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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact STATE AFFAIRS TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 2006 - Adds to, amends and repeals existing law to enact the "Telecommunications Act of 2006"; and to revise the authority of the Public Utilities Commission to regulate telecommunications carriers. 02/27 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 02/28 Rpt prt - to St Aff
]]]] LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO ]]]] Fifty-eighth Legislature Second Regular Session - 2006IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 741 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS; AMENDING TITLE 62, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION 3 OF A NEW CHAPTER 14, TITLE 62, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE A SHORT TITLE, TO 4 PROVIDE LEGISLATIVE INTENT, TO DEFINE TERMS, TO PROVIDE APPLICABILITY OF 5 THE CHAPTER AND TO PROVIDE FOR REPEAL OF LAWS IN CONFLICT WITH THE CHAP- 6 TER, TO PROVIDE JURISDICTION AND AUTHORITY OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMIS- 7 SION, TO PROVIDE FOR REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES, TO PROVIDE A REQUIREMENT 8 FOR PRICE LIST FILING, TO PROVIDE FOR UNIVERSAL SERVICE, TO PROVIDE UNI- 9 VERSAL SERVICE RATES, TO PROVIDE PRICE RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN TELEPHONE 10 CORPORATIONS, TO PROVIDE A UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND, TO PROVIDE FOR UNIVER- 11 SAL SERVICE FUND SUPPORT, TO ALLOW BUNDLING, TO PROVIDE RESTRICTIONS ON 12 TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIERS, TO PROVIDE RESTRICTIONS ON RESALE OF CERTAIN 13 TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES, TO PROVIDE RESTRICTIONS ON WITHDRAWAL OR DIS- 14 CONTINUANCE OF SERVICE, TO PROVIDE A CARRIER OF LAST RESORT AND PUBLIC 15 UTILITIES COMMISSION AUTHORITY, TO PROVIDE FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 16 AUTHORITY TO RESOLVE SUBSCRIBER COMPLAINTS, TO PROVIDE RESOLUTION OF 17 INTER-TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER DISPUTES, TO PROVIDE FOR TELECOMMUNICA- 18 TIONS CARRIER ANTITRUST LIABILITY, TO PROVIDE FOR PREEMPTION, TO PROVIDE 19 FOR PROCEDURE BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AND APPEALS, TO PRO- 20 VIDE CIVIL PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION, TO PROVIDE FOR REGULATORY FEES AND TO 21 PROVIDE SEVERABILITY; REPEALING CHAPTER 6, TITLE 62, IDAHO CODE, RELATING 22 TO THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1988, REPEALING SECTION 61-121, IDAHO 23 CODE, RELATING TO THE DEFINITION OF TELEPHONE CORPORATION AND TELECOMMUNI- 24 CATION SERVICE; REPEALING SECTION 61-622A, IDAHO CODE, RELATING TO PUBLIC 25 UTILITIES COMMISSION AUTHORITY AND COST ALLOCATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION 26 SERVICE; AMENDING SECTION 61-526, IDAHO CODE, TO DELETE REFERENCE TO TELE- 27 PHONE CORPORATION; AMENDING SECTION 62-701, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE COOPER- 28 ATIVE OR MUTUAL NONPROFIT TELEPHONE COMPANIES' ABILITY TO USE HIGHWAYS; 29 AMENDING SECTION 62-702, IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE REMEDIES TO TELECOMMUNICA- 30 TIONS CARRIERS IF THEIR PROPERTY IS INJURED; AMENDING SECTION 26-2239, 31 IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE AN EXEMPTION TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIERS FROM 32 THE STATUTE REGULATING COLLECTION AGENCIES; AMENDING SECTION 48-1009, 33 IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE A CORRECT STATUTORY CITATION AND TO MAKE A TECHNI- 34 CAL CORRECTION; AMENDING SECTION 61-1302, IDAHO CODE, TO REVISE THE DEFI- 35 NITION OF MESSAGE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION AND 36 TO MAKE TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS; AMENDING SECTION 61-1305, IDAHO CODE, TO 37 PROVIDE A CORRECT STATUTORY CITATION; AMENDING SECTION 63-201, IDAHO CODE, 38 TO REVISE THE DEFINITION OF PUBLIC UTILITY; AND AMENDING SECTION 63-3027, 39 IDAHO CODE, TO PROVIDE APPLICATION TO A TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER AND TO 40 MAKE TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS. 41 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 42 SECTION 1. That Title 62, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby amended 43 by the addition thereto of a NEW CHAPTER, to be known and designated as Chap- 44 ter 14, Title 62, Idaho Code, and to read as follows: 2 1 CHAPTER 14 2 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 2006 3 62-1401. SHORT TITLE. This chapter shall be known and may be referred to 4 as the "Telecommunications Act of 2006." 5 62-1402. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. (1) The legislature of the state of Idaho 6 finds that telecommunications services are essential to the health, welfare 7 and economic well-being of the citizens of the state of Idaho and there is a 8 continuing need for legislation to protect and maintain high-quality universal 9 telecommunications at affordable rates for all classes of customers and to 10 encourage innovation within the industry by a balanced program of regulation 11 and competition. 12 (2) The legislature further finds that the telecommunications industry is 13 in a state of transition from a regulated public utility industry to a compet- 14 itive industry. The legislature encourages the development of open competition 15 in the telecommunications industry in accordance with provisions of Idaho law 16 and consistent with the federal telecommunications act of 1996. This chapter 17 therefore removes telephone companies from traditional public utility regula- 18 tion and establishes reasonable provisions recognizing the transition to a 19 competitive industry. 20 (3) The commission shall administer these statutes with respect to tele- 21 communications rates and services in accordance with these policies and appli- 22 cable federal law. 23 62-1403. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: 24 (1) "Access line" means a communications facility provisioned for a spe- 25 cific customer to enable telecommunication service to be provided to that cus- 26 tomer. 27 (2) "Basic local exchange rate" means the monthly charge imposed by a 28 telecommunications carrier for basic local exchange service, not including any 29 charges resulting from action by a federal agency or taxes or surcharges 30 imposed by a governmental body that are separately itemized and billed by a 31 telecommunications carrier to its customers. 32 (3) "Basic local exchange service" means the provision of access lines to 33 residential and small business customers with the associated transmission of 34 two-way interactive voice communication within a local exchange calling area. 35 (4) "Carrier of last resort" means a telecommunications carrier that is 36 required to provide universal service on reasonable terms and conditions to 37 all customers within a service area designated by the commission. No telecom- 38 munications carrier shall be designated a carrier of last resort except upon 39 its application to the commission requesting such designation. Incumbent local 40 exchange carriers shall be designated carriers of last resort only within 41 their previously certificated service areas. 42 (5) "Commercial mobile radio service provider" means a provider of com- 43 mercial mobile service as defined in 47 U.S.C. section 332(d). 44 (6) "Commission" means the Idaho public utilities commission. 45 (7) "Incumbent local exchange carrier" means a telecommunications carrier 46 or its successor in interest that was providing basic local exchange service 47 within the state of Idaho on or before February 8, 1996. 48 (8) "Interexchange calling" or "message telecommunications service" means 49 the transmission of two-way interactive voice communication between local 50 exchange calling areas, excluding services offered by commercial mobile radio 51 service providers. 52 (9) "Local exchange calling area" means a geographic area encompassing 3 1 one (1) or more communities described in maps, tariffs or other descriptive 2 material filed with the commission where local exchange rates apply. For the 3 purpose of determining whether a call is a local exchange call or an 4 interexchange call to which access charges apply, a call is not a local call 5 if the originating telecommunications carrier's tariff or price list does not 6 classify the call as a local call. 7 (10) "Local exchange carrier" means a telecommunications carrier that pro- 8 vides local exchange service within one (1) or more local exchange calling 9 areas within the state of Idaho. 10 (11) "Local exchange service" means the provision of access lines to cus- 11 tomers with the associated transmission of two-way interactive communication 12 within a local exchange calling area. 13 (12) "Originating telecommunications carrier" means the telecommunications 14 carrier whose end user customer initiates a telecommunications transmission 15 and who receives the end user's payment, if any, for that transmission. 16 (13) "Residential customer" means a person or persons to whom telecommuni- 17 cation service is furnished primarily for personal or domestic purposes and 18 not primarily for business, professional or institutional purposes. 19 (14) "Service area" means a geographic area in which a carrier of last 20 resort has been designated by the commission for the purpose of providing uni- 21 versal service. 22 (15) "Small business customer" shall mean a business entity, whether an 23 individual, partnership, corporation, hospital, or school, or any other busi- 24 ness form, to whom basic local exchange service is furnished for occupational, 25 professional or institutional purposes, and which business entity does not 26 subscribe to more than five (5) access lines billed to a single billing loca- 27 tion. 28 (16) "Stand-alone basic local exchange rate" means the monthly charge made 29 by a telecommunications carrier to a residential or small business basic local 30 exchange service customer for a single access line that is not included in a 31 package of services or price discounted in a promotional offering, not includ- 32 ing any charges resulting from action by a federal agency or taxes or 33 surcharges imposed by a governmental body that are separately itemized and 34 billed by the telecommunications carrier to its customers. 