2005 Legislation
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SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 102 – Senate, attache pay, leadership


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Bill Status

SR102................................................by JUDICIARY AND RULES
SENATE RULES - ATTACHE PAY - Stating findings of the Senate and amending
Rule 7 of the Rules of the Senate to provide that Senate employee
compensation shall be determined by Senate leadership.
01/31    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/01    Rpt prt - rec d/p - to 10th Ord
02/03    10th Ord - ADOPTED - 34-0-1
      AYES -- Andreason, Brandt, Broadsword, Bunderson, Burkett,
      Burtenshaw, Cameron, Coiner, Compton, Corder, Darrington, Davis,
      Gannon, Geddes, Goedde, Hill, Jorgenson, Kelly, Keough, Langhorst,
      Little, Lodge, Malepeai, Marley, McGee, McKenzie, Noble, Richardson,
      Schroeder, Stegner, Stennett, Sweet, Werk, Williams(Williams)
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- Pearce
    Floor Sponsor - Davis
    Title apvd - Filed in Office of the Secretary of Senate

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-eighth Legislature                   First Regular Session - 2005
                                       IN THE SENATE
                                 SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 102
                              BY JUDICIARY AND RULES COMMITTEE
  1                                 A SENATE RESOLUTION
  3    Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Idaho:
  4        WHEREAS, the Senate deems it necessary and desirable to amend  Rule  7  of
  5    the Rules of the Senate.
  6        NOW,  THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the Senate, assembled in
  7    the First Regular Session of the Fifty-eighth Idaho Legislature, that  Rule  7
  8    of the Rules of the  Senate be amended to read as follows:
  9                                        RULE 7
 10        Employees of Senate.--(A)   The officers and employees of the Senate shall
 11    consist  of  one  secretary,  one  assistant secretary, one journal clerk, one
 12    docket clerk, one chaplain, one sergeant at arms, one doorkeeper,  two  pages,
 13    one  janitor,  one payroll clerk, and such other assistants, clerks, secretar-
 14    ies, and other employees as the Senate may determine to be  required  for  the
 15    expeditious conduct of its business.
 16        Duties  of  Employees.--(B)  It  shall be the duty of the Secretary of the
 17    Senate to attend each day, call the roll, read the journals and bills, and  to
 18    copy  or  take  charge of and superintend all copying necessary to be done for
 19    the Senate.
 20        It shall be the duty of the Assistant Secretary  of  the  Senate  to  take
 21    charge  of  all bills, petitions, and other papers presented to the Senate, to
 22    file and enter the same in the books provided for that  purpose,  and  perform
 23    such other duties as may be directed by the Secretary of the Senate.
 24        It  shall furthermore be the duty of the Secretary of the Senate to keep a
 25    correct record of the proceedings of each day, for the purpose of having  such
 26    proceedings entered in the Journal by the Journal Clerk.
 27        It  shall  be  the  duty of the Journal Clerk of the Senate to record each
 28    day's proceedings in the Journal, from which they shall be read by the  Secre-
 29    tary  each day of meeting, in order that they may be authenticated by the sig-
 30    nature of the President.
 31        It shall be the duty of the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate to give a  gen-
 32    eral supervision, under the direction of the presiding officers, of the Senate
 33    Chamber, with the rooms attached; to attend during the sittings of the Senate,
 34    execute  its  commands, together with all such proceedings issued by authority
 35    thereof, as shall be directed by the presiding officers.
 36        It shall be the duty of the Doorkeeper to prohibit all persons from enter-
 37    ing the bar of the Senate except those who by rule or invitation  are  permit-
 38    ted,  and to arrest for contempt all persons outside of the bar or in the gal-
 39    lery found engaged in loud conversation, or otherwise making a noise,  to  the
 40    disturbance of the Senate.
 41        It shall be the duty of the Janitor to keep the furniture of the Senate in
  1    good  order,  and perform such other duties as he may be directed to do by the
  2    President Pro Tempore of the Senate.
  3        It shall be the duty of the Payroll Clerk to prepare the payroll  and  all
  4    payroll  documents,  prepare  all  vouchers for all expenses of the Senate and
  5    keep all records pertaining thereto.
  6        It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to open the proceedings of the Senate
  7    with prayer.
  8        Selection and Pay of Employees.--(C)  All employees of the Senate shall be
  9    selected by an attache committee, which committee shall be  appointed  by  the
 10    Senate  leadership, of the Senate, and the employees so selected shall be sub-
 11    ject to the approval of the Senate.  There shall be paid to the  employees  of
 12    the  Senate,  for  all  services rendered by them, such compensation as may be
 13    fixed by Senate resolution determined by Senate leadership.  The President Pro
 14    Tempore is authorized to retain such personnel as deemed necessary during  the
 15    interim.
 16        Supervision  of Employees.--(D)  Subject to the overall supervision of the
 17    President Pro Tempore, the Secretary of the Senate shall have general  respon-
 18    sibility  for  all Senate employees, although doorkeepers, watchmen, janitors,
 19    pages, and others charged with housekeeping functions,  shall  be  immediately
 20    responsible to the Sergeant at Arms.
 21        Removal  of  Employees.--(E)  Any  of  the  employees of the Senate may be
 22    removed by a two-thirds vote of the members of the Senate for failure to  per-
 23    form  the  duties imposed upon them, or for incompetency, or for conduct which
 24    shall by the Senate be deemed improper.
 25        Delivery of Bills and Papers to Secretary of State.-- (F)  It shall be the
 26    duty of the Secretary of the Senate, at the close of each session of the  leg-
 27    islature,  to  mark,  label, and arrange all bills and papers belonging to the
 28    archives of the Senate, and to deliver the same, together with all  the  books
 29    of  the  Senate, to the Secretary of State, who shall certify to the reception
 30    of the same.
 31        Purchases, Etc.--(G)  No purchase shall be made or expense incurred by the
 32    Sergeant at Arms or any officer or employee of the Senate in its behalf except
 33    upon the written order of the President Pro Tempore.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                       STATEMENT OF PURPOSE
                            RS 14612C1

The purpose of this Resolution is to amend Rule 7 of the Idaho
Senate.  It deletes the formal requirement of fixing attache'
compensation by resolution.  It allows Senate Leadership to
establish payroll policies and manage the same in a more
businesslike fashion.

                           FISCAL NOTE


Name:  Senator Bart M. Davis 
Phone: (208) 332-1305