2008 Legislation
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SENATE BILL NO. 1379<br /> – MV, tire chains, reqmt


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Bill Status

S1379aa,aa................................................by TRANSPORTATION
TIRES - CHAINS - Amends existing law relating to tire equipment
restrictions to define a term; to provide the Idaho Transportation
Department with the authority to require chains or certain other traction
devices on certain commercial vehicles on certain passes; to require the
department to take certain actions when requiring the chains; to provide
for chaining requirements; and to provide for exceptions.

02/06    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
02/07    Rpt prt - to Transp
02/18    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
02/19    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
02/21    To 14th Ord
02/26    Rpt out amen - to engros
02/27    Rpt engros - 1st rdg - to 2nd rdg as amen
02/28    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg as amen
03/04    To 14th Ord
03/06    Rpt out amen - to engros
03/07    Rpt engros - 1st rdg - to 2nd rdg as amen
03/10    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg as amen
03/11    3rd rdg as amen - PASSED - 34-0-1
      AYES -- Andreason, Bair, Bastian, Bilyeu, Broadsword, Burkett,
      Cameron, Coiner, Corder,  Darrington, Davis, Fulcher, Geddes, Goedde,
      Hammond, Heinrich, Hill, Jorgenson, Kelly, Keough, Langhorst, Little,
      Lodge, Malepeai(Sagness), McGee, McKague, McKenzie, Pearce,
      Richardson, Schroeder, Siddoway, Stegner, Stennett, Werk
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- Gannon
    Floor Sponsors - Broadsword, Hammond & Heinrich
    Title apvd - to House
03/12    House intro - 1st rdg - to Transp
03/25    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
03/26    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
    Rls susp - PASSED - 65-0-5
      AYES -- Anderson, Andrus, Barrett, Bayer, Bilbao, Black, Block, Bock,
      Boe, Bolz, Bowers, Brackett, Chadderdon, Chavez, Chew, Clark,
      Collins, Crane, Durst, Eskridge, Hagedorn, Hart, Harwood, Henbest,
      Henderson, Jaquet, Killen, King, Kren, Labrador, Lake, LeFavour,
      Loertscher, Luker, Marriott, Mathews, Mortimer, Moyle, Nielsen,
      Nonini, Pasley-Stuart, Patrick, Pence, Raybould, Ringo, Roberts,
      Ruchti, Rusche, Sayler, Schaefer, Shepherd(02), Shepherd(08),
      Shirley, Shively, Smith(30), Smith(24), Snodgrass, Stevenson, Thomas,
      Trail, Vander Woude, Wills, Wood(27), Wood(35), Mr. Speaker
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- Bedke, Bell, Bradford, McGeachin, Thayn
    Floor Sponsor - Shepherd(2)
    Title apvd - to Senate
03/27    To enrol - Rpt enrol - Pres signed
03/28    Sp signed
03/31    To Governor
04/01    Governor signed
         Session Law Chapter 330
         Effective: 04/01/08

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                                       IN THE SENATE

                                    SENATE BILL NO. 1379

                                BY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE

  1                                        AN ACT

 10    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 11        SECTION 1.  That Section 49-104, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
 12    amended to read as follows:

 13        49-104.  DEFINITIONS -- C.
 14        (1)  "Cancellation of driver's license" means the annulment or termination
 15    by  formal  action of the department of a person's driver's license because of
 16    some error or defect in the driver's license or because  the  licensee  is  no
 17    longer  entitled  to  the  driver's  license.  The  cancellation of a driver's
 18    license is without prejudice and after compliance with requirements, the indi-
 19    vidual may apply for a new driver's license at any time after cancellation.
 20        (2)  "Caravaning" means the transportation of any motor vehicle into,  out
 21    of,  or within the state operating on its own wheels or in tow for the purpose
 22    of sale or offer of sale by any agent, dealer, manufacturer's  representative,
 23    purchaser,  or prospective purchaser, regardless of residence unless the motor
 24    vehicle is licensed by the state of  Idaho,  or  is  owned  by  an  automobile
 25    dealer,  duly  licensed as a dealer by this state. It shall also be considered
 26    as the transportation of property for hire by a motor vehicle upon  the  high-
 27    ways of this state.
 28        (3)  "Certificate of liability insurance" means a certificate of liability
 29    insurance  issued  by  an  insurance company authorized to do business in this
 30    state or a certificate of liability insurance  issued  by  the  department  of
 31    insurance  which  demonstrates  current  insurance against loss resulting from
 32    liability imposed by law for bodily injury or death or damage to property suf-
 33    fered by any person caused by accident and arising out of the operation, main-
 34    tenance or use of a motor vehicle described in the certificate  in  an  amount
 35    not  less  than  that required by section 49-1212, Idaho Code, and also demon-
 36    strates the current existence of any other  coverage  required  by  title  41,
 37    Idaho Code, or a certificate of self-insurance issued pursuant to law for each
 38    motor  vehicle  to  be  registered. A certificate of liability insurance shall
 39    contain the information required by the department of insurance, including the
 40    name and address of the owner of the motor vehicle and a  description  of  the
 41    motor  vehicle including identification number if there is one, or a statement
 42    that all vehicles owned by a person or entity are covered  by  insurance,  the
 43    inception  date of coverage, and the name of the insurer. "Certificate of lia-


  1    bility insurance" may also include the original contract of  liability  insur-
  2    ance  or  a  true  copy,  demonstrating the current existence of the liability
  3    insurance described above.
  4        (4)  "Certification of safety compliance" means that a motor carrier  cer-
  5    tifies  as  part of its registration process that it has knowledge of the fed-
  6    eral regulations and rules promulgated by the Idaho transportation  department
  7    and the Idaho state police applicable to motor carriers.
  8        (5)  "Chains"  means  metal  traction devices required pursuant to section
  9    49-948, Idaho Code, which consist of two (2) circular metal loops, one (1)  on
 10    each  side  of  the  tire,  connected  by not less than nine (9) evenly-spaced
 11    chains across the tire tread.
 12        (6)  "Commercial coach." (See section 39-4301, Idaho Code)
 13        (67)  "Commercial driver's license" means any class A, class B or class  C
 14    driver's license as defined in section 49-105, Idaho Code.
 15        (78)  "Commercial driver license information system (CDLIS)" is the infor-
 16    mation system established to serve as a clearinghouse for locating information
 17    related to the licensing and identification of motor vehicle drivers.
 18        (89)  "Commercial driver training school" means a business enterprise con-
 19    ducted  by  an  individual,  association, partnership, or corporation, for the
 20    education and training of persons, either  practically  or  theoretically,  or
 21    both,  to  operate  or  drive  motor vehicles, and charging a consideration or
 22    tuition for such services.
 23        (910) "Commercial vehicle" or "commercial motor vehicle." (See  "Vehicle,"
 24    section 49-123, Idaho Code)
 25        (101) "Compliance  review"  means  an on-site examination of motor carrier
 26    operations, which may be at the carrier's place of  business,  including  dri-
 27    ver's  hours of service, vehicle maintenance and inspection, driver qualifica-
 28    tions, commercial driver's  license  requirements,  financial  responsibility,
 29    accidents,  hazardous materials, and such other related safety and transporta-
 30    tion records to determine safety fitness.
 31        (112) "Controlled substance" means any substance so classified under  sec-
 32    tion  102(6) of the controlled substances act (21 U.S.C. 802(6)), and includes
 33    all substances listed on schedules I through V, of 21, CFR part 1308, as  they
 34    may be revised from time to time.
 35        (123) "Conviction"  means  the  person  has  pled guilty or has been found
 36    guilty, notwithstanding the form of the judgment or withheld judgment. A  con-
 37    viction for purposes of this title shall also include an infraction judgment.
 38        (134) "Crosswalk" means:
 39        (a)  That part of a highway at an intersection included within the connec-
 40        tions of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the high-
 41        way  measured from the curbs or in the absence of curbs, from the edges of
 42        the traversable highway; and in the absence of a sidewalk on one  side  of
 43        the  highway,  that part of a highway included within the extension of the
 44        lateral lines of the existing sidewalk at right angles to the centerline.
 45        (b)  Any portion of a highway at an intersection or  elsewhere  distinctly
 46        indicated  for  pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the sur-
 47        face.