35 (17) "Telecommunication service" means the transmission of two-way inter- 36 active sounds, messages, data, or other information of any nature by wire, 37 radio, lightwaves, or other electromagnetic means, together with associated 38 signals, which originate and terminate in this state, and are offered to or 39 for the public, or some portion thereof. Except as otherwise provided by stat- 40 ute, "telecommunication service" does not include: 41 (a) The transmission of video programming or other programming service 42 and subscriber interaction, if any, which is required for the selection of 43 such programming service; 44 (b) Paging or answering services, including computerized or otherwise 45 automated answering or voice message services; or 46 (c) Information service or internet access service. 47 (18) "Telecommunications act of 1996" means the federal telecommunications 48 act of 1996, public law no. 104-104, as enacted effective February 8, 1996. 49 (19) "Telecommunications carrier" means any person or business entity pro- 50 viding telecommunication service within this state except a commercial mobile 51 radio service provider unless the commercial mobile service provider requests, 52 and is granted, carrier of last resort status. 53 (20) "Telephone corporation" means any telecommunications carrier except: 54 (a) A cooperative or mutual nonprofit telephone company; or 55 (b) A commercial mobile radio service provider. 4 1 (21) "Transition period" means a time period of three (3) years from the 2 effective date of the election by a telephone corporation, pursuant to section 3 62-605(1) and (2), Idaho Code, as said section was amended by chapter 200, 4 laws of 2005, to exclude basic local exchange services from regulation pursu- 5 ant to title 61, Idaho Code, or pursuant to section 62-622(1), Idaho Code, as 6 those provisions of law existed prior to the effective date of this act, or to 7 determine its own universal service or basic local exchange service rates for 8 residential and small business customers throughout its service area pursuant 9 to section 62-1409(2), Idaho Code, whichever election date first occurred. 10 The commission may by order during the one hundred eighty (180) day period 11 prior to the expiration of this transition period, extend the transition 12 period for two (2) additional years if the commission finds that such action 13 is necessary to protect the public interest. The commission shall, if the 14 transition period is extended as provided herein, file a copy of the 15 commission's order with the governor and the legislature. 16 (22) "Universal service" means basic local exchange service and any other 17 telecommunication services that may be designated by the commission, in accor- 18 dance with the provisions of section 62-1408, Idaho Code, that carriers of 19 last resort must make reasonably available to all persons who request such 20 services within their service areas. 21 (23) "Weighted statewide average rate" means the average rate paid by 22 Idaho telecommunication service customers for the intrastate service in ques- 23 tion, not including any disaggregated component of bundled rates. For the 24 purpose of determining eligibility for distributions from the universal ser- 25 vice fund established by section 62-1411, Idaho Code, the basic local exchange 26 service rates in effect on July 1, 2005, shall constitute the basis for such 27 calculation, unless the commission determines that changes in basic local 28 exchange service rates subsequent to July 1, 2005, should be used for such 29 calculations. 30 62-1404. APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER -- REPEAL OF LAWS IN CONFLICT WITH THIS 31 CHAPTER. (1) All telecommunication service and telecommunications carriers 32 shall, on and after the effective date of this act, be regulated pursuant to 33 the provisions of this chapter, and not pursuant to the provisions of chapters 34 1 through 10, title 61, Idaho Code, except as specifically adopted by refer- 35 ence in this chapter. Any provisions of law that are inconsistent or in con- 36 flict with the provisions of this chapter shall be, and are hereby repealed, 37 to the extent of their applicability to telecommunication service within the 38 state of Idaho. 39 (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a telecommunica- 40 tions carrier that was subject to the provisions of section 61-538, Idaho 41 Code, prior to the effective date of this act shall continue to be subject to 42 the provisions of such section. 43 62-1405. COMMISSION JURISDICTION AND AUTHORITY. The commission shall have 44 continuing jurisdiction and authority to administer and enforce the express 45 provisions of this chapter. In addition, subject to the limitations and condi- 46 tions contained elsewhere in this chapter, the commission shall have the fol- 47 lowing general jurisdiction and authority over telecommunication service, and 48 may promulgate rules as necessary to carry out its duties pursuant to this 49 chapter to: 50 (1) Determine the noneconomic regulatory requirements relating to basic 51 local exchange service for all telephone corporations who provide basic local 52 exchange service including, but not limited to, such matters as basic local 53 exchange service quality standards, provision of access to telecommunications 5 1 carriers providing interexchange calling or message telecommunications ser- 2 vice, filing of price lists, customer notices and customer relation rules, and 3 billing practices and procedures, which requirements shall be technologically 4 and competitively neutral. 5 (2) Provide by rule for the maintenance of uniform systems of accounts 6 and business records by telephone corporations who elect to have their univer- 7 sal service rates determined under section 62-1409(1), Idaho Code. 8 (3) Designate telecommunications carriers as carriers of last resort in 9 accordance with uniform criteria established by the commission and supervise 10 the payment of universal service fund support in accordance with the terms of 11 this chapter. 12 (4) Establish universal service rates for incumbent local exchange carri- 13 ers that are also telephone corporations who elect to have universal service 14 rates established in accordance with section 62-1409(1), Idaho Code. 15 (5) Require the production of a telephone corporation's books, records, 16 or other material or evidence as necessary for the performance of the 17 commission's duties, and to issue subpoenas compelling the attendance of wit- 18 nesses at commission proceedings. 19 (6) Maintain on file for public inspection telephone corporations' sched- 20 ules of rates, charges and conditions of service for telecommunication ser- 21 vices. 22 (7) Participate and represent the interests of the general public and 23 Idaho telecommunication service customers in any proceeding before local, 24 state or federal public officials or agencies. 25 (8) Perform such duties as may be expressly authorized or required of the 26 commission by the communications act of 1934, as amended, and regulations law- 27 fully promulgated thereunder. 28 (9) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to grant the commission 29 jurisdiction or authority over products or services over which the federal 30 government has exercised, and continues to exercise, its power to preempt 31 state regulation, regardless of whether such preemption is contained in fed- 32 eral statutes, judicial decisions, or federal communications commission 33 orders. Except as expressly provided in sections 62-1406(1), 62-1411(1), and 34 62-1414, Idaho Code, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to grant the 35 commission jurisdiction over commercial mobile radio service providers unless 36 such a provider becomes a carrier of last resort, in which case the 37 commission's jurisdiction over such provider pursuant to this chapter shall 38 attach only to the commercial mobile radio service provider's activities 39 within the commercial mobile radio service provider's service area. 40 62-1406. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES. (1) All telecommunications carriers 41 and commercial mobile radio service providers shall file with the commission, 42 with updates as necessary to keep the information current, a registration cer- 43 tificate setting forth the following information: 44 (a) The name of the telecommunications carrier or commercial mobile radio 45 service provider and the address of its principal place of business within 46 the state; 47 (b) A brief, general description of the telecommunication services 48 offered by such telecommunications carrier or commercial mobile radio ser- 49 vice provider and the general area served by it or in which it offers 50 telecommunication services; 51 (c) The name, address and telephone number of a representative or repre- 52 sentatives authorized to respond to commission and customer inquiries or 53 complaints. 54 (2) All carriers of last resort shall file with the commission, in addi- 6 1 tion to the information required in subsection (1) of this section, maps 2 depicting their local calling area or areas and service area or areas. 3 (3) The registration statements required by this section shall be public 4 information and shall be made reasonably available to the public at all times 5 during normal business hours. 