2008 Legislation
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HOUSE BILL NO. 488<br /> – Midwifery voluntary license


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Bill Status

H0488aa...............................................by HEALTH AND WELFARE
MIDWIFERY - Adds to and amends existing law relating to midwifery to
provide legislative purpose and intent; to define terms; to provide
licensed practice; to provide for disclosure and recordkeeping; to
establish the Board of Midwifery; to set forth board membership, meeting
criteria and duties; to provide board powers and additional duties; to
provide for fees; to provide for licensure annual renewal and licensure
expiration; to establish qualifications for voluntary licensure; to provide
for license standards for applicants from other jurisdictions; to provide
for investigations, hearings and subpoenas; to set forth terms of unlawful
conduct; to set forth terms of unprofessional conduct; to provide for
disciplinary action; to provide a license denial or revocation procedure;
to provide enforcement penalties; and to provide that parental rights
regarding delivery methods are not modified.

02/07    House intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/08    Rpt prt - to Health/Wel
03/03    Rpt out - to Gen Ord
03/04    Rpt out amen - to engros
03/05    Rpt engros - 1st rdg - to 2nd rdg as amen
03/06    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg as amen
03/11    Ret'd to Health/Wel

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                                     HOUSE BILL NO. 488

                              BY HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE

  1                                        AN ACT

 18    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 19        SECTION  1.  That Title 54, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby amended
 20    by the addition thereto of a NEW CHAPTER, to be known and designated as  Chap-
 21    ter 13, Title 54, Idaho Code, and to read as follows:

 22                                      CHAPTER 13

 24        54-1301.  LEGISLATIVE  PURPOSE  AND  INTENT. It is the intent of the Idaho
 25    legislature that nothing in this chapter shall require a license for the prac-
 26    tice of midwifery in this state.   The  voluntary  licensure   provisions   of
 27    this chapter  are intended  to enhance maternity care options for Idaho's fam-
 28    ilies and to provide a mechanism for validating the qualifications of midwives
 29    who seek licensure.

 30        54-1302.  DEFINITIONS.  As  used in this chapter, the following terms have
 31    the meanings as stated:
 32        (1)  "Board" means the board of midwifery as created in  section  54-1305,
 33    Idaho Code.
 34        (2)  "Bureau" means the state bureau of occupational licenses.
 35        (3)  "Certified nurse midwife" means a registered nurse who is also certi-
 36    fied.  A  certified nurse midwife must graduate from a nurse-midwifery program
 37    accredited by the American college of nurse midwives, and pass a national cer-
 38    tification exam.
 39        (4)  "Certified professional midwife" means a person who is  certified  by
 40    the North American registry for midwives or any successor organization.
 41        (5)  "Client"  means  a  woman,  under the care of a licensed direct entry


  1    midwife or a direct entry midwife, and her fetus or newborn.
  2        (6)  "Department" means the Idaho department of self-governing agencies.
  3        (7)  "Direct entry midwife" means an individual who  is  engaging  in  the
  4    unlicensed practice of midwifery.
  5        (8)  "Idaho  midwifery  council"  is a voluntary professional organization
  6    representing midwives in Idaho.
  7        (9)  "Idahoans for midwives" is a volunteer consumer organization  located
  8    in this state that promotes midwifery care in Idaho.
  9        (10) "Licensed  direct  entry midwife" means a person voluntarily licensed
 10    under this chapter.
 11        (11) "Midwives alliance of North America" or "MANA,"  means  the  interna-
 12    tional  professional  organization established in 1982 for all midwives. "MANA
 13    essential documents" means those documents adopted  by  MANA  reflecting  core
 14    competencies  for  basic  midwifery practice, standards and skills for the art
 15    and practice of midwifery and values and ethics.
 16        (12) "National association of certified professional midwives" or "NACPM,"
 17    means the national organization for certified  professional  midwives.  "NACPM
 18    essential  documents"  means  those documents adopted by NACPM identifying the
 19    nature of responsible midwifery practice and includes the documents  entitled:
 20    "NACPM  philosophy," "NACPM scope of practice," and "standards for NACPM prac-
 21    tice."
 22        (13) "North American registry of midwives" or "NARM," means  the  interna-
 23    tional certification agency that establishes and administers certification for
 24    the  certified professional midwife credential.  The "NARM job analysis" means
 25    the NARM document, based on national surveys of  certified  professional  mid-
 26    wives, reflecting tasks and responsibilities of practicing midwives.
 27        (14) "Practice  of  licensed direct entry midwifery" means the practice of
 28    providing the necessary supervision, care and advice to a client during  preg-
 29    nancy,  labor,  delivery,  postpartum  and newborn periods that are consistent
 30    with national professional midwifery standards and  that  is  based  upon  the
 31    acquisition  of  clinical  skills necessary for the care of pregnant women and
 32    newborns, including antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum, newborn  and  limited
 33    interconceptual care and includes:
 34        (a)  Obtaining an informed consent to provide services;
 35        (b)  Obtaining a health history, including a physical examination;
 36        (c)  Developing a plan of care for a client;
 37        (d)  Evaluating the results of client care;
 38        (e)  Consulting and collaborating with and referring and transferring care
 39        to  licensed  health  care professionals, as is appropriate, regarding the
 40        care of a client;
 41        (f)  Obtaining medications to administer to clients, including:
 42             (i)    Rho(D) immunoglobulin for the prevention of Rh sensitization;
 43             (ii)   Antihemorrhagic agents used  for  the  control  of  postpartum
 44             hemorrhage;
 45             (iii)  Emergency oxygen and bag-valve mask for resuscitation;
 46             (iv)   Local anesthetics;
 47             (v)    Vitamin K to prevent hemorrhagic disease of the newborn;
 48             (vi)   Eye prophylaxis as required by law;
 49             (vii)  Intravenous fluids for the stabilization of the client;
 50             (viii) Antibiotics  for the treatment of group B streptococcus (GBS);
 51             and
 52             (ix)   Any other medication approved by a licensed health  care  pro-
 53             vider with authority to prescribe that medication;
 54        (g)  Obtaining  and  using  appropriate  equipment  and  devices  such  as
 55        Doppler,  blood  pressure  cuffs,  phlebotomy  supplies,  instruments  and


  1        sutures;
  2        (h)  Obtaining  appropriate  screening  and  testing, including laboratory
  3        tests, urinalysis and ultrasound;
  4        (i)  Managing the antepartum period;
  5        (j)  Managing the intrapartum period, including:
  6             (i)   Monitoring and evaluating the condition of mother and fetus;
  7             (ii)  Performing emergency episiotomy; and
  8             (iii) Delivering in any out-of-hospital setting;
  9        (k)  Managing the postpartum period including suturing  of  episiotomy  or
 10        first and second degree natural perineal and labial lacerations, including
 11        the administration of a local anesthetic;
 12        (l)  Managing the newborn period including:
 13             (i)   Providing  care  for the newborn, including performing a normal
 14             newborn examination; and
 15             (ii)  Resuscitating a newborn when necessary; and
 16             (iii) Performing the newborn screening;
 17        (m)  Providing limited interconceptual services in order to provide conti-
 18        nuity of care, including:
 19             (i)   Breastfeeding support and counseling;
 20             (ii)  Breast exams and teaching self-breast exam; and
 21             (iii) Pap smears, where all clients with abnormal results are  to  be
 22             referred to an appropriate licensed health care provider;
 23        (n)  Executing  the  orders  of  a licensed health care professional, only
 24        within the education, knowledge and skill of  the  licensed  direct  entry
 25        midwife.

 26        54-1303.  PARENTAL RIGHTS. Nothing in this chapter shall abridge, limit or
 27    otherwise  modify  the  rights of parents to choose the manner of delivery for
 28    their baby.

 29        54-1304.  DISCLOSURE -- RECORDKEEPING. (1) A licensed direct entry midwife
 30    shall provide clients with the following in a form provided by the board:
 31        (a)  Information concerning both the benefits and risks of midwifery  care
 32        in the setting of the client's choice;
 33        (b)  The licensed direct entry midwife's training and experience;
 34        (c)  Information  concerning how to obtain a copy of the rules promulgated
 35        under this chapter;
 36        (d)  The NARM job analysis and MANA essential documents;
 37        (e)  Instructions for filing complaints with the board of midwifery; and
 38        (f)  Information regarding whether or not the licensed direct  entry  mid-
 39        wife has malpractice insurance.
 40        (2)  Prior  to  initiating  care,  the licensed direct entry midwife shall
 41    obtain a signed informed  consent  agreement  for  each  client  acknowledging
 42    receipt  of  the  information specified in subsection (1) of this section. The
 43    licensed direct entry midwife shall maintain a record of the  signed  informed
 44    consent agreement for a minimum of three (3) years. If the disclosure informa-
 45    tion  changes, the licensed direct entry midwife has a duty to repeat the dis-
 46    closure to a client if such client obtains services after the change.

