2007 Legislation
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SENATE BILL NO. 1121 – Notices, official, published, rates


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Bill Status

S1121......................................by LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND TAXATION
NOTICES - Amends existing law to revise rates for publishing official
notices in any newspaper.

02/09    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/12    Rpt prt - to Loc Gov
02/26    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
02/27    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
03/01    3rd rdg - PASSED - 34-0-1
      AYES -- Andreason, Bair, Bastian, Bilyeu, Broadsword, Burkett,
      Cameron, Corder, Darrington, Davis, Fulcher, Gannon, Geddes, Goedde,
      Hammond, Heinrich, Hill, Jorgenson, Kelly, Keough, Langhorst, Little,
      Lodge, Malepeai, McGee, McKague, McKenzie, Pearce, Richardson,
      Schroeder, Siddoway, Stegner, Stennett, Werk
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- Coiner
    Floor Sponsor - Hill
    Title apvd - to House
03/02    House intro - 1st rdg - to Loc Gov
03/09    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
03/12    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
03/19    3rd rdg - PASSED - 68-1-1
      AYES -- Anderson, Andrus, Barrett, Bayer, Bedke, Bell, Bilbao, Black,
      Block, Bock, Boe, Bolz, Brackett, Bradford, Chadderdon, Chavez, Chew,
      Clark, Collins, Crane, Durst, Edmunson, Eskridge, Hagedorn, Hart,
      Henbest, Henderson, Jaquet, Killen, King, Kren, Labrador, Lake,
      LeFavour, Loertscher, Luker, Marriott, Mathews, McGeachin, Mortimer,
      Nielsen, Nonini, Pasley-Stuart, Patrick, Pence, Raybould, Ring,
      Ringo, Roberts, Ruchti, Rusche, Sayler, Schaefer, Shepherd(2),
      Shepherd(8), Shirley, Shively, Smith(30), Smith(24), Snodgrass,
      Stevenson, Thayn, Trail, Vander Woude, Wills, Wood(27), Wood(35), Mr.
      NAYS -- Moyle
      Absent and excused -- Harwood
    Floor Sponsor - Henderson
    Title apvd - to Senate
03/20    To enrol
03/21    Rpt enrol - Pres signed - Sp signed
03/22    To Governor
    Law without signature
         Session Law Chapter 260
         Effective: 07/01/07

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   First Regular Session - 2007
                                       IN THE SENATE
                                    SENATE BILL NO. 1121
  1                                        AN ACT
  4    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
  5        SECTION  1.  That  Section  60-105, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
  6    amended to read as follows:
  7        60-105.  RATES FOR OFFICIAL NOTICES. (1) On and  after  October  1,  2007,
  8    tThe  rate  to  be charged for all official notices required by law to be pub-
  9    lished in any newspaper in this state, by any state, county,  municipal  offi-
 10    cial or other person, shall be as follows: seven and one-half cents (7.5¢) for
 11    each  pica in a column line for the first insertion and six and one-half cents
 12    (6.5¢) for each pica in a column line for each subsequent insertion. For table
 13    and figure matter, the rate shall be eight and one-half cents (8.5¢) for  each
 14    pica  in  a  column  line  for the first insertion, and six and one-half cents
 15    (6.5¢) for each pica in a column line for each subsequent  insertion.  In  the
 16    event  that  a column line ends in a one-half (1/2) pica measurement, the rate
 17    for such onehalf one-half (1/2) pica shall be one-half (1/2) the  rate  estab-
 18    lished  for  a full pica for the type of matter set forth herein. For purposes
 19    of this section, the type used shall not be smaller than seven (7)  point  nor
 20    greater than eight (8) point.
 21        (2)  On and after October 1, 2008, the rate to be charged for all official
 22    notices required by law to be published in any newspaper in this state, by any
 23    state, county, municipal official or other person, shall be as follows:  eight
 24    cents  (8¢)  for  each pica in a column line for the first insertion and seven
 25    cents (7¢) for each pica in a column line for each subsequent  insertion.  For
 26    table  and figure matter, the rate shall be nine cents (9¢) for each pica in a
 27    column line for the first insertion, and seven cents (7¢) for each pica  in  a
 28    column  line  for  each  subsequent insertion. In the event that a column line
 29    ends in a one-half (1/2) pica measurement, the rate for  such  one-half  (1/2)
 30    pica shall be one-half (1/2) the rate established for a full pica for the type
 31    of  matter set forth herein. For purposes of this section, the type used shall
 32    not be smaller than seven (7) point nor greater than eight (8) point.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                       STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

                           RS 16770C1 

Idaho Code ยง60-105 establishes the rates charged by Idaho weekly
and daily newspapers for legal notices that are required to be
published in newspapers by Idaho law.  The last rate increase
legislation was enacted in 1999.  That legislation made the
current publication rate effective in 2001.  As with any
business, inflation in cost of materials, labor, and other
related business expenses has increased the cost of publishing
such notices.

This legislation would increase the statutory publication rate by
one cent.  The one cent increase would be spread over the course
of two years: one-half cent in October 2007, and another half-
cent in October 2008.

                          FISCAL NOTE

The current estimated total cost statewide for publishing
official notices by state and local governments for FY 2007 is
$1,404,000.  With the enactment of this legislation, the total
cost of each year's half-cent increase would be an additional
$113,800, and is divided among government entity sectors as

                                 FY 2007         FY 2008        FY 2009   
                                 Budget          Increase       Increase   

State Government Agencies      $  379,000        $ 15,400       $ 15,400   
County Governments             $  365,000        $ 14,800       $ 14,800   
City Governments               $  590,000        $ 23,900       $ 23,900   
Other Government Entities      $   70,000        $  2,800       $  2,800   
TOTAL                          $1,404,000        $113,800       $113,800   

Name: Bob Hall, Idaho Newspaper Association 
Phone: 375-0733
Jeremy Pisca, Idaho Allied Dailies
Phone: 384-1800

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                               S 1121