2006 Legislation
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HOUSE BILL NO. 673 – Liquor license, year-round resort


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Bill Status

H0673aaS...................................................by STATE AFFAIRS
LIQUOR LICENSES - Amends and adds to existing law relating to liquor
licenses to provide for liquor license fees; to provide for the issuance of
not more than three liquor licenses to the owner, operator or lessee of
beverage, lodging or dining facilities located within a year-round resort;
to provide for the issuance of a liquor license within limitations to the
owner, operator or lessee of a golf course, ski resort, cross-country
skiing facility or waterfront resort located within a year-round resort; to
provide for the nontransferability of liquor licenses outside the
year-round resort; to provide reference to fees; and to define "year-round
02/13    House intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/14    Rpt prt - to St Aff
02/23    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
02/24    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
03/02    3rd rdg - PASSED - 50-17-3
      AYES -- Anderson, Andrus, Barraclough, Barrett, Bastian, Bayer, Bell,
      Bilbao, Black, Boe, Bolz, Brackett, Bradford, Chadderdon, Clark,
      Collins, Crow, Deal, Denney, Edmunson, Eskridge, Field(23), Garrett,
      Hart, Harwood, Henbest, Henderson, Jaquet, Kemp, LeFavour, Martinez,
      McKague, Miller, Nonini, Pasley-Stuart, Pence, Ring, Ringo, Roberts,
      Rusche, Schaefer, Shepherd(2), Shepherd(8), Skippen, Smith(30),
      Smylie, Snodgrass, Stevenson, Trail, Mr. Speaker
      NAYS -- Bedke, Cannon, Ellsworth, Lake, Loertscher, Mathews,
      McGeachin, Mitchell, Moyle, Nielsen, Raybould, Rydalch, Sali, Sayler,
      Shirley, Wills, Wood
      Absent and excused -- Block, Field(18), Smith(24)
    Floor Sponsor - Snodgrass
    Title apvd - to Senate
03/03    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to St Aff
03/13    Rpt out - to 14th Ord
03/14    Rpt out amen - to 1st rdg as amen
03/15    1st rdg - to 2nd rdg as amen
03/16    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg as amen
03/20    3rd rdg as amen - PASSED - 22-12-1
      AYES -- Broadsword, Burkett, Burtenshaw, Cameron, Compton, Corder,
      Davis, Gannon, Goedde, Jorgenson, Kelly, Keough, Langhorst, Little,
      Lodge, Malepeai, McGee, McKenzie, Stegner, Stennett, Sweet, Werk
      NAYS -- Andreason, Brandt, Bunderson, Coiner, Darrington, Fulcher,
      Geddes, Hill, Pearce, Richardson, Schroeder, Williams
      Absent and excused -- Marley
    Floor Sponsor - McGee
    Title apvd - to House
03/21    House concurred in Senate amens - to engros
03/22    Rpt engros - 1st rdg as amen - Ref'd to W/M
04/06    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg as amen
04/07    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg as amen
04/10    3rd rdg as amen - PASSED - 49-18-3
      AYES -- Anderson, Barraclough, Barrett, Bastian, Bayer, Bedke, Bell,
      Bilbao, Black, Block, Boe, Bolz, Brackett, Bradford, Chadderdon,
      Collins, Crow, Deal, Edmunson, Eskridge, Field(18), Field(23),
      Garrett, Hart, Harwood, Henbest, Henderson, Jaquet, Kemp, LeFavour,
      Martinez, McKague, Miller, Pasley-Stuart, Pence, Ring, Ringo,
      Roberts, Rusche, Schaefer, Shepherd(2), Shepherd(8), Skippen,
      Smith(30), Smylie, Snodgrass, Stevenson, Trail, Mr. Speaker
      NAYS -- Andrus, Denney, Ellsworth, Lake, Loertscher, Mathews,
      McGeachin, Moyle, Nielsen, Nonini, Raybould, Rydalch, Sali, Sayler,
      Shirley, Smith(24), Wills, Wood
      Absent and excused -- Cannon, Clark, Mitchell
    Floor Sponsor - Snodgrass
    Title apvd - To enrol - Rpt enrol - Sp signed
04/10    Pres signed - To Governor
04/13    Governor signed
         Session Law Chapter 449
         Effective: 07/01/06

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-eighth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2006
                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                                     HOUSE BILL NO. 673
                                 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE
  1                                        AN ACT
 15    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
 16        SECTION 1.  That Section 23-904, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
 17    amended to read as follows:
 18        23-904.  LICENSE FEES. Each licensee licensed under the provisions of this
 19    act shall pay an annual license fee to the director as follows:
 20        (a.1)  For  each  license  in a city of one thousand (1,000) population or
 21    less, three hundred dollars ($300) per annum.
 22        (b.2)  For each license in a city of from one thousand  (1,000)  to  three
 23    thousand (3,000) population, five hundred dollars ($500) per annum.
 24        (c.3)  For  each  license in a city having a population of more than three
 25    thousand (3,000), seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) per annum.
 26        (d.4)  For each railroad train for sale only in  buffet,  club  or  dining
 27    cars,  fifty  dollars  ($50.00)  per  annum of the scheduled run of such train
 28    within the state of Idaho; provided, that such license shall be in  full,  and
 29    in lieu of all other licenses herein provided for.
 30        (e.5)  For  each  common  carrier  boat line for sale only in buffet, club
 31    dining rooms, two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per annum. Such  license  shall
 32    be in full, and in lieu of all other licenses herein provided for.
 33        (f.6)  For each license issued to the owner, operator, or lessee of a golf
 34    course  as  described  in  section 23-903, Idaho Code, or to the lessee of any
 35    premises situate on such golf course, situate in any county having  a  popula-
 36    tion of:
 37        (1.a)  Less  than twenty thousand (20,000), two hundred dollars ($200) per
 38        annum;
 39        (2.b)  Twenty thousand (20,000) but less  than  forty  thousand  (40,000),
 40        three hundred dollars ($300) per annum; and
 41        (3.c)  Forty  thousand  (40,000)  or more, four hundred dollars ($400) per
 42        annum.
