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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATIONS - PUBLIC SCHOOLS - FACILITIES - Appropriates $22,722,900 to the Educational Support Program/Division of Facilities for fiscal year 2007; provides for the transfer and appropriation of moneys to the Bond Levy Equalization Fund; and amends existing law to provide that moneys in the Bond Levy Equalization Fund be continuously appropriated. 03/31 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 04/03 Rpt prt - to 2nd rdg Rls susp - PASSED - 54-14-2 AYES -- Anderson, Andrus, Barraclough, Barrett, Bastian, Bayer, Bedke, Bell, Bilbao, Black, Block, Bolz, Brackett, Cannon, Chadderdon, Clark, Collins, Crow, Deal, Denney, Edmunson, Ellsworth, Eskridge, Field(18), Field(23), Hart, Harwood, Henderson, Kemp, Lake, Loertscher, Mathews, McGeachin, McKague, Miller, Moyle, Nielsen, Nonini, Raybould, Ring, Roberts, Rydalch, Sali, Schaefer, Shepherd(8), Shirley, Skippen, Smith(24), Smylie, Snodgrass, Stevenson, Wills, Wood, Mr. Speaker NAYS -- Boe, Henbest, Jaquet, LeFavour, Martinez, Mitchell, Pasley-Stuart, Pence, Ringo, Rusche, Sayler, Shepherd(2), Smith(30), Trail Absent and excused -- Bradford, Garrett Floor Sponsor - Bedke Title apvd - to Senate 04/03 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to Fin 04/04 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg Rls susp - PASSED - 25-8-2 AYES -- Andreason, Brandt, Broadsword, Bunderson, Burtenshaw, Cameron, Coiner, Compton, Corder, Davis, Gannon, Geddes, Goedde, Hill, Jorgenson, Keough, Little, Lodge, McGee, McKenzie, Pearce, Richardson, Stegner, Sweet, Williams NAYS -- Burkett, Kelly, Langhorst, Malepeai, Marley, Schroeder, Stennett, Werk Absent and excused -- Darrington, Fulcher Floor Sponsor - Keough Title apvd - to House 04/05 To enrol - Rpt enrol - Sp signed - Pres signed To Governor 04/10 Governor signed Session Law Chapter 423 Effective: 07/01/06
]]]] LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO ]]]] Fifty-eighth Legislature Second Regular Session - 2006IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 864 BY APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO THE APPROPRIATION FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS DIVISION OF FACILITIES; 3 APPROPRIATING FUNDS TO THE EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PROGRAM/DIVISION OF FACILI- 4 TIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007; TRANSFERRING AND APPROPRIATING CERTAIN FUNDS TO 5 THE BOND LEVY EQUALIZATION FUND; AND AMENDING SECTION 33-906A, IDAHO CODE, 6 TO PROVIDE THAT MONEYS IN THE BOND LEVY EQUALIZATION FUND BE CONTINUOUSLY 7 APPROPRIATED FOR THE BOND LEVY EQUALIZATION SUPPORT PROGRAM. 8 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 9 SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated to the Educational Support 10 Program/Division of Facilities, pursuant to law and the provisions of this 11 act, the following amounts to be expended from the listed funds for the period 12 July 1, 2006, through June 30, 2007: 13 FROM: 14 School District Building Account $17,222,900 15 General Fund 5,500,000 16 TOTAL $22,722,900 17 SECTION 2. Of the General Fund moneys appropriated in Section 1 of this 18 act, $1,000,000 is hereby transferred and appropriated to the Bond Levy Equal- 19 ization Fund. The provisions of Section 33-905, Idaho Code, notwithstanding, 20 of the moneys appropriated in Section 1 of this act, the amount necessary to 21 fund the provisions of Section 33-906, Idaho Code, is hereby transferred and 22 appropriated from the School District Building Account to the Bond Levy Equal- 23 ization Fund. 24 SECTION 3. That Section 33-906A, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 25 amended to read as follows: 26 33-906A. BOND LEVY EQUALIZATION FUND. There is hereby created in the 27 state treasury a bond levy equalization fund. This fund shall contain such 28 moneys as may be directed pursuant to appropriation. Moneys in the fund shall 29 be used exclusively to make the payments authorized by the bond levy equaliza- 30 tion program created in section 33-906, Idaho Code. Moneys in the fund are 31 hereby continuously appropriated for the purposes stated in section 33-906, 32 Idaho Code, and shall only be expended for the purposes stated therein.
