2008 Legislation
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HOUSE BILL NO. 487<br /> – Commodity dealers, license


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Bill Status

H0487...............................................by AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS
COMMODITY DEALERS - Amends existing law to revise license and financial
responsibility requirements for commodity dealers; and to require certain
licenses for commodity dealers who purchase agricultural commodities by
credit-sale contracts.

02/07    House intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/08    Rpt prt - to Agric Aff
02/15    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
02/18    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
02/20    3rd rdg - PASSED - 63-0-7
      AYES -- Anderson, Andrus, Barrett, Bayer, Bell, Bilbao, Block, Bock,
      Boe, Bolz, Bowers, Bradford, Chadderdon, Chavez, Chew, Clark,
      Collins, Crane, Durst, Eskridge, Hagedorn, Hart, Harwood,
      Henbest(Burgoyne), Henderson, Jaquet, Killen, King, Kren, Labrador,
      Lake, LeFavour, Loertscher, Luker, Mathews, McGeachin, Mortimer,
      Moyle, Nielsen, Nonini, Pasley-Stuart, Pence, Raybould, Ringo,
      Ruchti, Rusche, Sayler, Schaefer, Shepherd(02), Shepherd(08),
      Shirley, Shively, Smith(24), Smith(30)(Stanek), Snodgrass, Stevenson,
      Thayn, Thomas, Trail, Vander Woude, Wills, Wood(27), Mr. Speaker
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- Bedke, Black, Brackett, Marriott, Patrick,
      Roberts, Wood(35)
    Floor Sponsor - Stevenson
    Title apvd - to Senate
02/21    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to Agric Aff

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                                     HOUSE BILL NO. 487

                             BY AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE

  1                                        AN ACT

  7    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

  8        SECTION 1.  That Section 69-502, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
  9    amended to read as follows:

 10        69-502.  DEFINITIONS.  As used in this chapter, except as otherwise speci-
 11    fied:
 12        (1)  "Agricultural commodity" means any feeds, grain, wheat, barley, oats,
 13    corn, rye, oilseeds, dry edible beans,  peas,  lentils  and  other  leguminous
 14    seeds  and feeds (not including minerals or seed crops) or any other commodity
 15    as determined by the director.
 16        (2)  "Commodity dealer" or "dealer" means any person  who  solicits,  con-
 17    tracts for, or obtains from an Idaho producer or producers, title, possession,
 18    or control of any agricultural commodity through his place of business located
 19    in  the  state  of  Idaho or through his place of business located outside the
 20    state of Idaho for the purpose of sale or resale or who buys, during any  cal-
 21    endar  year,  at  least  ten twenty-five thousand dollars ($1025,000) worth of
 22    agricultural commodities from an Idaho producer or producers of  the  commodi-
 23    ties. Commodity dealer or dealer shall not mean any person who purchases agri-
 24    cultural commodities for his own use as seed or feed within his own operation.
 25        (3)  "Credit-sale  contract"  means a contract for the sale of an agricul-
 26    tural commodity pursuant to which the sale price is to be paid at a date  sub-
 27    sequent  to  the  delivery  of  the  agricultural  commodity  to the buyer and
 28    includes, but is not limited to,  those  contracts  commonly  referred  to  as
 29    deferred  payment  contracts,  deferred pricing contracts and price-later con-
 30    tracts.
 31        (4)  "Department" means the department of  agriculture  of  the  state  of
 32    Idaho.
 33        (5)  "Director" means the director of the department of agriculture.
 34        (6)  "Person" means any individual, firm, association, partnership, corpo-
 35    ration, or limited liability company.
 36        (7)  "Producer"  means the owner, tenant or operator of land in this state
 37    who has an interest in the proceeds from the sale of agricultural  commodities
 38    produced  on  that land. Producer does not include growers who sell their com-
 39    modity to a facility in which they have a  financial  or  management  interest
 40    except  members of a cooperative marketing association qualified under chapter
 41    26, title 22, Idaho Code.
 42        (8)  "Public warehouse" or "warehouse" or "warehouseman" means any  eleva-
 43    tor,  mill,  warehouse,  subterminal  commodity warehouse, public warehouse or


  1    other structure or facility in which agricultural commodities are received for
  2    storage, shipment, processing, reconditioning or handling.
  3        (9)  "Revocation" means  the  permanent  removal  of  a  commodity  dealer
  4    license following a hearing on violations of the provisions of this chapter by
  5    the hearing officer or director.
  6        (10) "Suspension"  means  the  temporary  removal  of  a  commodity dealer
  7    license by the department pending a hearing for violations of  the  provisions
  8    of  this  chapter.  Correction of the violations prior to a hearing may result
  9    in the reinstatement of a license without a hearing.
 10        (11) "Termination" means the expiration of a commodity dealer license  due
 11    to  failure to meet minimum licensing requirements, failure to renew a commod-
 12    ity dealer license or as requested by the licensee,  unless  a  complaint  has
 13    been  filed against the licensee alleging a violation of any provision of this
 14    chapter.