 48        SECTION 2.  That Section 49-123, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
 49    amended to read as follows:

 50        49-123.  DEFINITIONS  --  V.  (1) "Variable load suspension axle" means an
 51    axle or axles designed to support a part of the vehicle and load and which can
 52    be regulated to vary the amount of load supported by such an axle or axles and
 53    which can be deployed or lifted by the operator of the vehicle. See also  sec-


  1    tion 49-117, Idaho Code.
  2        (a)  "Fully  raised" means that the variable load suspension axle is in an
  3        elevated position preventing the tires on such axle from having  any  con-
  4        tact with the roadway.
  5        (b)  "Fully deployed" means that the variable load suspension axle is sup-
  6        porting a portion of the weight of the loaded vehicle as controlled by the
  7        preset pressure regulator valve.
  8        (2)  "Vehicle" means:
  9        (a)  General. Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is
 10        or  may  be  transported  or  drawn upon a highway, excepting devices used
 11        exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
 12        (b)  Authorized emergency vehicle. Vehicles operated by any  fire  depart-
 13        ment or law enforcement agency of the state of Idaho or any political sub-
 14        division of the state, ambulances, vehicles belonging to personnel of vol-
 15        untary  fire  departments  while  in  performance of official duties only,
 16        vehicles belonging to, or operated by EMS personnel certified or otherwise
 17        recognized by the EMS bureau of the Idaho department of health and welfare
 18        while in the performance of emergency medical services,  sheriff's  search
 19        and  rescue  vehicles  which  are  under  the immediate supervision of the
 20        county sheriff, wreckers which are engaged in motor vehicle recovery oper-
 21        ations and are blocking part or all of one (1) or more lanes  of  traffic,
 22        other  emergency  vehicles  designated  by the director of the Idaho state
 23        police or vehicles authorized by the Idaho transportation board  and  used
 24        in  the  enforcement of laws specified in section 40-510, Idaho Code, per-
 25        taining to vehicles of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or greater.
 26        (c)  Commercial vehicle or commercial motor vehicle. For the  purposes  of
 27        chapters 3 and 9 of this title, (driver's licenses) and vehicle equipment,
 28        a  motor  vehicle  or  combination  of  motor vehicles designed or used to
 29        transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle:
 30             1.  Has a manufacturer's gross combination weight  rating  (GCWR)  in
 31             excess  of  twenty-six  thousand (26,000) pounds inclusive of a towed
 32             unit with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more
 33             than ten thousand (10,000) pounds; or
 34             2.  Has a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) in excess
 35             of twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds; or
 36             3.  Is designed to transport sixteen (16) or more  people,  including
 37             the driver; or
 38             4.  Is  of  any  size  and is used in the transportation of materials
 39             found to be hazardous for the  purposes  of  the  hazardous  material
 40             transportation  act  and  which  require  the  motor  vehicle  to  be
 41             placarded under the hazardous materials regulations (49 CFR part 172,
 42             subpart F).
 43        For the purposes of chapter 4, title 49, Idaho Code, (motor vehicle regis-
 44        tration),  a  vehicle  or  combination of vehicles of a type used or main-
 45        tained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit,
 46        or the transportation of property for the owner of  the  vehicle,  or  for
 47        hire, compensation, or profit, and shall include fixed load specially con-
 48        structed  vehicles  exceeding  the limits imposed by chapter 10, title 49,
 49        Idaho Code, and including drilling rigs, construction, drilling and wreck-
 50        er cranes, log jammers, log loaders, and similar vehicles which  are  nor-
 51        mally  operated  in an overweight or oversize condition or both, but shall
 52        not include those vehicles registered  pursuant  to  sections  49-402  and
 53        49-402A,  Idaho  Code,  or exempted by section 49-426, Idaho Code. A motor
 54        vehicle used in a ridesharing arrangement that has a seating capacity  for
 55        not  more  than fifteen (15) persons, including the driver, shall not be a


  1        "commercial vehicle" under the provisions of this title relating to equip-
  2        ment requirements, rules of the road, or registration.
  3        (d)  Farm vehicle. A vehicle or combination of vehicles owned by a  farmer
  4        or  rancher, which are operated over public highways, and used exclusively
  5        to transport unprocessed agricultural, dairy or livestock products raised,
  6        owned and grown by the owner of the vehicle to market or place of storage;
  7        and shall include the transportation  by the  farmer  or  rancher  of  any
  8        equipment,  supplies  or  products purchased by that farmer or rancher for
  9        his own use, and used in the farming or ranching operation or  used  by  a
 10        farmer  partly in transporting agricultural products or livestock from the
 11        farm of another farmer that were originally grown or raised on  the  farm,
 12        or  when  used  partly  in  transporting agricultural supplies, equipment,
 13        materials or livestock to the farm of another farmer for use  or  consump-
 14        tion on the farm but not transported for hire, and shall not include vehi-
 15        cles  of  husbandry or vehicles registered pursuant to sections 49-402 and
 16        49-402A, Idaho Code.
 17        (e)  Foreign vehicle. Every vehicle of a type required  to  be  registered
 18        under  the  provisions  of this title brought into this state from another
 19        state, territory or country other than in the ordinary course of  business
 20        by or through a manufacturer or dealer and not registered in this state.
 21        (f)  Glider  kit  vehicle. Every large truck manufactured from a kit manu-
 22        factured by a manufacturer of large trucks which consists of a frame,  cab
 23        complete  with  wiring,  instruments, fenders and hood and front axles and
 24        wheels. The "glider kit" is made into a complete assembly by the  addition
 25        of the engine, transmission, rear axles, wheels and tires.
 26        (g)  Motor  vehicle. Every vehicle which is self-propelled and every vehi-
 27        cle which is propelled by electric power obtained  from  overhead  trolley
 28        wires  but  not operated upon rails, except vehicles moved solely by human
 29        power,  electric  personal  assistive  mobility  devices   and   motorized
 30        wheelchairs.
 31        (h)  Multipurpose  passenger  vehicle  (MPV).  For the purposes of section
 32        49-966, Idaho Code, a motor vehicle designed to carry ten  (10)  or  fewer
 33        persons  which  is  constructed  either on a truck chassis or with special
 34        features for occasional off-road operation.
 35        (i)  Neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV). A self-propelled,  electrically-
 36        powered, four-wheeled motor vehicle which is emission free and conforms to
 37        the  definition  and requirements for low-speed vehicles as adopted in the
 38        federal motor vehicle safety standards for low-speed vehicles  under  fed-
 39        eral  regulations  at  49 CFR part 571. An NEV shall be titled, registered
 40        and insured according to law as provided respectively in chapters 4, 5 and
 41        12, title 49, Idaho Code, and shall only be operated by a licensed driver.
 42        Operation of an NEV on a highway shall be allowed as provided  in  section
 43        49-663, Idaho Code.
 44        (j)  Noncommercial vehicle. For the purposes of chapter 4, title 49, Idaho
 45        Code,  (motor  vehicle  registration),  a  noncommercial vehicle shall not
 46        include those vehicles required to be registered under sections 49-402 and
 47        49-402A, Idaho Code, and means all other vehicles or combinations of vehi-
 48        cles which are not commercial vehicles or farm vehicles, but shall include
 49        motor homes. A noncommercial vehicle shall include those vehicles having a
 50        combined gross weight not in excess of sixty thousand (60,000) pounds  and
 51        not  held  out  for hire, used for purposes related to private use and not
 52        used in the furtherance of a business or occupation  for  compensation  or
 53        profit or for transporting goods for other than the owner.
 54        (k)  Passenger  car.  For  the  purposes  of section 49-966, Idaho Code, a
 55        motor vehicle, except a  multipurpose  passenger  vehicle,  motorcycle  or


  1        trailer, designed to carry ten (10) or fewer persons.
  2        (l)  Reconstructed  or  repaired  vehicle.  Every  vehicle   that has been
  3        rebuilt or repaired using like make and model parts and  visually  appears
  4        as a vehicle that was  originally constructed under a distinctive manufac-
  5        turer. This includes a salvage vehicle which is damaged to the extent that
  6        a  "reconstructed  vehicle"  or  "repaired vehicle" brand is required, and
  7        other vehicles which have been reconstructed by the use of a kit  designed
  8        to be used to construct an exact replica of a vehicle which was previously
  9        constructed  under  a distinctive name, make, model or type by a generally
 10        recognized manufacturer of vehicles. A glider kit vehicle is not a  recon-
 11        structed vehicle.
 12        (m)  Salvage vehicle. Any vehicle for which a salvage certificate, salvage
 13        bill  of sale or other documentation showing evidence that the vehicle has
 14        been declared salvage or which has been damaged to  the  extent  that  the
 15        owner,  or  an  insurer,  or  other  person acting on behalf of the owner,
 16        determines that the cost of parts and labor minus the salvage value  makes
 17        it  uneconomical  to repair or rebuild. When an insurance company has paid
 18        money or has made other monetary settlement as compensation  for  a  total
 19        loss  of any motor vehicle, such motor vehicle shall be considered to be a
 20        salvage vehicle.
 21        (n)  Specially constructed vehicle. Every vehicle of a type required to be
 22        registered not originally constructed  under  a  distinctive  name,  make,
 23        model  or  type by a generally recognized manufacturer of vehicles and not
 24        materially altered from its original construction and cannot  be  visually
 25        identified  as  a  vehicle  produced  by  a  particular manufacturer. This
 26        includes:
 27             1.  A vehicle that has been structurally modified so that it does not
 28             have the same appearance as a similar vehicle from the same  manufac-
 29             turer; or
 30             2.  A  vehicle that has been constructed entirely from homemade parts
 31             and materials not obtained from other vehicles; or
 32             3.  A vehicle that has been  constructed  by  using  major  component
 33             parts  from one (1) or more manufactured vehicles and cannot be iden-
 34             tified as a specific make or model; or
 35             4.  A vehicle constructed by the use of a custom kit that  cannot  be
 36             visually identified as a specific make or model.
 37        (o)  Total  loss  vehicle. Every vehicle that is deemed to be uneconomical
 38        to repair due to scrapping, dismantling or destruction. A total loss shall
 39        occur when an insurance company or any other person pays  or  makes  other
 40        monetary  settlement  to the owner when it is deemed to be uneconomical to
 41        repair the damaged vehicle. The compensation for  total  loss  as  defined
 42        herein  shall not include payments by an insurer or other person for medi-
 43        cal care, bodily injury, vehicle rental or for  anything  other  than  the
 44        amount paid for the actual damage to the vehicle.
 45        (3)  "Vehicle  identification  number." (See "Identifying number," section
 46    49-110, Idaho Code)
 47        (4)  "Vehicle salesman" means any person who, for a salary, commission  or
 48    compensation  of any kind, is employed either directly or indirectly, or regu-
 49    larly or occasionally by any dealer to sell, purchase or exchange, or to nego-
 50    tiate for the sale, purchase or exchange of  vehicles.  (See  also  "full-time
 51    salesman,"  section  49-107,  Idaho  Code,  and  "part-time salesman," section
 52    49-117, Idaho Code)
 53        (5)  "Vessel." (See section 67-7003, Idaho Code)
 54        (6)  "Veteran." (See section 65-502, Idaho Code)
 55        (7)  "Violation" means a conviction of a misdemeanor  charge  involving  a


  1    moving  traffic  violation,  or  an admission or judicial determination of the
  2    commission of an infraction involving  a  moving  traffic  infraction,  except
  3    bicycle infractions.