 43        (g.7)  For each common carrier airline for sale  only  in  common  carrier
  1    aircraft, two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per annum. Such license shall be in
  2    full, and in lieu of all other licenses herein provided for.
  3        (h.8)  For each license issued to the owner, operator, or lessee of a res-
  4    taurant  operated  on  an airport, as described in section 23-903, Idaho Code,
  5    situate within the corporate limits of a city, the fee shall be  the  same  as
  6    provided in paragraphs "a"(1)  through "c,"(3), inclusive, of this section.
  7        (i.9)  For each license issued to the owner, operator, or lessee of a res-
  8    taurant  operated  on  an airport, as described in section 23-903, Idaho Code,
  9    situate without the corporate limits of a city, the fee shall be the  same  as
 10    provided in paragraph "f"(6) of this section. Licenses issued under and pursu-
 11    ant  to  the  provisions of this act shall expire at 1:00 o'clock A.M. a.m. on
 12    the first day of January of the following year.
 13        (10)  For each license issued to an owner  or  operator  of  a  year-round
 14    resort  as  described in section 23-957, Idaho Code, two thousand five hundred
 15    dollars ($2,500) per annum. For each  beverage,  lodging  or  dining  facility
 16    owner or operator within the boundaries of a year-round resort as described in
 17    section  23-957,  Idaho  Code,  two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) per
 18    annum. For each beverage, lodging or dining facility lessee within the  bound-
 19    aries of the year-round resort as described in section 23-957, Idaho Code, one
 20    thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) per annum.
 21        Provided  that  any licensee who operates for only a portion of a year may
 22    have his license fee prorated from the date he commences operation to the  end
 23    of the calendar year, but in no event for less than six (6) months.
 24        In  the event a licensee who was previously issued a license on a prorated
 25    basis under the provisions hereof desires to have such license renewed for the
 26    same period for the next succeeding year, he shall file his  intention  to  so
 27    apply  for such license with the director, accompanied by the fee required for
 28    the issuance of such license on or before December 31st of the year preceding.
 29        The license fees herein provided for are exclusive of and in  addition  to
 30    other license fees chargeable in the state of Idaho.
 31        The  basis  upon  which  respective populations of municipalities shall be
 32    determined is the last preceding census or any subsequent special census  con-
 33    ducted  by the United States bureau of the census, unless a direct enumeration
 34    of the inhabitants thereof be made by the state of Idaho, in which  case  such
 35    later direct enumeration shall constitute such basis.
 36        SECTION  2.  That  Chapter  9,  Title  23, Idaho Code, be, and the same is
 37    hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and  des-
 38    ignated as Section 23-957, Idaho Code, and to read as follows:
 39        23-957.  YEAR-ROUND LIQUOR LICENSE. (1) Nothing in this chapter shall pro-
 40    hibit  the  issuance of licenses to the owner, operator or lessee of beverage,
 41    lodging or dining facilities located and  operated  within  the  ownership  or
 42    leasehold boundaries of a year-round resort.
 43        (2)  Nothing  contained  in  this chapter shall prohibit the issuance of a
 44    license to the owner, operator or lessee of a golf course, ski resort,  cross-
 45    country  skiing  facility or waterfront resort, as defined in sections 23-903,
 46    23-903a and 23-948, Idaho Code, located  within  the  ownership  or  leasehold
 47    boundaries of a year-round resort.
 48        (3)  No license issued to the owner, operator or lessee of beverage, lodg-
 49    ing  or  dining facilities located and operated within the ownership or lease-
 50    hold boundaries of a year-round resort shall be transferable to another  loca-
 51    tion  or facility located outside the ownership or leasehold boundaries of the
 52    year-round resort.
 53        (4)  The fees for licenses granted to the owner,  operator  or  lessee  of
  1    beverage,  lodging or dining facilities located and operated within the owner-
  2    ship or leasehold boundaries of a year-round resort shall be the same as those
  3    prescribed for year-round resorts in section 23-904(10), Idaho Code.
  4        (5)  "Year-round resort" means a resort open to  the  public  year  around
  5    which offers all of the following within the ownership or leasehold boundaries
  6    of the resort:
  7        (a)  Cross-country  skiing  on  not  less  than  thirty (30) kilometers of
  8        groomed cross-country skiing trails;
  9        (b)  Alpine skiing on real property of not less than eight  hundred  fifty
 10        (850)    acres, operating two (2) or more chair lifts with a vertical lift
 11        of two thousand eight hundred (2,800) feet or more, and  having  operating
 12        snowmaking  equipment  providing  coverage  to  at least seventy-five (75)
 13        acres of skiing;
 14        (c)  A golf course having:
 15             (i)   No less than eighteen (18) holes with greens, fairways and tees
 16             laid out and used in the usual and regular manner of a golf course;
 17             (ii)  A total distance of seven thousand (7,000) yards as measured by
 18             totaling the tee-to-green distance of all holes; and
 19             (iii) The course planted in grass;
 20        (d)  Mountain bike activities which include at least twelve (12) miles  of
 21        single  track  trails,  chair  lift served access to at least two thousand
 22        eight hundred (2,800) feet of vertical descent and  a  full  service  bike
 23        rental and repair facility; and
 24        (e)  At least seventy (70) private residences and accommodations available
 25        to  provide  overnight  lodging and dining facilities serving at least two
 26        (2) meals per day for at least five hundred (500) persons  located  within
 27        the ownership or leasehold boundaries of the resort.