 15        SECTION 2.  That Section 69-503, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
 16    amended to read as follows:

 18    shall not engage in the business of a commodity dealer in this  state  without
 19    having obtained a license issued by the department.
 20        (2)  The type of license required shall be determined as follows:
 21        (a)  A class 1 license is required if the commodity dealer purchases agri-
 22        cultural  commodities by credit-sale contract or if the value of the agri-
 23        cultural commodities purchased by the commodity dealer from producers dur-
 24        ing the previous twelve (12) month period exceeds  two  five  hundred  and
 25        fifty  thousand  dollars  ($2500,000), or if the value of the agricultural
 26        commodities expected to be purchased by the commodity dealer from the pro-
 27        ducers during the succeeding twelve (12) month period will exceed two five
 28        hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($2500,000). Any other commodity dealer
 29        may elect to be licensed as a class 1 commodity dealer.
 30        (b)  A class 2 license is required for any commodity dealer if  the  value
 31        of  the  agricultural  commodities  purchased by the commodity dealer from
 32        producers during the previous twelve (12) month period exceeds ten twenty-
 33        five thousand dollars ($1025,000) and is less than two  five  hundred  and
 34        fifty  thousand  dollars  ($2500,000), or if the value of the agricultural
 35        commodities expected to be purchased by the  commodity  dealer  from  pro-
 36        ducers  during  the  succeeding twelve (12) month period will be more than
 37        ten twenty-five thousand dollars ($1025,000) but less than two  five  hun-
 38        dred and fifty thousand dollars ($2500,000). A class 2 licensee whose pur-
 39        chases  from  producers exceed two five hundred and fifty thousand dollars
 40        ($2500,000) in value during any twelve (12) month period shall immediately
 41        apply for a class 1 license. If a class 1 license is  denied,  the  person
 42        shall immediately cease doing business as a commodity dealer.
 43        (3)  An  application  for  a  license to engage in business as a commodity
 44    dealer shall be filed with the department and shall be on a form prescribed by
 45    the department. A separate license is required  for  each  location  at  which
 46    records are maintained for transactions of the commodity dealer.
 47        (4)  A license application shall include the following:
 48        (a)  The name of the applicant;
 49        (b)  The  names of the officers and directors if the applicant is a corpo-
 50        ration;
 51        (c)  The names of the partners if the applicant is a partnership;
 52        (d)  The location of the principal place of business; and
 53        (e)  Any other reasonable information the department  finds  necessary  to