  4        SECTION  3.  That  Section  49-948, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
  5    amended to read as follows:

  6        49-948.  RESTRICTIONS AS TO TIRE EQUIPMENT. (1) Every solid rubber tire on
  7    a vehicle shall have rubber on its entire traction surface at  least  one  (1)
  8    inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery.
  9        (2)  No  person  shall  operate  or move on any highway any motor vehicle,
 10    trailer, or semitrailer having any metal tire in contact with the highway.
 11        (3)  No tire on a vehicle moved on a highway shall have on  its  periphery
 12    any  block, stud, flange, cleat, spike, or any other protuberance of any mate-
 13    rial other than rubber which projects beyond the tread of the traction surface
 14    of the tire, except as allowed herein. It shall be  permissible  to  use  farm
 15    machinery  with  tires having protuberances which will not injure the highway,
 16    and it shall be permissible to use tire chains. Tires with  built-in  lugs  of
 17    tungsten  carbide or other suitable material, hereinafter called studs, may be
 18    used upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or  other
 19    conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid, that will not unduly damage the
 20    highway.  Motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers with tires having built-in
 21    studs are prohibited on public highways between the dates of May 1 and Septem-
 22    ber 30, annually, except as provided in paragraphs (a), (b) and  (c)  of  this
 23    subsection:
 24        (a)  Fire pumper/tanker trucks and ladder trucks belonging to fire depart-
 25        ments and firefighting agencies are exempt from the prohibited dates.
 26        (b)  A vehicle may be equipped year-round with tires that have retractable
 27        studs  if  the  studs retract pneumatically or mechanically to at or below
 28        the wear bar of the tire  when  not  in  use  and  the  retractable  studs
 29        protrude  beyond the wear bar of the tire only between October 1 and April
 30        30. Retractable studs may be made of metal or other material and  are  not
 31        subject to the stud weight requirements of subsection (4) of this section.
 32        (c)  Special  exemptions  from  the prohibited dates may be granted by the
 33        Idaho transportation board if it is found by the board  that  enhancements
 34        to public safety outweigh the increased pavement wear.
 35        (4)  Commercial  tire  retailers  shall  not sell studded tires with studs
 36    exceeding the following weight and protrusion limitations after July 1,  2005.
 37    Commercial  tire  retailers  and  tire  shops shall not manually install studs
 38    exceeding the following weight and protrusion limitations after July 1, 2005.
 39        (a)  Studs shall not protrude more than six-hundredths (.06)  of  an  inch
 40        from the surface of the tire tread when originally installed.
 41        (b)  Stud size shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the tire for
 42        the type and size of the tire.
 43        (c)  Studs  shall  individually  weigh no more than one and one-half (1.5)
 44        grams if the stud is size 14 or less.
 45        (d)  Studs shall individually weigh no  more  than  two  and  three-tenths
 46        (2.3) grams if the stud size is 15 or 16.
 47        (e)  Studs  shall  individually  weigh no more than three (3) grams if the
 48        stud size is 17 or larger.
 49        (5)  If the Idaho transportation department determines, at any time,  that
 50    Lookout  Pass  or  Fourth  of July Pass on interstate 90 or Lolo Pass on state
 51    highway 12 is of an unsafe condition so as to require chains,  as  defined  in
 52    section  49-104,  Idaho Code, in addition to pneumatic tires, the Idaho trans-
 53    portation department may establish requirements for the use of chains  on  all


  1    commercial  vehicles  as defined in section 49-123(2)(c)1. and 2., Idaho Code,
  2    traveling on interstate 90 or state highway 12. If  the  Idaho  transportation
  3    department  establishes  that chains are so required, the Idaho transportation
  4    department shall:
  5        (a)  Provide multiple advance notices of the chain requirement;
  6        (b)  Provide adequate opportunities for pull out;
  7        (c)  Provide notification at a point at which the commercial  vehicle  can
  8        safely pull out of the normal flow of traffic, prior to the point at which
  9        chains are required; and
 10        (d)  In no case post requirements for chains on bare pavement.
 11        (6)  Provided  that  the  conditions in subsection (5) of this section are
 12    met, the chain requirement shall be met by chaining a minimum of one (1)  tire
 13    on each side of:
 14        (a)  One (1) drive axle, regardless of the number of drive axles; and
 15        (b)  One  (1)  axle  at  or near the rear of each towed vehicle. Such axle
 16        shall not include a variable load suspension axle or an  axle  of  a  con-
 17        verter dolly.
 18        (7)  The  Idaho  transportation  department shall place and maintain signs
 19    and other traffic control devices on the interstate and state  highway  passes
 20    as  designated  in  subsection  (5)  of  this  section that indicate the chain
 21    requirements under subsection (6) of this section.
 22        (8)  Exempt from the chaining requirements provided for in subsections (5)
 23    and (6) of this section are:
 24        (a)  Motor vehicles operated by the Idaho transportation  department  when
 25        used in the maintenance of the interstate or state highway system; and
 26        (b)  The  following  intrastate  motor  carriers,  as described in section
 27        67-2901B(2), Idaho Code:
 28             (i)   Motor vehicles employed solely in transporting school  children
 29             and  teachers to or from school or to or from approved school activi-
 30             ties, when the motor vehicle is either:
 31                  1.  Wholly owned and operated by such school; or
 32                  2.  Leased or contracted by such school and the motor vehicle is
 33                  not used in furtherance of any other commercial enterprise;
 34             (ii)  Motor vehicles controlled and operated by any farmer when  used
 35             in the transportation of the farmer's farm equipment or in the trans-
 36             portation of supplies to the farmer's farm;
 37             (iii) The  transportation  of  agricultural  products including fresh
 38             fruits and vegetables, livestock, livestock feed  or  manure  at  any
 39             time of the year;
 40             (iv)  Motor  propelled  vehicles  for  the  sole  purpose of carrying
 41             United States mail or property belonging to the United States;
 42             (v)   Motor carriers transporting products of the forest at any  time
 43             of the year, including chip trucks;
 44             (vi)  Motor  carriers  transporting  products  of  the mine including
 45             sand, gravel and aggregates thereof,  excepting  petroleum  products;
 46             and
 47             (vii) Vehicles  properly  equipped, designed and customarily used for
 48             the transportation of disabled or abandoned vehicles by  means  of  a
 49             crane,  hoist,  tow  bar,  dolly  or  roll  bed,  commonly known as a
 50             "wrecker truck" or "tow truck."

 51        SECTION 4.  An emergency existing  therefor,  which  emergency  is  hereby
 52    declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after its
 53    passage and approval.


  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                                                     Moved by    Broadsword

                                                     Seconded by       Corder

                                       IN THE SENATE
                       SENATE AMENDMENT TO S.B. NO. 1379, As Amended

  1                                AMENDMENT TO SECTION 3
  2        On page 7 of the engrossed bill, delete lines 31 and 32 and insert:
  3        "(b)  The following:".


                                                     Moved by    Broadsword

                                                     Seconded by       Corder

                                       IN THE SENATE
                             SENATE AMENDMENT TO S.B. NO. 1379

  1                               AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 3
  2        On page 7 of the printed bill, following line 17, insert:
  3        "(7)  Chains as required in subsection (6)(a) and (b) of this section mean
  4    "chains" as defined in section 49-104, Idaho Code. Any other  traction  device
  5    differing  from chains in construction, material or design but capable of pro-
  6    viding traction equal to or exceeding that of chains under similar  conditions
  7    may  be  used.";  in  line 18, delete "(7)" and insert: "(8)"; and in line 22,
  8    delete "(8)" and insert: "(9)".

  9                                 CORRECTION TO TITLE
 10        On page 1, in line 6, following "CHAINS" insert: "OR CERTAIN  OTHER  TRAC-
 11    TION DEVICE".