 28        SECTION  3.  That  Section  23-903, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 29    amended to read as follows:
 30        23-903.  LICENSE TO RETAIL LIQUOR. The director of the Idaho state  police
 31    is  hereby  empowered, authorized, and directed to issue licenses to qualified
 32    applicants, as herein provided, whereby the licensee shall be  authorized  and
 33    permitted to sell liquor by the drink at retail and, upon the issuance of such
 34    license,  the  licensee  therein  named  shall be authorized to sell liquor at
 35    retail by the drink, but only in accordance with the rules promulgated by  the
 36    director  and  the  provisions of this chapter. No license shall be issued for
 37    the sale of liquor on any premises outside the incorporated limits of any city
 38    except as provided in this chapter and the number of licenses  so  issued  for
 39    any  city  shall not exceed one (1) license for each one thousand five hundred
 40    (1,500) of population of said city or fraction thereof, as established in  the
 41    last  preceding  census,  or  any  subsequent  special census conducted by the
 42    United States bureau of the census or by an  estimate  that  is  statistically
 43    valid  including  adding  the number of new residential utility connections or
 44    including adding the population of areas annexed into the city after the  last
 45    census  or  special  census was conducted, except that upon proper application
 46    thereof not more than two (2) licenses may be  issued  for  each  incorporated
 47    city  with  a  population of one thousand five hundred (1,500) or less, unless
 48    the retail licensing of liquor by the drink has  been  previously  disapproved
 49    under  the  provisions  of sections 23-917, 23-918, 23-919, 23-920 and 23-921,
 50    Idaho Code; provided, however, that  any  license  heretofore  issued  may  be
 51    renewed  from  year  to year without regard to the population or status of the
 52    city for which such license is  issued.  Any  license  issued  and  which  has
 53    remained  in effect at its location for a consecutive period of ten (10) years
  1    or more shall be deemed to have been validly issued and may  be  renewed  from
  2    year  to  year  provided,  however, that the applicant for the renewal of such
  3    license is not  otherwise  disqualified  for  licensure  pursuant  to  section
  4    23-910,  Idaho Code, and, if the premises required special characteristics for
  5    original licensure, other than being either within or without the incorporated
  6    limits of a city, that said premises continue to have such special  character-
  7    istics at the time of the application for renewal.
  8        Nothing  herein  contained shall prohibit the issuance of a license to the
  9    owner, operator, or lessee of an actual, bona fide golf course whether located
 10    within or without the limits of any city, or located on premises also operated
 11    as a winery, or ski resort, or to the lessee of any premises situate  thereon,
 12    no  part  of  which  ski  resort or the premises thereon is situate within the
 13    incorporated limits of any city. For the purpose of this section a golf course
 14    shall comprise an actual, bona fide golf course, which is regularly  used  for
 15    the  playing  of  the  game  of  golf, and having not less than nine (9) tees,
 16    fairways and greens laid out and used in  the usual and regular  manner  of  a
 17    golf  course.  Nine (9) hole courses must have a total yardage of at least one
 18    thousand (1,000) yards, and eighteen (18)  hole  courses  must  have  a  total
 19    yardage  of  at  least  two thousand (2,000) yards as measured by totaling the
 20    tee-to-green distance of all holes. The course must be planted in grass except
 21    that it may provide artificial tee mats. Where any such golf course  is  owned
 22    or leased by an association of members and is used or enjoyed by such members,
 23    or  their  guests,  none of the disqualifications contained in section 23-910,
 24    Idaho Code, shall apply to such association as a licensee where such disquali-
 25    fications, or any of them, would apply only to a member  of  such  association
 26    where such member has no interest therein except as a member thereof.
 27        Also  for  the  purpose  of  this section a ski resort shall comprise real
 28    property of not less than ten (10) acres in size,  exclusive  of  the  terrain
 29    used  for  skiing  and  upon  which  the owner, operator, or lessee of the ski
 30    resort has made available himself, or through others, including, but not  lim-
 31    ited  to, the owners of condominiums, permanent bona fide overnight accommoda-
 32    tions available to the general public for one hundred (100) persons  or  more,
 33    and  which  real property is contiguous to or located within the area in which
 34    skiing occurs, and which real property is regularly operated as a  ski  resort
 35    in the winter time, and where the owner, operator, or lessee of the ski resort
 36    is also the owner, operator, or lessee of the area served by a bona fide chair
 37    ski  lift  facility or facilities. Alternatively, for the purpose of this sec-
 38    tion a ski resort may also be defined as a downhill ski area, open to the pub-
 39    lic, comprising real property of not less than two hundred fifty (250) skiable
 40    acres, operating two (2) or more chair lifts with a vertical lift of one thou-
 41    sand (1,000) feet or more, and capable of transporting a minimum of one  thou-
 42    sand eight hundred (1,800) skiers per hour. A ski resort qualifying under this
 43    definition  shall also have on the premises a lodge facility providing shelter
 44    and food service to the public, the operator of which shall also be the  valid
 45    owner or lessee of the grounds and facilities upon which the ski resort offers
 46    downhill  skiing  services to the public. The fees for licenses granted to ski
 47    resorts shall be the same as those prescribed for golf courses as set forth in
 48    section 23-904, Idaho Code. Not more than one (1) licensed premises  shall  be
 49    permitted  on  any golf course or any ski resort or within the area comprising
 50    the same.
 51        Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the issuance of a license  to  the
 52    owner,  operator or lessee of an actual, bona fide equestrian facility located
 53    on not less than forty (40) contiguous acres, with permanently erected seating
 54    of not less than six thousand (6,000)  seats,  no  part  of  which  equestrian
 55    facility  or the premises thereon is situate within the incorporated limits of
  1    any city, and which facility shall have at least three (3) days per year of  a
  2    professionally sanctioned rodeo. Not more than one (1) licensed premises shall
  3    be  permitted  at  any equestrian facility or within an area comprising such a
  4    facility. The license shall be solely for the equestrian  facility  and  shall
  5    not  be  transferred  to  any other location. The fees for licenses granted to
  6    equestrian facilities shall be the same as those prescribed for  golf  courses
  7    as set forth in section 23-904, Idaho Code.
