2008 Legislation
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HOUSE JOINT MEMORIAL NO. 7<br /> – Internet pornography/access stopped


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Bill Status

HJM007.....................................................by STATE AFFAIRS
INTERNET PORNOGRAPHY - Stating findings of the Legislature and urging the
United States Congress to take action to help stop children and employees
from accessing Internet pornography and to request that legislation be
enacted to facilitate a technology-based solution that allows parents and
employers to subscribe to Internet access services that exclude adult

02/07    House intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/08    Rpt prt - to St Aff
02/21    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
02/22    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
02/25    3rd rdg - ADOPTED - voice vote
    Floor Sponsor - Nielsen
    Title apvd - to Senate
02/26    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to St Aff
03/10    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 10th Ord
03/11    10th Ord - ADOPTED - voice vote
    Floor Sponsor - Bastian
    Title apvd - to House
03/11    To enrol
03/12    Rpt enrol - Sp signed
03/13    Pres signed - To Secretary of State

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                              IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                                 HOUSE JOINT MEMORIAL NO. 7

                                 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE

  1                                   A JOINT MEMORIAL

  5        We, your Memorialists, the House of Representatives and the Senate of  the
  6    State  of  Idaho  assembled  in  the Second Regular Session of the Fifty-ninth
  7    Idaho Legislature, do hereby respectfully represent that:

  8        WHEREAS, the Internet has been an extremely important means of  exchanging
  9    information,  and  is relied upon in Idaho for business, education, recreation
 10    and other uses; and
 11        WHEREAS, many Internet sites contain material that is pornographic, either
 12    obscene or inappropriate for children, and a majority of these sites originate
 13    within the United States but outside of the state of Idaho; and
 14        WHEREAS, the availability of Internet pornography on the job  costs  Idaho
 15    employers  significant  numbers  of  work  hours,  strains employers' computer
 16    equipment, reduces productivity and leads to potentially hostile work environ-
 17    ments for men and women; and
 18        WHEREAS, while the custody, care and nurturing of children resides primar-
 19    ily with parents, the widespread availability of Internet pornography and  the
 20    ability  of  children  to  circumvent existing filtering technology defeat the
 21    best attempts at parental supervision or control; and
 22        WHEREAS, Internet pornographers are  using  evolving  techniques  to  lure
 23    Idaho  children  and others into viewing and purchasing pornographic material,
 24    defying existing technology designed to block adult content; and
 25        WHEREAS, current methods for protecting computers  and  computer  networks
 26    from  unwanted  Internet  content  are expensive, block more than the intended
 27    content and are easily circumvented; and
 28        WHEREAS, because children, employees and others may seek out  pornography,
 29    warnings and other labels meant to help avoid inadvertent hits on pornographic
 30    sites may simply increase the likelihood that these sites will be visited; and
 31        WHEREAS,  credit  card  verification systems burden credit card companies,
 32    are expensive and time consuming to establish and maintain and  these  systems
 33    inhibit  legal speech, and other forms of age verification have not been prac-
 34    ticable; and
 35        WHEREAS, prior congressional attempts to address children's access to  In-
 36    ternet  pornography  have  been  held  unconstitutional  or otherwise have not
 37    passed constitutional scrutiny and have not  been  based  on  technology  that
 38    allows  individual  Internet  users  to  select  what kind of Internet content
 39    enters their homes and workplaces; and
 40        WHEREAS, protecting the physical and psychological well-being  of  Idaho's
 41    children by shielding them from inappropriate materials is a compelling inter-
 42    est of the Legislature of the State of Idaho; and
 43        WHEREAS,  although  the  state  of  Idaho  has taken rigorous action in an
 44    attempt to shield Idaho's children  from  obscenity  and  other  inappropriate


  1    adult content, it cannot effectively curb the programs with Internet pornogra-
  2    phy  within  its  borders without the support of the United States government;
  3    and
  4        WHEREAS, the United States remains in control of the Internet through  the
  5    Department  of  Commerce  and  the National Telecommunications and Information
  6    Association; and
  7        WHEREAS, the United States has the ability to create appropriate  policies
  8    and enforcement tools to effectively deal with these issues.
  9        NOW,  THEREFORE,  BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the Second Regular Ses-
 10    sion of the Fifty-ninth Idaho Legislature, the House  of  Representatives  and
 11    the  Senate  concurring  therein, that we strongly urge the United States Con-
 12    gress to take action to help stop children and employees from accessing Inter-
 13    net pornography and that legislation be enacted to  facilitate  a  technology-
 14    based  solution  that  allows  parents  and employers to subscribe to Internet
 15    access services that exclude adult content.
 16        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chief Clerk of the  House  of  Representa-
 17    tives  be, and she is hereby authorized and directed to forward a copy of this
 18    Memorial to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Repre-
 19    sentatives of Congress, and  the  congressional  delegation  representing  the
 20    State of Idaho in the Congress of the United States.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                      STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

                             RS 17696

The purpose of this legislation is to protect the physical and
psychological well-being of Idaho's children and employees by
shielding them from inappropriate materials located on the
Internet. The members of the Idaho Legislature will strongly
urge the United States Congress to take action to help stop
children and employees from accessing Internet pornography and
that legislation be enacted to facilitate a technology-based
solution that allows parents and employers to subscribe to
Internet access services that exclude adult content. 

                          FISCAL NOTE

There will be no fiscal impact on the State of Idaho's General

Name: Representative Peter Nielsen 
Phone: (208) 332-1000
President Pro Tem Robert Geddes
Representatives: Mike Moyle, Wendy Jaquet, Tom Loertscher,
Janice McGeachin, R.J. "Dick" Harwood, Paul Shepherd, Darrel
Bolz, Steven Thayn, Robert Schaefer, Raul Labrador, Lynn
Luker, Marv Hagedorn, Jim Patrick, Leon Smith, Sharon Block,
Jim Marriott, George Eskridge, Ken Andrus, Brent Crane Russ
Mathews, Joan Wood, Lenore Barrett, Dean Mortimer, Liz Chavez,
Anne Pasley-Stuart, Margaret Henbest, Mary Lou Shepherd, Donna
Boe, Mack Shirley, Rich Wills
Senators: Shawn Keough, Stan Bastian, Mel Richardson, Shirley
Mckague, Monty Pearce  

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                          HJM7   

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