act, an 35 amount not to exceed $173,000 shall be expended by the Superintendent of Pub- 36 lic Instruction for staff support and various expenses related to the Idaho 37 Council for Technology in Learning as approved by the State Board of Educa- 38 tion. 39 SECTION 8. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 40 $4,475,000 shall be distributed for support of programs for students with non- 41 English or limited-English proficiency, allocated to school districts pro rata 42 based upon the population of limited-English proficient students under crite- 43 ria established by the State Department of Education. 44 SECTION 9. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 45 $2,000,000 shall be distributed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- 46 tion for a program of administrative and supervisory support, mentoring, peer 47 assistance and professional development. Payment shall be distributed to 3 1 school districts pro rata pursuant to the provisions of Sections 33-514 and 2 33-514A, Idaho Code. 3 SECTION 10. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 4 $4,700,000 shall be expended by the Superintendent of Public Instruction for 5 the Idaho Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program, from funds determined by avail- 6 able revenues accruing pursuant to Sections 63-2506 and 63-2552A, Idaho Code, 7 and other such moneys which may become available pursuant to Section 67-7439, 8 Idaho Code, for the period July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2003. 9 SECTION 11. The funds allocated for the Idaho Safe and Drug-Free Schools 10 Program in Section 10 of this act shall be distributed as follows: $250,000 11 shall be remitted to the Idaho State Police pursuant to Section 63-2552A(3), 12 Idaho Code; $100,000 may be utilized by the Superintendent of Public Instruc- 13 tion for program administration, technical assistance and evaluation. Of the 14 remaining amount, ninety-five percent (95%) shall be distributed to each 15 school district through a combination of a base amount of $1,500 and a pro- 16 rated amount based on the prior year's average daily attendance. Of the 17 remaining five percent (5%), $80,000 shall be distributed on a one-time basis 18 to the Commission on Hispanic Affairs and used to encourage and direct His- 19 panic youth away from the habitual use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs by 20 developing programs for schools, families and communities, with the remainder 21 used to make discretionary grants as determined by the Drug-Free Schools and 22 Communities Advisory Board. 23 SECTION 12. It is legislative intent that the Idaho Safe and Drug-Free 24 Schools Program shall include the following: 25 (1) Districts will develop a policy and plan which will provide a guide 26 for their substance abuse program. 27 (2) Districts will have an advisory board to assist each district in mak- 28 ing decisions relating to the program. 29 (3) The districts' substance abuse programs will be comprehensive to meet 30 the needs of all students. This will include prevention programs, student 31 assistance programs that address early identification and referral, and 32 aftercare. 33 (4) Districts shall submit an annual evaluation of their program to the 34 State Department of Education as to the effectiveness of their program. 35 SECTION 13. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 36 $1,000,000 shall be distributed for the following: 37 (1) Training of regular classroom teachers in working with children with 38 disabilities; 39 (2) Employing and training aides to assist regular classroom teachers in 40 working with children with disabilities; 41 (3) Employing substitute teachers whose employment allows regular class- 42 room teachers to be involved in college planning, parent contact, Individ- 43 ual Education Plan (IEP) development, curriculum and modification, or 44 other necessary activities directly related to meeting the needs of stu- 45 dents in regular education classrooms; 46 (4) Moneys in this section shall be distributed pro rata to the districts 47 as follows: fifty percent (50%) on the basis of the prior year's December 48 1 child count and fifty percent (50%) on the basis of the prior year's 49 average daily attendance. 50 These funds shall be used to supplement rather than supplant existing efforts 51 in the training of regular classroom teachers and the employment and training 4 1 of aides. The State Department of Education shall create a one (1) page report 2 to be provided to the Legislature showing current individual district expendi- 3 tures in this area, as well as a breakdown of how these appropriated moneys 4 were spent. These funds shall not be used in any calculation or report to the 5 federal government that obligates a future appropriation of this amount or any 6 other amount. 7 SECTION 14. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, $500,000 8 shall be distributed to train general education teachers, gifted/talented 9 (G/T) facilitators, administrators and/or parents to better meet the needs of 10 gifted/talented students. One-half (1/2) of these funds shall be allocated pro 11 rata based on each district's prior year total student enrollment compared to 12 the prior year total statewide enrollment. One-half (1/2) of these funds shall 13 be allocated based on the number of gifted/talented students identified and 14 served as indicated on the prior year's December 1 child count. The number of 15 gifted/talented students identified for purposes of this section shall not 16 exceed seven percent (7%) of the district's total student enrollment. No dis- 17 trict shall receive less than $500. Funds shall be distributed upon submission 18 and approval of an application submitted to the State Department of Education 19 demonstrating how in-service training will establish or improve identification 20 and service of gifted/talented students in the five (5) mandated talent areas. 