Engrossed Bill (Original Bill with Amendment(s) Incorporated)

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                                       IN THE SENATE

                        SENATE BILL NO. 1379, As Amended, As Amended

                                BY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE

  1                                        AN ACT

 10    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 11        SECTION  1.  That  Section  49-104, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 12    amended to read as follows:

 13        49-104.  DEFINITIONS -- C.
 14        (1)  "Cancellation of driver's license" means the annulment or termination
 15    by formal action of the department of a person's driver's license  because  of
 16    some  error  or  defect  in the driver's license or because the licensee is no
 17    longer entitled to the  driver's  license.  The  cancellation  of  a  driver's
 18    license is without prejudice and after compliance with requirements, the indi-
 19    vidual may apply for a new driver's license at any time after cancellation.
 20        (2)  "Caravaning"  means the transportation of any motor vehicle into, out
 21    of, or within the state operating on its own wheels or in tow for the  purpose
 22    of  sale or offer of sale by any agent, dealer, manufacturer's representative,
 23    purchaser, or prospective purchaser, regardless of residence unless the  motor
 24    vehicle  is  licensed  by  the  state  of  Idaho, or is owned by an automobile
 25    dealer, duly licensed as a dealer by this state. It shall also  be  considered
 26    as  the  transportation of property for hire by a motor vehicle upon the high-
 27    ways of this state.
 28        (3)  "Certificate of liability insurance" means a certificate of liability
 29    insurance issued by an insurance company authorized to  do  business  in  this
 30    state  or  a  certificate  of  liability insurance issued by the department of
 31    insurance which demonstrates current insurance  against  loss  resulting  from
 32    liability imposed by law for bodily injury or death or damage to property suf-
 33    fered by any person caused by accident and arising out of the operation, main-
 34    tenance  or  use  of a motor vehicle described in the certificate in an amount
 35    not less than that required by section 49-1212, Idaho Code,  and  also  demon-
 36    strates  the  current  existence  of  any other coverage required by title 41,
 37    Idaho Code, or a certificate of self-insurance issued pursuant to law for each
 38    motor vehicle to be registered. A certificate  of  liability  insurance  shall
 39    contain the information required by the department of insurance, including the
 40    name  and  address  of the owner of the motor vehicle and a description of the
 41    motor vehicle including identification number if there is one, or a  statement
 42    that  all  vehicles  owned by a person or entity are covered by insurance, the
 43    inception date of coverage, and the name of the insurer. "Certificate of  lia-


  1    bility  insurance"  may also include the original contract of liability insur-
  2    ance or a true copy, demonstrating the  current  existence  of  the  liability
  3    insurance described above.
  4        (4)  "Certification  of safety compliance" means that a motor carrier cer-
  5    tifies as part of its registration process that it has knowledge of  the  fed-
  6    eral  regulations and rules promulgated by the Idaho transportation department
  7    and the Idaho state police applicable to motor carriers.
  8        (5)  "Chains" means metal traction devices required  pursuant  to  section
  9    49-948,  Idaho Code, which consist of two (2) circular metal loops, one (1) on
 10    each side of the tire, connected by  not  less  than  nine  (9)  evenly-spaced
 11    chains across the tire tread.
 12        (6)  "Commercial coach." (See section 39-4301, Idaho Code)
 13        (67)  "Commercial  driver's license" means any class A, class B or class C
 14    driver's license as defined in section 49-105, Idaho Code.
 15        (78)  "Commercial driver license information system (CDLIS)" is the infor-
 16    mation system established to serve as a clearinghouse for locating information
 17    related to the licensing and identification of motor vehicle drivers.
 18        (89)  "Commercial driver training school" means a business enterprise con-
 19    ducted by an individual, association, partnership,  or  corporation,  for  the
 20    education  and  training  of  persons, either practically or theoretically, or
 21    both, to operate or drive motor vehicles,  and  charging  a  consideration  or
 22    tuition for such services.
 23        (910) "Commercial  vehicle" or "commercial motor vehicle." (See "Vehicle,"
 24    section 49-123, Idaho Code)
 25        (101) "Compliance review" means an on-site examination  of  motor  carrier
 26    operations,  which  may  be at the carrier's place of business, including dri-
 27    ver's hours of service, vehicle maintenance and inspection, driver  qualifica-
 28    tions,  commercial  driver's  license  requirements, financial responsibility,
 29    accidents, hazardous materials, and such other related safety and  transporta-
 30    tion records to determine safety fitness.
 31        (112) "Controlled  substance" means any substance so classified under sec-
 32    tion 102(6) of the controlled substances act (21 U.S.C. 802(6)), and  includes
 33    all  substances listed on schedules I through V, of 21, CFR part 1308, as they
 34    may be revised from time to time.
 35        (123) "Conviction" means the person has pled  guilty  or  has  been  found
 36    guilty,  notwithstanding the form of the judgment or withheld judgment. A con-
 37    viction for purposes of this title shall also include an infraction judgment.
 38        (134) "Crosswalk" means:
 39        (a)  That part of a highway at an intersection included within the connec-
 40        tions of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the high-
 41        way measured from the curbs or in the absence of curbs, from the edges  of
 42        the  traversable  highway; and in the absence of a sidewalk on one side of
 43        the highway, that part of a highway included within the extension  of  the
 44        lateral lines of the existing sidewalk at right angles to the centerline.
 45        (b)  Any  portion  of a highway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly
 46        indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on  the  sur-
 47        face.

 48        SECTION  2.  That  Section  49-123, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 49    amended to read as follows:

 50        49-123.  DEFINITIONS -- V. (1) "Variable load suspension  axle"  means  an
 51    axle or axles designed to support a part of the vehicle and load and which can
 52    be regulated to vary the amount of load supported by such an axle or axles and
 53    which  can be deployed or lifted by the operator of the vehicle. See also sec-


  1    tion 49-117, Idaho Code.
  2        (a)  "Fully raised" means that the variable load suspension axle is in  an
  3        elevated  position  preventing the tires on such axle from having any con-
  4        tact with the roadway.
  5        (b)  "Fully deployed" means that the variable load suspension axle is sup-
  6        porting a portion of the weight of the loaded vehicle as controlled by the
  7        preset pressure regulator valve.
  8        (2)  "Vehicle" means:
  9        (a)  General. Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is
 10        or may be transported or drawn upon  a  highway,  excepting  devices  used
 11        exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
 12        (b)  Authorized  emergency  vehicle. Vehicles operated by any fire depart-
 13        ment or law enforcement agency of the state of Idaho or any political sub-
 14        division of the state, ambulances, vehicles belonging to personnel of vol-
 15        untary fire departments while in  performance  of  official  duties  only,
 16        vehicles belonging to, or operated by EMS personnel certified or otherwise
 17        recognized by the EMS bureau of the Idaho department of health and welfare
 18        while  in  the performance of emergency medical services, sheriff's search
 19        and rescue vehicles which are  under  the  immediate  supervision  of  the
 20        county sheriff, wreckers which are engaged in motor vehicle recovery oper-
 21        ations  and  are blocking part or all of one (1) or more lanes of traffic,
 22        other emergency vehicles designated by the director  of  the  Idaho  state
 23        police  or  vehicles authorized by the Idaho transportation board and used
 24        in the enforcement of laws specified in section 40-510, Idaho  Code,  per-
 25        taining to vehicles of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or greater.
 26        (c)  Commercial  vehicle  or commercial motor vehicle. For the purposes of
 27        chapters 3 and 9 of this title, (driver's licenses) and vehicle equipment,
 28        a motor vehicle or combination of  motor  vehicles  designed  or  used  to
 29        transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle:
 30             1.  Has  a  manufacturer's  gross combination weight rating (GCWR) in
 31             excess of twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds inclusive  of  a  towed
 32             unit with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more
 33             than ten thousand (10,000) pounds; or
 34             2.  Has a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) in excess
 35             of twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds; or
 36             3.  Is  designed  to transport sixteen (16) or more people, including
 37             the driver; or
 38             4.  Is of any size and is used in  the  transportation  of  materials
 39             found  to  be  hazardous  for  the purposes of the hazardous material
 40             transportation  act  and  which  require  the  motor  vehicle  to  be
 41             placarded under the hazardous materials regulations (49 CFR part 172,
 42             subpart F).
 43        For the purposes of chapter 4, title 49, Idaho Code, (motor vehicle regis-
 44        tration), a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a  type  used  or  main-
 45        tained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit,
 46        or  the  transportation  of  property for the owner of the vehicle, or for
 47        hire, compensation, or profit, and shall include fixed load specially con-
 48        structed vehicles exceeding the limits imposed by chapter  10,  title  49,
 49        Idaho Code, and including drilling rigs, construction, drilling and wreck-
 50        er  cranes,  log jammers, log loaders, and similar vehicles which are nor-
 51        mally operated in an overweight or oversize condition or both,  but  shall
 52        not  include  those  vehicles  registered  pursuant to sections 49-402 and
 53        49-402A, Idaho Code, or exempted by section 49-426, Idaho  Code.  A  motor
 54        vehicle  used in a ridesharing arrangement that has a seating capacity for
 55        not more than fifteen (15) persons, including the driver, shall not  be  a


