2008 Legislation
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SENATE BILL NO. 1485<br /> – Bond bank authority, revisions


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Bill Status

S1485......................................................by STATE AFFAIRS
BOND BANK AUTHORITY - Amends and repeals existing law relating to the Bond
Bank Authority to revise the pledge of the sales tax; to revise procedures
relating to repayment of reserve funds and the related intercept of funds
payable to a municipality; to revise procedures; and to delete a limited
exemption from intercept provisions.

03/10    Senate intro - 1st rdg - to printing
03/11    Rpt prt - to St Aff
03/24    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
03/25    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
03/26    3rd rdg - PASSED - 35-0-0
      AYES -- Andreason, Bair, Bastian, Bilyeu, Broadsword, Burkett,
      Cameron, Coiner, Corder, Darrington, Davis, Fulcher, Gannon(Gannon),
      Geddes, Goedde, Hammond, Heinrich, Hill, Jorgenson, Kelly, Keough,
      Langhorst, Little, Lodge, Malepeai(Sagness), McGee, McKague,
      McKenzie, Pearce, Richardson, Schroeder, Siddoway, Stegner, Stennett,
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- None
    Floor Sponsor - Davis
    Title apvd - to House
03/26    House intro - 1st rdg - to Rev/Tax
03/27    Rpt out - rec d/p - to 2nd rdg
03/28    2nd rdg - to 3rd rdg
    Rls susp - PASSED - 66-0-4
      AYES -- Anderson, Andrus, Barrett, Bayer, Bedke, Bell, Bilbao, Black,
      Block, Bock, Boe, Bolz, Bowers, Brackett, Bradford, Chadderdon,
      Chavez, Chew, Clark, Collins, Crane, Durst, Eskridge, Hagedorn, Hart,
      Harwood, Henbest, Henderson, Jaquet, Killen, Kren, Lake, LeFavour,
      Loertscher, Luker, Marriott, Mathews, Mortimer, Moyle, Nielsen,
      Nonini, Pasley-Stuart, Patrick, Pence, Raybould, Ringo, Roberts,
      Ruchti, Rusche, Sayler, Schaefer, Shepherd(02), Shepherd(08),
      Shirley, Shively, Smith(30), Smith(24), Snodgrass, Stevenson, Thayn,
      Thomas, Trail, Vander Woude, Wood(27), Wood(35), Mr. Speaker
      NAYS -- None
      Absent and excused -- King, Labrador, McGeachin, Wills
    Floor Sponsor - Clark
    Title apvd - to Senate
03/31    To enrol
04/01    Rpt enrol - Pres signed - Sp signed - To Governor
04/11    Governor signed
         Session Law Chapter 407
         Effective: 07/01/08

Bill Text

  ]]]]              LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO             ]]]]
 Fifty-ninth Legislature                   Second Regular Session - 2008


                                       IN THE SENATE

                                    SENATE BILL NO. 1485

                                 BY STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE

  1                                        AN ACT

  9    Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:

 10        SECTION 1.  That Section 67-8716, Idaho Code, be, and the same  is  hereby
 11    amended to read as follows:

 12        67-8716.  UNLIMITED SALES TAX ACCOUNT PLEDGE. (1) If moneys expected to be
 13    intercepted pursuant to section 67-8725, Idaho Code, are expected to be insuf-
 14    ficient  to  reimburse  the state for its payments in respect of the municipal
 15    bonds, except for bonds the authority has specifically designated, at the time
 16    of issuance, not to receive payment from the sales tax,  the  state  treasurer
 17    shall  certify to and give notice to the state tax commission of the amount of
 18    the deficiency.
 19        (2)  If sufficient moneys are not available to pay  debt  service  on  the
 20    bonds of the authority, except for bonds the authority has specifically desig-
 21    nated  not to receive payment from the sales tax, as of five (5) days prior to
 22    the scheduled payment date of the such bonds, the state treasurer  shall  give
 23    notice  to  the state tax commission, certifying the amount of the deficiency,
 24    at least five (5) days prior to the scheduled payment date. After  receipt  of
 25    the  certified  notice  from  the state treasurer pursuant to section 67-8727,
 26    Idaho Code, or subsection (1) of this section or  this  subsection  (21),  the
 27    state tax commission shall:
 28        (a)  Immediately  fix  the amount necessary and in the amount of the defi-
 29        ciency stated in the notice; and
 30        (b)  Cause state sales tax moneys subject to  distribution  under  section
 31        63-3638,  Idaho  Code,  to be transferred from the state sales tax account
 32        and deposited in the bond bank authority fund, which is hereby statutorily
 33        created in the state treasury; provided however, that in no event shall  a
 34        transfer  of  moneys from the state sales tax account under the provisions
 35        of this chapter impede or otherwise affect the payment of sales tax moneys
 36        pledged for the payment on other state bonds outstanding on the  effective
 37        date of this act or subsequently issued as tax anticipation notes pursuant
 38        to section 63-3202, Idaho Code.
 39        (32)  Moneys transferred from the state sales tax account to the bond bank
 40    authority  fund pursuant to subsection (21) of this section shall be deposited
 41    in the reserve fund as replacement  moneys  for  amounts  withdrawn  from  the
 42    reserve  fund  to  pay  debt service on the bonds pursuant to section 67-8725,
 43    Idaho Code, to the extent such moneys are derived from amounts appropriated to


