2005 Health Care Task Force/High-Risk Reinsurance Pool Oversight Committee

Charge: To ask and find answers for the unprecedented increases in health insurance premiums; to determine a method of limiting the assessments that may be imposed on carriers providing reinsurance by way of excess or stop-loss coverage and on carriers selling insurance in the individual market; to review options regarding initially limiting enrollment of the Individual High-Risk Reinsurance Pool in order to preserve the financial integrity of the pool.
Idaho Code, Section 41-5502

Sen. Dean Cameron, Co-chair Rep. Bill Deal, Co-chair
Sen. Joe Stegner Rep. Max Black
Sen. John Goedde Rep. Kathie Garrett
Sen. Dick Compton Rep. Gary Collins
Sen. Tim Corder Rep. Sharon Block
Sen. Kate Kelly Rep. Margaret Henbest


Staff: Caralee Lambert, Paige Parker, Secretary: Toni Hobbs

Meeting Agendas:
June 1, 2005
July 8, 2005
September 22, 2005
October 27, 2005
December 9, 2005

Meeting Minutes:
June 1, 2005
July 8, 2005
September 22, 2005
October 27, 2005
December 9, 2005