 47        54-1305.  BOARD OF MIDWIFERY -- DUTIES. (1) There is hereby established in
 48    the department of self-governing agencies, bureau  of  occupational  licenses,
 49    the board of midwifery.
 50        (2)  The  board shall consist of five (5) members, three (3) of whom shall
 51    be licensed pursuant to this chapter, one (1) of whom shall be a licensed phy-
 52    sician with professional experience consulting for and/or  collaborating  with


  1    direct  entry  midwives,   and one (1) of whom shall be a member of the public
  2    with an interest in the rights of clients of midwifery services.
  3        (3) One (1) member of the initial board shall be appointed for a  one  (1)
  4    year  term  of  office, one (1) member of the initial board shall be appointed
  5    for a two (2) year term of office, one (1) member of the initial  board  shall
  6    be  appointed  for  a  three  (3) year term of office, one (1) member shall be
  7    appointed for a four (4) year term of office, and one (1) member of  the  ini-
  8    tial  board shall be appointed for a five (5) year term of office. Thereafter,
  9    the term of office for each member shall be five (5) years.
 10        (4)  Appointments to the board shall be made by the governor from  nomina-
 11    tions  received  from  the  Idaho midwifery council and Idahoans for midwives,
 12    which shall nominate persons qualified for each position to be filled.
 13        (5)  The three (3) members of the board who are licensed direct entry mid-
 14    wives shall be licensed pursuant to this chapter, practicing within the  state
 15    of  Idaho for the duration of their appointment and shall have been practitio-
 16    ners within the state of Idaho for a minimum of two (2) years immediately pre-
 17    ceding appointment.
 18        (6)  The initial three (3) licensed direct entry midwife  members  of  the
 19    board  shall be persons with at least two (2) years of experience in the prac-
 20    tice of midwifery who are eligible to become licensed pursuant to  this  chap-
 21    ter.  In  the  event of death, resignation or removal of any member before the
 22    expiration of the term to which  appointed, the vacancy shall  be  filled  for
 23    the  unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original appoint-
 24    ment.
 25        (7)  The governor may remove any member of the board for  cause  prior  to
 26    the expiration of the member's term.
 27        (8)    The  board,  within  thirty  (30) days after its appointment, shall
 28    hold its initial meeting and elect a  chairperson.  The board  shall  meet  at
 29    least annually thereafter, and may hold additional meetings at the call of the
 30    chairperson  or at the written request of any two (2) members of the board. In
 31    addition to the formulary committee established in subsection (9) of this sec-
 32    tion, the board may appoint such committees as it considers necessary to carry
 33    out its duties. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum.
 34        (9)  The board shall establish a formulary committee to  make  recommenda-
 35    tions    to the board regarding which legend drugs and devices, in addition to
 36    those provided for in section 54-1302, Idaho Code,  are  appropriate  for  the
 37    practice  of  licensed direct entry midwives as well as recommended guidelines
 38    for the use of such drugs and devices. The committee shall consist of five (5)
 39    members as follows:
 40        (a)  Two (2) licensed direct entry midwives, provided that the initial two
 41        (2) licensed direct entry midwife members shall be persons who, though not
 42        necessarily licensed pursuant to this chapter at the time  of  appointment
 43        to  the  formulary committee, have at least two (2) years of experience in
 44        the practice of midwifery and who are eligible to become licensed pursuant
 45        to this chapter, and provided further that one (1)  such  licensed  direct
 46        entry midwife may also be a member of the board;
 47        (b)  One (1) licensed pharmacist;
 48        (c)  One (1) licensed physician who has professional experience consulting
 49        for and/or collaborating with direct entry midwives; and
 50        (d)  One  (1) certified nurse midwife who has professional experience con-
 51        sulting for and/or collaborating with direct entry midwives.

 52        54-1306.  BOARD -- POWERS AND ADDITIONAL DUTIES. The board shall have  the
 53    authority to:
 54        (1)  Determine the qualifications of persons applying for licensure pursu-


  1    ant to this chapter and to define, by rule, the appropriate scope of  practice
  2    for  midwifery in this state, as defined by the NACPM essential documents;
  3        (2)  Adopt such rules as are necessary  for  the  administration  of  this
  4    chapter, including standards of professional conduct;
  5        (3)  Conduct investigations and examinations and hold hearings;
  6        (4)  Collect fees and other moneys as prescribed by this chapter;
  7        (5)  Provide  such  other services and perform such other functions as are
  8    necessary  and desirable to fulfill its purposes; and
  9        (6)  Establish the minimum amount and type of continuing education  to  be
 10    required  annually  for  each  licensed direct entry midwife seeking licensure
 11    renewal.

 12        54-1307.  FEES. (1)  All fees received under the provisions of this  chap-
 13    ter  shall   be  paid  to the department of self-governing agencies, bureau of
 14    occupational licenses, and deposited in the state treasury  to the  credit  of
 15    the occupational  licenses  fund. All costs and expenses  incurred  under  the
 16    provisions  of this chapter shall be a charge against and paid from said fund.
 17    In no case shall any salary, expense or other obligation of   the   board   be
 18    charged against the general fund.
 19        (2)  The fee for licensure shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500).

 20        54-1308.  EXPIRATION  AND RENEWAL -- REINSTATEMENT. All voluntary licenses
 21    issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to annual renewal
 22    and shall expire unless renewed in the manner prescribed by the board  regard-
 23    ing  applications  for renewal, continuing education and fees. License renewal
 24    and reinstatement shall be in accordance with section 67-2614, Idaho Code.

 25        54-1309.  QUALIFICATIONS FOR VOLUNTARY LICENSURE. To be eligible to  prac-
 26    tice  as  a licensed direct entry midwife in the state of Idaho, the applicant
 27    shall:
 28        (1)  Provide proof, on a form provided by the board, of current  and  con-
 29    tinued certification as  a certified professional midwife by NARM or any  suc-
 30    cessor organization;
 31        (2)  Provide  proof,  on a form provided by the board, of current and con-
 32    tinued adult, infant and child CPR and neonatal resuscitation certification;
 33        (3)  Be physically and mentally capable  of  safely  practicing  midwifery
 34    with or without reasonable accommodation;
 35        (4)  Have  never  had a license to practice midwifery or other health care
 36    license, registration or certificate refused,  revoked  or  suspended  by  any
 37    other  state  or country for reasons that relate to the applicant's ability to
 38    skillfully and safely practice  midwifery  or  other  health  care  profession
 39    unless  that  license, registration or certification has been restored to good
 40    standing by that state or country;
 41        (5)  File with the board a board  approved  disclosure  form  stating  the
 42    degrees,    training, experience, credentials and the health care services the
 43    applicant provides;
 44        (6)  File a board approved application for licensure and pay the  required
 45    licensing fees;
 46        (7)  Provide  documentation  of  successful  completion  of board approved
 47    courses in pharmacology and shock/IV therapy.

 49    shall  establish by rule the standards for licensure of applicants licensed in
 50    another jurisdiction. However, the  standards  for  endorsement  of  licensure
 51    shall not be less than those required for licensure in the state of Idaho.


  1        54-1311.  INVESTIGATION  --  HEARING  --  SUBPOENA. (1) The board shall be
  2    empowered to investigate, or cause to be investigated, all complaints  regard-
  3    ing any conduct prohibited by this chapter.
  4        (2)  The  board  may  conduct  hearings  to assist with investigations, to
  5    determine whether grounds exist for suspension,  revocation  or  denial  of  a
  6    license  or  to  fulfill its responsibilities under this chapter as the  board
  7    determines necessary.
  8        (3)  The board may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths in any hearing  or
  9    disciplinary proceeding and compel, by subpoena duces tecum, the production of
 10    papers and records.