6 62-1407. REQUIREMENT FOR PRICE LIST FILING. All incumbent local exchange 7 carriers and carriers of last resort that draw from the universal service fund 8 and provide universal service, local exchange service, interexchange service, 9 wide area telecommunications service (WATS) or access to their local exchange 10 network for the provision of such services by the use of special access or 11 private line access and switched access, or their equivalents, shall file with 12 the commission price lists that reflect the availability, prices, and terms 13 and conditions for those services. Incumbent local exchange carriers and car- 14 riers of last resort shall provide such services only in accordance with such 15 price lists unless modified by individually negotiated telecommunication ser- 16 vice contracts. Changes to such price lists, except as hereinafter provided, 17 shall be effective not less than ten (10) days after filing with the commis- 18 sion and giving public notice to affected customers. Changes to price lists 19 that are for nonrecurring services and that are quoted directly to the cus- 20 tomer when an order is placed, or changes that result in price reductions, 21 shall be effective immediately but shall be filed with the commission within 22 thirty (30) days after the effective date and no other public notice shall be 23 required. The commission shall by rule establish the form of such price lists 24 and make the same available for public inspection. 25 62-1408. UNIVERSAL SERVICE. Universal service is an evolving level of 26 telecommunication services to which consumers in all regions of the state 27 should have access. The commission may review the level of telecommunication 28 services within the state on a periodic basis and designate those services in 29 addition to basic local exchange service that should be made available to con- 30 sumers by carriers of last resort to meet their obligations to provide univer- 31 sal service. The commission shall consider definitions of universal service 32 adopted by the federal communications commission pursuant to the telecommuni- 33 cations act of 1996, but the commission shall not add additional telecommuni- 34 cation services to the definition of universal service unless the commission 35 allows carriers of last resort to recover the additional costs of providing 36 and maintaining such additional services, either through increased rates or 37 universal service funding, or both, and further finds that such telecommunica- 38 tion services: 39 (1) Have, through the operation of market choices by customers, been sub- 40 scribed to by a substantial majority of residential customers; 41 (2) Are being deployed in public telecommunications networks by telecom- 42 munications carriers throughout the state; and 43 (3) Are necessary to serve the public interest, convenience and neces- 44 sity. 45 62-1409. UNIVERSAL SERVICE RATES. On or before the effective date of this 46 act, and on the first business day of each year thereafter, each incumbent 47 local exchange carrier that is also a telephone corporation and designated as 48 a carrier of last resort shall elect to have its rates for universal service 49 for residential customers and small business customers determined by one (1) 50 of the following methods: 51 (1) The commission shall initially determine just and reasonable rates 52 for universal service and intrastate access charges based upon the telephone 7 1 corporation's total revenue requirement for such services, including a reason- 2 able rate of return on the telephone corporation's intrastate investment in 3 telecommunications facilities. At the request of the telephone corporation, 4 the commission may find that rates previously established by the commission 5 under title 61, Idaho Code, shall constitute the rates for universal service 6 for the purposes of this section. The rates determined in accordance with this 7 subsection (1) shall remain in effect until changed by commission order at the 8 carrier of last resort's request. 9 (2) The telephone corporation may determine its own universal service 10 rates for residential customers and small business customers throughout its 11 service area. 12 62-1410. PRICE RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN TELEPHONE CORPORATIONS. An incum- 13 bent telephone corporation which held a certificate of convenience and neces- 14 sity on January 1, 1988, issued by the commission, and which telephone corpo- 15 ration, pursuant to sections 62-604 and 62-605, Idaho Code, as amended by 16 chapter 200, laws of 2005, elected to exclude all of its telecommunication 17 services, including basic local exchange service, from regulation pursuant to 18 title 61, Idaho Code, and telephone corporations that elect to establish their 19 own rates for universal service pursuant to section 62-1409(2), Idaho Code, 20 shall be subject to the following pricing restrictions during the transition 21 period defined in section 62-1403(21), Idaho Code: 22 (1) During the first year of the transition period the price for stand- 23 alone basic local exchange service shall be capped at a rate of ten percent 24 (10%) above the rates in effect at the time of the election; 25 (2) During each succeeding year of the transition period the price cap 26 shall be increased by an additional amount equal to the difference between the 27 rate at the time of the election and the price cap established hereunder for 28 the first year of the transition period; 29 (3) The price cap established during the transition period shall in no 30 event exceed the maximum basic local exchange rate determined by the commis- 31 sion for any telephone corporation within the state of Idaho on the date the 32 telephone corporation made its election; and 33 (4) The telephone corporation shall not increase its stand-alone basic 34 local exchange service rate to residential or small business customers in any 35 local exchange calling area to an amount that is higher than that telephone 36 corporation's stand-alone basic local exchange rate for residential and small 37 business customers in the telephone corporation's local exchange calling area 38 having the highest number of basic local exchange service residential or busi- 39 ness customers within the state. 40 62-1411. UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND. (1) There is hereby established an Idaho 41 universal service fund to be supervised and administered by the commission. 42 Revenue for the fund shall be collected through a uniform universal service 43 fund surcharge as determined by the commission. The commission shall establish 44 the surcharge at a level that is sufficient to fund universal service fund 45 payments on a continuing basis. The surcharge shall be imposed on each tele- 46 communications carrier's and each commercial mobile service provider's retail 47 end user telephone numbers in use within the state of Idaho and shall be col- 48 lected by the telecommunications carrier, commercial mobile service provider, 49 or other provider utilizing a North American numbering plan number assigned to 50 a specific end user that provides that end user with the ability to receive 51 calls. The commission shall establish equitable numbering methods for the 52 assessment of multinumber residence, business or data service end users. Any 53 balances held in the Idaho universal service fund created by section 62-610, 8 1 Idaho Code, shall, on the effective date of this act, be transferred by the 2 commission to the Idaho universal service fund created by this section. 3 (2) The commission shall designate geographic service areas for which 4 financial assistance shall be made available from the fund to assist carriers 5 of last resort to meet universal service obligations. Carriers of last resort 6 receiving financial support shall use that support only for the provision, 7 maintenance and upgrading of services and facilities for which the support is 8 intended. 9 (3) The commission shall establish procedures to administer the Idaho 10 universal service fund and shall contract with a neutral third party for 11 administration of the fund. The administrator shall perform the duties 12 required by the commission including data gathering, collecting the surcharge 13 revenues, disbursing funds, and notifying the commission of any fund viola- 14 tions. 15 62-1412. UNIVERSAL SERVICE FUND SUPPORT. Carriers of last resort who 16 received distributions prior to the effective date of this act from the Idaho 17 universal service fund created by section 62-610, Idaho Code, under prior law, 18 and who elect to have their universal service rates established pursuant to 19 section 62-1409(2), Idaho Code, shall continue to receive support from the 20 Idaho universal service fund at the levels previously approved by the commis- 21 sion during the transition period. Thereafter, such companies and, from the 22 effective date of this act, all other carriers of last resort shall receive 23 support from the Idaho universal service fund only in the manner prescribed in 24 this section. 25 (1) Carriers of last resort who elect to be price regulated pursuant to 26 section 62-1409(1), Idaho Code, shall receive monthly Idaho universal service 27 fund support sufficient to meet any unrecovered, residual revenue requirement 28 from all jurisdictional revenue sources after universal service rates are 29 established at one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) or more of the weighted 30 statewide average rate and switched access charges are established equal to 31 one hundred percent (100%) of the weighted statewide average rate. 32 (2) Carriers of last resort who serve less than fifteen thousand (15,000) 33 total access lines in the state of Idaho and serve a service area with less 34 than fifteen (15) incumbent local exchange carrier access lines per square 35 mile, may elect to receive for each residential and business access line for 36 which it provides carrier of last resort service within its service area an 37 amount equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the average Idaho universal ser- 38 vice fund support per residential or business access line, as the case may be, 39 as of the effective date of this act, provided that such carriers shall file 40 price lists with universal service rates for residential customers and small 41 business customers of not less than seventy-five percent (75%) nor more than 42 one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the weighted statewide average rate. 43 (3) On or before June 1 of each year, each carrier of last resort that 44 receives universal service funding pursuant to subsection (2) of this section, 45 shall file an application with the commission, in a form similar to that 46 required by section 63-3029I(4), Idaho Code, requesting approval of all uni- 47 versal service fund expenditures for the prior calendar year. Such applica- 48 tion shall include a notarized certification by an officer of the applicant 49 that universal service funds have been expended for the provision, maintenance 50 or upgrading of services and facilities for which the support is intended, as 51 well as a list of the expenditures by account. Should the commission determine 52 that any portion of the expenditures was not used for the purposes for which 53 support is intended, the commission shall subtract that amount from the 54 applicant's then current year's universal service fund distribution or order 9 1 immediate restitution of the amount disallowed. 