  1    the reserve fund by the legislature, or shall be used to pay debt service when
  2    due on bonds for which other moneys available  pursuant  to  section  67-8727,
  3    Idaho Code, are insufficient.
  4        (43)  The  state  of  Idaho  pledges to and agrees with the holders of any
  5    bonds that the state will not alter, impair or limit the rights vested by  the
  6    sales  tax  account  pledge  provided  in this section and in section 63-3638,
  7    Idaho Code, with respect to the bonds until  the bonds, together with applica-
  8    ble interest, are fully paid and discharged.
  9        (54)  To the extent that other legally available revenues and funds of the
 10    state are sufficient to meet the certified deficiency, the transfer of  moneys
 11    from the sales tax account in section 63-3638, Idaho Code, is abated.

 12        SECTION  2.  That  Section 67-8725, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 13    amended to read as follows:

 17        (1)  (a) Each municipality, with outstanding unpaid municipal bonds as set
 18        forth in this chapter held by or  for  the  authority,  except  for  those
 19        municipal  bonds  described  in section 67-8728, Idaho Code, and so desig-
 20        nated by the authority at the time it issues bonds to acquire such munici-
 21        pal bonds, shall transfer moneys sufficient for the scheduled debt service
 22        payment to its paying agent at least fifteen (15) days before any  princi-
 23        pal  or interest payment date for the bonds in order that the bonds of the
 24        authority may be paid. The paying agent may be the trustee for  the  bonds
 25        of the authority that are secured by those municipal bonds.
 26        (b)  A municipality subject to this section and chapter with regard to any
 27        municipal bonds and which is unable to transfer the scheduled debt service
 28        payment  to  the paying agent at least fifteen (15) days before the sched-
 29        uled payment date shall immediately notify the paying agent and the  state
 30        treasurer by:
 31             (i)   Telephone;
 32             (ii)  A writing sent by facsimile transmission; and
 33             (iii) A writing sent by first-class United States mail.
 34        (c)  If  sufficient  funds  are  not  transferred  to  the paying agent as
 35        required by this subsection, the paying agent shall notify  the  authority
 36        and  the state treasurer of that failure in writing at least ten (10) days
 37        before the scheduled debt service payment date by:
 38             (i)   Telephone;
 39             (ii)  A writing sent by facsimile transmission; and
 40             (iii) A writing sent by first-class United States mail.
 41        (d)  If sufficient moneys to pay the scheduled debt service  payment  have
 42        not been transferred to the paying agent at least ten (10) days before the
 43        scheduled  payment  date, the authority or the state treasurer shall cause
 44        sufficient moneys to be transferred from the reserve fund as  provided  in
 45        section  67-8713,  Idaho  Code,  to the paying agent to make the scheduled
 46        debt service payment on the bonds of the authority.
 47        (e)  To the extent moneys transferred from the reserve  fund  are  derived
 48        from  moneys appropriated to the reserve fund by the legislature, the pay-
 49        ment by the state treasurer:
 50             (i)   Discharges the obligation of the issuing  municipality  to  its
 51             bondholders for the payment; and
 52             (ii)  Ttransfers  the rights represented by the general obligation of
 53             the municipality and/or authority from the bondholders to the state.