  8        Nothing  herein  contained shall prohibit the issuance of a license to the
  9    owner, operator, or lessee of a restaurant operated on  an  airport  owned  or
 10    operated  by a county or municipal corporation or on an airport owned or oper-
 11    ated jointly by a county and municipal corporation, and which said airport  is
 12    served by a trunk or local service air carrier holding a certificate of public
 13    convenience  and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board of the United
 14    States of America. Not more than one (1) license shall be issued on  any  air-
 15    port.
 16        Nothing  herein  contained  shall  prohibit  the  issuance of one (1) club
 17    license  to a club as defined in section 23-902, Idaho Code. The holder  of  a
 18    club  license is authorized to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for consump-
 19    tion only within the licensed establishment owned, leased or occupied  by  the
 20    club,  and  only  to  bona  fide members of the club, and to serve and to sell
 21    alcoholic beverages for consumption to  bona  fide  members'  guests.  A  club
 22    license  issued pursuant to the provisions of this section is not transferable
 23    and may not be sold. Any club license issued pursuant  to  the  provisions  of
 24    this  section  will revert to the director when, in his judgment, the licensee
 25    ceases to operate as a bona fide club as  defined  in  section  23-902,  Idaho
 26    Code.  No  club may hold a liquor license and a club license simultaneously. A
 27    club which on July 1, 1983, holds a liquor license, may  continue  to  possess
 28    that license. Any club which possesses a liquor license on January 1, 1983, or
 29    thereafter, and then sells that liquor license, may not obtain a club license,
 30    and  the  director shall not issue a club license to that club for a period of
 31    five (5) years following such sale. The fee for any license issued to a quali-
 32    fying club within an incorporated municipality shall be as prescribed in  sub-
 33    sections  (a1),  (b2)  and (c3) of section 23-904, Idaho Code. The fee for any
 34    license issued to a qualifying club not situate within an incorporated munici-
 35    pality shall be as specified for golf courses under section 23-904(f6),  Idaho
 36    Code.  The provisions of section 23-916, Idaho Code, regarding county and city
 37    licenses, shall pertain to club licenses. The burden of  producing  sufficient
 38    documentation  of  qualifications  for  club  licensure shall be with the club
 39    applicant.
 40        Nothing in this chapter to the contrary shall prohibit the issuance  of  a
 41    license  to  the owner, operator, or lessee of an actual, bona fide convention
 42    center which is within the incorporated limits of a city having  a  population
 43    of  three  thousand  (3,000)  or greater, and which city does not have located
 44    therein a convention center with a valid convention  center  license  to  sell
 45    liquor  by  the  drink.  For  the purpose of this section, a convention center
 46    means a facility having at least thirty-five thousand (35,000) square feet  of
 47    floor  space  or  a facility having at least one hundred twenty (120) sleeping
 48    rooms and an adjoining meeting room which will accommodate not less than three
 49    hundred fifty (350) persons, whether or not such room may be partitioned  into
 50    smaller  rooms,  and  provided  that  such meeting room shall contain at least
 51    three thousand (3,000) square feet of floor space. Such license must be placed
 52    in actual use in said convention center within one (1) year from the  date  of
 53    its issuance. The fee for any license issued to a qualifying convention center
 54    shall  be  as  prescribed in subsection (c3) of section 23-904, Idaho Code. No
 55    license issued to a convention  center  hereunder  shall  be  transferable  to
  1    another  location  or  facility,  nor  shall the holder of a convention center
  2    license be eligible for the issuance of a license in the same city pursuant to
  3    any other provision of this chapter. For purposes of this  section,  the  term
  4    holder  shall  include an owner, operator or lessee and shall include a stock-
  5    holder, director, or officer of a corporation, or a partner in a  partnership,
  6    which  corporation  or partnership has been issued a convention center license
  7    pursuant to this chapter. Not more than one (1)  licensed  premises  shall  be
  8    permitted  on  any  convention  center or within the area comprising the same,
  9    including convention centers that also comprise golf courses or ski resorts as
 10    herein defined.
 11        Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the issuance of a  license  to  the
 12    owner, operator or lessee of a food, beverage and/or lodging facility that has
 13    been  in  continuous  operation in the same location for at least seventy-five
 14    (75) years, except for temporary closings for refurbishing or  reconstruction,
 15    or  a  food,  beverage  and lodging facility serving the public by reservation
 16    only, having a minimum of five (5) rooms operating in  a  structure  that  has
 17    been  in  existence  for  at least seventy-five (75) years and has been on the
 18    historic register for a minimum  of ten (10) years, is  situated  within  five
 19    hundred (500) yards of a natural lake containing a minimum of thirty-six thou-
 20    sand  (36,000)  acre feet of water when full with a minimum of thirty-two (32)
 21    miles of shoreline, and is located in a county with a  minimum  population  of
 22    sixty-five  thousand  (65,000).  The provisions of section 23-910, Idaho Code,
 23    shall apply to licenses issued to continuous operation  facilities.  The  fees
 24    shall be the same as those prescribed for golf courses as set forth in section
 25    23-904, Idaho Code. Licenses issued to continuous operation facilities are not
 26    transferable.
 27        Nothing  in  this  chapter shall prohibit the issuance of a license to the
 28    owner, operator or lessee of the lodging, dining and entertainment  facilities
 29    owned  by  a gondola resort complex and operated in conjunction with the other
 30    public services provided by  a  gondola  resort  complex  located  within  the
 31    ownership/leasehold boundaries of a gondola resort complex.
 32        A  gondola  resort  complex  means an actual, bona fide gondola capable of
 33    transporting people for recreational and/or entertainment  purposes  at  least
 34    three (3) miles in length with a vertical rise of three thousand (3,000) feet,
 35    portions  of which may be located within or over the limits of one (1) or more
 36    cities.
 37        Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the issuance of a  license  to  the
 38    owner,  operator  or  lessee  of  a winery also operating a golf course on the
 39    premises.