2 62-1413. BUNDLING ALLOWED. All carriers of last resort shall offer uni- 3 versal service as a stand-alone basic local exchange rate service option, but 4 nothing in this chapter shall limit prices for bundled services that include 5 universal service, nor require a carrier of last resort to state a separate 6 price for universal service that is offered as part of a package of goods or 7 services. 8 62-1414. TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER RESTRICTIONS. Except upon the agree- 9 ment of the telecommunications carriers or commercial mobile radio service 10 provider(s) involved, no originating telecommunications carrier or commercial 11 mobile radio service provider shall: 12 (1) Charge other telecommunications carriers or commercial mobile radio 13 service providers for the transport or termination of the originating 14 carrier's telecommunication service other than originating 800 number service; 15 or 16 (2) Transmit or transport telecommunication traffic without a telephone 17 number, carrier identification code, or some other identifier or identifying 18 mechanism consistent with general industry practices and sufficient to enable 19 all other telecommunications carriers or commercial mobile radio service 20 providers participating in the delivery of the telecommunication traffic to 21 identify the originating telecommunications carrier or commercial mobile radio 22 service provider and, if appropriate, bill that telecommunications carrier or 23 commercial mobile radio service provider for services provided. 24 62-1415. RESTRICTIONS ON RESALE. Telecommunications carriers shall not 25 resell: 26 (1) A telecommunication service that is available at retail only to a 27 specified category of subscribers to a different category of subscribers; or 28 (2) A means-tested service to ineligible customers. 29 62-1416. RESTRICTION ON WITHDRAWAL OR DISCONTINUANCE OF SERVICE. (1) A 30 carrier of last resort may not withdraw or otherwise discontinue basic local 31 exchange service to a local exchange calling area unless one (1) or more 32 alternative telecommunications carriers are furnishing the respective telecom- 33 munication service or equivalent service to the customers in such local 34 exchange calling area at the time such service is withdrawn or otherwise dis- 35 continued. 36 (2) A carrier of last resort proposing to withdraw or otherwise discon- 37 tinue services as set forth in subsection (1) of this section to a local 38 exchange area shall file a notice of such withdrawal or discontinuance of ser- 39 vice with the commission and shall publish a notice of such withdrawal in a 40 legal newspaper circulated within the local exchange area, and provide such 41 other reasonable notice as may be required by the commission. 42 (3) Any person or telecommunications carrier affected by a withdrawal or 43 discontinuance of such services by a carrier of last resort subject to this 44 chapter may, within thirty (30) days from the date of publication of the 45 notice, apply to the commission to determine whether such withdrawal or dis- 46 continuance of service is authorized pursuant to this section. 47 62-1417. CARRIER OF LAST RESORT -- COMMISSION AUTHORITY. If the commis- 48 sion determines that the public interest requires the extension of universal 49 service to an area or community that does not have such services available, 50 and if no telecommunications carrier will voluntarily provide such service on 10 1 reasonable terms, the commission may require any carrier of last resort to 2 provide universal service to the area on such terms as are just, reasonable 3 and compensatory to the designated carrier of last resort. The commission 4 shall by order provide for one (1) or more payments from the Idaho universal 5 service fund or, notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, author- 6 ize the carrier of last resort to charge rates for such service within such 7 area or community that, together with payments from the universal service 8 fund, will be sufficient to support the capital cost and the ongoing expense 9 of providing service to the affected area or community whether or not the car- 10 rier of last resort is otherwise eligible for payment from the Idaho universal 11 service fund. 12 62-1418. COMMISSION AUTHORITY TO RESOLVE SUBSCRIBER COMPLAINTS. (1) If an 13 alternative dispute resolution process is not otherwise provided by contract, 14 municipal or local franchise requirements, or a cooperative telephone 15 company's written policies, the commission shall have the authority to inves- 16 tigate and resolve complaints made by telecommunications carrier customers 17 concerning the quality and availability of universal service, deposit require- 18 ments for such service or disconnection of such service, or whether price and 19 conditions of other telecommunications services are in conformance with filed 20 tariffs or price lists. The commission may grant or deny in whole or in part 21 the subscriber's complaint and order reparation, a billing credit, or provide 22 other noneconomic relief as is reasonable based on the evidence. Any final 23 order of the commission entered pursuant to this section may be enforced 24 against any telecommunications carrier by an affected person or by the commis- 25 sion. 26 (2) If a telephone corporation customer notifies the telephone corpora- 27 tion that an unauthorized charge from a third party service provider has been 28 included on the telephone customer's bill by the telephone corporation, the 29 telephone corporation shall remove the disputed charge from the bill and shall 30 credit to the customer any amounts for unauthorized charges, whether paid or 31 unpaid, that were billed by the telephone corporation on behalf of the third 32 party service provider during the period of six (6) months prior to the 33 customer's notification to the telephone corporation that unauthorized charges 34 from a third party provider have been included on the telephone corporation 35 customer's bill. Nothing contained herein shall restrict the right of the 36 telephone corporation to recover credited charges from the third party service 37 provider. 38 62-1419. RESOLUTION OF INTER-TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER DISPUTES. (1) If 39 two (2) or more telephone corporations or cooperative telephone companies are 40 unable to agree on any matter relating to telecommunication service issues 41 between such companies, and an alternative dispute resolution process is not 42 otherwise provided by the telephone corporations' or cooperative telephone 43 companies' contractual agreements or otherwise dictated by law, then either 44 company may apply to the commission for determination of the matter. 45 (2) Upon receipt of the application, the commission shall have jurisdic- 46 tion to conduct an investigation or evidentiary hearings, and to issue its 47 findings and order determining such dispute in accordance with applicable pro- 48 visions of law. 49 62-1420. TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ANTITRUST LIABILITY. (1) No action 50 under the antitrust laws or any other provision or doctrine of law of the 51 state of Idaho shall lie against a telecommunications carrier for providing 52 service in compliance with any order of the commission, provided however, this 11 1 section shall not apply to commission approval or acknowledgment of an elec- 2 tion pursuant to section 62-1409(2), Idaho Code, or prior law, except to the 3 extent such service thereafter is the subject of a specific commission order. 4 (2) A telecommunications carrier may file a petition with the commission 5 alleging that another telecommunications carrier, not subject to regulation 6 under section 62-1409(1) or (2), Idaho Code, is offering local exchange ser- 7 vice to customers in a local exchange calling area at a price below its aver- 8 age variable cost of providing such service in the local exchange calling 9 area. The commission shall, if after a hearing it finds by a preponderance of 10 the evidence that the allegations contained in the petition are true, estab- 11 lish a minimum price for local exchange service of the telecommunications 12 carrier in the local exchange calling area, which minimum price shall reflect 13 the telecommunications carrier's average variable cost of providing such ser- 14 vice. 15 62-1421. PREEMPTION. The provisions of this chapter preempt, eliminate, 16 and prohibit any economic, franchise or licensing regulation of telecommunica- 17 tions carriers subject to this chapter by cities, counties, incorporated or 18 unincorporated areas, special use districts, or any other local governmental 19 entity of any kind. 20 62-1422. PROCEDURE BEFORE COMMISSION -- APPEALS. (1) In all matters aris- 21 ing under this chapter, which are submitted to the commission for decision, 22 order or review, procedure shall be governed by the commission's rules of 23 practice and procedure. 24 (2) Reconsideration of, appeal from, and stay of orders issued pursuant 25 to this chapter shall be governed by sections 61-624 through 61-638, Idaho 26 Code, as for orders of the commission in other matters. 