2008 Legislation
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HOUSE BILL NO. 496<br /> – State employees, certain, overtime


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Bill Status

H0496aa.....................................by COMMERCE AND HUMAN RESOURCES
STATE EMPLOYEES - OVERTIME PAY - Amends existing law relating to state
government and the State Personnel System to provide for overtime pay for
certain employees upon emergency declaration by the Governor or with the
approval of the appointing authority and the State Board of Examiners.

02/08    House intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/11    Rpt prt - to Com/HuRes
02/18    Rpt out - to Gen Ord
02/20    Rpt out amen - to engros
02/21    Rpt engros - 1st rdg - to 2nd rdg as amen
02/22    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg as amen
02/25    3rd rdg as amen - PASSED - 65-0-5
      AYES -- Andrus, Barrett, Bayer, Bedke, Bell, Bilbao, Black, Block,
      Bock, Boe, Bolz, Bowers, Brackett, Bradford, Chadderdon, Chavez,
      Chew, Clark, Collins, Crane, Durst, Eskridge, Hagedorn, Hart,
      Harwood, Henbest, Henderson, Jaquet, Killen, King, Lake, LeFavour,
      Loertscher, Luker, Marriott, Mathews, McGeachin, Mortimer, Moyle,
      Nielsen, Nonini, Pasley-Stuart, Patrick, Pence, Raybould, Ringo,
      Roberts, Rusche, Sayler, Schaefer, Shepherd(02), Shepherd(08),
      Shirley, Shively, Smith(24), Smith(30)(Stanek), Snodgrass, Stevenson,
      Thayn, Thomas, Vander Woude, Wills, Wood(27), Wood(35), Mr. Speaker
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- Anderson, Kren, Labrador, Ruchti, Trail
    Floor Sponsor - Lake
    Title apvd - to Senate
02/26    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to Com/HuRes
02/29    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
03/03    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
03/06    3rd rdg - PASSED - 33-0-2
      AYES -- Andreason, Bair, Bastian, Bilyeu, Burkett, Cameron, Coiner,
      Corder, Darrington, Davis, Fulcher, Geddes, Goedde, Hammond,
      Heinrich, Hill, Jorgenson, Kelly, Keough, Langhorst, Little, Lodge,
      Malepeai(Sagness), McGee, McKague, McKenzie, Pearce, Richardson,
      Schroeder, Siddoway, Stegner, Stennett, Werk
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- Broadsword, Gannon
    Floor Sponsor - Andreason
    Title apvd - to House
03/07    To enrol
03/10    Rpt enrol - Sp signed
03/11    Pres signed - To Governor
03/17    Governor signed
         Session Law Chapter 138
         Effective: 03/17/08

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                                     HOUSE BILL NO. 496


  1                                        AN ACT

  6    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

  7        SECTION  1.  That  Section 67-5302, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
  8    amended to read as follows:

  9        67-5302.  DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter, and other applicable  sec-
 10    tions  of the Idaho Code, each of the terms defined in this section shall have
 11    the meaning given in this  section  unless  a  different  meaning  is  clearly
 12    required by the context. Such terms and their definitions are:
 13        (1)  "Administrative  employee" means any person, nonclassified or classi-
 14    fied appointed to a position which meets the following criteria:
 15        (a)  (i)   Responsible office or nonmanual work directly  related  to  the
 16             management policies of a department or section; or
 17             (ii)  Responsible  work that is directly related to academic instruc-
 18             tion or training carried on in the administration of a school  system
 19             or educational establishment; and
 20        (b)  The  employee  must customarily and regularly exercise discretion and
 21        independent judgment, as distinguished from  using  skills  and  following
 22        procedures.  The  employee must have the authority to make important deci-
 23        sions; and
 24        (c)  The employee must:
 25             (i)   Regularly  assist  a  bona  fide  executive  or  administrative
 26             employee; or
 27             (ii)  Perform work under general  supervision  along  specialized  or
 28             technical  lines requiring special training, experience or knowledge;
 29             or
 30             (iii) Execute under only general supervision special assignments; and
 31        (d)  The employee is classified to a position allocated to the  pay  grade
 32        equivalent  to  two  hundred  sixty (260) points or higher pursuant to the
 33        rating system established by rule.
 34        (e)  Final designation of a classified position as "administrative" within
 35        this definition shall be made by the  administrator  of  the  division  of
 36        human resources.
 37        (2)  "Administrator"  means  the  administrator  of  the division of human
 38    resources in the governor's office.
 39        (3)  "Appointing authority" means the officer, board,  commission,  person
 40    or  group  of persons authorized by statute or lawfully delegated authority to
 41    make appointments to or employ personnel in any department.
 42        (4)  "Class" means a group of positions  sufficiently similar  as  to  the
 43    duties  performed,  degree  of  supervision  exercised  or  required,  minimum