RS15303 |
This is the Fiscal Year 2007 appropriation for the Division of Facilities portion of the Public Schools budget. It is the first time in which General Fund money has been appropriated for this division of the Public Schools budget. The pieces of the Public Schools budget that are part of this division’s appropriation include: FY 2007 represents a transition year for Bond Levy Equalization. In the past, this program Since all available Lottery funds will be distributed in FY 2007, no such balances will be
FY 2006 Approp. |
FY 2007 Approp. |
Div. of Facilities |
A. | Sources of Funds | |||
1. | General Fund | $987,110,0000 | $1,040,941,300 | $5,500,000 |
2. | Dedicated Funds | $45,232,800 | $51,366,800 | $17,222,900 |
3. | Federal Funds | $165,000,000 | $175,000,000 | $0 |
4. | TOTAL STATE APPROPRIATIONS | $1,197,342,800 | $1,267,308,100 | $22,722,900 |
General Fund Percent Increase: |
2.3% | 5.5% | ||
Total Funds Percent Increase: |
2.7% | 5.8% | 68.9% | |
A. | Statutory Requirements | |||
1. | Property Tax Replacement | $75,000,000 | $75,000,000 | $0 |
2. | Transportation | $60,521,600 | $64,316,700 | $0 |
3. | Border Contracts | $800,000 | $800,000 | $0 |
4. | Exceptional Contracts/Tuition Equivalents | $5,750,000 | $5,750,000 | $0 |
5. | Floor | $395,500 | $0 | $0 |
6. | Program Adjustments | $400,000 | $435,000 | $0 |
7. | Salary-based Apportionment | $697,958,200 | $740,842,100 | $0 |
8. | Teacher Incentive Award | $696,400 | $313,200 | $0 |
9. | State Paid Employee Benefits | $126,161,700 | $133,897,900 | $0 |
10. | Early Retirement Program | $4,600,000 | $4,750,000 | $0 |
11. | Bond Levy Equalization | $4,527,500 | $6,300,000 | $6,300,000 |
12. | Idaho Safe & Drug-Free Schools | $4,700,000 | $5,500,000 | $0 |
13. | Sub-total — Statutory Requirements | $981,510,900 | $1,037,904,900 | $6,300,000 |
B. | Other Program Distributions | |||
1. |
Technology & Remediation | $9,500,000 | $9,800,000 | $0 |
2. | Idaho Reading Initiative | $2,800,000 | $2,800,000 | $0 |
3. | Limited English Proficiency (LEP) | $5,060,000 | $6,040,000 | $0 |
4. | Gifted & Talented | $500,000 | $500,000 | $0 |
5. | Idaho Digital Learning Academy | $900,000 | $1,100,000 | $0 |
6. | School Facilities Funding (Lottery) | $8,922,500 | $10,772,900 | $10,772,900 |
7. | School Facilities Maintenance Match | $0 | $5,650,000 | $5,650,000 |
8. | Federal Funds for Local School Districts | $165,000,000 | $175,000,000 | $0 |
9. | Sub-total — Other Program Distributions | $192,682,500 | $211,662,900 | $16,422,900 |
TOTAL CATEGORICAL EXPENDITURES | $1,174,193,400 | $1,249,567,800 | $22,722,900 | |
IV. | STATE DISCRETIONARY FUNDS | $23,149,400 | $17,740,300 | |
V. | ESTIMATED SUPPORT UNITS | 13,150 | 13,500 | |
VII. | LOCAL DISCRETIONARY PER SUPPOR | $22,935 | $24,122 | |
Contact:Jason Hancock
LegislativeServices Office
Budgetand Policy Analysis