  1        "commercial vehicle" under the provisions of this title relating to equip-
  2        ment requirements, rules of the road, or registration.
  3        (d)  Farm  vehicle. A vehicle or combination of vehicles owned by a farmer
  4        or rancher, which are operated over public highways, and used  exclusively
  5        to transport unprocessed agricultural, dairy or livestock products raised,
  6        owned and grown by the owner of the vehicle to market or place of storage;
  7        and  shall  include  the  transportation   by the farmer or rancher of any
  8        equipment, supplies or products purchased by that farmer  or  rancher  for
  9        his  own  use,  and used in the farming or ranching operation or used by a
 10        farmer partly in transporting agricultural products or livestock from  the
 11        farm  of  another farmer that were originally grown or raised on the farm,
 12        or when used partly  in  transporting  agricultural  supplies,  equipment,
 13        materials  or  livestock to the farm of another farmer for use or consump-
 14        tion on the farm but not transported for hire, and shall not include vehi-
 15        cles of husbandry or vehicles registered pursuant to sections  49-402  and
 16        49-402A, Idaho Code.
 17        (e)  Foreign  vehicle.  Every  vehicle of a type required to be registered
 18        under the provisions of this title brought into this  state  from  another
 19        state,  territory or country other than in the ordinary course of business
 20        by or through a manufacturer or dealer and not registered in this state.
 21        (f)  Glider kit vehicle. Every large truck manufactured from a  kit  manu-
 22        factured  by a manufacturer of large trucks which consists of a frame, cab
 23        complete with wiring, instruments, fenders and hood and  front  axles  and
 24        wheels.  The "glider kit" is made into a complete assembly by the addition
 25        of the engine, transmission, rear axles, wheels and tires.
 26        (g)  Motor vehicle. Every vehicle which is self-propelled and every  vehi-
 27        cle  which  is  propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley
 28        wires but not operated upon rails, except vehicles moved solely  by  human
 29        power,   electric   personal  assistive  mobility  devices  and  motorized
 30        wheelchairs.
 31        (h)  Multipurpose passenger vehicle (MPV). For  the  purposes  of  section
 32        49-966,  Idaho  Code,  a motor vehicle designed to carry ten (10) or fewer
 33        persons which is constructed either on a truck  chassis  or  with  special
 34        features for occasional off-road operation.
 35        (i)  Neighborhood  electric vehicle (NEV). A self-propelled, electrically-
 36        powered, four-wheeled motor vehicle which is emission free and conforms to
 37        the definition and requirements for low-speed vehicles as adopted  in  the
 38        federal  motor  vehicle safety standards for low-speed vehicles under fed-
 39        eral regulations at 49 CFR part 571. An NEV shall  be  titled,  registered
 40        and insured according to law as provided respectively in chapters 4, 5 and
 41        12, title 49, Idaho Code, and shall only be operated by a licensed driver.
 42        Operation  of  an NEV on a highway shall be allowed as provided in section
 43        49-663, Idaho Code.
 44        (j)  Noncommercial vehicle. For the purposes of chapter 4, title 49, Idaho
 45        Code, (motor vehicle registration),  a  noncommercial  vehicle  shall  not
 46        include those vehicles required to be registered under sections 49-402 and
 47        49-402A, Idaho Code, and means all other vehicles or combinations of vehi-
 48        cles which are not commercial vehicles or farm vehicles, but shall include
 49        motor homes. A noncommercial vehicle shall include those vehicles having a
 50        combined  gross weight not in excess of sixty thousand (60,000) pounds and
 51        not held out for hire, used for purposes related to private  use  and  not
 52        used  in  the  furtherance of a business or occupation for compensation or
 53        profit or for transporting goods for other than the owner.
 54        (k)  Passenger car. For the purposes of  section  49-966,  Idaho  Code,  a
 55        motor  vehicle,  except  a  multipurpose  passenger vehicle, motorcycle or


  1        trailer, designed to carry ten (10) or fewer persons.
  2        (l)  Reconstructed or repaired  vehicle.  Every  vehicle   that  has  been
  3        rebuilt  or  repaired using like make and model parts and visually appears
  4        as a vehicle that was  originally constructed under a distinctive manufac-
  5        turer. This includes a salvage vehicle which is damaged to the extent that
  6        a "reconstructed vehicle" or "repaired vehicle"  brand  is  required,  and
  7        other  vehicles which have been reconstructed by the use of a kit designed
  8        to be used to construct an exact replica of a vehicle which was previously
  9        constructed under a distinctive name, make, model or type by  a  generally
 10        recognized  manufacturer of vehicles. A glider kit vehicle is not a recon-
 11        structed vehicle.
 12        (m)  Salvage vehicle. Any vehicle for which a salvage certificate, salvage
 13        bill of sale or other documentation showing evidence that the vehicle  has
 14        been  declared  salvage  or  which has been damaged to the extent that the
 15        owner, or an insurer, or other person  acting  on  behalf  of  the  owner,
 16        determines  that the cost of parts and labor minus the salvage value makes
 17        it uneconomical to repair or rebuild. When an insurance company  has  paid
 18        money  or  has  made other monetary settlement as compensation for a total
 19        loss of any motor vehicle, such motor vehicle shall be considered to be  a
 20        salvage vehicle.
 21        (n)  Specially constructed vehicle. Every vehicle of a type required to be
 22        registered  not  originally  constructed  under  a distinctive name, make,
 23        model or type by a generally recognized manufacturer of vehicles  and  not
 24        materially  altered  from its original construction and cannot be visually
 25        identified as a  vehicle  produced  by  a  particular  manufacturer.  This
 26        includes:
 27             1.  A vehicle that has been structurally modified so that it does not
 28             have  the same appearance as a similar vehicle from the same manufac-
 29             turer; or
 30             2.  A vehicle that has been constructed entirely from homemade  parts
 31             and materials not obtained from other vehicles; or
 32             3.  A  vehicle  that  has  been  constructed by using major component
 33             parts from one (1) or more manufactured vehicles and cannot be  iden-
 34             tified as a specific make or model; or
 35             4.  A  vehicle  constructed by the use of a custom kit that cannot be
 36             visually identified as a specific make or model.
 37        (o)  Total loss vehicle. Every vehicle that is deemed to  be  uneconomical
 38        to repair due to scrapping, dismantling or destruction. A total loss shall
 39        occur  when  an  insurance company or any other person pays or makes other
 40        monetary settlement to the owner when it is deemed to be  uneconomical  to
 41        repair  the  damaged  vehicle.  The compensation for total loss as defined
 42        herein shall not include payments by an insurer or other person for  medi-
 43        cal  care,  bodily  injury,  vehicle rental or for anything other than the
 44        amount paid for the actual damage to the vehicle.
 45        (3)  "Vehicle identification number." (See "Identifying  number,"  section
 46    49-110, Idaho Code)
 47        (4)  "Vehicle  salesman" means any person who, for a salary, commission or
 48    compensation of any kind, is employed either directly or indirectly, or  regu-
 49    larly or occasionally by any dealer to sell, purchase or exchange, or to nego-
 50    tiate  for  the  sale,  purchase or exchange of vehicles. (See also "full-time
 51    salesman," section 49-107,  Idaho  Code,  and  "part-time  salesman,"  section
 52    49-117, Idaho Code)
 53        (5)  "Vessel." (See section 67-7003, Idaho Code)
 54        (6)  "Veteran." (See section 65-502, Idaho Code)
 55        (7)  "Violation"  means  a  conviction of a misdemeanor charge involving a


  1    moving traffic violation, or an admission or  judicial  determination  of  the
  2    commission  of  an  infraction  involving  a moving traffic infraction, except
  3    bicycle infractions.

  4        SECTION 3.  That Section 49-948, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
  5    amended to read as follows:

  6        49-948.  RESTRICTIONS AS TO TIRE EQUIPMENT. (1) Every solid rubber tire on
  7    a  vehicle  shall  have rubber on its entire traction surface at least one (1)
  8    inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery.
  9        (2)  No person shall operate or move on any  highway  any  motor  vehicle,
 10    trailer, or semitrailer having any metal tire in contact with the highway.
 11        (3)  No  tire  on a vehicle moved on a highway shall have on its periphery
 12    any block, stud, flange, cleat, spike, or any other protuberance of any  mate-
 13    rial other than rubber which projects beyond the tread of the traction surface
 14    of  the  tire,  except  as allowed herein. It shall be permissible to use farm
 15    machinery with tires having protuberances which will not injure  the  highway,
 16    and  it  shall  be permissible to use tire chains. Tires with built-in lugs of
 17    tungsten carbide or other suitable material, hereinafter called studs, may  be
 18    used  upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or other
 19    conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid, that will not unduly damage the
 20    highway. Motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers with tires having  built-in
 21    studs are prohibited on public highways between the dates of May 1 and Septem-
 22    ber  30,  annually,  except as provided in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this
 23    subsection:
 24        (a)  Fire pumper/tanker trucks and ladder trucks belonging to fire depart-
 25        ments and firefighting agencies are exempt from the prohibited dates.
 26        (b)  A vehicle may be equipped year-round with tires that have retractable
 27        studs if the studs retract pneumatically or mechanically to  at  or  below
 28        the  wear  bar  of  the  tire  when  not  in use and the retractable studs
 29        protrude beyond the wear bar of the tire only between October 1 and  April
 30        30.  Retractable  studs may be made of metal or other material and are not
 31        subject to the stud weight requirements of subsection (4) of this section.
 32        (c)  Special exemptions from the prohibited dates may be  granted  by  the
 33        Idaho  transportation  board if it is found by the board that enhancements
 34        to public safety outweigh the increased pavement wear.
 35        (4)  Commercial tire retailers shall not sell  studded  tires  with  studs
 36    exceeding  the following weight and protrusion limitations after July 1, 2005.
 37    Commercial tire retailers and tire shops  shall  not  manually  install  studs
 38    exceeding the following weight and protrusion limitations after July 1, 2005.
 39        (a)  Studs  shall  not  protrude more than six-hundredths (.06) of an inch
 40        from the surface of the tire tread when originally installed.
 41        (b)  Stud size shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the tire for
 42        the type and size of the tire.
 43        (c)  Studs shall individually weigh no more than one  and  one-half  (1.5)
 44        grams if the stud is size 14 or less.
 45        (d)  Studs  shall  individually  weigh  no  more than two and three-tenths
 46        (2.3) grams if the stud size is 15 or 16.
 47        (e)  Studs shall individually weigh no more than three (3)  grams  if  the
 48        stud size is 17 or larger.
 49        (5)  If  the Idaho transportation department determines, at any time, that
 50    Lookout Pass or Fourth of July Pass on interstate 90 or  Lolo  Pass  on  state
 51    highway  12  is  of an unsafe condition so as to require chains, as defined in
 52    section 49-104, Idaho Code, in addition to pneumatic tires, the  Idaho  trans-
 53    portation  department  may establish requirements for the use of chains on all


