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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact STATE AFFAIRS STATE PUBLICATIONS - Amends and adds to existing law to establish a digital repository, within the Idaho Commission for Libraries, for state publications; and to provide for exemptions, rules and policies. 01/21 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing 01/22 Rpt prt - to St Aff 02/04 Rpt out - to 14th Ord 02/12 Rpt out amen - to engros 02/13 Rpt engros - 1st rdg - to 2nd rdg as amen 02/14 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg as amen 02/19 3rd rdg as amen - PASSED - 31-0-4 AYES -- Andreason, Bair, Bastian, Broadsword, Burkett, Cameron, Coiner, Darrington, Davis, Fulcher, Geddes, Goedde, Hammond, Heinrich, Hill, Jorgenson, Kelly, Keough, Langhorst, Little, Lodge, Malepeai(Sagness), McGee, McKague, McKenzie, Pearce, Richardson, Schroeder, Siddoway, Stegner, Werk NAYS -- None Absent and excused -- Bilyeu, Corder, Gannon, Stennett Floor Sponsor - Kelly Title apvd - to House 02/20 House intro - 1st rdg - to St Aff 02/28 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg 02/29 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg 03/03 3rd rdg - PASSED - 68-0-2 AYES -- Anderson, Andrus, Barrett, Bayer, Bedke, Bell, Bilbao, Black, Block, Bock, Boe, Bolz, Bowers, Brackett, Bradford, Chadderdon, Chavez, Chew, Clark, Collins, Crane, Durst, Eskridge, Hagedorn, Hart, Harwood, Henbest, Henderson, Jaquet, Killen, King, Kren, Labrador, Lake, LeFavour, Loertscher, Marriott, Mathews, McGeachin, Mortimer, Moyle, Nielsen, Nonini, Pasley-Stuart, Patrick, Pence, Raybould, Ringo, Roberts, Ruchti, Rusche, Sayler, Schaefer, Shepherd(02), Shepherd(08), Shirley, Shively, Smith(24), Smith(30), Snodgrass, Stevenson, Thayn, Thomas, Trail, Vander Woude, Wills, Wood(27), Wood(35) NAYS -- None Absent and excused -- Luker, Mr. Speaker Floor Sponsor - Rusche Title apvd - to Senate 03/04 To enrol 03/05 Rpt enrol - Pres signed 03/06 Sp signed 03/07 To Governor 03/13 Governor signed Session Law Chapter 81 Effective: 07/01/08
]]]] LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO ]]]] Fifty-ninth Legislature Second Regular Session - 2008IN THE SENATE SENATE BILL NO. 1321 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO THE COMMISSION FOR LIBRARIES; AMENDING SECTION 33-2505, IDAHO 3 CODE, TO ESTABLISH A DIGITAL REPOSITORY FOR STATE PUBLICATIONS; AMENDING 4 CHAPTER 25, TITLE 33, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF NEW SECTIONS 5 33-2505A, 33-2505B AND 33-2505C, IDAHO CODE, TO DEFINE TERMS, TO SET FORTH 6 REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMISSION OF STATE PUBLICATIONS TO THE DIGITAL REPOSI- 7 TORY AND TO PROVIDE EXEMPTIONS. 8 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 9 SECTION 1. That Section 33-2505, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 10 amended to read as follows: 11 33-2505.STATELIBRARIAN -- DEPOSITORYDIGITAL REPOSITORY FORPUBLIC DOC-12UMENTS -- DISTRIBUTIONSTATE PUBLICATIONS.It shall be the duty of the head of13every agency, board, bureau, commission or department of the state of Idaho,14including all state supported institutions of higher education in Idaho, to15deposit with the librarian of the Idaho commission for libraries twenty (20)16copies of all documents, reports, surveys, monographs, serial publications,17compilations, pamphlets, bulletins, leaflets, circulars, maps, charts or18broadsides of a public nature which it produces for public distribution. The19deposit of information with the state librarian is intended to allow the20information to be used and distributed to academic, regional, public, and spe-21cial libraries in Idaho, the Library of Congress, and to others within the22discretion of the state librarianRecognizing that an informed citizenry is a 23 cornerstone for an effective democracy, and in order to provide free and con- 24 tinuous access to state publications, it shall be the duty of the state 25 librarian to establish and maintain a publicly accessible digital repository 26 of state publications prepared by state agencies. The digital repository is 27 intended to collect state publications and make them readily available to all 28 Idaho citizens. 29 SECTION 2. That Chapter 25, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 30 hereby amended by the addition thereto of NEW SECTIONS, to be known and desig- 31 nated as Sections 33-2505A, 33-2505B and 33-2505C, Idaho Code, and to read as 32 follows: 33 33-2505A. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: 34 (1) "Digital repository" means electronic publications stored and acces- 35 sible to the public online in a secure digital environment with redundant 36 backup. 37 (2) "Format" includes any media used for state publications including, 38 but not limited to, electronic, print, audio, visual and microform. 