 40        Subject to approval of the mayor and  city council, nothing in this  chap-
 41    ter  shall prohibit the issuance of a license to the owner, operator or lessee
 42    of a food, conference and lodging facility constructed  after  July  1,  2004,
 43    containing  a  minimum  of  sixty thousand (60,000) square feet and sixty (60)
 44    guest  rooms  with  a  minimum  taxable  value  of  fifteen  million   dollars
 45    ($15,000,000)  in  a city with a population of less than five thousand (5,000)
 46    according to the most recent census.
 47        The provisions of section 23-910, Idaho  Code,  shall  apply  to  licenses
 48    issued  under  the  provisions  of this section. The fees shall be the same as
 49    those prescribed for golf courses as set forth in section 23-904, Idaho  Code.
 50    Licenses issued under the provisions of this section are not transferable.


  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-eighth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2006
                                                     Moved by    Geddes              
                                                     Seconded by McGee               
                                       IN THE SENATE
                             SENATE AMENDMENTS TO H.B. NO. 673
  1                               AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 1
  2        On page 2 of the printed bill, delete lines 14 and 15 and insert:  "resort
  3    as  described in section 23-957, Idaho Code, a one (1) time fee of twenty-five
  4    thousand dollars ($25,000). For each beverage, lodging or dining facility"; in
  5    line 16,  delete "boundaries" and  insert:  "premises";  in  line  18,  delete
  6    "bound-"  and  in line 19, delete "aries" and insert: "premises", also in line
  7    19, delete "one" and insert: "two"; and in  line  20,  delete  "($1,500)"  and
  8    insert: "($2,500)".
  9                               AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 2
 10        On  page  2,  in  line 40, following the first "of" insert: "not more than
 11    three (3)"; in line 42, delete "boundaries" and insert:  "premises";  in  line
 12    47,  delete "boundaries" and insert: "premises" and also in line 47, following
 13    "resort" insert: ", provided that such license shall count against the maximum
 14    number of licenses allowed by subsection (1) of this  section";  in  line  50,
 15    delete  "boundaries"  and  insert: "premises"; in line 51, delete "boundaries"
 16    and insert: "premises"; on page 3, in line 2, delete "boundaries" and  insert:
 17    "premises"; in line 5, delete "boundaries" and insert: "premises"; and in line
 18    27, delete "boundaries" and insert: "premises".
 19                                 CORRECTIONS TO TITLE
 20        On  page  1,  delete  line  5, and insert: "IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE FOR THE
 21    ISSUANCE OF NOT MORE THAN THREE"; in line 7, delete "BOUNDARIES"  and  insert:
 22    "PREMISES";  delete  line  8 and insert: "PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A LIQUOR
 23    LICENSE WITHIN LIMITATIONS TO";  and  in  line  10,  delete  "BOUNDARIES"  and
 24    insert: "PREMISES".

Engrossed Bill (Original Bill with Amendment(s) Incorporated)

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-eighth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2006
                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                        HOUSE BILL NO. 673, As Amended in the Senate
                                 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE
  1                                        AN ACT
 14        ENCES.
 15    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
 16        SECTION  1.  That  Section  23-904, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 17    amended to read as follows:
 18        23-904.  LICENSE FEES. Each licensee licensed under the provisions of this
 19    act shall pay an annual license fee to the director as follows:
 20        (a.1)  For each license in a city of one thousand  (1,000)  population  or
 21    less, three hundred dollars ($300) per annum.
 22        (b.2)  For  each  license  in a city of from one thousand (1,000) to three
 23    thousand (3,000) population, five hundred dollars ($500) per annum.
 24        (c.3)  For each license in a city having a population of more  than  three
 25    thousand (3,000), seven hundred fifty dollars ($750) per annum.
 26        (d.4)  For  each  railroad  train  for sale only in buffet, club or dining
 27    cars, fifty dollars ($50.00) per annum of the  scheduled  run  of  such  train
 28    within  the  state of Idaho; provided, that such license shall be in full, and
 29    in lieu of all other licenses herein provided for.
 30        (e.5)  For each common carrier boat line for sale  only  in  buffet,  club
 31    dining  rooms,  two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per annum. Such license shall
 32    be in full, and in lieu of all other licenses herein provided for.
 33        (f.6)  For each license issued to the owner, operator, or lessee of a golf
 34    course as described in section 23-903, Idaho Code, or to  the  lessee  of  any
 35    premises  situate  on such golf course, situate in any county having a popula-
 36    tion of:
 37        (1.a)  Less than twenty thousand (20,000), two hundred dollars ($200)  per
 38        annum;
 39        (2.b)  Twenty  thousand  (20,000)  but  less than forty thousand (40,000),
 40        three hundred dollars ($300) per annum; and
 41        (3.c)  Forty thousand (40,000) or more, four hundred  dollars  ($400)  per
 42        annum.
 43        (g.7)  For  each  common  carrier  airline for sale only in common carrier
  1    aircraft, two hundred fifty dollars ($250) per annum. Such license shall be in
  2    full, and in lieu of all other licenses herein provided for.
  3        (h.8)  For each license issued to the owner, operator, or lessee of a res-
  4    taurant operated on an airport, as described in section  23-903,  Idaho  Code,
  5    situate  within  the  corporate limits of a city, the fee shall be the same as
  6    provided in paragraphs "a"(1)  through "c,"(3), inclusive, of this section.
  7        (i.9)  For each license issued to the owner, operator, or lessee of a res-
  8    taurant operated on an airport, as described in section  23-903,  Idaho  Code,
  9    situate  without  the corporate limits of a city, the fee shall be the same as
 10    provided in paragraph "f"(6) of this section. Licenses issued under and pursu-
 11    ant to the provisions of this act shall expire at 1:00 o'clock  A.M.  a.m.  on
 12    the first day of January of the following year.