 11        54-1312.  UNLAWFUL CONDUCT. Unlawful conduct includes:
 12        (1)  (a) Representing  or  holding  oneself out as a licensed direct entry
 13        midwife when not licensed under this chapter;
 14        (b)  Using prescription medications, except oxygen, while engaged  in  the
 15        practice of direct entry midwifery, when not licensed under this chapter.
 16        (2)  Except  as provided in subsections (1)(a) and (1)(b) of this section,
 17    it is lawful to practice direct entry midwifery in this  state  without  being
 18    licensed under this chapter.
 19        (3)  The practice of direct entry midwifery is not considered the practice
 20    of medicine, nursing or nurse midwifery.

 21        54-1313.  UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT. Unprofessional conduct includes:
 22        (1)  Disregard  for a patient's dignity or right to privacy as to her per-
 23    son, condition, possessions or medical record;
 24        (2)  Failure to obtain informed consent as required;
 25        (3)  Submitting a birth certificate known by the person  to  be  false  or
 26    fraudulent;
 27        (4)  Failure  to  file  or  record  any medical report as required by law,
 28    impeding or obstructing the filing or recording of such a report, or  inducing
 29    another to fail to file or record such a report;
 30        (5)  Breach  of a statutory, common law, regulatory or ethical requirement
 31    of confidentiality with respect to a person who is a patient,  unless  ordered
 32    by a court of law; or
 33        (6)  Failure to pay a penalty imposed by the board.

 34        54-1314.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION. The board may suspend, revoke or refuse  to
 35    issue or renew a license on any of the following grounds:
 36        (1)  The  employment  of  fraud,  misrepresentation  or the concealment of
 37    material facts in obtaining a license under this chapter or in connection with
 38    services rendered as a licensed direct entry midwife;
 39        (2)  A legal finding of mental incompetence;
 40        (3)  Aiding or abetting a person, not duly licensed under this chapter, in
 41    claiming to be a licensed direct entry midwife;
 42        (4)  Any negligence, incompetence or misconduct in the performance of mid-
 43    wifery;
 44        (5)  Conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude or the entering  of
 45    a plea of guilty or the finding of guilt by  a  jury  or  court  of  competent
 46    jurisdiction of a commission of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude;
 47        (6)  Practicing  as  a  licensed direct entry midwife when such licensee's
 48    physical or mental abilities are impaired by the use of controlled  substances
 49    or other drugs, chemicals  or alcohol;
 50        (7)  Failure  of  the licensed direct entry midwife to maintain his or her
 51    professional premises in a clean and sanitary condition; or
 52        (8)  For violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or  the  rules


  1    made  and  promulgated  by  the state board of midwifery as authorized in this
  2    chapter.

  3        54-1315.  LICENSE DENIAL OR REVOCATION PROCEDURE.  (1)  Any  person  whose
  4    license to practice midwifery has been suspended, revoked or restricted pursu-
  5    ant  to this chapter by action of the board or whose application for licensure
  6    has been denied by action of the board, shall have the  right,  at  reasonable
  7    intervals,  to  petition  the  board  for reinstatement of such license.  Such
  8    petition shall be made in writing and in the form  prescribed  by  the  board.
  9    Upon  investigation and hearing, the board may in its discretion grant or deny
 10    such petition, or it may modify its original finding to  reflect  any  circum-
 11    stances which have changed sufficiently to warrant such modifications.
 12        (2)  Nothing  herein  shall  be construed as barring criminal prosecutions
 13    for violations of this chapter  where  such  violations  are  deemed  criminal
 14    offenses in other statutes of this state or of the United States.
 15        (3)  All  final decisions by the board shall be subject to judicial review
 16    pursuant to the provisions of chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code.

 17        54-1316.  ENFORCEMENT PENALTIES. (1) Any person who knowingly  holds  him-
 18    self  or  herself out as a licensed direct entry midwife in this state without
 19    such licensure is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person convicted of a  second  or
 20    subsequent offense under this section shall be guilty of a felony and shall be
 21    imprisoned  in  the state prison for a period not to exceed five (5) years, or
 22    shall be fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or shall be  pun-
 23    ished by both such fine and imprisonment.
 24        (2)  Provided  the board determines in good faith that a person is holding
 25    himself or herself out as a licensed direct entry midwife in violation of this
 26    chapter, the board may seek an injunction, provided it has given  thirty  (30)
 27    days' prior written notice to cease and desist against any person who does not
 28    comply  with  such  notice  and who holds himself or herself out as a licensed
 29    direct entry midwife in violation of this chapter and may, in the event a per-
 30    manent injunction is entered against such person, be entitled to all costs and
 31    fees incurred by the board in seeking the injunction.

 32        SECTION 2.  That Section 67-2601, Idaho Code, be, and the same  is  hereby
 33    amended to read as follows:

 35    OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES CREATED. (1) There is hereby created the  department  of
 36    self-governing  agencies.  The   department shall, for the purposes of section
 37    20, article IV of the constitution of the state  of  Idaho,  be  an  executive
 38    department of the state government.
 39        (2)  The department shall consist of the following:
 40        (a)  Agricultural  commodity  commissions: Idaho apple commission, as pro-
 41        vided by chapter 36, title 22, Idaho Code; Idaho bean commission, as  pro-
 42        vided by chapter 29, title 22, Idaho Code; Idaho beef council, as provided
 43        by  chapter 29, title 25, Idaho Code; Idaho cherry commission, as provided
 44        by chapter 37, title 22, Idaho Code; Idaho dairy products  commission,  as
 45        provided by chapter 31, title 25, Idaho Code; Idaho pea and lentil commis-
 46        sion,  as  provided by chapter 35, title 22, Idaho Code; Idaho potato com-
 47        mission, as provided by chapter 12, title 22, Idaho Code; the Idaho  wheat
 48        commission, as provided by chapter 33, title 22, Idaho Code; and the Idaho
 49        aquaculture commission, as provided by chapter 44, title 22, Idaho Code.
 50        (b)  Professional  and occupational licensing boards: Idaho state board of
 51        certified public accountancy, as provided by chapter 2,  title  54,  Idaho


  1        Code;  board  of  acupuncture,  as provided by chapter 47, title 54, Idaho
  2        Code; board of architectural examiners, as provided by  chapter  3,  title
  3        54,  Idaho  Code;  office  of  the state athletic director, as provided by
  4        chapter 4, title 54, Idaho Code; board of barber examiners, as provided by
  5        chapter 5, title 54, Idaho Code; board of commissioners of the Idaho state
  6        bar, as provided by chapter 4, title 3, Idaho Code; board of  chiropractic
  7        physicians, as provided by chapter 7, title 54, Idaho Code; Idaho board of
  8        cosmetology,  as  provided by chapter 8, title 54, Idaho Code; Idaho coun-
  9        selor licensing board, as provided by chapter 34, title  54,  Idaho  Code;
 10        state  board of dentistry, as provided by chapter 9, title 54, Idaho Code;
 11        state board of denturitry, as provided by  chapter  33,  title  54,  Idaho
 12        Code;  state  board  of  engineering examiners, as provided by chapter 12,
 13        title 54, Idaho Code; state board for registration of professional  geolo-
 14        gists, as provided by chapter 28, title 54, Idaho Code; speech and hearing
 15        services licensure board, as provided by chapter 29, title 54, Idaho Code;
 16        Idaho  physical  therapy licensure board, as provided by chapter 22, title
 17        54, Idaho Code; Idaho state board of landscape architects, as provided  by
 18        chapter 30, title 54, Idaho Code; liquefied petroleum gas safety board, as
 19        provided  by chapter 53, title 54, Idaho Code; state board of medicine, as
 20        provided by chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code; state board  of  morticians,
 21        as  provided  by  chapter  11, title 54, Idaho Code; board of naturopathic
 22        medical examiners, as provided by chapter 51, title 54, Idaho Code;  board
 23        of  midwifery,  as  provided by chapter 13, title 54, Idaho Code; board of
 24        nurses, as provided by chapter 14, title 54, Idaho Code; board of  examin-
 25        ers  of  nursing home administrators, as provided by chapter 16, title 54,
 26        Idaho Code; state board of optometry, as provided by chapter 15, title 54,
 27        Idaho Code; Idaho outfitters and guides board, as provided by chapter  21,
 28        title  36, Idaho Code; board of pharmacy, as provided by chapter 17, title
 29        54, Idaho Code; state board of podiatry, as provided by chapter  6,  title
 30        54,  Idaho  Code; Idaho state board of psychologist examiners, as provided
 31        by chapter 23, title 54, Idaho Code; Idaho real estate commission, as pro-
 32        vided by chapter 20, title 54, Idaho Code; real estate appraiser board, as
 33        provided by chapter 41, title 54, Idaho Code; board of social work examin-
 34        ers, as provided by chapter 32, title 54, Idaho Code; the board of veteri-
 35        nary medicine, as provided by chapter 21, title 54, Idaho Code; the  board
 36        of  examiners  of residential care facility administrators, as provided by
 37        chapter 42, title 54, Idaho Code; and the  board  of  drinking  water  and
 38        wastewater professionals, as provided by chapter 24, title 54, Idaho Code.
 39        (c)  The board of examiners, pursuant to section 67-2001, Idaho Code.
 40        (d)  The  division  of  building  safety: building code board, chapter 41,
 41        title 39, Idaho Code; manufactured home advisory board, chapter 21,  title
 42        44, Idaho Code; electrical board, chapter 10, title 54, Idaho Code; public
 43        works contractors board, chapter 19, title 54, Idaho Code; plumbing board,
 44        chapter  26,  title  54, Idaho Code; public works construction management,
 45        chapter 45, title 54, Idaho Code; and the  heating,  ventilation  and  air
 46        conditioning  board,  chapter 50, title 54, Idaho Code; the Idaho building
 47        code act; and modular buildings, chapter 43, title 39, Idaho Code,  relat-
 48        ing to.
 49        (e)  The division of veterans services to be headed by a division adminis-
 50        trator who shall be a nonclassified employee exempt from the provisions of
 51        chapter  53, title 67, Idaho Code. The administrator of the division shall
 52        administer the provisions of chapter 2, title 65, Idaho Code, and  chapter
 53        9,  title  66, Idaho Code, with the advice of the veterans affairs commis-
 54        sion established under chapter 2, title 65, Idaho Code, and shall  perform
 55        such additional duties as are imposed upon him by law.