27 62-1423. CIVIL PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. (1) Any telecommunications carrier 28 that violates or fails to comply with any final order, decision or rule duly 29 issued by the commission pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to a civil 30 penalty of not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each day the viola- 31 tion continues. 32 (2) Actions to recover penalties under this chapter shall be brought in 33 the name of the state of Idaho, in the district court in and for the county in 34 which the cause of action or some part thereof arose, or in which the telecom- 35 munications carrier complained of, if any, has its principal place of busi- 36 ness, or in which the person, if any, complained of, resides. Such action 37 shall be commenced and prosecuted to final judgment by the attorney for the 38 commission. In any such action, all penalties incurred up to the time of com- 39 mencing the same may be sued for and recovered. In all such action, the proce- 40 dure and rules of evidence shall be the same as in ordinary civil actions, 41 except as otherwise herein provided. All fines and penalties recovered by the 42 state in any such action, together with the costs thereof, shall be paid into 43 the state treasury to the credit of the general fund. Any such action may be 44 compromised or discontinued on application of the commission upon such terms 45 as the court shall approve and order. 46 62-1424. REGULATORY FEES. Telephone corporations shall pay to the commis- 47 sion a special regulatory fee to be determined by the commission, pursuant to 48 procedures set forth in chapter 10, title 61, Idaho Code, in such amount as 49 may be reasonable and necessary to defray the amount to be expended by the 50 commission for expenses in supervising and regulating telephone corporations 51 pursuant to this chapter. 12 1 62-1425. SEVERABILITY. If a court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge 2 to be invalid or unconstitutional any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or 3 part of this chapter, such judgment or decree shall not affect, impair, inval- 4 idate or nullify the remainder of this chapter, but the effect thereof shall 5 be confined to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of this chap- 6 ter so adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional. 7 SECTION 2. That Chapter 6, Title 62, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 8 hereby repealed. 9 SECTION 3. That Section 61-121, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 10 repealed. 11 SECTION 4. That Section 61-622A, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 12 repealed. 13 SECTION 5. That Section 61-526, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 14 amended to read as follows: 15 61-526. CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. No street railroad cor- 16 poration, gas corporation, electrical corporation, telephone corporationor 17 water corporation, shall henceforth begin the construction of a street rail- 18 road, or of a line, plant, or system or of any extension of such street rail- 19 road, or line, plant, or system, without having first obtained from the com- 20 mission a certificate that the present or future public convenience and neces- 21 sity require or will require such construction: provided, that this section 22 shall not be construed to require such corporation to secure such certificate 23 for an extension within any city or county, within which it shall have there- 24 tofore lawfully commenced operation, or for an extension into territory 25 whether within or without a city or county, contiguous to its street railroad, 26 or line, plant or system, and not theretofore served by a public utility of 27 like character, or for an extension within or to territory already served by 28 it necessary in the ordinary course of its business: and provided further, 29 that if any public utility in constructing or extending its lines, plant or 30 system, shall interfere or be about to interfere with the operation of the 31 line, plant or system of any other public utility already constructed, or if 32 public convenience and necessity does not require or will require such con- 33 struction or extension, the commission on complaint of the public utility 34 claiming to be injuriously affected, or on the commission's own motion, may, 35 after hearing, make such order and prescribe such terms and conditions for the 36 locating or type of the line, plant or system affected as to it may seem just 37 and reasonable: provided, that power companies may, without such certificate, 38 increase the capacity of their existing generating plants. 39 SECTION 6. That Section 62-701, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 40 amended to read as follows: 41 62-701. RIGHT TO USE HIGHWAYS. Telephone corporations or cooperative or 42 mutual nonprofit telephone companies may construct or install telephone lines 43 along, beneath the surface of or upon any public road or highway, or along, 44 beneath the surface of, or across any of the waters or lands within this 45 state, and may erect or install poles, posts, piers or abutments for support- 46 ing the insulators, wires and other necessary fixtures of their lines in such 47 manner and at such points as not to incommode the public use of the road or 48 highway, or interrupt the navigation of the waters. 13 1 SECTION 7. That Section 62-702, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 2 amended to read as follows: 3 62-702. INJURY TO COMPANY'S PROPERTY. Any person who injures or destroys, 4 through want of proper care, any necessary or useful fixture of any telegraph 5 ortelephone corporationtelecommunications carrier, is liable to thecorpora-6tiontelecommunications carrier for all damages sustained thereby. 7 SECTION 8. That Section 26-2239, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 8 amended to read as follows: 9 26-2239. EXEMPTIONS. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to 10 the following: 11 (1) Any attorney-at-law duly authorized to practice in this state; 12 (2) Any regulated lender as defined in section 28-41-301(37), Idaho Code, 13 nor any subsidiary, affiliate or agent of such a regulated lender to the 14 extent that the subsidiary, affiliate or agent collects for the regulated 15 lender; 16 (3) Any trust company authorized to do business in this state; 17 (4) Any federal, state or local governmental agency or instrumentality; 18 (5) Any real estate broker or real estate salesman licensed under the 19 laws of and residing within this state when engaged in the regular practice of 20 a real estate business; 21 (6) Any abstract and title companies doing an escrow business; 22 (7) Any mortgage company to the extent that such mortgage company is 23 engaged in the regular business of a mortgage company as defined in section 24 26-2802, Idaho Code; 25 (8) Any court appointed trustee, receiver or conservator; 26 (9) Anytelephone corporationtelecommunications carrier, as defined in 27 subsection (109) of section 62-6031403, Idaho Code, whose initial request for 28 payment on behalf of suchtelephone corporationtelecommunications carrier or 29 on behalf of another person is made by thetelephone corporationtelecommuni- 30 cations carrier as a part of regular telecommunications billings to its cus- 31 tomers and at a time before the account, bill, claim or other indebtedness 32 becomes past due or delinquent; 33 (10) A person while acting as a debt collector for another person, both of 34 whom are related by common ownership or affiliated by corporate control, if 35 the person acting as a debt collector does so only for persons to whom he is 36 so related or affiliated and if the principal business of such person is not 37 the collection of debts. 38 SECTION 9. That Section 48-1009, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 39 amended to read as follows: 40 48-1009. CONSUMER NOTIFICATION --RULE MAKINGRULEMAKING BY THE IDAHO 41 PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. (1) Telephone corporations providing basic local 42 exchange service, as defined in section 62-6031403(20), Idaho Code, shall 43 inform customers of the provisions of this chapter. Publication of such noti- 44 fication in an annual insert in a billing statement mailed to customers or by 45 conspicuous publication in the consumer information pages of local telephone 46 directories shall relieve telephone corporations of any and all liability 47 under this chapter to purchasers or others claiming to have suffered harm from 48 telephone solicitors or by operation of the provisions of this chapter. 49 (2) The public utilities commission shall by rule prescribe the form of 50 such notice. 14 1 SECTION 10. That Section 61-1302, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 2 amended to read as follows: 3 61-1302. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: 4 (1) "Administrator" means the person with whom the Idaho public utilities 5 commission contracts to administer the program for delivery of telecommunica- 6 tions relay services. 7 (2) "Commission" means the Idaho public utilities commission. 8 (3) "Communications impaired" means individuals who are hearing-impaired 9 or speech-impaired as defined in title IV, section 401, Americans with dis- 10 abilities act of 1990, public law 101-336, 104 stat. 327, 336-69 (47 U.S.C. 11 section 225) or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. 12 (4) "Local exchange company" means a telephone corporation which provides 13 access lines to residential and business customers with the associated trans- 14 mission of two (2) way interactive switched voice communication within a geo- 15 graphic area where basic local exchange rates rather than message telecommuni- 16 cations service rates apply. 17 (5) "Message telecommunications service" shall have the meaning pre- 18 scribed in section 62-603(6)1403(8), Idaho Code. 19 (6) "Program" means the effort directed by the administrator pursuant to 20 this chapter to establish and operate an Idaho system to provide telecommuni- 21 cations relay services. 