2008 Legislation
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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 51<br /> – State govt, finance/revenue/effcncy


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Bill Status

HCR051.....................................................by STATE AFFAIRS
STATE GOVERNMENT - Stating findings of the Legislature and authorizing the
Legislative Council to appoint a committee to undertake and complete a
study of finance, revenue and efficiencies for state government.

02/29    House intro - 1st rdg - to printing
03/03    Rpt prt - to Rev/Tax

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                             HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 51

                                 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE

  1                               A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

  5    Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

  6        WHEREAS,  the government is the servant of the people and derives its just
  7    power from the consent of the governed; and
  8        WHEREAS, the Idaho state budget has been growing  faster  than  population
  9    growth; and
 10        WHEREAS,  taxes burden all working people and place heavy burdens on fami-
 11    lies, both young and old; and
 12        WHEREAS, the economy may be softening resulting in fewer tax revenues; and
 13        WHEREAS, the health of the private sector is critical to a  healthy  Idaho
 14    economy; and
 15        WHEREAS,  every working person would receive a wage increase if taxes were
 16    reduced and  all other factors remain constant; and
 17        WHEREAS, tax reduction has been demonstrated to be beneficial to the econ-
 18    omy; and
 19        WHEREAS, tax reduction is possible only when state  spending  is  kept  in
 20    check.
 21        NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the Second Regular Ses-
 22    sion of the Fifty-ninth Idaho Legislature, the House  of  Representatives  and
 23    the  Senate  concurring therein, that the Legislative Council is authorized to
 24    appoint a committee to undertake and complete  a  study  of  state  government
 25    finance and revenue to assess all statutory increases in spending, to consider
 26    ongoing programs, to consider implementing zero-based budgeting for the state,
 27    to  consider cost-saving policies that could be put in place to improve educa-
 28    tion, to study policies that focus on prevention, so as to reduce social prob-
 29    lems and social spending and to consider any other wise proposal to reduce the
 30    state tax burden. The committee is to use as a starting point  the  report  of
 31    the  Governor's Management Task Force commissioned by Governor John Evans. The
 32    Legislative Council shall determine the number of legislators  and  membership
 33    from  each  house appointed to the committee and shall authorize the committee
 34    to receive input, advice and assistance from interested and  affected  parties
 35    who are not members of the Legislature.
 36        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nonlegislative members of the committee may be
 37    appointed  by  the cochairs of the committee who are appointed by the Legisla-
 38    tive Council. Nonlegislative members of the advisory committee  shall  not  be
 39    reimbursed  from legislative funds for per diem, mileage or other expenses and
 40    shall not have voting privileges regarding the committee's recommendations  or
 41    proposed legislation.
 42        BE  IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee shall report its findings, rec-
 43    ommendations and proposed legislation, if any, to the First Regular Session of
 44    the Sixtieth Idaho Legislature.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                       STATEMENT OF PURPOSE


This legislation allows the Legislative Council to form a committee
to study statutory increases, the idea of zero-based budgeting, and
other policies that may lead to reduced spending in years to come.
The Committee would be authorized to meet until the end of 2008 and
then report to the Legislative Council.

                           FISCAL NOTE

The cost of meetings for the committee is not expected to exceed

Representative Brent Crane
Speaker of the House Lawerence Denny, Representatives Mike Moyle, 
Marv Hagedorn, Eric Anderson, Bob Nonini, Raul Labrador, Steve
Kren, Steven Thayn, Dean Mortimer, John Vander Woude, Curtis
Bowers, Cliff Bayer, Diana Thomas, Russ Mathews, Lynn Luker
Senators Curt McKenzie, John McGee, Patti Anne Lodge, Shirley
McKague, Jeff Siddoway, Russ Fulcher
Phone: (208)332-1000

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                        HCR 51