2004 Legislation
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 126 – Israel, support expressed


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Bill Status

SCR126.....................................................by STATE AFFAIRS
ISRAEL - SUPPORT - Stating findings of the Legislature and expressing
support for the State of Israel as that nation engages in resistance to
02/17    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/18    Rpt prt - to St Aff
02/24    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 10th Ord
02/25    10th Ord - FAILED - voice vote
    Floor Sponsor - Sweet
    Filed in Office of the Secretary of Senate

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-seventh Legislature                 Second Regular Session - 2004
                                       IN THE SENATE
                            SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 126
                                 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE
  1                               A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
  4    Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
  5        WHEREAS, the ongoing threat of terrorism, particularly since September 11,
  6    2001,  has hurt the economy of Idaho as well as economies of our sister states
  7    and the United States, damaged tourism and travel, and created a negative eco-
  8    nomic atmosphere hurting business and resulting in job losses; and
  9        WHEREAS, the ongoing threat of worldwide terrorism at home and abroad  has
 10    forced  local, state and federal resources in the United States to be diverted
 11    from other critical domestic programs for the purpose of enhancing  the  secu-
 12    rity of our citizens; and
 13        WHEREAS,  the  United States and Israel are joined in this common struggle
 14    against terrorism and are on the front lines of a conflict thrust upon them by
 15    forces beyond their control; and
 16        WHEREAS, Yasser Arafat and members  of  the  Palestinian  leadership  have
 17    failed  to  abide  by  their commitments to nonviolence made in the Israel-PLO
 18    Declaration of Principles (the "Oslo Accord")  of  September  1993,  including
 19    their  pledges  to  (1)  adhere strictly to "a peaceful resolution of the con-
 20    flict," (2) resolve "all  outstanding  issues  relating  to  permanent  status
 21    through  negotiations,"  (3)  renounce "the use of terrorism and other acts of
 22    violence," and (4) "assume responsibility over all PLO elements and  personnel
 23    in order to assure their compliance (with the commitment to nonviolence), pre-
 24    vent violence, and discipline violators"; and
 25        WHEREAS,  the continued terrorism and incitement committed, supported, and
 26    coordinated by official arms of the Palestinian Authority are a direct  viola-
 27    tion of these commitments; and
 28        WHEREAS,  forces  directly under Yasser Arafat's control, particularly the
 29    al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, which is part of Arafat's  Fatah  organization  has
 30    been  designated  a  foreign  terrorist  organization by the government of the
 31    United States and has murdered scores of innocent Israelis; and
 32        WHEREAS, President George W. Bush declared at a joint session of  Congress
 33    on  September 20, 2001, that "from this day forward, any nation that continues
 34    to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hos-
 35    tile regime"; and
 36        WHEREAS, Israel's military operations  are  an  effort  to  defend  itself
 37    against  the  unspeakable  horrors  of ongoing terrorism and are aimed only at
 38    dismantling the terrorist infrastructure in the Palestinian areas, an  obliga-
 39    tion Arafat himself undertook but failed to complete.
 40        NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the Second Regular Ses-
 41    sion of the Fifty-seventh Idaho Legislature, the Senate and the House of  Rep-
 42    resentatives concurring therein, that Idaho:
 43        (1)  Stands  in solidarity with Israel as it takes necessary steps to pro-
 44    vide security to its people by dismantling the terrorist infrastructure in the
  1    Palestinian areas; and
  2        (2)  Remains committed to Israel's  right  to  self-defense  and  supports
  3    additional United States assistance to help Israel defend itself; and
  4        (3)  Condemns Palestinian suicide bombings; and
  5        (4)  Demands that the Palestinian Authority at last fulfill its commitment
  6    to  dismantle the terrorist infrastructure in the Palestinian areas, including
  7    any such infrastructure associated with  the  PLO  and  Palestinian  Authority
  8    entities tied directly to Yasser Arafat; and
  9        (5)  Commends  the President for his leadership in addressing the Israeli-
 10    Palestinian conflict, particularly the efforts of the Administration to engage
 11    countries throughout the region to condemn and prevent terrorism and  to  pre-
 12    vent a widening of the conflict; and
 13        (6)  Urges  all  parties  in  the  region  to pursue vigorously efforts to
 14    establish a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace in the Middle East; and
 15        (7)  Will work as an elected body to promote tourism, economic trade,  and
 16    cultural  exchange with the State of Israel, keeping relations healthy now and
 17    into the future for the benefit of the state of Idaho and Israel.