22 (7) "Telephone corporation" shall have the meaning prescribed in section 23 62-603(10)1403(20), Idaho Code. 24 (8) "Telecommunications relay services (TRS)" means services through 25 which a communications impaired person, using specialized telecommunications 26 equipment, may send and receive messages to and from a noncommunications 27 impaired person whose telephone is not equipped with specialized telecommuni- 28 cations equipment and through which a noncommunications impaired person may, 29 by using voice communication, send and receive messages to and from a communi- 30 cations impaired person. 31 SECTION 11. That Section 61-1305, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 32 amended to read as follows: 33 61-1305. PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAM. (1) All telephone corporations provid- 34 ing basic local exchange service within the state of Idaho and all telephone 35 corporations providing intrastate message telecommunications service within 36 the state of Idaho, including those otherwise exempt from the jurisdiction of 37 the commission pursuant to section 61-104, Idaho Code, and those providing 38 local exchange services or message telecommunications services pursuant to the 39 telecommunications act of19882006, chapter614, title 62, Idaho Code, shall 40 except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, provide TRS in accor- 41 dance with the program established by the commission, and shall pay into the 42 telecommunications relay services fund such sums as may represent the tele- 43 phone corporation's share of the cost of the program, based upon an allocation 44 methodology duly adopted by the commission in accordance with its rulemaking 45 procedures. 46 (2) The commission shall permit a telephone corporation to provide tele- 47 communications relay services to its customers by a TRS provider other than 48 the provider approved by the commission and shall waive the telephone 49 corporation's obligation to participate in the program if the commission 50 finds, upon application by a telephone corporation, that the following facts 51 exist: 52 (a) The telephone corporation will continue to meet its obligation to its 15 1 Idaho customers in accordance with the standards set forth in the Ameri- 2 cans with disabilities act; and 3 (b) The nonparticipation of such telephone corporation will not substan- 4 tially impair the operation or provision of TRS pursuant to the program 5 adopted by the commission. 6 (3) Each telephone corporation subject in whole or in part to the 7 commission's ratemaking authority may apply to the commission for authority to 8 increase its rates and charges in an amount not to exceed its payments to the 9 telecommunications relay services fund pursuant to this chapter or the costs 10 it incurs in providing TRS through an alternative TRS provider as authorized 11 by the commission pursuant to subsection (2) of this section. Such applica- 12 tions shall plainly state the amount of the proposed increase, its manner of 13 calculation, and the proposed recovery method, but shall not require a full 14 cost-of-service filing or general ratemaking presentation. The commission 15 shall promptly consider and act upon such applications. 16 SECTION 12. That Section 63-201, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 17 amended to read as follows: 18 63-201. DEFINITIONS. As used for property tax purposes in title 63, chap- 19 ters 1 through 23, Idaho Code, the terms defined in this section shall have 20 the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates another meaning: 21 (1) "Appraisal" means an estimate of property value for property tax pur- 22 poses. 23 (a) For the purpose of estimated property value to place the value on any 24 assessment roll, the value estimation must be made by the assessor or a 25 certified property tax appraiser. 26 (b) For the purpose of estimating property value to present for an appeal 27 filed pursuant to sections 63-501A, 63-407 and 63-409, Idaho Code, the 28 value estimation may be made by the assessor, a certified property tax 29 appraiser, a licensed appraiser, or a certified appraiser or any party as 30 specified by law. 31 (2) "Bargeline" means those water transportation tugs, boats, barges, 32 lighters and other equipment and property used in conjunction with waterways 33 for bulk transportation of freight or ship assist. 34 (3) "Cogenerators" means facilities which produce electric energy, and 35 steam or forms of useful energy which are used for industrial, commercial, 36 heating or cooling purposes. 37 (4) "Collection costs" are amounts authorized by law to be added after 38 the date of delinquency and collected in the same manner as property tax. 39 (5) "Delinquency" means any property tax, special assessment, fee, col- 40 lection cost, or charge collected in the same manner as property tax, that has 41 not been paid in the manner and within the time limits provided by law. 42 (6) "Improvements" means all buildings, structures, fixtures and fences 43 erected upon or affixed to the land, and all fruit, nut-bearing and ornamental 44 trees or vines not of natural growth, growing upon the land, except nursery 45 stock. 46 (7) "Late charge" means a charge of two percent (2%) of the delinquency. 47 (8) "Lawful money of the United States" means currency and coin of the 48 United States at par value and checks and drafts which are payable in dollars 49 of the United States at par value, payable upon demand or presentment. 50 (9) "Manufactured home" means a structure defined as a manufactured home 51 in section 39-4105, Idaho Code. 52 (10) "Market value" means the amount of United States dollars or equiva- 53 lent for which, in all probability, a property would exchange hands between a 16 1 willing seller, under no compulsion to sell, and an informed, capable buyer, 2 with a reasonable time allowed to consummate the sale, substantiated by a rea- 3 sonable down or full cash payment. 4 (11) "Operating property" means all rights-of-way accompanied by title; 5 roadbeds; tracks; pipelines; bargelines; equipment and docks; terminals; 6 rolling stock; equipment; power stations; power sites; lands; reservoirs, gen- 7 erating plants, transmission lines, distribution lines and substations; and 8 all immovable or movable property operated in connection with any public util- 9 ity, railroad or private railcar fleet, wholly or partly within this state, 10 and necessary to the maintenance and operation of such road or line, or in 11 conducting its business, and shall include all title and interest in such 12 property, as owner, lessee or otherwise. The term does not include personal 13 property exempt from taxation pursuant to section 63-602L, Idaho Code. 14 (12) "Party in interest" means a person who holds a properly recorded 15 mortgage, deed of trust or security interest. 16 (13) "Person" means any entity, individual, corporation, partnership, 17 firm, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership or 18 other such entities as recognized by the state of Idaho. 19 (14) "Personal property" includes all goods, chattels, stocks and bonds, 20 equities in state lands, easements, reservations, leasehold real properties 21 and all other property which the law defines, or the courts may interpret, 22 declare and hold to be personal property under the letter, spirit, intent and 23 meaning of the law, for the purposes of property taxation. For the purposes of 24 payment and collection of property taxes pursuant to chapter 9, title 63, 25 Idaho Code, collection of delinquency pursuant to chapter 10, title 63, Idaho 26 Code, and seizure and sale of personal property for taxes pursuant to chapter 27 11, title 63, Idaho Code, personal property includes manufactured homes not 28 declared as real property pursuant to section 63-304, Idaho Code. 29 (15) "Private railcar fleet" means railroad cars or locomotives owned by, 30 leased to, occupied by or franchised to any person other than a railroad com- 31 pany operating a line of railroad in Idaho or any company classified as a 32 railroad by the interstate commerce commission and entitled to possess such 33 railroad cars and locomotives except those possessed solely for the purpose of 34 repair, rehabilitation or remanufacturing of such locomotives or railroad 35 cars. 36 (16) "Public utility" means electrical companies, pipeline companies, nat- 37 ural gas distribution companies, or power producers included within federal 38 law, bargelines, and water companies which are under the jurisdiction of the 39 Idaho public utilities commission. The term also includestelephone corpora-40tionstelecommunications carriers, as that term is defined in section 41 62-6031403(19), Idaho Code, except as hereinafter provided, whether or not42such telephone corporation has been issued a certificate of convenience and43necessity by the Idaho public utilities commission. 44 This term does not include cogenerators, cable television companies, 45 mobile telephone service or companies, nor does it include pager service or 46 companies, except when such services are an integral part of services provided 47 by a certificated utility company nor does the term "public utility" include 48 companies or persons engaged in the business of providing solely on a resale 49 basis, any telephone or telecommunication service which is purchased from a 50 telephone corporation or company. 51 (17) "Railroad" means every kind of railway, whether its line of rails or 52 tracks be at, above or below the surface of the earth, and without regard to 53 the kind of power used in moving its rolling stock, and shall be considered to 54 include every kind of street railway, suburban railway or interurban railway 55 excepting facilities established solely for maintenance and rebuilding of 17 1 railroad cars or locomotives. 