  1    requirements of training, experience or skill, and other characteristics, that
  2    the  same  title, the same tests of fitness and the same schedule of compensa-
  3    tion may be applied to each position in the group.
  4        (5)  "Classified officer or employee" means any  person  appointed  to  or
  5    holding  a  position in any department of the state of Idaho which position is
  6    subject to the provisions of the merit examination, selection, retention, pro-
  7    motion and dismissal requirements of chapter 53, title 67, Idaho Code.
  8        (6)  "Commission" means the Idaho personnel commission.
  9        (7)  "Compensatory time" means approved time off  from  duty  provided  in
 10    compensation for overtime hours worked.
 11        (8)  "Department"  means  any department, agency, institution or office of
 12    the state of Idaho.
 13        (9)  "Disabled veteran" is as defined in section 65-502, Idaho Code.
 14        (10) "Earned administrative leave" means hours which exceed the  regularly
 15    scheduled  hours  but  do not result in overtime. These hours may accrue after
 16    hours worked and hours on paid leave exceed forty (40) hours in one  (1)  work
 17    week.
 18        (11) "Eligible" means a person who has been determined to be qualified for
 19    a classified position and whose name has been placed on the register of eligi-
 20    bles.
 21        (12) "Executive  employee"  means any person, nonclassified or classified,
 22    appointed to a position equivalent to a bureau chief or above as  provided  in
 23    section 67-2402, Idaho Code, or any employee meeting the following criteria:
 24        (a)  An individual whose primary duty is management of a department, divi-
 25        sion or bureau; and
 26        (b)  Who customarily and regularly directs the work of at least two (2) or
 27        more other employees therein; and
 28        (c)  Who  has  the  authority to hire and fire, or to recommend hiring and
 29        firing; or whose recommendation  on  these  and  other  actions  affecting
 30        employees is given particular weight; and
 31        (d)  Who customarily and regularly exercises discretionary powers; and
 32        (e)  Who is classified to a position allocated to the pay grade equivalent
 33        to  two hundred sixty (260) points or higher pursuant to the rating system
 34        established by rule.
 35        (f)  Final designation of a classified position  as  "executive"  in  this
 36        definition shall be made by the administrator.
 37        (13) "Exempt  employee"  means  any employee, classified or nonclassified,
 38    who is determined to be an executive, professional or administrative  employee
 39    as  defined herein, or who qualifies for any other exemption from cash compen-
 40    sation for overtime under applicable federal law. Final designation of a clas-
 41    sified position as exempt shall be made by the administrator.
 42        (14) "Full-time employee" means any employee working  a  forty  (40)  hour
 43    work week.
 44        (15) "Holiday" means the following:
 45             January 1 (New Year's Day);
 46             Third  Monday  in January (Martin Luther King, Jr.-Idaho Human Rights
 47             Day);
 48             Third Monday in February (Washington's Birthday);
 49             Last Monday in May (Memorial Day);
 50             July 4 (Independence Day);
 51             First Monday in September (Labor Day);
 52             Second Monday in October (Columbus Day);
 53             November 11 (Veterans Day);
 54             Fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving);
 55             December 25 (Christmas).


