2002 Legislation
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SENATE BILL NO. 1427 – Water, approp, sanctions, when


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S1427..........................................by RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT
WATER - APPROPRIATION - Amends existing law relating to the appropriation
of water to authorize the director of the Department of Water Resources to
impose sanctions for certain actions.
02/11    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/12    Rpt prt - to Res/Env

Bill Text

  ||||              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ||||
 Fifty-sixth Legislature                  Second Regular Session - 2002
                                       IN THE SENATE
                                    SENATE BILL NO. 1427
  1                                        AN ACT
  7    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
  8        SECTION 1.  That Section 42-203A, Idaho Code, be, and the same  is  hereby
  9    amended to read as follows:
 11    FINDINGS -- APPEALS. (1) Upon receipt of an  application  to  appropriate  the
 12    waters  of  this  state,  the  department  of water resources, shall prepare a
 13    notice in such form as the department may prescribe, specifying: (a) the  num-
 14    ber of the application; (b) the date of filing thereof; (c) the name and post-
 15    office  address  of the applicant; (d) the source of the water supply; (e) the
 16    amount of water to be appropriated; (f) in general the nature of the  proposed
 17    use;  (g)  the approximate location of the point of diversion; and (h) and the
 18    point of use. The department shall also state in said notice that any  protest
 19    against  the  approval  of such application, in form prescribed by the depart-
 20    ment, shall be filed with the department within ten (10) days  from  the  last
 21    date of publication of such notice.
 22        (2)  The  director  of  the  department of water resources shall cause the
 23    notice to be published in a newspaper printed within the  county  wherein  the
 24    point  of  diversion  lies,  or  in  the event no newspaper is printed in said
 25    county, then in a newspaper of general circulation therein. When the  applica-
 26    tion proposes a diversion in excess of ten (10) c.f.s. or one thousand (1,000)
 27    acre  feet, the director shall cause the notice to be published in a newspaper
 28    or newspapers sufficient to achieve statewide circulation. Any notice shall be
 29    published at least once each week for two (2) successive weeks.
 30        (3)  The director of the department shall cause a copy of  the  notice  of
 31    application  to be sent by ordinary mail to any person who requests in writing
 32    to receive any class of notices of application and who pays an annual  mailing
 33    fee as established by departmental regulation rule.
 34        (4)  Any  person,  firm,  association or corporation concerned in any such
 35    application may, within the time allowed in the notice  of  application,  file
 36    with  said  director  of  the department of water resources a written protest,
 37    together with the statutory filing fee as provided in  section  42-221,  Idaho
 38    Code,  against the approval of such application, which protest shall state the
 39    name and address of protestant and shall be signed by him or by his  agent  or
 40    attorney  and  shall  clearly set forth his objections to the approval of such
 41    application. Hearing upon the protest so filed shall be held within sixty (60)
 42    days from the date such protest is received. Notice of this hearing  shall  be
 43    given by mailing notice not less than ten (10) days before the date of hearing
  1    and  shall  be  forwarded  to  both  the  applicant  and  the  protestant,  or
  2    protestants,  by  certified  mail.  Such  notice  shall state the names of the
  3    applicant and protestant, or protestants, the time and  place  fixed  for  the
  4    hearing  and such other information as the director of the department of water
  5    resources may deem advisable. In the event that no protest is filed, then  the
  6    director of the department of water resources may forthwith approve the appli-
  7    cation,  providing  the same in all respects conforms with the requirements of
  8    this chapter, and with the  regulations  rules  of  the  department  of  water
  9    resources.
 10        (5)  Such  hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of
 11    section 42-1701A(1) and (2), Idaho Code. The director  of  the  department  of
 12    water  resources  shall find and determine from the evidence presented to what
 13    use or uses the water sought to be appropriated can be and are intended to  be
 14    applied.  In  all  applications  whether protested or not protested, where the
 15    proposed use is such (a) that it will  reduce  the  quantity  of  water  under
 16    existing water rights, or (b) that the water supply itself is insufficient for