  1        (3)  The  bureau  of  occupational  licenses  is hereby created within the
  2    department of self-governing agencies.

  3        SECTION 3.  That Section 67-2602, Idaho Code, be, and the same  is  hereby
  4    amended to read as follows:

  5        67-2602.  BUREAU  OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES. (1) The bureau of occupational
  6    licenses created in the  department  of  self-governing  agencies  by  section
  7    67-2601,  Idaho  Code,  shall  be  empowered, by written agreement between the
  8    bureau and each agency for which it provides administrative or other  services
  9    as  provided  by  law,  to provide such services for the board of acupuncture,
 10    board of architectural examiners, board of barber examiners, board  of  chiro-
 11    practic  physicians,  board  of  cosmetology, counselor licensing board, state
 12    board of denturitry, speech and hearing  services  licensure  board,  physical
 13    therapy  licensure  board,  board of landscape architects, liquefied petroleum
 14    gas  safety  board,  board  of  midwifery,  board  of  morticians,  board   of
 15    naturopathic medical examiners, board of examiners of nursing home administra-
 16    tors,  board of optometry, board of podiatrists, board of psychologist examin-
 17    ers, real estate appraiser board,  board  of  examiners  of  residential  care
 18    facility  administrators,  board of social work examiners, and such other pro-
 19    fessional and occupational licensing boards or commodity  commissions  as  may
 20    request  such  services.  The bureau may charge a reasonable fee for such ser-
 21    vices provided any agency not otherwise provided for by law and shall maintain
 22    proper accounting methods for all funds under its jurisdiction.
 23        (2)  Notwithstanding the statutes governing specific boards, for any board
 24    that contracts with the bureau of occupational  licenses,  each  board  member
 25    shall hold office until a successor has been duly appointed and qualified.
 26        (3)  The  department of self-governing agencies, by and through the bureau
 27    of occupational licenses, shall be  empowered  to  provide  administrative  or
 28    other  services for the administration of chapter 48, title 54, Idaho Code, to
 29    issue, suspend, revoke or refuse to renew licenses and certificates, to  issue
 30    subpoenas, to prescribe and impose fees and to assess administrative penalties
 31    pursuant to the provisions of chapter 48, title 54, Idaho Code.


  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                                                     Moved by    Marriott

                                                     Seconded by Loertscher

                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                              HOUSE AMENDMENT TO H.B. NO. 488

  1                               AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 1
  2        On page 1 of the printed bill, delete lines 35 through  38;  in  line  39,
  3    delete "(4)" and insert: "(3)"; in line 41, delete "(5)" and insert: "(4)".
  4        On  page  2,  in line 2, delete "(6)" and insert: "(5)"; in line 3, delete
  5    "(7)" and insert: "(6)"; in line 5, delete "(8)" and insert: "(7)"; in line 7,
  6    delete "(9)" and insert: "(8)"; in line 9, delete "(10)" and insert: "(9)"; in
  7    line 10, delete "chapter." and  insert:  "chapter,  and  shall  be  designated
  8    L.D.E.M.";
  9    following line 10, insert:
 10        "(10) "Low  risk"  means  a labor and delivery and postpartum, newborn and
 11    interconceptual care that does not include:
 12        (a)  A condition that requires a mandatory transfer;
 13        (b)  Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolus;
 14        (c)  Multiple gestation; or
 15        (d)  Any other condition that may present an unreasonable risk of harm  to
 16        a pregnant woman or unborn child as determined by administrative rule.
 17        (11) "Midwifery education accreditation council" or "MEAC," means the mid-
 18    wifery  education  accreditation council established in 1991 and recognized by
 19    the United States department of education as an accrediting  agency  for  mid-
 20    wifery  education  programs  and institutions."; in line 11, delete "(11)" and
 21    insert: "(12)"; in line 16, delete "(12)" and insert: "(13)";  following  line
 22    21, insert:
 23        "(14) "Natural"  means not pharmacologically induced."; in line 22, delete
 24    "(13)" and insert: "(15)"; in line 27, delete "(14)" and  insert:  "(16)";  in
 25    line  28, following "during" insert: "natural low risk"; in line 30, following
 26    "standards" insert: "and NACPM essential documents";  in  line  44,  following
 27    "hemorrhage"  insert:  "with  one (1) dose of intramuscular oxytocin after the
 28    delivery of the placenta to minimize blood loss, and an additional single dose
 29    of oxytocin if a hemorrhage occurs, in which case  the  direct  entry  midwife
 30    must initiate transfer if the woman's condition does not immediately improve";
 31    in line 46, following "anesthetics" insert: "as provided in subsection (16)(k)
 32    of  this  section";  in line 49, following "Intravenous" insert: "saline"; and
 33    also in line 49, delete "client;" and insert: "woman; and";  delete  lines  50
 34    and 51, and in line 52, delete "(ix)" and insert: "(viii)".
 35        On page 3, delete lines 26 through 28, and insert:
 36        "54-1303.  LICENSED  PRACTICE.  (1) Any person licensed under this chapter
 37    shall be entitled to engage in the practice  of  licensed  direct  entry  mid-
 38    wifery.
 39        (2)  A  licensed  direct  entry  midwife  shall  consult  with a physician
 40    licensed under chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code, in the instance of:
 41        (a)  Miscarriage after fourteen (14) weeks;
 42        (b)  Failure to deliver by forty-two (42) weeks of gestation;