  1    In addition, the term "holiday" shall mean any day so designated by the Presi-
  2    dent of the United States or the governor of this state  for  a  public  fast,
  3    thanksgiving or holiday.
  4        In  the  event  that  a holiday occurs on a Saturday, the preceding Friday
  5    shall be a holiday, and if the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday
  6    shall be a holiday.
  7        A holiday is a day of exemption from work granted to nonexecutive  employ-
  8    ees  during  which  said  employees  shall  be compensated as if they actually
  9    worked. Employees classified as executive exempt are entitled to ten (10) paid
 10    holidays per year. If such an employee works on one (1) of the official  holi-
 11    days listed in this subsection, then such employee may take an alternative day
 12    off but shall not receive additional compensation.
 13        (16) "Hours worked" means those hours actually spent in the performance of
 14    the  employee's job on any day including holidays, and shall not include vaca-
 15    tion or sick leave or other approved leave of absence.
 16        (17) "Nonclassified employee" means any person appointed to or  holding  a
 17    position  in  any department of the state of Idaho, which position is exempted
 18    from the provisions of chapter 53, title 67, Idaho Code, as  provided  for  in
 19    section 67-5303, Idaho Code.
 20        (18) "Normal work week" means any forty (40) hours worked during a partic-
 21    ular  one  hundred  sixty-eight (168) hour period as previously established by
 22    the employee's appointing authority.
 23        (19) "Open competitive examination" means  an  examination  which  may  be
 24    taken  by qualified applicants to compete on an equal basis for listing on the
 25    register of eligibles.
 26        (20) "Overtime work" means time worked on  holidays  and  time  worked  in
 27    excess  of  forty (40) hours in a period of one hundred sixty-eight (168) con-
 28    secutive hours, except that in the case of  those  employees  engaged  in  law
 29    enforcement,  correctional  and  fire  protection  activities characterized by
 30    irregular shift work schedules, time worked in excess  of  one  hundred  sixty
 31    (160) hours in a period of twenty-eight (28) consecutive days shall constitute
 32    overtime  work  within the meaning of this chapter. Such employees may also be
 33    paid overtime for hours earned in excess of forty (40) hours in  a  period  of
 34    one  hundred sixty-eight (168) consecutive hours upon emergency declaration by
 35    the governor or with the approval of the appointing authority and the board of
 36    examiners.
 37        (21) "Participating department" means any department of the state of Idaho
 38    which employs persons in classified positions subject to  the  merit  examina-
 39    tion, selection, retention, promotion and dismissal requirements of this chap-
 40    ter.
 41        (22) "Part-time  employee" means any employee whose usually scheduled work
 42    is less than forty (40) hours in a period of  one  hundred  sixty-eight  (168)
 43    consecutive hours.
 44        (23) "Personnel system" means the procedure for administering employees in
 45    accordance with this chapter.
 46        (24) "Political  office" means a public office for which partisan politics
 47    is a basis for nomination, election or appointment.
 48        (25) "Political organization" means a party which sponsors candidates  for
 49    election to political office.
 50        (26) "Position"  means  a  group  of  duties  and responsibilities legally
 51    assigned or delegated by one (1) or more appointing authorities and  requiring
 52    the employment of one (1) person.
 53        (27) "Professional  employee"  means  any person, nonclassified or classi-
 54    fied, appointed to a position which meets the following criteria:
 55        (a)  The employee's primary duty must be either:


  1             (i)   Work requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of sci-
  2             ence or learning, customarily obtained by a prolonged course of  spe-
  3             cialized instruction and study; or
  4             (ii)  Work that is original and creative in character in a recognized
  5             field  of artistic endeavor and the result of which depends primarily
  6             on his invention, imagination, or talent; or
  7             (iii) Work as a teacher certified or recognized as such in  a  school
  8             system or educational institution by which he is employed; and
  9        (b)  The employee must consistently exercise discretion and judgment; and
 10        (c)  The employee must do work that is predominantly intellectual and var-
 11        ied, as distinguished from routine or mechanical duties; and
 12        (d)  The  employee  is classified to a position allocated to the pay grade
 13        equivalent to two hundred sixty (260) points or  higher  pursuant  to  the
 14        rating system established by rule.
 15        (e)  Final  designation  of a classified position as "professional" within
 16        this definition shall be made by the administrator.
 17        (28) "Provisional appointment" means appointment to a classified  position
 18    pending the establishment of a register for such position and employment shall
 19    not  be continued in this status longer than thirty (30) days after establish-
 20    ment of a register.
 21        (29) "Qualifying examination" means an examination or evaluation given  to
 22    a selected person to determine eligibility for reclassification or appointment
 23    to a position in a classification.
 24        (30) "Register"  means a list of names of persons who have been determined
 25    to be eligible for employment in a classified position as  determined  on  the
 26    basis of examination and merit factors as established by the administrator.
 27        (31) "Seasonal  appointment"  means  an appointment to a position which is
 28    permanent in nature, but which has intermittent work  periods  throughout  the
 29    year.
 30        (32) "Service  rating" means a recorded evaluation of work performance and
 31    promotional potential of an employee by his supervisor.
 32        (33) "Temporary appointment" means appointment to a position which is  not
 33    permanent  in  nature,  and  in  which employment will not exceed one thousand
 34    three hundred eighty-five (1,385) hours during any twelve (12)  month  period.
 35    No  person  holding a temporary appointment may work in excess of one thousand
 36    three hundred eighty-five (1,385) hours during a twelve (12) month  period  of
 37    time  for  any  one  (1)  department,  except  upon petition by the appointing
 38    authority of the department of lands that demonstrates good cause, the  admin-
 39    istrator of the division of human resources  may extend the one thousand three
 40    hundred eighty-five (1,385) hour limit for employees of the department who are
 41    required to perform fire suppression activities.
 42        (34) "Vacation  leave"  means  a  period of exemption from work granted to
 43    employees during which time said employees  shall  be  compensated.  The  term
 44    shall not include compensatory time for overtime work.
 45        (35) "Veteran" is as defined in section 65-502, Idaho Code.


  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                                                    Moved by        Lake

                                                    Seconded by Schaefer

                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
                              HOUSE AMENDMENTS TO H.B. NO. 496

  1                                AMENDMENT TO SECTION 1
  2        On page 3 of the printed bill, delete lines 33  through  36,  and  insert:
  3    "paid overtime for specific hours worked in addition to their normal schedules
  4    upon  emergency  declaration  by  the  governor  or  with  the approval of the
  5    appointing authority and the board of examiners.".

  6                                AMENDMENT TO THE BILL
  7        On page 4, following line 45, insert:
  8        "SECTION 2. An emergency existing  therefor,  which  emergency  is  hereby
  9    declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after its
 10    passage and approval.".

 11                                   CORRECTION TO TITLE
 12        On  page  1,  in line 5, following "EXAMINERS" insert: "; AND DECLARING AN
 13    EMERGENCY".

Engrossed Bill (Original Bill with Amendment(s) Incorporated)

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                               HOUSE BILL NO. 496, As Amended


  1                                        AN ACT
  6        EMERGENCY.

  7    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

  8        SECTION 1.  That Section 67-5302, Idaho Code, be, and the same  is  hereby
  9    amended to read as follows:

 10        67-5302.  DEFINITIONS.  As used in this chapter, and other applicable sec-
 11    tions of the Idaho Code, each of the terms defined in this section shall  have
 12    the  meaning  given  in  this  section  unless  a different meaning is clearly
 13    required by the context. Such terms and their definitions are:
 14        (1)  "Administrative employee" means any person, nonclassified or  classi-
 15    fied appointed to a position which meets the following criteria:
 16        (a)  (i)   Responsible  office  or  nonmanual work directly related to the
 17             management policies of a department or section; or
 18             (ii)  Responsible work that is directly related to academic  instruc-
 19             tion  or training carried on in the administration of a school system
 20             or educational establishment; and
 21        (b)  The employee must customarily and regularly exercise  discretion  and
 22        independent  judgment,  as  distinguished  from using skills and following
 23        procedures. The employee must have the authority to make  important  deci-
 24        sions; and
 25        (c)  The employee must:
 26             (i)   Regularly  assist  a  bona  fide  executive  or  administrative
 27             employee; or
 28             (ii)  Perform  work  under  general  supervision along specialized or
 29             technical lines requiring special training, experience or  knowledge;
 30             or
 31             (iii) Execute under only general supervision special assignments; and
 32        (d)  The  employee  is classified to a position allocated to the pay grade
 33        equivalent to two hundred sixty (260) points or  higher  pursuant  to  the
 34        rating system established by rule.
 35        (e)  Final designation of a classified position as "administrative" within
 36        this  definition  shall  be  made  by the administrator of the division of
 37        human resources.
 38        (2)  "Administrator" means the administrator  of  the  division  of  human
 39    resources in the governor's office.
 40        (3)  "Appointing  authority"  means the officer, board, commission, person
 41    or group of persons authorized by statute or lawfully delegated  authority  to
 42    make appointments to or employ personnel in any department.
 43        (4)  "Class"  means  a  group of positions  sufficiently similar as to the