 17    the purpose for which it is sought to be appropriated, or (c) where it appears
 18    to  the satisfaction of the director that such application is not made in good
 19    faith, is made for delay or speculative purposes, or (d)  that  the  applicant
 20    has  not  sufficient  financial  resources  with  which  to  complete the work
 21    involved therein, or (e) that it will conflict with the local public interest,
 22    where the local public interest is defined as the affairs of the people in the
 23    area directly affected by the proposed use, or (f) that it is contrary to con-
 24    servation of water resources within the state of Idaho; the  director  of  the
 25    department  of water resources may reject such application and refuse issuance
 26    of a permit therefor, or may partially  approve  and  grant  a  permit  for  a
 27    smaller  quantity of water than applied for, or may grant a permit upon condi-
 28    tions. The provisions of this section  shall  apply  to  any  boundary  stream
 29    between  this  and  any  other state in all cases where the water sought to be
 30    appropriated has its source largely within  the  state,  irrespective  of  the
 31    location of any proposed power generating plant.
 32        (6)  Any  person  or corporation who has formally appeared at the hearing,
 33    aggrieved by  the  judgment  of  the  director  of  the  department  of  water
 34    resources,  may  seek  judicial  review  thereof  in  accordance  with section
 35    42-1701A(4), Idaho Code.
 36        (7)  The director may impose appropriate sanctions upon any party for fil-
 37    ing with the department a protest, petition, appeal,  or  any  other  document
 38    pursuant to the provisions of this section, that is not reasonably grounded in
 39    fact  or law, or that is pursued, maintained, or used in an improper manner so
 40    as to cause unnecessary delay, increased  costs,  or  harassment.  Appropriate
 41    sanctions  may  include  payment  of the reasonable costs and expenses thereby
 42    incurred by the other party or parties to the  proceeding.  The  authority  to
 43    impose  sanctions  shall  be exercised in the sound discretion of the director
 44    and shall not be delegated by the director. Any party may seek judicial review
 45    of a final order imposing sanctions in accordance  with  section  42-1701A(4),
 46    Idaho Code.
 47        SECTION  2.  That  Section  42-222, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 48    amended to read as follows:
 51    APPEALS.  (1)  Any person, entitled to the use of water whether represented by
 52    license issued by the department of water resources, by claims to water rights
 53    by reason of diversion and application to a beneficial use as filed under  the
  1    provisions  of  this  chapter,  or by decree of the court, who shall desire to
  2    change the point of diversion, place of use, period of use or nature of use of
  3    all or part of the water, under the right shall first make application to  the
  4    department  of  water  resources for approval of such change. Such application
  5    shall be upon forms furnished by the department and shall describe  the  right
  6    licensed,  claimed or decreed which is to be changed and the changes which are
  7    proposed, and shall be accompanied by the statutory  filing  fee  as  in  this
  8    chapter  provided.    Upon receipt of such application it shall be the duty of
  9    the director of the department of water resources to examine same, obtain  any
 10    consent  required  in  section  42-108, Idaho Code, and if otherwise proper to
 11    provide notice of the proposed change in the same manner as applications under
 12    section 42-203A, Idaho Code. Such notice shall advise that anyone who  desires
 13    to  protest the proposed change shall file notice of protests with the depart-
 14    ment within ten (10) days of the last date of publication. Upon the receipt of
 15    any protest, accompanied by the statutory filing fee as  provided  in  section
 16    42-221,  Idaho Code, it shall be the duty of the director of the department of
 17    water resources to investigate the same and to conduct a hearing  thereon.  He
 18    shall  also advise the watermaster of the district in which such water is used
 19    of the proposed change and the watermaster shall notify the  director  of  the
 20    department  of  water  resources of his recommendation on the application, and
 21    the director of the department of water resources shall not finally  determine
 22    the  action  on  the  application  for  change until he has received from such
 23    watermaster his recommendation thereof, which action of the watermaster  shall
 24    be received and considered as other evidence.
 25        When  the  nature  of use of the water right is to be changed to municipal
 26    purposes and some or all of the right will be held by a municipal provider  to
 27    serve  reasonably  anticipated future needs, the municipal provider shall pro-
 28    vide to the department sufficient information and documentation  to  establish