  1        (c)  A baby in the breech position at any time after thirty-six (36) weeks
  2        of gestation;
  3        (d)  A prior cesarean section; or
  4        (e)  Any other condition or symptom that may place the health of the preg-
  5        nant woman or unborn child at unreasonable risk as defined by  administra-
  6        tive rule.
  7        (3)  A  licensed direct entry midwife shall transfer care before the onset
  8    of labor to a physician licensed under chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code, or to
  9    a hospital upon evidence of:
 10        (a)  Placenta previa after twenty-seven (27) weeks and  prior  to  twenty-
 11        seven (27) weeks if there is any spotting or bleeding;
 12        (b)  A threatened miscarriage;
 13        (c)  No onset of labor before forty-three (43) weeks of gestation; or
 14        (d)  Any  other condition that could place the life or long-term health of
 15        the pregnant woman or unborn child at risk as  defined  by  administrative
 16        rule.
 17        (4)  A licensed direct entry midwife shall transfer care during labor to a
 18    physician  licensed  under  chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code, or to a hospital
 19    upon evidence of:
 20        (a)  Any condition listed in subsection (2)(c) of this section;
 21        (b)  Persistent breech at term;
 22        (c)  Inappropriate fetal presentation as determined by the licensed direct
 23        entry midwife;
 24        (d)  Nonreassuring fetal heart pattern indicative of fetal  distress  that
 25        does  not  immediately  respond  to treatment by the licensed direct entry
 26        midwife;
 27        (e)  Particulate, moderate or thick, meconium unless delivery is imminent;
 28        (f)  Any other condition that could place the life or long-term health  of
 29        the  pregnant  woman or unborn child at significant risk if not acted upon
 30        immediately as defined by administrative rule; or
 31        (g)  Failure to deliver after three (3) hours of pushing  unless  delivery
 32        is imminent.
 33        (5)  A  licensed  direct  entry midwife shall transfer care to a physician
 34    licensed under chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code, or to a  hospital  upon  evi-
 35    dence  of  any  condition that could place the life or long-term health of the
 36    woman at significant risk if not acted upon immediately or as may  be  further
 37    defined by administrative rule.
 38        (6)  A  licensed  direct  entry midwife shall transfer care to a physician
 39    licensed under chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code, or to a  hospital  upon  evi-
 40    dence  of  any  condition  that could place the life or health of a newborn at
 41    risk as determined or as may be further defined by administrative rule.".
 42        On page 4, in line 30, delete "In", delete line 31, and in line 32, delete
 43    "tion, the" and insert: "The"; and delete lines 34 through 51.
 44        On page 5, in line 46, following "approved" insert: "NARM,  university  or
 45    MEAC accredited".
 46        On page 6, in line 13, following "chapter" insert: ", including the use of
 47    the L.D.E.M. designation".
 48        On page 7, following line 31, insert:
 49        "54-1317.  PARENTAL  RIGHTS.  Nothing in this chapter shall abridge, limit
 50    or otherwise modify the rights of parents to choose the manner of delivery for
 51    their baby.".

 52                                 CORRECTION TO TITLE
 53        On page 1, in line 4, delete "THAT PARENTAL RIGHTS REGARDING DELIV-";  and
 54    in  line  5, delete "ERY METHODS ARE NOT MODIFIED" and insert: "LICENSED PRAC-


  1    TICE"; and delete line 14, and insert: "DURE, TO PROVIDE ENFORCEMENT PENALTIES

Engrossed Bill (Original Bill with Amendment(s) Incorporated)

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                               HOUSE BILL NO. 488, As Amended

                              BY HEALTH AND WELFARE COMMITTEE

  1                                        AN ACT
 18        WIFERY.

 19    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 20        SECTION 1.  That Title 54, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby  amended
 21    by  the addition thereto of a NEW CHAPTER, to be known and designated as Chap-
 22    ter 13, Title 54, Idaho Code, and to read as follows:

 23                                      CHAPTER 13

 25        54-1301.  LEGISLATIVE PURPOSE AND INTENT. It is the intent  of  the  Idaho
 26    legislature that nothing in this chapter shall require a license for the prac-
 27    tice  of  midwifery  in  this  state.  The voluntary licensure  provisions  of
 28    this chapter  are intended  to enhance maternity care options for Idaho's fam-
 29    ilies and to provide a mechanism for validating the qualifications of midwives
 30    who seek licensure.

 31        54-1302.  DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, the following  terms  have
 32    the meanings as stated:
 33        (1)  "Board"  means  the board of midwifery as created in section 54-1305,
 34    Idaho Code.
 35        (2)  "Bureau" means the state bureau of occupational licenses.
 36        (3)  "Certified professional midwife" means a person who is  certified  by
 37    the North American registry for midwives or any successor organization.
 38        (4)  "Client"  means  a  woman,  under the care of a licensed direct entry
 39    midwife or a direct entry midwife, and her fetus or newborn.
 40        (5)  "Department" means the Idaho department of self-governing agencies.
 41        (6)  "Direct entry midwife" means an individual who  is  engaging  in  the


  1    unlicensed practice of midwifery.
  2        (7)  "Idaho  midwifery  council"  is a voluntary professional organization
  3    representing midwives in Idaho.
  4        (8)  "Idahoans for midwives" is a volunteer consumer organization  located
  5    in this state that promotes midwifery care in Idaho.
  6        (9)  "Licensed  direct  entry midwife" means a person voluntarily licensed
  7    under this chapter, and shall be designated L.D.E.M.
  8        (10) "Low risk" means a labor and delivery  and  postpartum,  newborn  and
  9    interconceptual care that does not include:
 10        (a)  A condition that requires a mandatory transfer;
 11        (b)  Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolus;
 12        (c)  Multiple gestation; or
 13        (d)  Any  other condition that may present an unreasonable risk of harm to
 14        a pregnant woman or unborn child as determined by administrative rule.
 15        (11) "Midwifery education accreditation council" or "MEAC," means the mid-
 16    wifery education accreditation council established in 1991 and  recognized  by
 17    the  United  States  department of education as an accrediting agency for mid-
 18    wifery education programs and institutions.
 19        (12) "Midwives alliance of North America" or "MANA,"  means  the  interna-
 20    tional  professional  organization established in 1982 for all midwives. "MANA
 21    essential documents" means those documents adopted  by  MANA  reflecting  core
 22    competencies  for  basic  midwifery practice, standards and skills for the art
 23    and practice of midwifery and values and ethics.
 24        (13) "National association of certified professional midwives" or "NACPM,"
 25    means the national organization for certified  professional  midwives.  "NACPM
 26    essential  documents"  means  those documents adopted by NACPM identifying the
 27    nature of responsible midwifery practice and includes the documents  entitled:
 28    "NACPM  philosophy," "NACPM scope of practice," and "standards for NACPM prac-
 29    tice."
 30        (14) "Natural" means not pharmacologically induced.
 31        (15) "North American registry of midwives" or "NARM," means  the  interna-
 32    tional certification agency that establishes and administers certification for
 33    the  certified professional midwife credential.  The "NARM job analysis" means
 34    the NARM document, based on national surveys of  certified  professional  mid-
 35    wives, reflecting tasks and responsibilities of practicing midwives.
 36        (16) "Practice  of  licensed direct entry midwifery" means the practice of
 37    providing the necessary supervision, care and advice to a client during  natu-
 38    ral  low  risk pregnancy, labor, delivery, postpartum and newborn periods that
 39    are consistent with national professional midwifery standards and NACPM essen-
 40    tial documents and that is based upon the acquisition of clinical skills  nec-
 41    essary  for  the  care  of  pregnant women and newborns, including antepartum,
 42    intrapartum,  postpartum,  newborn  and  limited  interconceptual   care   and
 43    includes:
 44        (a)  Obtaining an informed consent to provide services;
 45        (b)  Obtaining a health history, including a physical examination;
 46        (c)  Developing a plan of care for a client;
 47        (d)  Evaluating the results of client care;
 48        (e)  Consulting and collaborating with and referring and transferring care
 49        to  licensed  health  care professionals, as is appropriate, regarding the
 50        care of a client;
 51        (f)  Obtaining medications to administer to clients, including:
 52             (i)    Rho(D) immunoglobulin for the prevention of Rh sensitization;
 53             (ii)   Antihemorrhagic agents used  for  the  control  of  postpartum
 54             hemorrhage  with  one  (1)  dose  of intramuscular oxytocin after the
 55             delivery of the placenta to minimize blood loss,  and  an  additional


  1             single  dose  of  oxytocin  if a hemorrhage occurs, in which case the
  2             direct entry midwife must initiate transfer if the woman's  condition
  3             does not immediately improve;
  4             (iii)  Emergency oxygen and bag-valve mask for resuscitation;
  5             (iv)   Local  anesthetics  as  provided in subsection (16)(k) of this
  6             section;
  7             (v)    Vitamin K to prevent hemorrhagic disease of the newborn;
  8             (vi)   Eye prophylaxis as required by law;
  9             (vii)  Intravenous saline fluids for the stabilization of the  woman;
 10             and
 11             (viii) Any  other  medication approved by a licensed health care pro-
 12             vider with authority to prescribe that medication;
 13        (g)  Obtaining  and  using  appropriate  equipment  and  devices  such  as
 14        Doppler,  blood  pressure  cuffs,  phlebotomy  supplies,  instruments  and
 15        sutures;
 16        (h)  Obtaining appropriate screening  and  testing,  including  laboratory
 17        tests, urinalysis and ultrasound;
 18        (i)  Managing the antepartum period;
 19        (j)  Managing the intrapartum period, including:
 20             (i)   Monitoring and evaluating the condition of mother and fetus;
 21             (ii)  Performing emergency episiotomy; and
 22             (iii) Delivering in any out-of-hospital setting;
 23        (k)  Managing  the  postpartum  period including suturing of episiotomy or
 24        first and second degree natural perineal and labial lacerations, including
 25        the administration of a local anesthetic;
 26        (l)  Managing the newborn period including:
 27             (i)   Providing care for the newborn, including performing  a  normal
 28             newborn examination; and
 29             (ii)  Resuscitating a newborn when necessary; and
 30             (iii) Performing the newborn screening;
 31        (m)  Providing limited interconceptual services in order to provide conti-
 32        nuity of care, including:
 33             (i)   Breastfeeding support and counseling;
 34             (ii)  Breast exams and teaching self-breast exam; and
 35             (iii) Pap  smears,  where all clients with abnormal results are to be
 36             referred to an appropriate licensed health care provider;
 37        (n)  Executing the orders of a licensed  health  care  professional,  only
 38        within  the  education,  knowledge  and skill of the licensed direct entry
 39        midwife.