 13        (10)  For  each  license  issued  to  an owner or operator of a year-round
 14    resort as described in section 23-957, Idaho Code,  a  one  (1)  time  fee  of
 15    twenty-five  thousand  dollars ($25,000). For each beverage, lodging or dining
 16    facility owner or operator within the  premises  of  a  year-round  resort  as
 17    described  in  section  23-957,  Idaho Code, two thousand five hundred dollars
 18    ($2,500) per annum. For each  beverage,  lodging  or  dining  facility  lessee
 19    within  the  premises of the year-round resort as described in section 23-957,
 20    Idaho Code, two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) per annum.
 21        Provided that any licensee who operates for only a portion of a  year  may
 22    have  his license fee prorated from the date he commences operation to the end
 23    of the calendar year, but in no event for less than six (6) months.
 24        In the event a licensee who was previously issued a license on a  prorated
 25    basis under the provisions hereof desires to have such license renewed for the
 26    same  period  for  the next succeeding year, he shall file his intention to so
 27    apply for such license with the director, accompanied by the fee required  for
 28    the issuance of such license on or before December 31st of the year preceding.
 29        The  license  fees herein provided for are exclusive of and in addition to
 30    other license fees chargeable in the state of Idaho.
 31        The basis upon which respective populations  of  municipalities  shall  be
 32    determined  is the last preceding census or any subsequent special census con-
 33    ducted by the United States bureau of the census, unless a direct  enumeration
 34    of  the  inhabitants thereof be made by the state of Idaho, in which case such
 35    later direct enumeration shall constitute such basis.
 36        SECTION 2.  That Chapter 9, Title 23, Idaho Code,  be,  and  the  same  is
 37    hereby  amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des-
 38    ignated as Section 23-957, Idaho Code, and to read as follows:
 39        23-957.  YEAR-ROUND LIQUOR LICENSE. (1) Nothing in this chapter shall pro-
 40    hibit the issuance of not more than three (3) licenses to the owner,  operator
 41    or  lessee  of  beverage,  lodging  or  dining facilities located and operated
 42    within the ownership or leasehold premises of a year-round resort.
 43        (2)  Nothing contained in this chapter shall prohibit the  issuance  of  a
 44    license  to the owner, operator or lessee of a golf course, ski resort, cross-
 45    country skiing facility or waterfront resort, as defined in  sections  23-903,
 46    23-903a  and  23-948,  Idaho  Code,  located within the ownership or leasehold
 47    premises of a year-round  resort,  provided  that  such  license  shall  count
 48    against  the maximum number of licenses allowed by subsection (1) of this sec-
 49    tion.
 50        (3)  No license issued to the owner, operator or lessee of beverage, lodg-
 51    ing or dining facilities located and operated within the ownership  or  lease-
 52    hold premises of a year-round resort shall be transferable to another location
 53    or  facility  located outside the ownership or leasehold premises of the year-
  1    round resort.
  2        (4)  The fees for licenses granted to the owner,  operator  or  lessee  of
  3    beverage,  lodging or dining facilities located and operated within the owner-
  4    ship or leasehold premises of a year-round resort shall be the same  as  those
  5    prescribed for year-round resorts in section 23-904(10), Idaho Code.
  6        (5)  "Year-round  resort"  means  a  resort open to the public year around
  7    which offers all of the following within the ownership or  leasehold  premises
  8    of the resort:
  9        (a)  Cross-country  skiing  on  not  less  than  thirty (30) kilometers of
 10        groomed cross-country skiing trails;
 11        (b)  Alpine skiing on real property of not less than eight  hundred  fifty
 12        (850)    acres, operating two (2) or more chair lifts with a vertical lift
 13        of two thousand eight hundred (2,800) feet or more, and  having  operating
 14        snowmaking  equipment  providing  coverage  to  at least seventy-five (75)
 15        acres of skiing;
 16        (c)  A golf course having:
 17             (i)   No less than eighteen (18) holes with greens, fairways and tees
 18             laid out and used in the usual and regular manner of a golf course;
 19             (ii)  A total distance of seven thousand (7,000) yards as measured by
 20             totaling the tee-to-green distance of all holes; and
 21             (iii) The course planted in grass;
 22        (d)  Mountain bike activities which include at least twelve (12) miles  of
 23        single  track  trails,  chair  lift served access to at least two thousand
 24        eight hundred (2,800) feet of vertical descent and  a  full  service  bike
 25        rental and repair facility; and
 26        (e)  At least seventy (70) private residences and accommodations available
 27        to  provide  overnight  lodging and dining facilities serving at least two
 28        (2) meals per day for at least five hundred (500) persons  located  within
 29        the ownership or leasehold premises of the resort.
 30        SECTION  3.  That  Section  23-903, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 31    amended to read as follows:
 32        23-903.  LICENSE TO RETAIL LIQUOR. The director of the Idaho state  police
 33    is  hereby  empowered, authorized, and directed to issue licenses to qualified
 34    applicants, as herein provided, whereby the licensee shall be  authorized  and
 35    permitted to sell liquor by the drink at retail and, upon the issuance of such
 36    license,  the  licensee  therein  named  shall be authorized to sell liquor at
 37    retail by the drink, but only in accordance with the rules promulgated by  the
 38    director  and  the  provisions of this chapter. No license shall be issued for
 39    the sale of liquor on any premises outside the incorporated limits of any city
 40    except as provided in this chapter and the number of licenses  so  issued  for
 41    any  city  shall not exceed one (1) license for each one thousand five hundred
 42    (1,500) of population of said city or fraction thereof, as established in  the
 43    last  preceding  census,  or  any  subsequent  special census conducted by the
 44    United States bureau of the census or by an  estimate  that  is  statistically
 45    valid  including  adding  the number of new residential utility connections or
 46    including adding the population of areas annexed into the city after the  last
 47    census  or  special  census was conducted, except that upon proper application
 48    thereof not more than two (2) licenses may be  issued  for  each  incorporated
 49    city  with  a  population of one thousand five hundred (1,500) or less, unless
 50    the retail licensing of liquor by the drink has  been  previously  disapproved
 51    under  the  provisions  of sections 23-917, 23-918, 23-919, 23-920 and 23-921,
 52    Idaho Code; provided, however, that  any  license  heretofore  issued  may  be
 53    renewed  from  year  to year without regard to the population or status of the
  1    city for which such license is  issued.  Any  license  issued  and  which  has
  2    remained  in effect at its location for a consecutive period of ten (10) years
  3    or more shall be deemed to have been validly issued and may  be  renewed  from
  4    year  to  year  provided,  however, that the applicant for the renewal of such
  5    license is not  otherwise  disqualified  for  licensure  pursuant  to  section
  6    23-910,  Idaho Code, and, if the premises required special characteristics for
  7    original licensure, other than being either within or without the incorporated
  8    limits of a city, that said premises continue to have such special  character-
  9    istics at the time of the application for renewal.