  1    commercial vehicles as defined in section 49-123(2)(c)1. and 2.,  Idaho  Code,
  2    traveling  on  interstate  90 or state highway 12. If the Idaho transportation
  3    department establishes that chains are so required, the  Idaho  transportation
  4    department shall:
  5        (a)  Provide multiple advance notices of the chain requirement;
  6        (b)  Provide adequate opportunities for pull out;
  7        (c)  Provide  notification  at a point at which the commercial vehicle can
  8        safely pull out of the normal flow of traffic, prior to the point at which
  9        chains are required; and
 10        (d)  In no case post requirements for chains on bare pavement.
 11        (6)  Provided that the conditions in subsection (5) of  this  section  are
 12    met,  the chain requirement shall be met by chaining a minimum of one (1) tire
 13    on each side of:
 14        (a)  One (1) drive axle, regardless of the number of drive axles; and
 15        (b)  One (1) axle at or near the rear of each  towed  vehicle.  Such  axle
 16        shall  not  include  a  variable load suspension axle or an axle of a con-
 17        verter dolly.
 18        (7)  Chains as required in subsection (6)(a) and (b) of this section  mean
 19    "chains"  as  defined in section 49-104, Idaho Code. Any other traction device
 20    differing from chains in construction, material or design but capable of  pro-
 21    viding  traction equal to or exceeding that of chains under similar conditions
 22    may be used.
 23        (8)  The Idaho transportation department shall place  and  maintain  signs
 24    and  other  traffic control devices on the interstate and state highway passes
 25    as designated in subsection (5)  of  this  section  that  indicate  the  chain
 26    requirements under subsection (6) of this section.
 27        (9)  Exempt from the chaining requirements provided for in subsections (5)
 28    and (6) of this section are:
 29        (a)  Motor  vehicles  operated by the Idaho transportation department when
 30        used in the maintenance of the interstate or state highway system; and
 31        (b)  The following:
 32             (i)   Motor vehicles employed solely in transporting school  children
 33             and  teachers to or from school or to or from approved school activi-
 34             ties, when the motor vehicle is either:
 35                  1.  Wholly owned and operated by such school; or
 36                  2.  Leased or contracted by such school and the motor vehicle is
 37                  not used in furtherance of any other commercial enterprise;
 38             (ii)  Motor vehicles controlled and operated by any farmer when  used
 39             in the transportation of the farmer's farm equipment or in the trans-
 40             portation of supplies to the farmer's farm;
 41             (iii) The  transportation  of  agricultural  products including fresh
 42             fruits and vegetables, livestock, livestock feed  or  manure  at  any
 43             time of the year;
 44             (iv)  Motor  propelled  vehicles  for  the  sole  purpose of carrying
 45             United States mail or property belonging to the United States;
 46             (v)   Motor carriers transporting products of the forest at any  time
 47             of the year, including chip trucks;
 48             (vi)  Motor  carriers  transporting  products  of  the mine including
 49             sand, gravel and aggregates thereof,  excepting  petroleum  products;
 50             and
 51             (vii) Vehicles  properly  equipped, designed and customarily used for
 52             the transportation of disabled or abandoned vehicles by  means  of  a
 53             crane,  hoist,  tow  bar,  dolly  or  roll  bed,  commonly known as a
 54             "wrecker truck" or "tow truck."


  1        SECTION 4.  An emergency existing  therefor,  which  emergency  is  hereby
  2    declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after its
  3    passage and approval.


                                       IN THE SENATE

                              SENATE BILL NO. 1379, As Amended

                                BY TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE

  1                                        AN ACT

 10    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 11        SECTION 5.  That Section 49-104, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
 12    amended to read as follows:

 13        49-104.  DEFINITIONS -- C.
 14        (1)  "Cancellation of driver's license" means the annulment or termination
 15    by  formal  action of the department of a person's driver's license because of
 16    some error or defect in the driver's license or because  the  licensee  is  no
 17    longer  entitled  to  the  driver's  license.  The  cancellation of a driver's
 18    license is without prejudice and after compliance with requirements, the indi-
 19    vidual may apply for a new driver's license at any time after cancellation.
 20        (2)  "Caravaning" means the transportation of any motor vehicle into,  out
 21    of,  or within the state operating on its own wheels or in tow for the purpose
 22    of sale or offer of sale by any agent, dealer, manufacturer's  representative,
 23    purchaser,  or prospective purchaser, regardless of residence unless the motor
 24    vehicle is licensed by the state of  Idaho,  or  is  owned  by  an  automobile
 25    dealer,  duly  licensed as a dealer by this state. It shall also be considered
 26    as the transportation of property for hire by a motor vehicle upon  the  high-
 27    ways of this state.
 28        (3)  "Certificate of liability insurance" means a certificate of liability
 29    insurance  issued  by  an  insurance company authorized to do business in this
 30    state or a certificate of liability insurance  issued  by  the  department  of
 31    insurance  which  demonstrates  current  insurance against loss resulting from
 32    liability imposed by law for bodily injury or death or damage to property suf-
 33    fered by any person caused by accident and arising out of the operation, main-
 34    tenance or use of a motor vehicle described in the certificate  in  an  amount
 35    not  less  than  that required by section 49-1212, Idaho Code, and also demon-
 36    strates the current existence of any other  coverage  required  by  title  41,
 37    Idaho Code, or a certificate of self-insurance issued pursuant to law for each
 38    motor  vehicle  to  be  registered. A certificate of liability insurance shall
 39    contain the information required by the department of insurance, including the
 40    name and address of the owner of the motor vehicle and a  description  of  the
 41    motor  vehicle including identification number if there is one, or a statement
 42    that all vehicles owned by a person or entity are covered  by  insurance,  the
 43    inception  date of coverage, and the name of the insurer. "Certificate of lia-
 44    bility insurance" may also include the original contract of  liability  insur-
 45    ance  or  a  true  copy,  demonstrating the current existence of the liability
 46    insurance described above.


  1        (4)  "Certification of safety compliance" means that a motor carrier  cer-
  2    tifies  as  part of its registration process that it has knowledge of the fed-
  3    eral regulations and rules promulgated by the Idaho transportation  department
  4    and the Idaho state police applicable to motor carriers.
  5        (5)  "Chains"  means  metal  traction devices required pursuant to section
  6    49-948, Idaho Code, which consist of two (2) circular metal loops, one (1)  on
  7    each  side  of  the  tire,  connected  by not less than nine (9) evenly-spaced
  8    chains across the tire tread.
  9        (6)  "Commercial coach." (See section 39-4301, Idaho Code)
 10        (67)  "Commercial driver's license" means any class A, class B or class  C
 11    driver's license as defined in section 49-105, Idaho Code.
 12        (78)  "Commercial driver license information system (CDLIS)" is the infor-
 13    mation system established to serve as a clearinghouse for locating information
 14    related to the licensing and identification of motor vehicle drivers.
 15        (89)  "Commercial driver training school" means a business enterprise con-
 16    ducted  by  an  individual,  association, partnership, or corporation, for the
 17    education and training of persons, either  practically  or  theoretically,  or
 18    both,  to  operate  or  drive  motor vehicles, and charging a consideration or
 19    tuition for such services.
 20        (910) "Commercial vehicle" or "commercial motor vehicle." (See  "Vehicle,"
 21    section 49-123, Idaho Code)
 22        (101) "Compliance  review"  means  an on-site examination of motor carrier
 23    operations, which may be at the carrier's place of  business,  including  dri-
 24    ver's  hours of service, vehicle maintenance and inspection, driver qualifica-
 25    tions, commercial driver's  license  requirements,  financial  responsibility,
 26    accidents,  hazardous materials, and such other related safety and transporta-
 27    tion records to determine safety fitness.
 28        (112) "Controlled substance" means any substance so classified under  sec-
 29    tion  102(6) of the controlled substances act (21 U.S.C. 802(6)), and includes
 30    all substances listed on schedules I through V, of 21, CFR part 1308, as  they
 31    may be revised from time to time.
 32        (123) "Conviction"  means  the  person  has  pled guilty or has been found
 33    guilty, notwithstanding the form of the judgment or withheld judgment. A  con-
 34    viction for purposes of this title shall also include an infraction judgment.
 35        (134) "Crosswalk" means:
 36        (a)  That part of a highway at an intersection included within the connec-
 37        tions of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the high-
 38        way  measured from the curbs or in the absence of curbs, from the edges of
 39        the traversable highway; and in the absence of a sidewalk on one  side  of
 40        the  highway,  that part of a highway included within the extension of the
 41        lateral lines of the existing sidewalk at right angles to the centerline.
 42        (b)  Any portion of a highway at an intersection or  elsewhere  distinctly
 43        indicated  for  pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the sur-
 44        face.