 29    that  the  applicant qualifies as a municipal provider and that the reasonably
 30    anticipated future needs, the service area and the planning horizon  are  con-
 31    sistent  with  the definitions and requirements specified in this chapter. The
 32    service area need not be described by legal description nor by description  of
 33    every  intended  use in detail, but the area must be described with sufficient
 34    information to identify the general location where the water under  the  water
 35    right  is to be used and the types and quantity of uses that generally will be
 36    made.
 37        When a water right or a portion thereof to be changed is held by a munici-
 38    pal provider for municipal purposes, as  defined  in  section  42-202B,  Idaho
 39    Code,  that  portion of the right held for reasonably anticipated future needs
 40    at the time of the change shall not be changed to a place of use  outside  the
 41    service area, as defined in section 42-202B, Idaho Code, or to a new nature of
 42    use.
 43        The  director  of  the department of water resources shall examine all the
 44    evidence and available information and shall approve the change in  whole,  or
 45    in  part,  or  upon  conditions,  provided  no  other water rights are injured
 46    thereby, the change does not constitute an enlargement in use of the  original
 47    right,  the  change  is  consistent  with  the conservation of water resources
 48    within the state of Idaho and is in the local public interest  as  defined  in
 49    section  42-203A(5), Idaho Code, and the new use is a beneficial use, which in
 50    the case of a municipal provider shall be satisfied if the water right is nec-
 51    essary to serve reasonably anticipated future needs as provided in this  chap-
 52    ter. The director may consider consumptive use, as defined in section 42-202B,
 53    Idaho Code, as a factor in determining whether a proposed change would consti-
 54    tute an enlargement in use of the original water right. The director shall not
 55    approve  a change in the nature of use from agricultural use where such change
  1    would significantly affect the agricultural base of the local area. The trans-
  2    fer of the right to the use of stored water for irrigation purposes shall  not
  3    constitute  an enlargement in use of the original right even though more acres
  4    may be irrigated, if no other water rights are injured thereby. A copy of  the
  5    approved  application  for  change  shall  be returned to the applicant and he
  6    shall be authorized upon receipt thereof to make the change and  the  original
  7    water  right  shall  be presumed to have been amended by reason of such autho-
  8    rized change. In the event the director of the department of water   resources
  9    determines  that  a  proposed change shall not be approved as provided in this
 10    section, he shall deny the same and forward  notice  of  such  action  to  the
 11    applicant  by  certified  mail,  which  decision  shall be subject to judicial
 12    review as hereafter provided.
 13        (2)  All rights to the use of water acquired under this chapter or  other-
 14    wise  shall  be lost and forfeited by a failure for the term of five (5) years
 15    to apply it to the beneficial use for which it was appropriated and  when  any
 16    right  to  the  use  of  water shall be lost through nonuse or forfeiture such
 17    rights to such water shall revert to the state and be again subject to  appro-
 18    priation  under  this chapter; except that any right to the use of water shall
 19    not be lost through forfeiture by the failure to apply the water to beneficial
 20    use under certain circumstances as specified in section 42-223, Idaho Code.
 21        (3)  Upon proper showing before the director of the  department  of  water
 22    resources  of  good and sufficient reason for nonapplication to beneficial use
 23    of such water for such term of five (5) years, the director of the  department
 24    of  water resources is hereby authorized to grant an extension of time extend-
 25    ing the time for forfeiture of title for nonuse thereof, to such waters for  a
 26    period of not to exceed five (5) additional years.
 27        (4)  Application for an extension shall be made before the end of the five
 28    (5)  year  period  upon  forms  to  be  furnished  by  the department of water
 29    resources and shall fully describe the right on which an extension of time  to
 30    resume  the  use  is  requested  and  the reasons for such nonuse and shall be
 31    accompanied by the statutory filing fee; provided that water rights  protected
 32    from forfeiture under the provisions of section 42-223, Idaho Code, are exempt
 33    from this requirement.
 34        (a)  Upon  the  receipt  of  such  application it shall be the duty of the
 35        director of the department of water resources to examine the same  and  to
 36        provide  notice  of the application for an extension in the same manner as