 10        Nothing  herein  contained shall prohibit the issuance of a license to the
 11    owner, operator, or lessee of an actual, bona fide golf course whether located
 12    within or without the limits of any city, or located on premises also operated
 13    as a winery, or ski resort, or to the lessee of any premises situate  thereon,
 14    no  part  of  which  ski  resort or the premises thereon is situate within the
 15    incorporated limits of any city. For the purpose of this section a golf course
 16    shall comprise an actual, bona fide golf course, which is regularly  used  for
 17    the  playing  of  the  game  of  golf, and having not less than nine (9) tees,
 18    fairways and greens laid out and used in  the usual and regular  manner  of  a
 19    golf  course.  Nine (9) hole courses must have a total yardage of at least one
 20    thousand (1,000) yards, and eighteen (18)  hole  courses  must  have  a  total
 21    yardage  of  at  least  two thousand (2,000) yards as measured by totaling the
 22    tee-to-green distance of all holes. The course must be planted in grass except
 23    that it may provide artificial tee mats. Where any such golf course  is  owned
 24    or leased by an association of members and is used or enjoyed by such members,
 25    or  their  guests,  none of the disqualifications contained in section 23-910,
 26    Idaho Code, shall apply to such association as a licensee where such disquali-
 27    fications, or any of them, would apply only to a member  of  such  association
 28    where such member has no interest therein except as a member thereof.
 29        Also  for  the  purpose  of  this section a ski resort shall comprise real
 30    property of not less than ten (10) acres in size,  exclusive  of  the  terrain
 31    used  for  skiing  and  upon  which  the owner, operator, or lessee of the ski
 32    resort has made available himself, or through others, including, but not  lim-
 33    ited  to, the owners of condominiums, permanent bona fide overnight accommoda-
 34    tions available to the general public for one hundred (100) persons  or  more,
 35    and  which  real property is contiguous to or located within the area in which
 36    skiing occurs, and which real property is regularly operated as a  ski  resort
 37    in the winter time, and where the owner, operator, or lessee of the ski resort
 38    is also the owner, operator, or lessee of the area served by a bona fide chair
 39    ski  lift  facility or facilities. Alternatively, for the purpose of this sec-
 40    tion a ski resort may also be defined as a downhill ski area, open to the pub-
 41    lic, comprising real property of not less than two hundred fifty (250) skiable
 42    acres, operating two (2) or more chair lifts with a vertical lift of one thou-
 43    sand (1,000) feet or more, and capable of transporting a minimum of one  thou-
 44    sand eight hundred (1,800) skiers per hour. A ski resort qualifying under this
 45    definition  shall also have on the premises a lodge facility providing shelter
 46    and food service to the public, the operator of which shall also be the  valid
 47    owner or lessee of the grounds and facilities upon which the ski resort offers
 48    downhill  skiing  services to the public. The fees for licenses granted to ski
 49    resorts shall be the same as those prescribed for golf courses as set forth in
 50    section 23-904, Idaho Code. Not more than one (1) licensed premises  shall  be
 51    permitted  on  any golf course or any ski resort or within the area comprising
 52    the same.
 53        Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the issuance of a license  to  the
 54    owner,  operator or lessee of an actual, bona fide equestrian facility located
 55    on not less than forty (40) contiguous acres, with permanently erected seating
  1    of not less than six thousand (6,000)  seats,  no  part  of  which  equestrian
  2    facility  or the premises thereon is situate within the incorporated limits of
  3    any city, and which facility shall have at least three (3) days per year of  a
  4    professionally sanctioned rodeo. Not more than one (1) licensed premises shall
  5    be  permitted  at  any equestrian facility or within an area comprising such a
  6    facility. The license shall be solely for the equestrian  facility  and  shall
  7    not  be  transferred  to  any other location. The fees for licenses granted to
  8    equestrian facilities shall be the same as those prescribed for  golf  courses
  9    as set forth in section 23-904, Idaho Code.
 10        Nothing  herein  contained shall prohibit the issuance of a license to the
 11    owner, operator, or lessee of a restaurant operated on  an  airport  owned  or
 12    operated  by a county or municipal corporation or on an airport owned or oper-
 13    ated jointly by a county and municipal corporation, and which said airport  is
 14    served by a trunk or local service air carrier holding a certificate of public
 15    convenience  and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board of the United
 16    States of America. Not more than one (1) license shall be issued on  any  air-
 17    port.