 45        SECTION 6.  That Section 49-123, Idaho Code, be, and the  same  is  hereby
 46    amended to read as follows:

 47        49-123.  DEFINITIONS  --  V.  (1) "Variable load suspension axle" means an
 48    axle or axles designed to support a part of the vehicle and load and which can
 49    be regulated to vary the amount of load supported by such an axle or axles and
 50    which can be deployed or lifted by the operator of the vehicle. See also  sec-
 51    tion 49-117, Idaho Code.
 52        (a)  "Fully  raised" means that the variable load suspension axle is in an
 53        elevated position preventing the tires on such axle from having  any  con-


  1        tact with the roadway.
  2        (b)  "Fully deployed" means that the variable load suspension axle is sup-
  3        porting a portion of the weight of the loaded vehicle as controlled by the
  4        preset pressure regulator valve.
  5        (2)  "Vehicle" means:
  6        (a)  General. Every device in, upon, or by which any person or property is
  7        or  may  be  transported  or  drawn upon a highway, excepting devices used
  8        exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
  9        (b)  Authorized emergency vehicle. Vehicles operated by any  fire  depart-
 10        ment or law enforcement agency of the state of Idaho or any political sub-
 11        division of the state, ambulances, vehicles belonging to personnel of vol-
 12        untary  fire  departments  while  in  performance of official duties only,
 13        vehicles belonging to, or operated by EMS personnel certified or otherwise
 14        recognized by the EMS bureau of the Idaho department of health and welfare
 15        while in the performance of emergency medical services,  sheriff's  search
 16        and  rescue  vehicles  which  are  under  the immediate supervision of the
 17        county sheriff, wreckers which are engaged in motor vehicle recovery oper-
 18        ations and are blocking part or all of one (1) or more lanes  of  traffic,
 19        other  emergency  vehicles  designated  by the director of the Idaho state
 20        police or vehicles authorized by the Idaho transportation board  and  used
 21        in  the  enforcement of laws specified in section 40-510, Idaho Code, per-
 22        taining to vehicles of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or greater.
 23        (c)  Commercial vehicle or commercial motor vehicle. For the  purposes  of
 24        chapters 3 and 9 of this title, (driver's licenses) and vehicle equipment,
 25        a  motor  vehicle  or  combination  of  motor vehicles designed or used to
 26        transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle:
 27             1.  Has a manufacturer's gross combination weight  rating  (GCWR)  in
 28             excess  of  twenty-six  thousand (26,000) pounds inclusive of a towed
 29             unit with a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more
 30             than ten thousand (10,000) pounds; or
 31             2.  Has a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) in excess
 32             of twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds; or
 33             3.  Is designed to transport sixteen (16) or more  people,  including
 34             the driver; or
 35             4.  Is  of  any  size  and is used in the transportation of materials
 36             found to be hazardous for the  purposes  of  the  hazardous  material
 37             transportation  act  and  which  require  the  motor  vehicle  to  be
 38             placarded under the hazardous materials regulations (49 CFR part 172,
 39             subpart F).
 40        For the purposes of chapter 4, title 49, Idaho Code, (motor vehicle regis-
 41        tration),  a  vehicle  or  combination of vehicles of a type used or main-
 42        tained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit,
 43        or the transportation of property for the owner of  the  vehicle,  or  for
 44        hire, compensation, or profit, and shall include fixed load specially con-
 45        structed  vehicles  exceeding  the limits imposed by chapter 10, title 49,
 46        Idaho Code, and including drilling rigs, construction, drilling and wreck-
 47        er cranes, log jammers, log loaders, and similar vehicles which  are  nor-
 48        mally  operated  in an overweight or oversize condition or both, but shall
 49        not include those vehicles registered  pursuant  to  sections  49-402  and
 50        49-402A,  Idaho  Code,  or exempted by section 49-426, Idaho Code. A motor
 51        vehicle used in a ridesharing arrangement that has a seating capacity  for
 52        not  more  than fifteen (15) persons, including the driver, shall not be a
 53        "commercial vehicle" under the provisions of this title relating to equip-
 54        ment requirements, rules of the road, or registration.
 55        (d)  Farm vehicle. A vehicle or combination of vehicles owned by a  farmer


  1        or  rancher, which are operated over public highways, and used exclusively
  2        to transport unprocessed agricultural, dairy or livestock products raised,
  3        owned and grown by the owner of the vehicle to market or place of storage;
  4        and shall include the transportation  by the  farmer  or  rancher  of  any
  5        equipment,  supplies  or  products purchased by that farmer or rancher for
  6        his own use, and used in the farming or ranching operation or  used  by  a
  7        farmer  partly in transporting agricultural products or livestock from the
  8        farm of another farmer that were originally grown or raised on  the  farm,
  9        or  when  used  partly  in  transporting agricultural supplies, equipment,
 10        materials or livestock to the farm of another farmer for use  or  consump-
 11        tion on the farm but not transported for hire, and shall not include vehi-
 12        cles  of  husbandry or vehicles registered pursuant to sections 49-402 and
 13        49-402A, Idaho Code.
 14        (e)  Foreign vehicle. Every vehicle of a type required  to  be  registered
 15        under  the  provisions  of this title brought into this state from another
 16        state, territory or country other than in the ordinary course of  business
 17        by or through a manufacturer or dealer and not registered in this state.
 18        (f)  Glider  kit  vehicle. Every large truck manufactured from a kit manu-
 19        factured by a manufacturer of large trucks which consists of a frame,  cab
 20        complete  with  wiring,  instruments, fenders and hood and front axles and
 21        wheels. The "glider kit" is made into a complete assembly by the  addition
 22        of the engine, transmission, rear axles, wheels and tires.
 23        (g)  Motor  vehicle. Every vehicle which is self-propelled and every vehi-
 24        cle which is propelled by electric power obtained  from  overhead  trolley
 25        wires  but  not operated upon rails, except vehicles moved solely by human
 26        power,  electric  personal  assistive  mobility  devices   and   motorized
 27        wheelchairs.
 28        (h)  Multipurpose  passenger  vehicle  (MPV).  For the purposes of section
 29        49-966, Idaho Code, a motor vehicle designed to carry ten  (10)  or  fewer
 30        persons  which  is  constructed  either on a truck chassis or with special
 31        features for occasional off-road operation.
 32        (i)  Neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV). A self-propelled,  electrically-
 33        powered, four-wheeled motor vehicle which is emission free and conforms to
 34        the  definition  and requirements for low-speed vehicles as adopted in the
 35        federal motor vehicle safety standards for low-speed vehicles  under  fed-
 36        eral  regulations  at  49 CFR part 571. An NEV shall be titled, registered
 37        and insured according to law as provided respectively in chapters 4, 5 and
 38        12, title 49, Idaho Code, and shall only be operated by a licensed driver.
 39        Operation of an NEV on a highway shall be allowed as provided  in  section
 40        49-663, Idaho Code.
 41        (j)  Noncommercial vehicle. For the purposes of chapter 4, title 49, Idaho
 42        Code,  (motor  vehicle  registration),  a  noncommercial vehicle shall not
 43        include those vehicles required to be registered under sections 49-402 and
 44        49-402A, Idaho Code, and means all other vehicles or combinations of vehi-
 45        cles which are not commercial vehicles or farm vehicles, but shall include
 46        motor homes. A noncommercial vehicle shall include those vehicles having a
 47        combined gross weight not in excess of sixty thousand (60,000) pounds  and
 48        not  held  out  for hire, used for purposes related to private use and not
 49        used in the furtherance of a business or occupation  for  compensation  or
 50        profit or for transporting goods for other than the owner.
 51        (k)  Passenger  car.  For  the  purposes  of section 49-966, Idaho Code, a
 52        motor vehicle, except a  multipurpose  passenger  vehicle,  motorcycle  or
 53        trailer, designed to carry ten (10) or fewer persons.
 54        (l)  Reconstructed  or  repaired  vehicle.  Every  vehicle   that has been
 55        rebuilt or repaired using like make and model parts and  visually  appears


  1        as a vehicle that was  originally constructed under a distinctive manufac-
  2        turer. This includes a salvage vehicle which is damaged to the extent that
  3        a  "reconstructed  vehicle"  or  "repaired vehicle" brand is required, and
  4        other vehicles which have been reconstructed by the use of a kit  designed
  5        to be used to construct an exact replica of a vehicle which was previously
  6        constructed  under  a distinctive name, make, model or type by a generally
  7        recognized manufacturer of vehicles. A glider kit vehicle is not a  recon-
  8        structed vehicle.
  9        (m)  Salvage vehicle. Any vehicle for which a salvage certificate, salvage
 10        bill  of sale or other documentation showing evidence that the vehicle has
 11        been declared salvage or which has been damaged to  the  extent  that  the
 12        owner,  or  an  insurer,  or  other  person acting on behalf of the owner,
 13        determines that the cost of parts and labor minus the salvage value  makes
 14        it  uneconomical  to repair or rebuild. When an insurance company has paid
 15        money or has made other monetary settlement as compensation  for  a  total
 16        loss  of any motor vehicle, such motor vehicle shall be considered to be a
 17        salvage vehicle.
 18        (n)  Specially constructed vehicle. Every vehicle of a type required to be
 19        registered not originally constructed  under  a  distinctive  name,  make,
 20        model  or  type by a generally recognized manufacturer of vehicles and not
 21        materially altered from its original construction and cannot  be  visually
 22        identified  as  a  vehicle  produced  by  a  particular manufacturer. This
 23        includes:
 24             1.  A vehicle that has been structurally modified so that it does not
 25             have the same appearance as a similar vehicle from the same  manufac-
 26             turer; or
 27             2.  A  vehicle that has been constructed entirely from homemade parts
 28             and materials not obtained from other vehicles; or
 29             3.  A vehicle that has been  constructed  by  using  major  component
 30             parts  from one (1) or more manufactured vehicles and cannot be iden-
 31             tified as a specific make or model; or
 32             4.  A vehicle constructed by the use of a custom kit that  cannot  be
 33             visually identified as a specific make or model.
 34        (o)  Total  loss  vehicle. Every vehicle that is deemed to be uneconomical
 35        to repair due to scrapping, dismantling or destruction. A total loss shall
 36        occur when an insurance company or any other person pays  or  makes  other
 37        monetary  settlement  to the owner when it is deemed to be uneconomical to
 38        repair the damaged vehicle. The compensation for  total  loss  as  defined
 39        herein  shall not include payments by an insurer or other person for medi-
 40        cal care, bodily injury, vehicle rental or for  anything  other  than  the
 41        amount paid for the actual damage to the vehicle.
 42        (3)  "Vehicle  identification  number." (See "Identifying number," section
 43    49-110, Idaho Code)
 44        (4)  "Vehicle salesman" means any person who, for a salary, commission  or
 45    compensation  of any kind, is employed either directly or indirectly, or regu-
 46    larly or occasionally by any dealer to sell, purchase or exchange, or to nego-
 47    tiate for the sale, purchase or exchange of  vehicles.  (See  also  "full-time
 48    salesman,"  section  49-107,  Idaho  Code,  and  "part-time salesman," section
 49    49-117, Idaho Code)
 50        (5)  "Vessel." (See section 67-7003, Idaho Code)
 51        (6)  "Veteran." (See section 65-502, Idaho Code)
 52        (7)  "Violation" means a conviction of a misdemeanor  charge  involving  a
 53    moving  traffic  violation,  or  an admission or judicial determination of the
 54    commission of an infraction involving  a  moving  traffic  infraction,  except
 55    bicycle infractions.