21 The Superintendent of Public Instruction may reallocate any gifted/talented 22 funds that are left unrequested by school districts to all other school dis- 23 tricts that have requested gifted/talented funds, according to the distribu- 24 tion formula outlined in this section. 25 SECTION 15. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, there is 26 hereby appropriated the amount necessary for property tax replacement, to be 27 expended according to Section 33-1002D, Idaho Code, for the period July 1, 28 2002, through June 30, 2003. 29 SECTION 16. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, an 30 amount up to $560,000 shall be awarded to those instructional staff members 31 who have been recognized as master teachers by the National Board for Profes- 32 sional Teaching Standards, according to the provisions of Section 33-1004E, 33 Idaho Code. 34 SECTION 17. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 35 $3,300,000 shall be used for literacy programs, as outlined in Sections 36 33-1614, 33-1615 and 33-1207A(2), Idaho Code. This appropriation acknowledges 37 that up to $1,000,000 in federal grant funds may become available to support 38 these literacy programs. It is legislative intent that the State Department of 39 Education seek such funds to supplement the $3,300,000 appropriated for such 40 literacy programs by this act. 41 SECTION 18. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 42 $4,000,000 shall be used for the second of three (3) phases in the implementa- 43 tion of Achievement Standards established under the provisions of the rules of 44 the State Board of Education, IDAPA 08.02.03. These funds shall be distributed 45 according to formulas and criteria established by the Superintendent of Public 46 Instruction. This appropriation acknowledges that up to $2,000,000 in federal 47 grant funds may become available to support achievement standards implementa- 48 tion. It is legislative intent that the State Department of Education seek 49 such funds to supplement the $4,000,000 appropriated for achievement standards 50 implementation by this act. 5 1 SECTION 19. Any other provision of law notwithstanding, the first 2 $10,000,000 of any unanticipated discretionary funds that would normally be 3 distributed to public schools as part of the final fiscal year 2002 distribu- 4 tion to public schools, pursuant to Section 33-1009(3), Idaho Code, shall 5 instead be retained in the Public School Income Fund for appropriation in the 6 subsequent fiscal year. 7 SECTION 20. Any other provision of law notwithstanding, the State Depart- 8 ment of Education shall distribute $23,324,200 of the discretionary moneys 9 appropriated in Section 3 of this act in July 2002. This distribution of funds 10 shall be allocated by school district in a like manner as the executive 11 holdbacks ordered in August 2001 and November 2001. 12 SECTION 21. Of the moneys appropriated in Section 3 of this act, 13 $2,000,000 shall be distributed to teachers for the purchase of classroom sup- 14 plies. The State Department of Education shall distribute such funds to school 15 districts in July 2002, based on the final support unit calculations at the 16 end of fiscal year 2002. These funds shall be used to supplement rather than 17 supplant existing efforts in this area. 18 SECTION 22. An emergency existing therefor, which emergency is hereby 19 declared to exist, Section 19 of this act shall be in full force and effect on 20 and after passage and approval.
Statement of Purpose |
RS11387 |
This is the FY 2003 appropriation for state support of public schools in Idaho.
Fiscal Note |
Sources of Funds | FY 2002 Est. Expenditures |
FY 2003 Appropriation |
1. | General Fund | $909,645,600 | $920,000,000 |
2. | Dedicated Funds | $49,875,000 | $65,513,000 |
3. | Total State Appropriations | $959,520,600 | $985,513,000 |
percent change from prior year | 3.1% | 2.7% |
Statutory Requirements | |||
4. | Property Tax Replacement | $64,594,700 | $67,800,000 |
5. | Transportation | $54,391,000 | $57,654,500 |
6. | Border Contracts | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 |
7. | Exceptional Contracts/Tuition Equivalents | $2,500,000 | $2,625,000 |
8. | Floor | $1,200,000 | $1,100,000 |
9. | Program Adjustments | $300,000 | $300,000 |
10. | Salary-based Apportionment | $654,673,700 | $660,086,500 |
11. | Teacher Incentive Award | $418,000 | $560,000 |
12. | State Paid Employee Benefits | $115,117,000 | $116,084,600 |
13. | Early Retirement Program | $3,500,000 | $3,500,000 |
14. | Idaho Safe & Drug-Free Schools | $4,700,000 | $4,700,000 |
15. | Sub-total – Statutory Requirements | $902,394,400 | $915,410,600 |
Other Program Distributions |
16. | Technology Grants | $10,400,000 | $8,400,000 |
17. | Innovative Teacher Grants | $425,000 | $0 |
18. | Idaho Reading Initiative | $4,000,000 | $3,300,000 |
19. | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) | $4,575,000 | $4,475,000 |
20. | Idaho Digital Learning | $0 | $0 |
21. | Extended Day Kindergarten | $0 | $0 |
22. | Least Restrictive Environment (teacher training) | $1,000,000 | $1,000,000 |
23. | Gifted & Talented | $600,000 | $500,000 |
24. | Idaho School Information Management System | $0 | $0 |
25. | Achievement Standards Implementation | $8,000,000 | $4,000,000 |
26. | SBOE Appropriation – Assessment | $0 | $0 |
27. | Beginning Teacher Support Program | $2,000,000 | $2,000,000 |
28. | Facilities Contingency Funds | $0 | $0 |
29. | Classroom Supplies | $0 | $0 |
30. | Sub-total — Other Program Distributions | $31,000,000 | $25,675,000 |
31. | TOTAL CATEGORICAL EXPENDITURES | $933,394,400 | $941,085,600 |
32. | DISCRETIONARY FUNDS | $26,126,200 | $44,427,400 |
33. | ESTIMATED SUPPORT UNITS | 12,575 | 12,575 |
35. | EQUALIZED M&O FUNDS PER SUPPORT UNIT | $20,063 | $21,100 |
36. | DISTRIBUTION FACTOR | $22,141 | $24,633 |
Contact: Jason Hancock 334-3531
Legislative Services Office, Budget & Policy Analysis
Statement of Purpose/Fiscal Note | Bill No. H683 |