2 (18) "Real property" means land, and all standing timber thereon, includ- 3 ing standing timber owned separately from the ownership of the land upon 4 which the same may stand, except as modified in chapter 17, title 63, Idaho 5 Code, and all buildings, structures and improvements, or other fixtures of 6 whatsoever kind on land, including water ditches constructed for mining, manu- 7 facturing or irrigation purposes, water and gas mains, wagon and turnpike toll 8 roads, and toll bridges, and all rights and privileges thereto belonging, or 9 any way appertaining, all quarries and fossils in and under the land, and all 10 other property which the law defines, or the courts may interpret, declare and 11 hold to be real property under the letter, spirit, intent and meaning of the 12 law, for the purposes of property taxation. Manufactured homes constitute real 13 property when located on taxable land, and after a statement of intent to 14 declare as real property has been recorded, provided said statement has not 15 been revoked. Timber, forest, forest land, and forest products shall be 16 defined as provided in chapter 17, title 63, Idaho Code. 17 (19) "Record owner" means the person or persons in whose name or names the 18 property stands upon the records of the county recorder's office. Where the 19 record owners are husband and wife at the time of notice of pending issue of 20 tax deed, notice to one (1) shall be deemed and imputed as notice to the other 21 spouse. 22 (20) "Special assessment" means a charge imposed upon property for a spe- 23 cific purpose, collected and enforced in the same manner as property taxes. 24 (21) "System value" means the market value for assessment purposes of the 25 operating property when considered as a unit. 26 (22) "Tax code area" means a geographical area made up of one (1) or more 27 taxing districts with one (1) total levy within the geographic area, except as 28 otherwise provided by law. 29 (23) "Taxing district" means any entity or unit with the statutory author- 30 ity to levy a property tax. 31 (24) "Taxable value" means market value for assessment purposes, less 32 applicable exemptions or other statutory provisions. 33 (25) "Transient personal property" is personal property, specifically such 34 construction, logging or mining machinery and equipment which is kept, moved, 35 transported, shipped, hauled into or remaining for periods of not less than 36 thirty (30) days, in more than one (1) county in the state during the same 37 year. 38 (26) "Warrant of distraint" means a warrant ordering the seizure of per- 39 sonal property to enforce payment of property tax, special assessment, 40 expense, fee, collection cost or charge collected in the same manner as per- 41 sonal property tax. 42 SECTION 13. That Section 63-3027, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 43 amended to read as follows: 44 63-3027. COMPUTING IDAHO TAXABLE INCOME OF MULTISTATE OR UNITARY CORPORA- 45 TIONS. The Idaho taxable income of any multistate or unitary corporation 46 transacting business both within and without this state shall be computed in 47 accordance with the rules set forth in this section: 48 (a) As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: 49 (1) "Business income" means income arising from transactions and activity 50 in the regular course of the taxpayer's trade or business and includes 51 income from the acquisition, management, or disposition of tangible and 52 intangible property when such acquisition, management, or disposition con- 53 stitutes integral or necessary parts of the taxpayer's trade or business 18 1 operations. Gains or losses and dividend and interest income from stock 2 and securities of any foreign or domestic corporation shall be presumed to 3 be income from intangible property, the acquisition, management, or dispo- 4 sition of which constitutes an integral part of the taxpayer's trade or 5 business; such presumption may only be overcome by clear and convincing 6 evidence to the contrary. 7 (2) "Commercial domicile" means the principal place from which the trade 8 or business of the taxpayer is directed or managed. 9 (3) "Compensation" means wages, salaries, commissions and any other form 10 of remuneration paid to employees for personal services. 11 (4) "Nonbusiness income" means all income other than business income. 12 (5) "Sales" means all gross receipts of the taxpayer not allocated under 13 subsections (d) through (h) of this section. 14 (6) "State" means any state of the United States, the District of Colum- 15 bia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, any territory or possession of the 16 United States, and any foreign country or political subdivision thereof. 17 (b) Any taxpayer having income from business activity which is taxable 18 both within and without this state shall allocate and apportion such net 19 income as provided in this section. 20 (c) For purposes of allocation and apportionment of income under this 21 section, a taxpayer is taxable in another state if: 22 (1) In that state he is subject to a net income tax, a franchise tax mea- 23 sured by net income, a franchise tax for the privilege of doing business, 24 or a corporate stock tax; or 25 (2) That state has jurisdiction to subject the taxpayer to a net income 26 tax regardless of whether, in fact, the state does or does not. 27 (d) Rents and royalties from real or tangible personal property, capital 28 gains interest, dividends, or patent or copyright royalties, to the extent 29 that they constitute nonbusiness income, shall be allocated as provided in 30 subsections (e) through (h) of this section. Allocable nonbusiness income 31 shall be limited to the total nonbusiness income received which is in excess 32 of any related expenses which have been allowed as a deduction during the tax- 33 able year. In the case of allocable nonbusiness interest or dividends, related 34 expenses include interest on indebtedness incurred or continued to purchase or 35 carry assets on which the interest or dividends are nonbusiness income. 36 (e) (1) Net rents and royalties from real property located in this state 37 are allocable to this state. 38 (2) Net rents and royalties from tangible personal property are allocable 39 to this state: 40 (i)iIf and to the extent that the property is utilized in this 41 state,; or 42 (ii)iIn their entirety if the taxpayer's commercial domicile is in 43 this state and the taxpayer is not organized under the laws of or 44 taxable in the state in which the property is utilized. 45 (3) The extent of utilization of tangible personal property in a state is 46 determined by multiplying the rents and royalties by a fraction, the 47 numerator of which is the number of days of physical location of the prop- 48 erty in the state during the rental or royalty period in the taxable year 49 and the denominator of which is the number of days of physical location of 50 the property everywhere during all rental or royalty periods in the tax- 51 able year. If the physical location of the property during the rental or 52 royalty period is unknown or unascertainable by the taxpayer, tangible 53 personal property is utilized in the state in which the property was 54 located at the time the rental or royalty payer obtained possession. 55 (f) (1) Capital gains and losses from sales of real property located in 19 1 this state are allocable to this state. 2 (2) Capital gains and losses from sales of tangible personal property are 3 allocable to this state if: 4 (i)tThe property had a situs in this state at the time of the 5 sale,; or 6 (ii)tThe taxpayer's commercial domicile is in this state and the 7 taxpayer is not taxable in the state in which the property had a 8 situs. 9 (3) Capital gains and losses from sales of intangible personal property 10 are allocable to this state if the taxpayer's commercial domicile is in 11 this state, unless such gains and losses constitute business income as 12 defined in this section. 13 (g) Interest and dividends are allocable to this state if the taxpayer's 14 commercial domicile is in this state unless such interest or dividends consti- 15 tute business income as defined in this section. 16 (h) (1) Patent and copyright royalties are allocable to this state: 17 (i)iIf and to the extent that the patent or copyright is utilized 18 by the payer in this state,; or 19 (ii)iIf and to the extent that the patent or copyright is utilized 20 by the payer in a state in which the taxpayer is not taxable and the 21 taxpayer's commercial domicile is in this state. 22 (2) A patent is utilized in a state to the extent that it is employed in 23 production, fabrication, manufacturing, or other processing in the state 24 or to the extent that a patent product is produced in the state. If the 25 basis of receipts from patent royalties does not permit allocation to 26 states or if the accounting procedures do not reflect states of utiliza- 27 tion, the patent is utilized in the state in which the taxpayer's commer- 28 cial domicile is located. 29 (3) A copyright is utilized in a state to the extent that printing or 30 other publication originates in the state. If the basis of receipts from 31 copyright royalties does not permit allocation to states or if the 32 accounting procedures do not reflect states of utilization, the copyright 33 is utilized in the state in which the taxpayer's commercial domicile is 34 located. 35 (i) (1) Notwithstanding the election allowed inAarticle III.1 of the 36 multistate tax compact enacted as section 63-3701, Idaho Code, all busi- 37 ness income shall be apportioned to this state under subsection (j) of 38 this section by multiplying the income by a fraction, the numerator of 39 which is the property factor plus the payroll factor plus two (2) times 40 the sales factor, and the denominator of which is four (4), except as pro- 41 vided in paragraph (2) of this subsection. 42 (2) If a corporation, or a parent corporation of a combined group filing 43 a combined report under sections 63-3027 and 63-3701, Idaho Code, is an 44 electrical corporation as defined in section 61-119, Idaho Code, or is a 45telephone corporationtelecommunications carrier as defined in section 46 62-6031403(19), Idaho Code, all business income of thecorporationtele- 47 communications carrier shall be apportioned to this state by multiplying 48 the income by a fraction, the numerator of which is the property factor 49 plus the payroll factor plus the sales factor, and the denominator of 50 which is three (3). 