  1        SECTION  7.  That  Section  49-948, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
  2    amended to read as follows:

  3        49-948.  RESTRICTIONS AS TO TIRE EQUIPMENT. (1) Every solid rubber tire on
  4    a vehicle shall have rubber on its entire traction surface at  least  one  (1)
  5    inch thick above the edge of the flange of the entire periphery.
  6        (2)  No  person  shall  operate  or move on any highway any motor vehicle,
  7    trailer, or semitrailer having any metal tire in contact with the highway.
  8        (3)  No tire on a vehicle moved on a highway shall have on  its  periphery
  9    any  block, stud, flange, cleat, spike, or any other protuberance of any mate-
 10    rial other than rubber which projects beyond the tread of the traction surface
 11    of the tire, except as allowed herein. It shall be  permissible  to  use  farm
 12    machinery  with  tires having protuberances which will not injure the highway,
 13    and it shall be permissible to use tire chains. Tires with  built-in  lugs  of
 14    tungsten  carbide or other suitable material, hereinafter called studs, may be
 15    used upon any vehicle when required for safety because of snow, ice, or  other
 16    conditions tending to cause a vehicle to skid, that will not unduly damage the
 17    highway.  Motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers with tires having built-in
 18    studs are prohibited on public highways between the dates of May 1 and Septem-
 19    ber 30, annually, except as provided in paragraphs (a), (b) and  (c)  of  this
 20    subsection:
 21        (a)  Fire pumper/tanker trucks and ladder trucks belonging to fire depart-
 22        ments and firefighting agencies are exempt from the prohibited dates.
 23        (b)  A vehicle may be equipped year-round with tires that have retractable
 24        studs  if  the  studs retract pneumatically or mechanically to at or below
 25        the wear bar of the tire  when  not  in  use  and  the  retractable  studs
 26        protrude  beyond the wear bar of the tire only between October 1 and April
 27        30. Retractable studs may be made of metal or other material and  are  not
 28        subject to the stud weight requirements of subsection (4) of this section.
 29        (c)  Special  exemptions  from  the prohibited dates may be granted by the
 30        Idaho transportation board if it is found by the board  that  enhancements
 31        to public safety outweigh the increased pavement wear.
 32        (4)  Commercial  tire  retailers  shall  not sell studded tires with studs
 33    exceeding the following weight and protrusion limitations after July 1,  2005.
 34    Commercial  tire  retailers  and  tire  shops shall not manually install studs
 35    exceeding the following weight and protrusion limitations after July 1, 2005.
 36        (a)  Studs shall not protrude more than six-hundredths (.06)  of  an  inch
 37        from the surface of the tire tread when originally installed.
 38        (b)  Stud size shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the tire for
 39        the type and size of the tire.
 40        (c)  Studs  shall  individually  weigh no more than one and one-half (1.5)
 41        grams if the stud is size 14 or less.
 42        (d)  Studs shall individually weigh no  more  than  two  and  three-tenths
 43        (2.3) grams if the stud size is 15 or 16.
 44        (e)  Studs  shall  individually  weigh no more than three (3) grams if the
 45        stud size is 17 or larger.
 46        (5)  If the Idaho transportation department determines, at any time,  that
 47    Lookout  Pass  or  Fourth  of July Pass on interstate 90 or Lolo Pass on state
 48    highway 12 is of an unsafe condition so as to require chains,  as  defined  in
 49    section  49-104,  Idaho Code, in addition to pneumatic tires, the Idaho trans-
 50    portation department may establish requirements for the use of chains  on  all
 51    commercial  vehicles  as defined in section 49-123(2)(c)1. and 2., Idaho Code,
 52    traveling on interstate 90 or state highway 12. If  the  Idaho  transportation
 53    department  establishes  that chains are so required, the Idaho transportation
 54    department shall:


  1        (a)  Provide multiple advance notices of the chain requirement;
  2        (b)  Provide adequate opportunities for pull out;
  3        (c)  Provide notification at a point at which the commercial  vehicle  can
  4        safely pull out of the normal flow of traffic, prior to the point at which
  5        chains are required; and
  6        (d)  In no case post requirements for chains on bare pavement.
  7        (6)  Provided  that  the  conditions in subsection (5) of this section are
  8    met, the chain requirement shall be met by chaining a minimum of one (1)  tire
  9    on each side of:
 10        (a)  One (1) drive axle, regardless of the number of drive axles; and
 11        (b)  One  (1)  axle  at  or near the rear of each towed vehicle. Such axle
 12        shall not include a variable load suspension axle or an  axle  of  a  con-
 13        verter dolly.
 14        (7)  Chains  as required in subsection (6)(a) and (b) of this section mean
 15    "chains" as defined in section 49-104, Idaho Code. Any other  traction  device
 16    differing  from chains in construction, material or design but capable of pro-
 17    viding traction equal to or exceeding that of chains under similar  conditions
 18    may be used.
 19        (8)  The  Idaho  transportation  department shall place and maintain signs
 20    and other traffic control devices on the interstate and state  highway  passes
 21    as  designated  in  subsection  (5)  of  this  section that indicate the chain
 22    requirements under subsection (6) of this section.
 23        (9)  Exempt from the chaining requirements provided for in subsections (5)
 24    and (6) of this section are:
 25        (a)  Motor vehicles operated by the Idaho transportation  department  when
 26        used in the maintenance of the interstate or state highway system; and
 27        (b)  The  following  intrastate  motor  carriers,  as described in section
 28        67-2901B(2), Idaho Code:
 29             (i)   Motor vehicles employed solely in transporting school  children
 30             and  teachers to or from school or to or from approved school activi-
 31             ties, when the motor vehicle is either:
 32                  1.  Wholly owned and operated by such school; or
 33                  2.  Leased or contracted by such school and the motor vehicle is
 34                  not used in furtherance of any other commercial enterprise;
 35             (ii)  Motor vehicles controlled and operated by any farmer when  used
 36             in the transportation of the farmer's farm equipment or in the trans-
 37             portation of supplies to the farmer's farm;
 38             (iii) The  transportation  of  agricultural  products including fresh
 39             fruits and vegetables, livestock, livestock feed  or  manure  at  any
 40             time of the year;
 41             (iv)  Motor  propelled  vehicles  for  the  sole  purpose of carrying
 42             United States mail or property belonging to the United States;
 43             (v)   Motor carriers transporting products of the forest at any  time
 44             of the year, including chip trucks;
 45             (vi)  Motor  carriers  transporting  products  of  the mine including
 46             sand, gravel and aggregates thereof,  excepting  petroleum  products;
 47             and
 48             (vii) Vehicles  properly  equipped, designed and customarily used for
 49             the transportation of disabled or abandoned vehicles by  means  of  a
 50             crane,  hoist,  tow  bar,  dolly  or  roll  bed,  commonly known as a
 51             "wrecker truck" or "tow truck."

 52        SECTION 8.  An emergency existing  therefor,  which  emergency  is  hereby
 53    declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after its
 54    passage and approval.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                       STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

                            RS 17617C1

This proposed legislation would allow Idaho State Police, in
conjunction with the Idaho Transportation Department and local
law enforcement agencies, the authority to post signs and require
chains or traction devices on certain commercial vehicles.  They
may provide advance notice if they determine, at any time, that
Lookout Pass or Fourth of July Pass on Interstate 90, or Lolo
Pass on State Highway 12 are of an unsafe condition and that
chains be required.  These narrow mountain passes with no
alternative routes can become hazardous, resulting in slide-offs
and jack-knifed trucks.  The trucks block the highway and
interfere with the safe passage of other motorists and commerce
while costing the state and local authorities money and manpower
to clean up the mess.  Idaho's neighboring states require
interstate trucks to chain up when the weather makes roads
unsafe.  These vehicles carry chains to meet the requirements in
other states.

                          FISCAL IMPACT

ITD estimates the cost of signs to be $6,000.00. Cost to the
State for every four hour lane closure accident:  ISP man hours
only $1,037.00, ITD equipment and man hours $1,600.00.  Costs to
other drivers are estimated at an average of $38,884.00.

  Name: Senator Joyce Broadsword
 Phone: 208-332-1000
        Rep. Mary Lou Shepherd
        Rep. Frank Henderson
        Sen. Jim Hammond
        Sen. Lee Heinrich
        Captain Clark Rollins, ISP
        Sheriff Chuck Reynalds, Shoshone County
        Commissioner Jack Buell, Benewah County

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                       S 1379