 37        applications under section 42-203A, Idaho Code.  The  notice  shall  fully
 38        describe  the  right,  the extension which is requested and the reason for
 39        such nonuse and shall state that any person  desiring  to  object  to  the
 40        requested  extension  may  submit  a protest, accompanied by the statutory
 41        filing fee as provided in section 42-221, Idaho Code, to the  director  of
 42        the department of water resources within ten (10) days of the last date of
 43        publication.
 44        (b)  Upon receipt of a protest it shall be the duty of the director of the
 45        department of water resources to investigate and conduct a hearing thereon
 46        as in this chapter provided.
 47        (c)  The director of the department of water resources shall find from the
 48        evidence  presented  in  any hearing, or from information available to the
 49        department, the reasons for such nonuse of water and where it  appears  to
 50        the satisfaction of the director of the department of water resources that
 51        other  rights will not be impaired by granting an extension of time within
 52        which to resume the use of the water and good  cause  appearing  for  such
 53        nonuse,  he  may grant one (1) extension of five (5) years within which to
 54        resume such use.
 55        (d)  In his approval of the application for an  extension  of  time  under
  1        this  section  the director of the department of water resources shall set
  2        the date when the use of water is to be resumed. Sixty  (60)  days  before
  3        such  date the director of the department of water resources shall forward
  4        to the applicant at his address of record a notice by certified mail  set-
  5        ting  forth the date on which the use of water is to be resumed and a form
  6        for reporting the resumption of the use of the water right. If the use  of
  7        the  water  has  not been resumed and report thereon made on or before the
  8        date set for resumption of use such right shall revert to  the  state  and
  9        again be subject to appropriation, as provided in this section.
 10        (e)  In the event the director of the department of water resources deter-
 11        mines  that  a  proposed extension of time within which to resume use of a
 12        water right shall not be approved as provided in this  section,  he  shall
 13        deny  same and forward notice of such action to the applicant by certified
 14        mail, which decision shall be subject to judicial review as hereafter pro-
 15        vided.
 16        (5)  Any person or persons feeling themselves aggrieved by the  determina-
 17    tion  of the department of water resources in approving or rejecting an appli-
 18    cation to change the point of diversion, place, period of use or nature of use
 19    of water under an established right or an application for an extension of time
 20    within which to resume the use of water as provided in this section, may, if a
 21    protest was filed and a hearing held thereon, seek judicial review pursuant to
 22    section 42-1701A(4), Idaho Code. If no protest was filed and no hearing  held,
 23    the  applicant  may  request  a hearing pursuant to section 42-1701A(3), Idaho
 24    Code, for the purpose of contesting the action of the director  and  may  seek
 25    judicial  review of the final order of the director following the hearing pur-
 26    suant to section 42-1701A(4), Idaho Code.
 27        (6)  The director may impose appropriate sanctions upon any party for fil-
 28    ing with the department a protest, petition, appeal,  or  any  other  document
 29    pursuant to the provisions of this section, that is not reasonably grounded in
 30    fact  or law, or that is pursued, maintained, or used in an improper manner so
 31    as to cause unnecessary delay, increased  costs,  or  harassment.  Appropriate
 32    sanctions  may  include  payment  of the reasonable costs and expenses thereby
 33    incurred by the other party or parties to the  proceeding.  The  authority  to
 34    impose  sanctions  shall  be exercised in the sound discretion of the director
 35    and shall not be delegated by the director. Any party may seek judicial review
 36    of a final order imposing sanctions in accordance  with  section  42-1701A(4),
 37    Idaho Code.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                          RS 11944

This legislation relating to water appropriation amends section 
42-203A and 42-222 of the Idaho Code so that the Director of 
Water Resources can impose sanctions for certain actions - such 
as delaying, harassing and protesting etc. Appropriate sanctions 
may include payment of reasonable costs and expenses. There are 
also technical corrections as noted in the legislation.

                     FISCAL IMPACT

Changes made can be absorbed in current appropriations.

Name:	Sen. Rurtenshaw    332-1000,
        Norm Semanko       344-6000 
        Lewis Eilers       (208) 736-1953