 18        Nothing  herein  contained  shall  prohibit  the  issuance of one (1) club
 19    license  to a club as defined in section 23-902, Idaho Code. The holder  of  a
 20    club  license is authorized to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for consump-
 21    tion only within the licensed establishment owned, leased or occupied  by  the
 22    club,  and  only  to  bona  fide members of the club, and to serve and to sell
 23    alcoholic beverages for consumption to  bona  fide  members'  guests.  A  club
 24    license  issued pursuant to the provisions of this section is not transferable
 25    and may not be sold. Any club license issued pursuant  to  the  provisions  of
 26    this  section  will revert to the director when, in his judgment, the licensee
 27    ceases to operate as a bona fide club as  defined  in  section  23-902,  Idaho
 28    Code.  No  club may hold a liquor license and a club license simultaneously. A
 29    club which on July 1, 1983, holds a liquor license, may  continue  to  possess
 30    that license. Any club which possesses a liquor license on January 1, 1983, or
 31    thereafter, and then sells that liquor license, may not obtain a club license,
 32    and  the  director shall not issue a club license to that club for a period of
 33    five (5) years following such sale. The fee for any license issued to a quali-
 34    fying club within an incorporated municipality shall be as prescribed in  sub-
 35    sections  (a1),  (b2)  and (c3) of section 23-904, Idaho Code. The fee for any
 36    license issued to a qualifying club not situate within an incorporated munici-
 37    pality shall be as specified for golf courses under section 23-904(f6),  Idaho
 38    Code.  The provisions of section 23-916, Idaho Code, regarding county and city
 39    licenses, shall pertain to club licenses. The burden of  producing  sufficient
 40    documentation  of  qualifications  for  club  licensure shall be with the club
 41    applicant.
 42        Nothing in this chapter to the contrary shall prohibit the issuance  of  a
 43    license  to  the owner, operator, or lessee of an actual, bona fide convention
 44    center which is within the incorporated limits of a city having  a  population
 45    of  three  thousand  (3,000)  or greater, and which city does not have located
 46    therein a convention center with a valid convention  center  license  to  sell
 47    liquor  by  the  drink.  For  the purpose of this section, a convention center
 48    means a facility having at least thirty-five thousand (35,000) square feet  of
 49    floor  space  or  a facility having at least one hundred twenty (120) sleeping
 50    rooms and an adjoining meeting room which will accommodate not less than three
 51    hundred fifty (350) persons, whether or not such room may be partitioned  into
 52    smaller  rooms,  and  provided  that  such meeting room shall contain at least
 53    three thousand (3,000) square feet of floor space. Such license must be placed
 54    in actual use in said convention center within one (1) year from the  date  of
 55    its issuance. The fee for any license issued to a qualifying convention center
  1    shall  be  as  prescribed in subsection (c3) of section 23-904, Idaho Code. No
  2    license issued to a convention  center  hereunder  shall  be  transferable  to
  3    another  location  or  facility,  nor  shall the holder of a convention center
  4    license be eligible for the issuance of a license in the same city pursuant to
  5    any other provision of this chapter. For purposes of this  section,  the  term
  6    holder  shall  include an owner, operator or lessee and shall include a stock-
  7    holder, director, or officer of a corporation, or a partner in a  partnership,
  8    which  corporation  or partnership has been issued a convention center license
  9    pursuant to this chapter. Not more than one (1)  licensed  premises  shall  be
 10    permitted  on  any  convention  center or within the area comprising the same,
 11    including convention centers that also comprise golf courses or ski resorts as
 12    herein defined.
 13        Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the issuance of a  license  to  the
 14    owner, operator or lessee of a food, beverage and/or lodging facility that has
 15    been  in  continuous  operation in the same location for at least seventy-five
 16    (75) years, except for temporary closings for refurbishing or  reconstruction,
 17    or  a  food,  beverage  and lodging facility serving the public by reservation
 18    only, having a minimum of five (5) rooms operating in  a  structure  that  has
 19    been  in  existence  for  at least seventy-five (75) years and has been on the
 20    historic register for a minimum  of ten (10) years, is  situated  within  five
 21    hundred (500) yards of a natural lake containing a minimum of thirty-six thou-
 22    sand  (36,000)  acre feet of water when full with a minimum of thirty-two (32)
 23    miles of shoreline, and is located in a county with a  minimum  population  of
 24    sixty-five  thousand  (65,000).  The provisions of section 23-910, Idaho Code,
 25    shall apply to licenses issued to continuous operation  facilities.  The  fees
 26    shall be the same as those prescribed for golf courses as set forth in section
 27    23-904, Idaho Code. Licenses issued to continuous operation facilities are not
 28    transferable.
 29        Nothing  in  this  chapter shall prohibit the issuance of a license to the
 30    owner, operator or lessee of the lodging, dining and entertainment  facilities
 31    owned  by  a gondola resort complex and operated in conjunction with the other
 32    public services provided by  a  gondola  resort  complex  located  within  the
 33    ownership/leasehold boundaries of a gondola resort complex.
 34        A  gondola  resort  complex  means an actual, bona fide gondola capable of
 35    transporting people for recreational and/or entertainment  purposes  at  least
 36    three (3) miles in length with a vertical rise of three thousand (3,000) feet,
 37    portions  of which may be located within or over the limits of one (1) or more
 38    cities.
 39        Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the issuance of a  license  to  the
 40    owner,  operator  or  lessee  of  a winery also operating a golf course on the
 41    premises.
 42        Subject to approval of the mayor and  city council, nothing in this  chap-
 43    ter  shall prohibit the issuance of a license to the owner, operator or lessee
 44    of a food, conference and lodging facility constructed  after  July  1,  2004,
 45    containing  a  minimum  of  sixty thousand (60,000) square feet and sixty (60)
 46    guest  rooms  with  a  minimum  taxable  value  of  fifteen  million   dollars
 47    ($15,000,000)  in  a city with a population of less than five thousand (5,000)
 48    according to the most recent census.
 49        The provisions of section 23-910, Idaho  Code,  shall  apply  to  licenses
 50    issued  under  the  provisions  of this section. The fees shall be the same as
 51    those prescribed for golf courses as set forth in section 23-904, Idaho  Code.
 52    Licenses issued under the provisions of this section are not transferable.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                      STATEMENT OF PURPOSE
    The purpose of this legislation is to provide for the
    licensing of liquor for a beverage, dining or lodging
    facility located within the boundaries of a year-round
    resort and sets forth the definition of a year-round resort. 
    These licenses are non-transferable outside of the
    boundaries of the year-round resort.  This legislation also
    sets forth an annual fee structure for the licensees within
    the year-round resort.
                          FISCAL IMPACT
    Name: Scott Turlington
    Phone: (208)472-1750
    STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                  H 673