  1    duties  performed,  degree  of  supervision  exercised  or  required,  minimum
  2    requirements of training, experience or skill, and other characteristics, that
  3    the same title, the same tests of fitness and the same schedule  of  compensa-
  4    tion may be applied to each position in the group.
  5        (5)  "Classified  officer  or  employee"  means any person appointed to or
  6    holding a position in any department of the state of Idaho which  position  is
  7    subject to the provisions of the merit examination, selection, retention, pro-
  8    motion and dismissal requirements of chapter 53, title 67, Idaho Code.
  9        (6)  "Commission" means the Idaho personnel commission.
 10        (7)  "Compensatory  time"  means  approved  time off from duty provided in
 11    compensation for overtime hours worked.
 12        (8)  "Department" means any department, agency, institution or  office  of
 13    the state of Idaho.
 14        (9)  "Disabled veteran" is as defined in section 65-502, Idaho Code.
 15        (10) "Earned  administrative leave" means hours which exceed the regularly
 16    scheduled hours but do not result in overtime. These hours  may  accrue  after
 17    hours  worked  and hours on paid leave exceed forty (40) hours in one (1) work
 18    week.
 19        (11) "Eligible" means a person who has been determined to be qualified for
 20    a classified position and whose name has been placed on the register of eligi-
 21    bles.
 22        (12) "Executive employee" means any person, nonclassified  or  classified,
 23    appointed  to  a position equivalent to a bureau chief or above as provided in
 24    section 67-2402, Idaho Code, or any employee meeting the following criteria:
 25        (a)  An individual whose primary duty is management of a department, divi-
 26        sion or bureau; and
 27        (b)  Who customarily and regularly directs the work of at least two (2) or
 28        more other employees therein; and
 29        (c)  Who has the authority to hire and fire, or to  recommend  hiring  and
 30        firing;  or  whose  recommendation  on  these  and other actions affecting
 31        employees is given particular weight; and
 32        (d)  Who customarily and regularly exercises discretionary powers; and
 33        (e)  Who is classified to a position allocated to the pay grade equivalent
 34        to two hundred sixty (260) points or higher pursuant to the rating  system
 35        established by rule.
 36        (f)  Final  designation  of  a  classified position as "executive" in this
 37        definition shall be made by the administrator.
 38        (13) "Exempt employee" means any employee,  classified  or  nonclassified,
 39    who  is determined to be an executive, professional or administrative employee
 40    as defined herein, or who qualifies for any other exemption from cash  compen-
 41    sation for overtime under applicable federal law. Final designation of a clas-
 42    sified position as exempt shall be made by the administrator.
 43        (14) "Full-time  employee"  means  any  employee working a forty (40) hour
 44    work week.
 45        (15) "Holiday" means the following:
 46             January 1 (New Year's Day);
 47             Third Monday in January (Martin Luther King, Jr.-Idaho  Human  Rights
 48             Day);
 49             Third Monday in February (Washington's Birthday);
 50             Last Monday in May (Memorial Day);
 51             July 4 (Independence Day);
 52             First Monday in September (Labor Day);
 53             Second Monday in October (Columbus Day);
 54             November 11 (Veterans Day);
 55             Fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving);