39 (3) "State agency" includes every constitutional and statutory office, 40 officer, department, division, bureau, board, commission and agency of the 41 state and, where applicable, all subdivisions of each. 2 1 (4) "State publication" means any information, regardless of format, pub- 2 lished by a state agency and intended for distribution to the public. State 3 publication does not include correspondence, internal confidential publica- 4 tions, office memoranda, university press publications, items detailed by sec- 5 tions 9-340A through 9-340H, Idaho Code, or other information excluded or 6 exempted by rule promulgated by the board of library commissioners. 7 33-2505B. SUBMISSION BY STATE AGENCIES. (1) The head of every state 8 agency or their designee shall promptly submit to the commission for libraries 9 copies of published information that are state publications. 10 (a) For state publications available only in print format, each state 11 agency shall submit two (2) copies of each printed publication to the com- 12 mission for libraries. 13 (b) For state publications available only in electronic format, each 14 state agency shall submit one (1) digital copy of each electronic publica- 15 tion to the commission for libraries. 16 (c) For state publications available in both print and electronic format, 17 each state agency shall submit two (2) print copies and one (1) digital 18 copy of the publication to the commission for libraries. 19 (d) Of the two (2) print copies of state publications, one (1) copy shall 20 be sent to the Idaho state historical society and one (1) copy shall be 21 sent to the university of Idaho library for archival purposes. 22 (2) The commission for libraries shall promulgate such rules as are nec- 23 essary and appropriate to accomplish the purpose of a digital repository for 24 state publications. 25 33-2505C. EXEMPTIONS. In the interest of economy and efficiency, the 26 state librarian may exempt a given state publication or class of publications 27 for the requirements of sections 33-2505, 33-2505A and 33-2505B, Idaho Code, 28 in full or in part.
]]]] LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO ]]]] Fifty-ninth Legislature Second Regular Session - 2008Moved by Kelly Seconded by Stegner IN THE SENATE SENATE AMENDMENT TO S.B. NO. 1321 1 AMENDMENT TO SECTION 2 2 On page 2 of the printed bill, delete lines 26 through 28 and insert: 3 "board of library commissioners may exempt a given state publication or class 4 of publications from the requirements of sections 33-2505, 33-2505A and 5 33-2505B, Idaho Code, in full or in part, and shall promulgate rules in com- 6 pliance with chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code, and make policies to implement 7 this section.". 8 CORRECTION TO TITLE 9 On page 1, in line 7, following "EXEMPTIONS" insert: ", RULES AND POLI- 10 CIES".
]]]] LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO ]]]] Fifty-ninth Legislature Second Regular Session - 2008IN THE SENATE SENATE BILL NO. 1321, As Amended BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1 AN ACT 2 RELATING TO THE COMMISSION FOR LIBRARIES; AMENDING SECTION 33-2505, IDAHO 3 CODE, TO ESTABLISH A DIGITAL REPOSITORY FOR STATE PUBLICATIONS; AMENDING 4 CHAPTER 25, TITLE 33, IDAHO CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF NEW SECTIONS 5 33-2505A, 33-2505B AND 33-2505C, IDAHO CODE, TO DEFINE TERMS, TO SET FORTH 6 REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMISSION OF STATE PUBLICATIONS TO THE DIGITAL REPOSI- 7 TORY AND TO PROVIDE EXEMPTIONS, RULES AND POLICIES. 8 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 9 SECTION 1. That Section 33-2505, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby 10 amended to read as follows: 11 33-2505.STATELIBRARIAN -- DEPOSITORYDIGITAL REPOSITORY FORPUBLIC DOC-12UMENTS -- DISTRIBUTIONSTATE PUBLICATIONS.It shall be the duty of the head of13every agency, board, bureau, commission or department of the state of Idaho,14including all state supported institutions of higher education in Idaho, to15deposit with the librarian of the Idaho commission for libraries twenty (20)16copies of all documents, reports, surveys, monographs, serial publications,17compilations, pamphlets, bulletins, leaflets, circulars, maps, charts or18broadsides of a public nature which it produces for public distribution. The19deposit of information with the state librarian is intended to allow the20information to be used and distributed to academic, regional, public, and spe-21cial libraries in Idaho, the Library of Congress, and to others within the22discretion of the state librarianRecognizing that an informed citizenry is a 23 cornerstone for an effective democracy, and in order to provide free and con- 24 tinuous access to state publications, it shall be the duty of the state 25 librarian to establish and maintain a publicly accessible digital repository 26 of state publications prepared by state agencies. The digital repository is 27 intended to collect state publications and make them readily available to all 28 Idaho citizens. 29 SECTION 2. That Chapter 25, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is 30 hereby amended by the addition thereto of NEW SECTIONS, to be known and desig- 31 nated as Sections 33-2505A, 33-2505B and 33-2505C, Idaho Code, and to read as 32 follows: 33 33-2505A. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: 34 (1) "Digital repository" means electronic publications stored and acces- 35 sible to the public online in a secure digital environment with redundant 36 backup. 37 (2) "Format" includes any media used for state publications including, 38 but not limited to, electronic, print, audio, visual and microform. 39 (3) "State agency" includes every constitutional and statutory office, 40 officer, department, division, bureau, board, commission and agency of the 41 state and, where applicable, all subdivisions of each. 2 1 (4) "State publication" means any information, regardless of format, pub- 2 lished by a state agency and intended for distribution to the public. State 3 publication does not include correspondence, internal confidential publica- 4 tions, office memoranda, university press publications, items detailed by sec- 5 tions 9-340A through 9-340H, Idaho Code, or other information excluded or 6 exempted by rule promulgated by the board of library commissioners. 7 33-2505B. SUBMISSION BY STATE AGENCIES. (1) The head of every state 8 agency or their designee shall promptly submit to the commission for libraries 9 copies of published information that are state publications. 10 (a) For state publications available only in print format, each state 11 agency shall submit two (2) copies of each printed publication to the com- 12 mission for libraries. 13 (b) For state publications available only in electronic format, each 14 state agency shall submit one (1) digital copy of each electronic publica- 15 tion to the commission for libraries. 16 (c) For state publications available in both print and electronic format, 17 each state agency shall submit two (2) print copies and one (1) digital 18 copy of the publication to the commission for libraries. 19 (d) Of the two (2) print copies of state publications, one (1) copy shall 20 be sent to the Idaho state historical society and one (1) copy shall be 21 sent to the university of Idaho library for archival purposes. 22 (2) The commission for libraries shall promulgate such rules as are nec- 23 essary and appropriate to accomplish the purpose of a digital repository for 24 state publications. 25 33-2505C. EXEMPTIONS. In the interest of economy and efficiency, the 26 board of library commissioners may exempt a given state publication or class 27 of publications from the requirements of sections 33-2505, 33-2505A and 28 33-2505B, Idaho Code, in full or in part, and shall promulgate rules in com- 29 pliance with chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code, and make policies to implement 30 this section.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS 17372 State agencies spent $4,297,800 in FY2006 and $5,347,600 in FY2007 for "printing and binding" services (State Controller's Office fiscal data). Some portion of these expenditures is for state publications intended for use by Idaho citizens. The return on this investment by state government will be greatly increased by creating a web-accessible digital repository of state publications and bringing the 1972 depository system for public documents into the 21st century. The proposed legislation will make public documents published by state government more accessible to the public for whom they are intended. It will make finding and retrieving information easier and more cost-effective for Idaho citizens and help state entities reach their intended audience in a more cost-effective way. The proposed legislation will expand citizen access to the information in state publications by: - Establishing a digital repository to replace the outdated depository system; - Providing a definition of "state publication" and other relevant terms; - Replacing the requirements to submit 20 copies of public documents with more cost-effective requirements for the digital repository; and - Providing for exemptions from the requirements. FISCAL NOTE There are no accurate figures on the annual volume or cost of Idaho state publications. A sample survey estimated that in the spring of 2007 the equivalent of one terabyte of public documents was published with state tax dollars, and projected at least 30% annual growth. State agencies complying with the current depository requirements will undoubtedly experience a decrease in expenditures as a result of the proposed digital repository requirements as well as an increase in the reach of their state publications. Estimated costs for the Commission for Libraries to implement the digital repository are $202,000 for the first year, and $132,000 ongoing funds to maintain it: Capital - $30,000 (OT) for server, storage, UPS, etc.; Operating - $50,000 ($40,000 OT) for content management license; Personnel - $122,000 ongoing for 1 FTE Librarian and 2 FTE OS2. Contact Name: Ann Joslin, Agency: Idaho Commission for Libraries Phone: (208) 334-2150 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE S 1321