 40        54-1303.  LICENSED PRACTICE. (1) Any person licensed  under  this  chapter
 41    shall  be  entitled  to  engage  in the practice of licensed direct entry mid-
 42    wifery.
 43        (2)  A licensed direct  entry  midwife  shall  consult  with  a  physician
 44    licensed under chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code, in the instance of:
 45        (a)  Miscarriage after fourteen (14) weeks;
 46        (b)  Failure to deliver by forty-two (42) weeks of gestation;
 47        (c)  A baby in the breech position at any time after thirty-six (36) weeks
 48        of gestation;
 49        (d)  A prior cesarean section; or
 50        (e)  Any other condition or symptom that may place the health of the preg-
 51        nant  woman or unborn child at unreasonable risk as defined by administra-
 52        tive rule.
 53        (3)  A licensed direct entry midwife shall transfer care before the  onset
 54    of labor to a physician licensed under chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code, or to


  1    a hospital upon evidence of:
  2        (a)  Placenta  previa  after  twenty-seven (27) weeks and prior to twenty-
  3        seven (27) weeks if there is any spotting or bleeding;
  4        (b)  A threatened miscarriage;
  5        (c)  No onset of labor before forty-three (43) weeks of gestation; or
  6        (d)  Any other condition that could place the life or long-term health  of
  7        the  pregnant  woman  or unborn child at risk as defined by administrative
  8        rule.
  9        (4)  A licensed direct entry midwife shall transfer care during labor to a
 10    physician licensed under chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code, or  to  a  hospital
 11    upon evidence of:
 12        (a)  Any condition listed in subsection (2)(c) of this section;
 13        (b)  Persistent breech at term;
 14        (c)  Inappropriate fetal presentation as determined by the licensed direct
 15        entry midwife;
 16        (d)  Nonreassuring  fetal  heart pattern indicative of fetal distress that
 17        does not immediately respond to treatment by  the  licensed  direct  entry
 18        midwife;
 19        (e)  Particulate, moderate or thick, meconium unless delivery is imminent;
 20        (f)  Any  other condition that could place the life or long-term health of
 21        the pregnant woman or unborn child at significant risk if not  acted  upon
 22        immediately as defined by administrative rule; or
 23        (g)  Failure  to  deliver after three (3) hours of pushing unless delivery
 24        is imminent.
 25        (5)  A licensed direct entry midwife shall transfer care  to  a  physician
 26    licensed  under  chapter  18, title 54, Idaho Code, or to a hospital upon evi-
 27    dence of any condition that could place the life or long-term  health  of  the
 28    woman  at  significant risk if not acted upon immediately or as may be further
 29    defined by administrative rule.
 30        (6)  A licensed direct entry midwife shall transfer care  to  a  physician
 31    licensed  under  chapter  18, title 54, Idaho Code, or to a hospital upon evi-
 32    dence of any condition that could place the life or health  of  a  newborn  at
 33    risk as determined or as may be further defined by administrative rule.

 34        54-1304.  DISCLOSURE -- RECORDKEEPING. (1) A licensed direct entry midwife
 35    shall provide clients with the following in a form provided by the board:
 36        (a)  Information  concerning both the benefits and risks of midwifery care
 37        in the setting of the client's choice;
 38        (b)  The licensed direct entry midwife's training and experience;
 39        (c)  Information concerning how to obtain a copy of the rules  promulgated
 40        under this chapter;
 41        (d)  The NARM job analysis and MANA essential documents;
 42        (e)  Instructions for filing complaints with the board of midwifery; and
 43        (f)  Information  regarding  whether or not the licensed direct entry mid-
 44        wife has malpractice insurance.
 45        (2)  Prior to initiating care, the licensed  direct  entry  midwife  shall
 46    obtain  a  signed  informed  consent  agreement  for each client acknowledging
 47    receipt of the information specified in subsection (1) of  this  section.  The
 48    licensed  direct  entry midwife shall maintain a record of the signed informed
 49    consent agreement for a minimum of three (3) years. If the disclosure informa-
 50    tion changes, the licensed direct entry midwife has a duty to repeat the  dis-
 51    closure to a client if such client obtains services after the change.

 52        54-1305.  BOARD OF MIDWIFERY -- DUTIES. (1) There is hereby established in
 53    the  department  of  self-governing agencies, bureau of occupational licenses,


  1    the board of midwifery.
  2        (2)  The board shall consist of five (5) members, three (3) of whom  shall
  3    be licensed pursuant to this chapter, one (1) of whom shall be a licensed phy-
  4    sician  with  professional experience consulting for and/or collaborating with
  5    direct entry midwives,  and one (1) of whom shall be a member  of  the  public
  6    with an interest in the rights of clients of midwifery services.
  7        (3)  One  (1) member of the initial board shall be appointed for a one (1)
  8    year term of office, one (1) member of the initial board  shall  be  appointed
  9    for  a  two (2) year term of office, one (1) member of the initial board shall
 10    be appointed for a three (3) year term of office,  one  (1)  member  shall  be
 11    appointed  for  a four (4) year term of office, and one (1) member of the ini-
 12    tial board shall be appointed for a five (5) year term of office.  Thereafter,
 13    the term of office for each member shall be five (5) years.
 14        (4)  Appointments  to the board shall be made by the governor from nomina-
 15    tions received from the Idaho midwifery council  and  Idahoans  for  midwives,
 16    which shall nominate persons qualified for each position to be filled.
 17        (5)  The three (3) members of the board who are licensed direct entry mid-
 18    wives  shall be licensed pursuant to this chapter, practicing within the state
 19    of Idaho for the duration of their appointment and shall have been  practitio-
 20    ners within the state of Idaho for a minimum of two (2) years immediately pre-
 21    ceding appointment.
 22        (6)  The  initial  three  (3) licensed direct entry midwife members of the
 23    board shall be persons with at least two (2) years of experience in the  prac-
 24    tice  of  midwifery who are eligible to become licensed pursuant to this chap-
 25    ter. In the event of death, resignation or removal of any  member  before  the
 26    expiration  of  the  term to which  appointed, the vacancy shall be filled for
 27    the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner as the original  appoint-
 28    ment.
 29        (7)  The  governor  may  remove any member of the board for cause prior to
 30    the expiration of the member's term.
 31        (8)  The board, within thirty (30) days after its appointment, shall  hold
 32    its  initial  meeting  and  elect a chairperson. The board shall meet at least
 33    annually thereafter, and may hold additional  meetings  at  the  call  of  the
 34    chairperson or at the written request of any two (2) members of the board. The
 35    board  may  appoint such committees as it considers necessary to carry out its
 36    duties. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum.

 37        54-1306.  BOARD -- POWERS AND ADDITIONAL DUTIES. The board shall have  the
 38    authority to:
 39        (1)  Determine the qualifications of persons applying for licensure pursu-
 40    ant to this chapter and to define, by rule, the appropriate scope of  practice
 41    for  midwifery in this state, as defined by the NACPM essential documents;
 42        (2)  Adopt such rules as are necessary  for  the  administration  of  this
 43    chapter, including standards of professional conduct;
 44        (3)  Conduct investigations and examinations and hold hearings;
 45        (4)  Collect fees and other moneys as prescribed by this chapter;
 46        (5)  Provide  such  other services and perform such other functions as are
 47    necessary  and desirable to fulfill its purposes; and
 48        (6)  Establish the minimum amount and type of continuing education  to  be
 49    required  annually  for  each  licensed direct entry midwife seeking licensure
 50    renewal.

