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View Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact STATE AFFAIRS HIGHER EDUCATION FACILITIES - Stating findings of the Legislature and providing approval for certain agreements relating to the financing and occupancy of higher education facilities previously approved by the Legislature. 03/11 Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing 03/12 Rpt prt - to 10th Ord 03/13 10th Ord - ADOPTED - voice vote Floor Sponsor - Little Title apvd - to House 03/14 House intro - 1st rdg - to St Aff 03/19 Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg 03/20 2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg 03/21 3rd rdg - ADOPTED - voice vote Floor Sponsor - Bolz Title apvd - to Senate 03/24 To enrol 03/25 Rpt enrol - Pres signed 03/26 Sp signed - To Secretary of State
]]]] LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO ]]]] Fifty-ninth Legislature Second Regular Session - 2008IN THE SENATE SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 136 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 1 A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 2 STATING FINDINGS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND PROVIDING APPROVAL FOR CERTAIN AGREE- 3 MENTS RELATING TO THE FINANCING AND OCCUPANCY OF HIGHER EDUCATION FACILI- 4 TIES PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE LEGISLATURE. 5 Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: 6 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Idaho authorized and provided 7 approval to the Department of Administration to enter into agreements with the 8 Idaho State Building Authority for an academic building to serve Boise State 9 University located in Nampa, Idaho, in House Concurrent Resolution No. 30 in 10 2003; and 11 WHEREAS, the Idaho State Building Authority financed the building known as 12 the BSU West Campus Building and Boise State University uses and occupies such 13 building under a facilities lease with the Idaho State Building Authority; and 14 WHEREAS, subsequent to the development of the BSU West Campus Building, 15 the College of Western Idaho was established to serve certain educational 16 needs of the citizens of southwestern Idaho; and 17 WHEREAS, the State Board of Education recommends that the BSU West Campus 18 Building and other real and personal property held by Boise State University 19 in Nampa, Idaho, will best serve the citizens of Idaho if it is transferred to 20 the College of Western Idaho; and 21 WHEREAS, the College of Western Idaho and Boise State University concur in 22 the recommendation of the State Board of Education. 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the members of the Second Regular Ses- 24 sion of the Fifty-ninth Idaho Legislature, the Senate and the House of Repre- 25 sentatives concurring therein, that the Legislature hereby authorizes and pro- 26 vides approval to the State Board of Education, the Department of Administra- 27 tion, and the Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council to enter into agree- 28 ments with the Idaho State Building Authority, under such terms and conditions 29 as may be reasonable and necessary, to provide for the occupancy of the BSU 30 West Campus Building by the College of Western Idaho and to continue to use 31 appropriations made by the Idaho Legislature for payments under the lease 32 related to the BSU West Campus Building. 33 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature approves the transfer of real 34 and personal property located in Nampa, Idaho, by the State Board of Education 35 and Boise State University to the College of Western Idaho under such terms 36 and conditions as may be reasonable and necessary, notwithstanding any other 37 provision of law that may apply to such transfer.
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE RS18035C1 This legislation facilitates the agreed transfer of part of the Boise State University West Campus in Nampa, Idaho, to the College of Western Idaho; and approves the continued bond payments by the Idaho State Building Authority. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact to the general fund. Contact Name: Senator Brad Little Phone: 332-1303 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE SCR 136