  1        carry out the provisions and purposes of this chapter.
  2        (5)  A license applicant shall further provide a sufficient and valid bond
  3    as specified in section 69-506, Idaho Code.
  4        (6)  A license applicant shall further provide a complete financial state-
  5    ment  setting  forth  the  applicant's assets, liabilities and net worth. This
  6    financial statement shall be  prepared  by  an  independent  certified  public
  7    accountant  or  a  licensed  public accountant according to generally accepted
  8    accounting principles. The commodity dealer shall have  and  maintain  current
  9    assets  equal to or greater than current liabilities. Assets shall be shown at
 10    original cost less depreciation. Upon written request filed with  the  depart-
 11    ment,  the  director may allow asset valuations in accordance with a competent
 12    appraisal.
 13        (7)  In order to receive and retain a commodity dealer's license the  fol-
 14    lowing additional conditions must be satisfied:
 15        (a)  For  a  class  1 license a commodity dealer shall have and maintain a
 16        net worth of at least fifty two hundred thousand dollars ($5200,000).   or
 17        maintain  a  bond  in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each
 18        one thousand dollars ($1,000) or fraction thereof of net worth deficiency;
 19        however, a person shall not be licensed as a class 1 commodity  dealer  if
 20        the  person  has  a  net  worth  of less than twenty-five thousand dollars
 21        ($25,000). A bond submitted for purposes of this subsection  shall  be  in
 22        addition to any bond otherwise required under the provisions of this chap-
 23        ter  Provided  however, for those commodity dealers licensed prior to July
 24        1, 2007, that were at the time of licensing required  to  maintain  a  net
 25        worth  of  at least fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), that are continually
 26        licensed through December 2010, their net worth requirement shall increase
 27        by fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per license year until the two hundred
 28        thousand dollar ($200,000) net worth minimum is reached which shall be  no
 29        later  than  December  31,  2010. In the event a commodity dealer licensed
 30        prior to July 1, 2007, shall at any time prior to December 31, 2010, cease
 31        to be licensed, and shall thereafter again apply for a  class  1  license,
 32        they  shall  be  required to have and maintain a net worth of at least two
 33        hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). A class 1 commodity dealer shall have
 34        and maintain grain assets plus liquidity equal to or  greater  than  grain
 35        liabilities. Guidelines relating to grain assets, liquidity and grain lia-
 36        bilities shall be promulgated by rule.
 37        (b)  For  a  class  2 license a commodity dealer shall have and maintain a
 38        net worth of at least twenty-five fifty  thousand  dollars  ($250,000)  or
 39        maintain  a  bond  in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each
 40        one thousand dollars ($1,000) or fraction thereof of net worth deficiency;
 41        however, a person shall not be licensed as a class 2 commodity  dealer  if
 42        the  person  has a net worth of less than ten twenty-five thousand dollars
 43        ($1025,000). A bond submitted for purposes of this subsection shall be  in
 44        addition to any bond otherwise required under the provisions of this chap-
 45        ter.  Class  2  commodity  dealers licensed before July 1, 2007, that were
 46        required at licensing to maintain a net worth of twenty-five thousand dol-
 47        lars ($25,000) shall have until the next licensing renewal after  July  1,
 48        2008, to meet the minimum net worth of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
 49        (8)  The  department  may  require  additional information or verification
 50    regarding the financial resources of the applicant and the applicant's ability
 51    to pay producers for agricultural commodities purchased from them.

 52        SECTION 3.  That Section 69-514, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
 53    amended to read as follows:


  1        69-514.  CREDIT-SALE CONTRACTS. (1) A commodity dealer who purchases agri-
  2    cultural  commodities by credit-sale  contracts shall have in effect a current
  3    class 1 commodity dealer license and maintain books, records and  other  docu-
  4    ments  as  required  by the department to establish compliance with the provi-
  5    sions of this section.
  6        (2)  In addition to other information as may be  required,  a  credit-sale
  7    contract shall contain or make provision for all of the following:
  8        (a)  The seller's name and address;
  9        (b)  The conditions of delivery;
 10        (c)  The amount and kind of agricultural commodities delivered;
 11        (d)  The price per unit or basis of value; and
 12        (e)  The date payment is to be made.
 13        (3)  Title  to  all  agricultural commodities sold by a contract is in the
 14    purchasing dealer as of the time the contract is signed, unless  the  contract
 15    provides otherwise. The contract must be signed by all parties and executed in
 16    duplicate.  One (1) copy shall be retained by the commodity dealer and one (1)
 17    copy shall be delivered to the seller. Upon revocation  or  termination  of  a
 18    commodity  dealer's  license,  the  payment date for all credit-sale contracts
 19    shall be advanced to a date not later than  thirty  (30)  days  following  the
 20    effective date of the revocation or termination and the purchase price for all
 21    agricultural  commodities without a price shall be determined as of the effec-
 22    tive date of revocation or termination in accordance with all other provisions
 23    of the contract. However, if the business of the commodity dealer is  sold  to
 24    another  licensed  commodity  dealer, credit-sale contracts may be assigned to
 25    the purchaser of the business.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                  STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

                       RS 17755C1

This legislation amends Section 69-502 (2) increasing 
the minimum financial requirement to the definition of 
Commodity Dealer; Section 69-503 to increase the minimum 
financial requirement for Class 1 and 2 Commodity Dealers; 
Section 69-503 (7) (a) adds increased financial responsibility 
for those Commodity Dealers licensed as Class I and II 
Commodity Dealers; Section 69-514 adds a requirement that 
Commodity Dealers must hold a class 1 license in order to 
write credit sale contracts.

                       FISCAL NOTE

No impact to the General Fund.


Name:  Representative Dennis Lake
Phone: (208) 332-1137

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                     H 487