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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact STATE AFFAIRS LICENSE PLATES - CAPITOL COMMISSION - Amends existing law to delete the expiration date for issuance of Capitol Commission specialty license plates. 01/16 House intro - 1st rdg - to printing 01/17 Rpt prt - to Transp 01/23 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg 01/24 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg 01/25 3rd rdg - PASSED - 56-1-13 AYES -- Andrus, Bayer, Bell, Bilbao, Black, Block, Bock, Boe, Bolz, Bowers, Brackett, Bradford, Chadderdon, Chavez, Chew, Collins, Crane, Durst, Eskridge, Hagedorn, Hart, Harwood, Henbest, Henderson, Jaquet, Killen, King, Kren, Labrador, Lake, LeFavour, Loertscher, Luker, Marriott, Mathews, Mortimer, Moyle, Nonini, Pasley-Stuart, Patrick, Pence, Raybould, Ringo, Roberts, Ruchti, Rusche, Sayler, Shepherd(08), Shirley, Shively, Thomas, Trail, Vander Woude, Wills, Wood(27), Mr. Speaker NAYS -- Barrett Absent and excused -- Anderson, Bedke, Clark, McGeachin, Nielsen, Schaefer, Shepherd(02), Smith(30), Smith(24), Snodgrass, Stevenson, Thayn, Wood(35) Floor Sponsor - Roberts Title apvd - to Senate 01/28 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to Transp 02/01 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg 02/04 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg 02/11 3rd rdg - PASSED - 29-5-1 AYES -- Andreason, Bair, Bastian, Bilyeu, Broadsword, Burkett, Cameron, Coiner, Darrington, Davis, Fulcher, Gannon, Geddes, Goedde, Hammond, Heinrich, Hill, Jorgenson, Kelly, Keough, Langhorst, Lodge, Malepeai(Sagness), McGee, McKague, McKenzie, Pearce, Richardson, Werk NAYS -- Corder, Little, Schroeder, Siddoway, Stegner Absent and excused -- Stennett Floor Sponsor - President Pro Tempore Geddes Title apvd - to House 02/12 To enrol 02/13 Rpt enrol - Sp signed 02/14 Pres signed 02/15 To Governor 02/19 Governor signed Session Law Chapter 14 Effective: 07/01/08
]]]] LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO ]]]] Fifty-ninth Legislature Second Regular Session - 2008IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HOUSE BILL NO. 355 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO CAPITOL COMMISSION LICENSE PLATES; AMENDING SECTION 49-420A, IDAHO 3 CODE, TO DELETE THE EXPIRATION DATE. 4 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 5 SECTION 1. That Section 49-420A, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 6 amended to read as follows: 7 49-420A. IDAHO STATE CAPITOL COMMISSION PLATES. (1) On and after January 8 1, 2002,and through December 31, 2012,any person who is the owner of a vehi- 9 cle registered under the provisions of section 49-402, Idaho Code, or regis- 10 tered under any other section of law for which the purchase of special plates 11 is allowed, may apply for and, upon department approval, receive special Idaho 12 state capitol commission plates in lieu of regular license plates.On and13after January 1, 2013, the department shall not issue new plates pursuant to14this section nor shall it renew any plates previously issued under this sec-15tion, the provisions of section 49-443, Idaho Code, relating to time period16for validity of plates, notwithstanding.17 (2) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any vehicle with a 18 registered maximum gross weight over twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds. 19 Availability of Idaho state capitol commission plates for other vehicles shall 20 be subject to the rules, policies and procedures of the department. 21 (3) In addition to the regular registration fee required in chapter 4, 22 title 49, Idaho Code, the applicant shall be charged a fee of thirty-five dol- 23 lars ($35.00) for the initial issuance of plates, and twenty-five dollars 24 ($25.00) upon each succeeding annual registration. Ten dollars ($10.00) of the 25 initial fee and ten dollars ($10.00) of the renewal fee shall be deposited in 26 the state highway account and shall be used to fund the cost of administration 27 of this special license plate program. Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) of each 28 initial fee and fifteen dollars ($15.00) of each renewal fee shall be depos- 29 ited by the state treasurer in the Idaho capitol endowment income fund estab- 30 lished in section 67-1611, Idaho Code, and shall be used exclusively for the 31 purposes of chapter 16, title 67, Idaho Code. 32 (4) Whenever title or interest in a vehicle registered under the provi- 33 sions of this section is transferred or assigned, the owner may transfer the 34 special plates to another vehicle upon payment of the required transfer fees. 35 The owner may only display the plates on another vehicle upon receipt of the 36 new registration from the department. 37 (5) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 49-402C, Idaho Code, the 38 Idaho state capitol commission license plate shall be of a color and design 39 acceptable to the Idaho state capitol commission, except that the word "Idaho" 40 shall appear on each plate and the county designator shall be omitted to pro- 41 vide for distinguishing designs and slogans. The design shall be approved by 42 the department, utilizing a numbering system as determined by the department. 43 Initial costs of the plate program, including costs of plate design, shall be 2 1 paid by the Idaho state capitol commission. 2 (6) Sample Idaho state capitol commission license plates may be purchased 3 for a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00), ten dollars ($10.00) of which shall be 4 deposited in the state highway account and twenty dollars ($20.00) of which 5 shall be deposited in the Idaho capitol endowment income fund. No additional 6 fee shall be charged for personalizing sample plates.
REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT REPRINT STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS 17309 Special Capitol restoration motor vehicle license plates were created in 2001 to help fund the restoration of Idaho's Capitol through voluntary contributions from the purchase of these plates. These special Capitol restoration plates currently are scheduled to be phased out in 2012; however, the popularity of the restoration plates and the opportunity to use these voluntary contributions to pay for future repairs to the Capitol merit extending the life of the plates. This bill would not create any new license plates. The bill simply would allow individuals to continue to purchase these existing license plates after the restoration of the Capitol has been completed. The special restoration plates have proved to be very popular with the public, and have produced needed revenue for the restoration. Over 3,500 people a year are contributing voluntarily to the Capitol restoration effort by purchasing restoration license plates. Revenues from the voluntary plate sales can help pay for ongoing maintenance for the Capitol when the current restoration is complete. FISCAL NOTE This bill has no fiscal impact on the general fund or any local government funds in FY 2009, but it can reduce the need to appropriate state general funds for Capitol maintenance costs in future fiscal years. Sales of special Capitol restoration license plates are now producing over $80,000 each year in dedicated funds that can be used for Capitol building repairs. Fees for special plates are entirely voluntary on the part of plate purchasers. There are no additional expenses for producing the special plates as a result of this bill, and the current statutory plate fees include the cost of administration of the program by the Idaho Department of Transportation. CONTACT Name: Joanna Guilfoy Agency: Administration, Dept. of Phone: 332-1832 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE H 355