 51        54-1307.  FEES. (1)  All fees received under the provisions of this  chap-
 52    ter  shall   be  paid  to the department of self-governing agencies, bureau of
 53    occupational licenses, and deposited in the state treasury  to the  credit  of


  1    the occupational  licenses  fund. All costs and expenses  incurred  under  the
  2    provisions  of this chapter shall be a charge against and paid from said fund.
  3    In no case shall any salary, expense or other obligation of   the   board   be
  4    charged against the general fund.
  5        (2)  The fee for licensure shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500).

  6        54-1308.  EXPIRATION  AND RENEWAL -- REINSTATEMENT. All voluntary licenses
  7    issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to annual renewal
  8    and shall expire unless renewed in the manner prescribed by the board  regard-
  9    ing  applications  for renewal, continuing education and fees. License renewal
 10    and reinstatement shall be in accordance with section 67-2614, Idaho Code.

 11        54-1309.  QUALIFICATIONS FOR VOLUNTARY LICENSURE. To be eligible to  prac-
 12    tice  as  a licensed direct entry midwife in the state of Idaho, the applicant
 13    shall:
 14        (1)  Provide proof, on a form provided by the board, of current  and  con-
 15    tinued certification as  a certified professional midwife by NARM or any  suc-
 16    cessor organization;
 17        (2)  Provide  proof,  on a form provided by the board, of current and con-
 18    tinued adult, infant and child CPR and neonatal resuscitation certification;
 19        (3)  Be physically and mentally capable  of  safely  practicing  midwifery
 20    with or without reasonable accommodation;
 21        (4)  Have  never  had a license to practice midwifery or other health care
 22    license, registration or certificate refused,  revoked  or  suspended  by  any
 23    other  state  or country for reasons that relate to the applicant's ability to
 24    skillfully and safely practice  midwifery  or  other  health  care  profession
 25    unless  that  license, registration or certification has been restored to good
 26    standing by that state or country;
 27        (5)  File with the board a board  approved  disclosure  form  stating  the
 28    degrees,    training, experience, credentials and the health care services the
 29    applicant provides;
 30        (6)  File a board approved application for licensure and pay the  required
 31    licensing fees;
 32        (7)  Provide  documentation  of  successful  completion  of board approved
 33    NARM, university or MEAC accredited courses in pharmacology and shock/IV ther-
 34    apy.

 36    shall  establish by rule the standards for licensure of applicants licensed in
 37    another jurisdiction. However, the  standards  for  endorsement  of  licensure
 38    shall not be less than those required for licensure in the state of Idaho.

 39        54-1311.  INVESTIGATION  --  HEARING  --  SUBPOENA. (1) The board shall be
 40    empowered to investigate, or cause to be investigated, all complaints  regard-
 41    ing any conduct prohibited by this chapter.
 42        (2)  The  board  may  conduct  hearings  to assist with investigations, to
 43    determine whether grounds exist for suspension,  revocation  or  denial  of  a
 44    license  or  to  fulfill its responsibilities under this chapter as the  board
 45    determines necessary.
 46        (3)  The board may subpoena witnesses, administer oaths in any hearing  or
 47    disciplinary proceeding and compel, by subpoena duces tecum, the production of
 48    papers and records.

 49        54-1312.  UNLAWFUL CONDUCT. Unlawful conduct includes:
 50        (1)  (a) Representing  or  holding  oneself out as a licensed direct entry


  1        midwife when not licensed under this chapter, including  the  use  of  the
  2        L.D.E.M. designation;
  3        (b)  Using  prescription  medications, except oxygen, while engaged in the
  4        practice of direct entry midwifery, when not licensed under this chapter.
  5        (2)  Except as provided in subsections (1)(a) and (1)(b) of this  section,
  6    it  is  lawful  to practice direct entry midwifery in this state without being
  7    licensed under this chapter.
  8        (3)  The practice of direct entry midwifery is not considered the practice
  9    of medicine, nursing or nurse midwifery.

 10        54-1313.  UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT. Unprofessional conduct includes:
 11        (1)  Disregard for a patient's dignity or right to privacy as to her  per-
 12    son, condition, possessions or medical record;
 13        (2)  Failure to obtain informed consent as required;
 14        (3)  Submitting  a  birth  certificate  known by the person to be false or
 15    fraudulent;
 16        (4)  Failure to file or record any medical  report  as  required  by  law,
 17    impeding  or obstructing the filing or recording of such a report, or inducing
 18    another to fail to file or record such a report;
 19        (5)  Breach of a statutory, common law, regulatory or ethical  requirement
 20    of  confidentiality  with respect to a person who is a patient, unless ordered
 21    by a court of law; or
 22        (6)  Failure to pay a penalty imposed by the board.

 23        54-1314.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION. The board may suspend, revoke or refuse  to
 24    issue or renew a license on any of the following grounds:
 25        (1)  The employment of fraud,  misrepresentation  or  the  concealment  of
 26    material facts in obtaining a license under this chapter or in connection with
 27    services rendered as a licensed direct entry midwife;
 28        (2)  A legal finding of mental incompetence;
 29        (3)  Aiding or abetting a person, not duly licensed under this chapter, in
 30    claiming to be a licensed direct entry midwife;
 31        (4)  Any negligence, incompetence or misconduct in the performance of mid-
 32    wifery;
 33        (5)  Conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude or the entering  of
 34    a  plea  of  guilty  or  the  finding of guilt by a jury or court of competent
 35    jurisdiction of a commission of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude;
 36        (6)  Practicing as a licensed direct entry midwife  when  such  licensee's
 37    physical  or mental abilities are impaired by the use of controlled substances
 38    or other drugs, chemicals  or alcohol;
 39        (7)  Failure of the licensed direct entry midwife to maintain his  or  her
 40    professional premises in a clean and sanitary condition; or
 41        (8)  For  violation  of any of the provisions of this chapter or the rules
 42    made and promulgated by the state board of midwifery  as  authorized  in  this
 43    chapter.

 44        54-1315.  LICENSE  DENIAL  OR  REVOCATION  PROCEDURE. (1) Any person whose
 45    license to practice midwifery has been suspended, revoked or restricted pursu-
 46    ant to this chapter by action of the board or whose application for  licensure
 47    has  been  denied  by action of the board, shall have the right, at reasonable
 48    intervals, to petition the board for  reinstatement  of  such  license.   Such
 49    petition  shall  be  made  in writing and in the form prescribed by the board.
 50    Upon investigation and hearing, the board may in its discretion grant or  deny
 51    such  petition,  or  it may modify its original finding to reflect any circum-
 52    stances which have changed sufficiently to warrant such modifications.


  1        (2)  Nothing herein shall be construed as  barring  criminal  prosecutions
  2    for  violations  of  this  chapter  where  such violations are deemed criminal
  3    offenses in other statutes of this state or of the United States.
  4        (3)  All final decisions by the board shall be subject to judicial  review
  5    pursuant to the provisions of chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code.

  6        54-1316.  ENFORCEMENT  PENALTIES.  (1) Any person who knowingly holds him-
  7    self or herself out as a licensed direct entry midwife in this  state  without
  8    such  licensure  is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person convicted of a second or
  9    subsequent offense under this section shall be guilty of a felony and shall be
 10    imprisoned in the state prison for a period not to exceed five (5)  years,  or
 11    shall  be fined not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or shall be pun-
 12    ished by both such fine and imprisonment.
 13        (2)  Provided the board determines in good faith that a person is  holding
 14    himself or herself out as a licensed direct entry midwife in violation of this
 15    chapter,  the  board may seek an injunction, provided it has given thirty (30)
 16    days' prior written notice to cease and desist against any person who does not
 17    comply with such notice and who holds himself or herself  out  as  a  licensed
 18    direct entry midwife in violation of this chapter and may, in the event a per-
 19    manent injunction is entered against such person, be entitled to all costs and
 20    fees incurred by the board in seeking the injunction.

 21        54-1317.  PARENTAL RIGHTS. Nothing in this chapter shall abridge, limit or
 22    otherwise  modify  the  rights of parents to choose the manner of delivery for
 23    their baby.