51 (j) (1) In the case of a corporation or group of corporations combined 52 under subsection (t) of this section, Idaho taxable income or loss of the 53 corporation or combined group shall be determined as follows: 54 (i)fFrom the income or loss of the corporation or combined group 55 of corporations, subtract any nonbusiness income, and add any 20 1 nonbusiness loss, included in the total,; 2 (ii)mMultiply the amounts determined under paragraph (1)(i) of this 3 subsection by the Idaho apportionment percentage defined in subsec- 4 tion (i) of this section, taking into account, where applicable, the 5 property, payroll and sales of all corporations, wherever incorpo- 6 rated, which are included in the combined group. The resulting prod- 7 uct shall be the amount of business income or loss apportioned to 8 Idaho. 9 (2) To the amount determined as apportioned business income or loss under 10 paragraph (1)(ii) of this subsection, add nonbusiness income allocable 11 entirely to Idaho under the provisions of this section or subtract 12 nonbusiness loss allocable entirely to Idaho under this section. The 13 resulting sum is the Idaho taxable income or loss of the corporation. 14 (3) In the case of a corporation not subject to subsection (t) of this 15 section, the income or loss referred to in paragraph (1)(i) of this sub- 16 section, shall be the taxable income of the corporation after making 17 appropriate adjustments under the provisions of section 63-3022, Idaho 18 Code. 19 (k) The property factor is a fraction, the numerator of which is the 20 average value of the taxpayer's real and tangible personal property owned or 21 rented and used in this state during the tax period and the denominator of 22 which is the average value of all the taxpayer's real and tangible personal 23 property owned or rented and used during the tax period. 24 (l) Property owned by the taxpayer is valued at its original cost. Prop- 25 erty rented by the taxpayer is valued at eight (8) times the net annual rental 26 rate. Net annual rental rate is the annual rental rate paid by the taxpayer 27 less any annual rental rate received by the taxpayer from subrentals. 28 (m) The average value of property shall be determined by averaging the 29 values at the beginning and ending of the tax period, but the state tax com- 30 mission may require the averaging of monthly values during the tax period if 31 reasonably required to reflect properly the average value of the taxpayer's 32 property. 33 (n) The payroll factor is a fraction, the numerator of which is the total 34 amount paid in this state during the tax period by the taxpayer for compensa- 35 tion, and the denominator of which is the total compensation paid everywhere 36 during the tax period. 37 (o) Compensation is paid in this state if: 38 (1) The individual's service is performed entirely within the state; or 39 (2) The individual's service is performed both within and without the 40 state, but the service performed without the state is incidental to the 41 individual's service within the state; or 42 (3) Some of the service is performed in the state and: 43 (i)tThe base of operations or, if there is no base of operations, 44 the place from which the service is directed or controlled is in the 45 state,; or 46 (ii)tThe base of operations or the place from which the service is 47 directed or controlled is not in any state in which some part of the 48 service is performed, but the individual's residence is in this 49 state. 50 (p) The sales factor is a fraction, the numerator of which is the total 51 sales of the taxpayer in this state during the tax period, and the denominator 52 of which is the total sales of the taxpayer everywhere during the tax period. 53 (q) Sales of tangible personal property are in this state if: 54 (1) The property is delivered or shipped to a purchaser, other than the 55 United States government, within this state regardless of the f.o.b. point 21 1 or other conditions of the sale,; or 2 (2) The property is shipped from an office, store, warehouse, factory, or 3 other place of storage in this state and: 4 (i)tThe purchaser is the United States government; or 5 (ii)tThe taxpayer is not taxable in the state of the purchaser. 6 (r) Sales, other than sales of tangible property, are in this state, if: 7 (1) The income-producing activity is performed in this state; or 8 (2) The income-producing activity is performed both in and outside this 9 state and a greater proportion of the income-producing activity is per- 10 formed in this state than in any other state, based on costs of perfor- 11 mance. 12 (s) If the allocation and apportionment provisions of this section do not 13 fairly represent the extent of the taxpayer's business activity in this state, 14 the taxpayer may petition for or the state tax commission may require, in 15 respect to all or any part of the taxpayer's business activity, if reasonable: 16 (1) Separate accounting, provided that only that portion of general 17 expenses clearly identifiable with Idaho business operations shall be 18 allowed as a deduction; 19 (2) The exclusion of any one (1) or more of the factors; 20 (3) The inclusion of one (1) or more additional factors which will fairly 21 represent the taxpayer's business activity in this state; or 22 (4) The employment of any other method to effectuate an equitable alloca- 23 tion and apportionment of the taxpayer's income. 24 (t) For purposes of this section and sections 63-3027B through 63-3027E, 25 Idaho Code, the income of two (2) or more corporations, wherever incorporated, 26 the voting stock of which is more than fifty percent (50%) owned directly or 27 indirectly by a common owner or owners, when necessary to accurately reflect 28 income, shall be allocated or apportioned as if the group of corporations were 29 a single corporation, in which event: 30 (1) The Idaho taxable income of any corporation subject to taxation in 31 this state shall be determined by use of a combined report which includes 32 the income, determined under subparagraph (2) of this subsection, of all 33 corporations which are members of a unitary business, allocated and appor- 34 tioned using apportionment factors for all corporations included in the 35 combined report and methods set out in this section. The use of a combined 36 report does not disregard the separate corporate identities of the members 37 of the unitary group. Each corporation which is transacting business in 38 this state is responsible for its apportioned share of the combined busi- 39 ness income plus its nonbusiness income or loss allocated to Idaho, minus 40 its net operating loss carryover or carryback. 41 (2) The income of a corporation to be included in a combined report shall 42 be determined as follows: 43 (i)fFor a corporation incorporated in the United States or 44 included in a consolidated federal corporation income tax return, the 45 income to be included in the combined report shall be the taxable 46 income for the corporation after making appropriate adjustments under 47 the provisions of section 63-3022, Idaho Code; 48 (ii)fFor a corporation incorporated outside the United States, but 49 not included in subsection (t)(2)(i) of this section, the income to 50 be included in the combined report shall be the net income before 51 income taxes of such corporation stated on the profit and loss state- 52 ments of such corporation which are included within the consolidated 53 profit and loss statement prepared for the group of related corpora- 54 tions of which the corporation is a member, which statement is pre- 55 pared for filing with the United States securities and exchange com- 22 1 mission. If the group of related companies is not required to file 2 such profit and loss statement with the United States securities and 3 exchange commission, the profit and loss statement prepared for 4 reporting to shareholders and subject to review by an independent 5 auditor may be used to obtain net income before income taxes. In the 6 alternative, and subject to reasonable substantiation and consistent 7 application by the group of related companies, adjustments may be 8 made to the profit and loss statements of the corporation incorpo- 9 rated outside the United States, if necessary, to conform such state- 10 ments to tax accounting standards as required by the Internal Revenue 11 Code as if such corporation were incorporated in the United States 12 and required to file a federal income tax return, subject to appro- 13 priate adjustments under the provisions of section 63-3022, Idaho 14 Code; and 15 (iii)iIf the income computation for a group under paragraphs (i) and 16 (ii) of this subsection results in a loss, such loss shall be taken 17 into account in other years, subject to the provisions of subsections 18 (b) and (c) of section 63-3022, Idaho Code. 19 (u) If compensation is paid in the form of a reasonable cash fee for the 20 performance of management services directly for the United States government 21 at the Idaho nationalengineeringlaboratory, separate accounting for that 22 part of the business activity without regard to other activity of the taxpayer 23 in the state of Idaho or elsewhere shall be required; provided that only that 24 portion of general expenses clearly identifiable with Idaho business opera- 25 tions of that activity shall be allowed as a deduction.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS 16142 This legislation would update and recodify Idaho telecommunications law. Much of the law that still governs telephone services was enacted originally in 1913. It has been updated through piecemeal legislation several times since then, with significant revisions in 1988 and 2005. Not only do the statutes not fit together very well (which leads to significant difficulty and confusion in discerning what the law actually means in many cases) but they have not kept pace with the rapid technological changes we have experienced. This legislation is meant to "catch the law up" with the telecommunications marketplace. FISCAL NOTE This legislation will have no impact on the general fund. It will change the mechanism through which the Universal Service Fund is funded and will change the criteria for obtaining support from that fund. Contact Name: Ken McClure Phone: 388-1200 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE H 741