2005 Legislation
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 119 – Higher education, sustainability


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Bill Status

SCR119.....................................................by STATE AFFAIRS
HIGHER EDUCATION - SUSTAINABILITY - Stating findings of the Legislature and
encouraging development of the concept of sustainability at Idaho
institutions of higher education.
03/24    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
03/25    Rpt prt - to 10th Ord
03/29    10th Ord - ADOPTED - voice vote
    Floor Sponsor - Little
    Title apvd - to House
03/30    House intro - 1st rdg - to Educ
03/31    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
04/01    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
04/04    3rd rdg - ADOPTED - voice vote
    Floor Sponsor - Mitchell
    Title apvd - to Senate
04/04    To enrol
04/05    Rpt enrol - Pres/Sp signed
04/06    To Secretary of State

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-eighth Legislature                   First Regular Session - 2005
                                       IN THE SENATE
                            SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 119
                                 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE
  1                               A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
  4    Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
  5        WHEREAS, the people of the state of Idaho are  justifiably  proud  of  our
  6    rich tradition of quality institutions of higher education and preservation of
  7    our natural resources; and
  8        WHEREAS, Idaho's institutions of higher education should be models for the
  9    wise stewardship of economic and environmental resources; and
 10        WHEREAS,  the state of Idaho and its institutions of higher education bear
 11    profound responsibility to increase awareness, knowledge, technology and tools
 12    that will lead the state of Idaho to a prosperous and sustainable future; and
 13        WHEREAS, environmental sustainability has  been  defined  as  meeting  the
 14    needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to
 15    meet  their own needs and may include use of resources in a manner that allows
 16    the resources to be replenished by natural systems, as well  as  avoidance  of
 17    pollution  that  damages biological systems and emphasizes use of resources in
 18    such a manner that they will never be exhausted; and
 19        WHEREAS, the state of Idaho should encourage the mobilization of  internal
 20    and  external  resources so its institutions can collaborate to develop a con-
 21    cept of sustainability that reflects Idaho's unique values  and  involves  all
 22    stakeholders; and
 23        WHEREAS,  education  is  critical  for  pursuing  a sustainable future for
 24    Idaho; and
 25        WHEREAS, education for sustainability increases the power of all  Idahoans
 26    to address future economic and environmental realities; and
 27        WHEREAS,  the  state  of Idaho's major industries have benefited from, and
 28    will continue to  benefit  from,  commitment  to  an  institutional  focus  on
 29    research  and  development  of  new ideas and technologies that will lead to a
 30    sustainable future; and
 31        WHEREAS, the University of Idaho is paving the way to the  future  through
 32    innovative  research,  collaboration  with  statewide  extensions  and private
 33    industry, and the development of an effective sustainability curriculum.
 34        NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the First Regular Session
 35    of the Fifty-eighth Idaho Legislature, the Senate and the House of Representa-
 36    tives concurring therein, that an educational  focus  on  sustainability  will
 37    lead  the state of Idaho to the realization of its economic aspirations, envi-
 38    ronmental goals, and beyond our greatest expectations for the future.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                       STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

                            RS 15098C1

The proposal would direct the institutions of higher learning to
encourage the stewardship and increase awareness that will lead
the state of Idaho to a sustainable future. Sustainability can be
defined as creating community-based economic and social
connections while maintaining environmental quality without
depleting natural resources for future generations.  Institutions
of higher learning are encouraged to set an example by
implementing steps to achieve a sustainable community, with the
ultimate goal of a sustainable Idaho.

                           FISCAL NOTE

There is no immediate fiscal impact, but the legislature may
invest in project concepts in the future.

Name:  Kathryn Whittier 
Phone: 208-375-7580