 24        SECTION 2.  That Section 67-2601, Idaho Code, be, and the same  is  hereby
 25    amended to read as follows:

 27    OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES CREATED. (1) There is hereby created the  department  of
 28    self-governing agencies. The department shall, for the purposes of section 20,
 29    article  IV of the constitution of the state of Idaho, be an executive depart-
 30    ment of the state government.
 31        (2)  The department shall consist of the following:
 32        (a)  Agricultural commodity commissions: Idaho apple commission,  as  pro-
 33        vided  by chapter 36, title 22, Idaho Code; Idaho bean commission, as pro-
 34        vided by chapter 29, title 22, Idaho Code; Idaho beef council, as provided
 35        by chapter 29, title 25, Idaho Code; Idaho cherry commission, as  provided
 36        by  chapter  37, title 22, Idaho Code; Idaho dairy products commission, as
 37        provided by chapter 31, title 25, Idaho Code; Idaho pea and lentil commis-
 38        sion, as provided by chapter 35, title 22, Idaho Code; Idaho  potato  com-
 39        mission,  as provided by chapter 12, title 22, Idaho Code; the Idaho wheat
 40        commission, as provided by chapter 33, title 22, Idaho Code; and the Idaho
 41        aquaculture commission, as provided by chapter 44, title 22, Idaho Code.
 42        (b)  Professional and occupational licensing boards: Idaho state board  of
 43        certified  public  accountancy,  as provided by chapter 2, title 54, Idaho
 44        Code; board of acupuncture, as provided by chapter  47,  title  54,  Idaho
 45        Code;  board  of  architectural examiners, as provided by chapter 3, title
 46        54, Idaho Code; office of the state  athletic  director,  as  provided  by
 47        chapter 4, title 54, Idaho Code; board of barber examiners, as provided by
 48        chapter 5, title 54, Idaho Code; board of commissioners of the Idaho state
 49        bar,  as provided by chapter 4, title 3, Idaho Code; board of chiropractic
 50        physicians, as provided by chapter 7, title 54, Idaho Code; Idaho board of
 51        cosmetology, as provided by chapter 8, title 54, Idaho Code;  Idaho  coun-


  1        selor  licensing  board,  as provided by chapter 34, title 54, Idaho Code;
  2        state board of dentistry, as provided by chapter 9, title 54, Idaho  Code;
  3        state  board  of  denturitry,  as  provided by chapter 33, title 54, Idaho
  4        Code; state board of engineering examiners, as  provided  by  chapter  12,
  5        title  54, Idaho Code; state board for registration of professional geolo-
  6        gists, as provided by chapter 28, title 54, Idaho Code; speech and hearing
  7        services licensure board, as provided by chapter 29, title 54, Idaho Code;
  8        Idaho physical therapy licensure board, as provided by chapter  22,  title
  9        54,  Idaho Code; Idaho state board of landscape architects, as provided by
 10        chapter 30, title 54, Idaho Code; liquefied petroleum gas safety board, as
 11        provided by chapter 53, title 54, Idaho Code; state board of medicine,  as
 12        provided  by  chapter 18, title 54, Idaho Code; state board of morticians,
 13        as provided by chapter 11, title 54, Idaho  Code;  board  of  naturopathic
 14        medical  examiners, as provided by chapter 51, title 54, Idaho Code; board
 15        of midwifery, as provided by chapter 13, title 54, Idaho  Code;  board  of
 16        nurses,  as provided by chapter 14, title 54, Idaho Code; board of examin-
 17        ers of nursing home administrators, as provided by chapter 16,  title  54,
 18        Idaho Code; state board of optometry, as provided by chapter 15, title 54,
 19        Idaho  Code; Idaho outfitters and guides board, as provided by chapter 21,
 20        title 36, Idaho Code; board of pharmacy, as provided by chapter 17,  title
 21        54,  Idaho  Code; state board of podiatry, as provided by chapter 6, title
 22        54, Idaho Code; Idaho state board of psychologist examiners,  as  provided
 23        by chapter 23, title 54, Idaho Code; Idaho real estate commission, as pro-
 24        vided by chapter 20, title 54, Idaho Code; real estate appraiser board, as
 25        provided by chapter 41, title 54, Idaho Code; board of social work examin-
 26        ers, as provided by chapter 32, title 54, Idaho Code; the board of veteri-
 27        nary  medicine, as provided by chapter 21, title 54, Idaho Code; the board
 28        of examiners of residential care facility administrators, as  provided  by
 29        chapter  42,  title  54,  Idaho  Code; and the board of drinking water and
 30        wastewater professionals, as provided by chapter 24, title 54, Idaho Code.
 31        (c)  The board of examiners, pursuant to section 67-2001, Idaho Code.
 32        (d)  The division of building safety: building  code  board,  chapter  41,
 33        title  39, Idaho Code; manufactured home advisory board, chapter 21, title
 34        44, Idaho Code; electrical board, chapter 10, title 54, Idaho Code; public
 35        works contractors board, chapter 19, title 54, Idaho Code; plumbing board,
 36        chapter 26, title 54, Idaho Code; public  works  construction  management,
 37        chapter  45,  title  54,  Idaho Code; and the heating, ventilation and air
 38        conditioning board, chapter 50, title 54, Idaho Code; the  Idaho  building
 39        code  act; and modular buildings, chapter 43, title 39, Idaho Code, relat-
 40        ing to.
 41        (e)  The division of veterans services to be headed by a division adminis-
 42        trator who shall be a nonclassified employee exempt from the provisions of
 43        chapter 53, title 67, Idaho Code. The administrator of the division  shall
 44        administer  the provisions of chapter 2, title 65, Idaho Code, and chapter
 45        9, title 66, Idaho Code, with the advice of the veterans  affairs  commis-
 46        sion  established under chapter 2, title 65, Idaho Code, and shall perform
 47        such additional duties as are imposed upon him by law.
 48        (3)  The bureau of occupational licenses  is  hereby  created  within  the
 49    department of self-governing agencies.

 50        SECTION  3.  That  Section 67-2602, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 51    amended to read as follows:

 52        67-2602.  BUREAU OF OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES. (1) The bureau of  occupational
 53    licenses  created  in  the  department  of  self-governing agencies by section


  1    67-2601, Idaho Code, shall be empowered,  by  written  agreement  between  the
  2    bureau  and each agency for which it provides administrative or other services
  3    as provided by law, to provide such services for  the  board  of  acupuncture,
  4    board  of  architectural examiners, board of barber examiners, board of chiro-
  5    practic physicians, board of cosmetology,  counselor  licensing  board,  state
  6    board  of  denturitry,  speech  and hearing services licensure board, physical
  7    therapy licensure board, board of landscape  architects,  liquefied  petroleum
  8    gas   safety  board,  board  of  midwifery,  board  of  morticians,  board  of
  9    naturopathic medical examiners, board of examiners of nursing home administra-
 10    tors, board of optometry, board of podiatrists, board of psychologist  examin-
 11    ers,  real  estate  appraiser  board,  board  of examiners of residential care
 12    facility administrators, board of social work examiners, and such  other  pro-
 13    fessional  and  occupational  licensing boards or commodity commissions as may
 14    request such services. The bureau may charge a reasonable fee  for  such  ser-
 15    vices provided any agency not otherwise provided for by law and shall maintain
 16    proper accounting methods for all funds under its jurisdiction.
 17        (2)  Notwithstanding the statutes governing specific boards, for any board
 18    that  contracts  with  the  bureau of occupational licenses, each board member
 19    shall hold office until a successor has been duly appointed and qualified.
 20        (3)  The department of self-governing agencies, by and through the  bureau
 21    of  occupational  licenses,  shall  be  empowered to provide administrative or
 22    other services for the administration of chapter 48, title 54, Idaho Code,  to
 23    issue,  suspend, revoke or refuse to renew licenses and certificates, to issue
 24    subpoenas, to prescribe and impose fees and to assess administrative penalties
 25    pursuant to the provisions of chapter 48, title 54, Idaho Code.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                    STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

                          RS 17690

The purpose of this bill is to establish a framework for
voluntary licensure of midwives in Idaho.  The voluntary
licensure provisions of this bill are intended to enhance
maternity care options for Idaho's families and to provide a
mechanism for validating the qualifications of midwives who seek
this voluntary licensure.

                        FISCAL IMPACT

The legislation allows for license fees up to $ 500.00 per
midwife.  It is estimated that initially 25 to 30 midwives might
participate and at the $ 500.00 fee that should adequately cover
the costs of establishing the Board and administration of the
program at the Bureau of Occupational Licenses.

Name:  Idaho Midwifery Council
       Barbara Rawlings, President 
Phone: 208-267-0936

Rep. Janice McGeachin              Rep. Ken Roberts
Rep. Pete Nielsen                  Rep. Dick Harwood
Rep. Jim Clark                     Rep. JoAn Wood
Rep. Paul Shepherd
Rep. Elaine Smith                  Rep. Donna Pence

Sen. Shawn Keough
Sen. Lee Henrich


STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                         H 488