  1             December 25 (Christmas).
  2    In addition, the term "holiday" shall mean any day so designated by the Presi-
  3    dent  of  the  United  States or the governor of this state for a public fast,
  4    thanksgiving or holiday.
  5        In the event that a holiday occurs on a  Saturday,  the  preceding  Friday
  6    shall be a holiday, and if the holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday
  7    shall be a holiday.
  8        A  holiday is a day of exemption from work granted to nonexecutive employ-
  9    ees during which said employees shall  be  compensated  as  if  they  actually
 10    worked. Employees classified as executive exempt are entitled to ten (10) paid
 11    holidays  per year. If such an employee works on one (1) of the official holi-
 12    days listed in this subsection, then such employee may take an alternative day
 13    off but shall not receive additional compensation.
 14        (16) "Hours worked" means those hours actually spent in the performance of
 15    the employee's job on any day including holidays, and shall not include  vaca-
 16    tion or sick leave or other approved leave of absence.
 17        (17) "Nonclassified  employee"  means any person appointed to or holding a
 18    position in any department of the state of Idaho, which position  is  exempted
 19    from  the  provisions  of chapter 53, title 67, Idaho Code, as provided for in
 20    section 67-5303, Idaho Code.
 21        (18) "Normal work week" means any forty (40) hours worked during a partic-
 22    ular one hundred sixty-eight (168) hour period as  previously  established  by
 23    the employee's appointing authority.
 24        (19) "Open  competitive  examination"  means  an  examination which may be
 25    taken by qualified applicants to compete on an equal basis for listing on  the
 26    register of eligibles.
 27        (20) "Overtime  work"  means  time  worked  on holidays and time worked in
 28    excess of forty (40) hours in a period of one hundred sixty-eight  (168)  con-
 29    secutive  hours,  except  that  in  the case of those employees engaged in law
 30    enforcement, correctional and  fire  protection  activities  characterized  by
 31    irregular  shift  work  schedules,  time worked in excess of one hundred sixty
 32    (160) hours in a period of twenty-eight (28) consecutive days shall constitute
 33    overtime work within the meaning of this chapter. Such employees may  also  be
 34    paid  overtime for specific hours worked in addition to their normal schedules
 35    upon emergency declaration by  the  governor  or  with  the  approval  of  the
 36    appointing authority and the board of examiners.
 37        (21) "Participating department" means any department of the state of Idaho
 38    which  employs  persons  in classified positions subject to the merit examina-
 39    tion, selection, retention, promotion and dismissal requirements of this chap-
 40    ter.
 41        (22) "Part-time employee" means any employee whose usually scheduled  work
 42    is  less  than  forty  (40) hours in a period of one hundred sixty-eight (168)
 43    consecutive hours.
 44        (23) "Personnel system" means the procedure for administering employees in
 45    accordance with this chapter.
 46        (24) "Political office" means a public office for which partisan  politics
 47    is a basis for nomination, election or appointment.
 48        (25) "Political  organization" means a party which sponsors candidates for
 49    election to political office.
 50        (26) "Position" means a  group  of  duties  and  responsibilities  legally
 51    assigned  or delegated by one (1) or more appointing authorities and requiring
 52    the employment of one (1) person.
 53        (27) "Professional employee" means any person,  nonclassified  or  classi-
 54    fied, appointed to a position which meets the following criteria:
 55        (a)  The employee's primary duty must be either:


  1             (i)   Work requiring knowledge of an advanced type in a field of sci-
  2             ence  or learning, customarily obtained by a prolonged course of spe-
  3             cialized instruction and study; or
  4             (ii)  Work that is original and creative in character in a recognized
  5             field of artistic endeavor and the result of which depends  primarily
  6             on his invention, imagination, or talent; or
  7             (iii) Work  as  a teacher certified or recognized as such in a school
  8             system or educational institution by which he is employed; and
  9        (b)  The employee must consistently exercise discretion and judgment; and
 10        (c)  The employee must do work that is predominantly intellectual and var-
 11        ied, as distinguished from routine or mechanical duties; and
 12        (d)  The employee is classified to a position allocated to the  pay  grade
 13        equivalent  to  two  hundred  sixty (260) points or higher pursuant to the
 14        rating system established by rule.
 15        (e)  Final designation of a classified position as  "professional"  within
 16        this definition shall be made by the administrator.
 17        (28) "Provisional  appointment" means appointment to a classified position
 18    pending the establishment of a register for such position and employment shall
 19    not be continued in this status longer than thirty (30) days after  establish-
 20    ment of a register.
 21        (29) "Qualifying  examination" means an examination or evaluation given to
 22    a selected person to determine eligibility for reclassification or appointment
 23    to a position in a classification.
 24        (30) "Register" means a list of names of persons who have been  determined
 25    to  be  eligible  for employment in a classified position as determined on the
 26    basis of examination and merit factors as established by the administrator.
 27        (31) "Seasonal appointment" means an appointment to a  position  which  is
 28    permanent  in  nature,  but which has intermittent work periods throughout the
 29    year.
 30        (32) "Service rating" means a recorded evaluation of work performance  and
 31    promotional potential of an employee by his supervisor.
 32        (33) "Temporary  appointment" means appointment to a position which is not
 33    permanent in nature, and in which employment  will  not  exceed  one  thousand
 34    three  hundred  eighty-five (1,385) hours during any twelve (12) month period.
 35    No person holding a temporary appointment may work in excess of  one  thousand
 36    three  hundred  eighty-five (1,385) hours during a twelve (12) month period of
 37    time for any one (1)  department,  except  upon  petition  by  the  appointing
 38    authority  of the department of lands that demonstrates good cause, the admin-
 39    istrator of the division of human resources  may extend the one thousand three
 40    hundred eighty-five (1,385) hour limit for employees of the department who are
 41    required to perform fire suppression activities.
 42        (34) "Vacation leave" means a period of exemption  from  work  granted  to
 43    employees  during  which  time  said  employees shall be compensated. The term
 44    shall not include compensatory time for overtime work.
 45        (35) "Veteran" is as defined in section 65-502, Idaho Code.

 46        SECTION 2.  An emergency existing  therefor,  which  emergency  is  hereby
 47    declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after its
 48    passage and approval.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                      STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

                            RS 17784

This bill amends Idaho Code Chapter 67-5302(20) with language 
permitting the definition of “overtime work” for those employees 
engaged in law enforcement, correctional and fire protection activities 
to also include hours earned in excess of forty (40) hours in a period 
of one hundred sixty-eight (168) consecutive hours upon emergency 
declaration by the governor or with the approval of the appointing 
authority and the board of examiners.

The Idaho State Police receives funds and has contracts and agreements 
allowing the use of various funds for overtime pay for commissioned 
officers working on specific projects.  Certain Office of Highway 
Safety Grants and the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program are 
examples of funds used in this manner.  

During FY2007 ISP incurred a federal OT cost of $660,500 (equivalent to 
approximately 10 FTP in FY09), and was able to charge $359,000 directly 
to the appropriate federal program in the pay period the hours were 
worked.  The effect of waiting until the end of the 28 day/160 hours 
cycle (as the Code currently requires) is that the existing time 
reporting system is geared to 40-hour week reporting, and hours worked 
in excess of 40/week become overtime hours for that week, regardless of 
whether the overtime hours were spent on state-funded projects or 
federally-funded overtime projects.  The result can be that federal 
overtime hours are charged to the grant at straight time and normal 
state work hours end up as excess hours, are accrued, and can 
eventually be paid at time-and-one-half.  ISP is currently using 
handwritten timesheets at the end of each 28 day/160 hour cycle to 
determine which hours are federal, which hours are state, and whether 
the hours are straight time or time-and-one-half.

A change is necessary to Idaho Code, in order for officers to correctly 
record the time charged as overtime worked on overtime-funded projects 
at the point in the pay cycle when the work actually occurs.

                         FISCAL IMPACT

In FY2007, ISP was unable to charge approximately $301,500 of overtime 
worked on federal grant-funded projects correctly to the funding source 
due to the statutory definition of overtime. It is anticipated that in 
FY2008 the dollar amount of overtime worked and paid from funds other 
than the appropriate source will exceed that.  True federal overtime 
hours may be paid by the state at time and a half, while true state 
hours are paid at straight time by federal funds.


Name:	 Ann Cronin  
Agency: Idaho State Police
Phone: 208 884-7002

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL IMPACT                              H 496