  1        (2)  (a) If one (1) or more payments on bonds are made by the state  trea-
  2        surer  from moneys in the reserve fund that are derived from moneys appro-
  3        priated to the reserve fund by the legislature, due to the failure of  the
  4        municipality  to  make  payment on its bonds in a timely manner, the state
  5        treasurer, subject to the limitations provided in paragraph  (b)  of  this
  6        subsection shall:
  7             (i)   Immediately intercept any payments from:
  8                  (A)  The receipts of any payment of property taxes; or
  9                  (B)  Sales tax moneys that would be distributed pursuant to sec-
 10                  tion 63-3638, Idaho Code; or
 11                  (C)  Liquor  revenues that would be distributed pursuant to sec-
 12                  tion 23-404, Idaho Code; or
 13                  (D)  Any other source of operating moneys provided by the  state
 14                  to  the  municipality that issued the municipal bonds that would
 15                  otherwise be paid to the municipality by the state; and
 16             (ii)  Apply the intercepted payments to reimburse the state for  pay-
 17             ments  made by the state for the bonds of the authority by deposit to
 18             the reserve fund up to the amount withdrawn from the reserve fund for
 19             such purpose until all obligations of the municipality to  the  state
 20             arising  from  those  payments, including interest and penalties, are
 21             paid in full.
 22        (b)  When intercepting payments under paragraph (a)  of  this  subsection,
 23        the  state  treasurer  shall  intercept  only such payments, if any, which
 24        would otherwise be lawfully available to the municipality for  the  repay-
 25        ment of its municipal bonds and further subject to the limitations of sec-
 26        tion  67-8728,  Idaho Code The foregoing intercept and transfer provisions
 27        shall operate by force of law and no consent thereto is  required  of  the
 28        municipality  in  order  to  be enforceable, provided that such provisions
 29        shall not apply to any municipal bonds that were previously deemed  exempt
 30        from intercept under section 67-8728, Idaho Code, when such section was in
 31        full force and effect.
 32        (c)  The  state  has no obligation to the municipality or to any person or
 33        entity to replace any moneys intercepted under the authority of this  sub-
 34        section.  Any funds intercepted under subsection (2)(a)(i) of this section
 35        shall be used only for payment of bonds of the authority and not the bonds
 36        of the municipality, and the municipality shall receive no credit  against
 37        amounts  due  under  its municipal bonds for any amounts intercepted under
 38        subsection (2)(a)(i) of this section.
 39        (3)  The municipality that issued municipal bonds for which the state  has
 40    made all or part of a debt service payment, either from amounts in the reserve
 41    fund  that  are  derived  from  moneys appropriated by the legislature or from
 42    moneys transferred from the  state  sales  tax  account  pursuant  to  section
 43    67-8716, Idaho Code, shall:
 44        (a)  Reimburse all moneys drawn by the state treasurer on its behalf;
 45        (b)  Pay  interest  to  the state on all moneys paid by the state from the
 46        date the moneys are drawn to the date they are repaid at a rate  not  less
 47        than the average prime rate for national money center banks plus five per-
 48        cent (5%); and
 49        (c)  Pay all penalties required by this chapter.
 50        (4)  (a) The  state  treasurer  shall establish the reimbursement interest
 51        rate after considering the circumstances of any prior draws by the munici-
 52        pality on the state, market interest and penalty rates, and  the  cost  of
 53        funds, if any, that were required to be borrowed by the state to make pay-
 54        ments on the bonds.
 55        (b)  The  state  treasurer may, after considering the circumstances giving


  1        rise to the failure of the municipality to make payment on its bonds in  a
  2        timely  manner, impose on the municipality a penalty of not more than five
  3        percent (5%) of the amount paid by the state for each instance in which  a
  4        payment by the state is made.
  5        (5)(a)(i)  If  the  state treasurer determines that amounts obtained under
  6             this  section will not reimburse the state in  full  within  one  (1)
  7             year from the state's payment of a municipality's scheduled debt ser-
  8             vice  payment,  the  state  treasurer  shall pursue any legal action,
  9             including mandamus, against the municipality to compel it to:
 10                  (A)  Levy and provide tax or other revenues to pay debt  service
 11                  on its municipal bonds when due; and
 12                  (B)  Meet its repayment obligations to the state.
 13             (ii)  In  pursuing its rights under paragraph (a) of this subsection,
 14             the state shall have the same substantive and  procedural  rights  as
 15             would a holder of the bonds of a municipality.
 16        (b)  The  attorney  general  shall  assist  the  state  treasurer in these
 17        duties.
 18        (c)  The municipality shall pay the attorney's fees, expenses and costs of
 19        the state treasurer and the attorney general.
 20        (6)  (a) Except as provided in  paragraph  (c)  of  this  subsection,  any
 21        municipality whose operating funds were intercepted under this section may
 22        replace  those  funds  from other municipal moneys or from property taxes,
 23        subject to the limitations provided in  this  subsection.  Said  operating
 24        funds  may also be replaced by the authority from excess amounts available
 25        to it if the municipality subsequently pays the delinquent payments on its
 26        municipal bonds and any penalties or costs of expenses due  the  authority
 27        in connection therewith.
 28        (b)  A  municipality  may  use  property  taxes or other moneys to replace
 29        intercepted funds only if the property taxes or other moneys were  derived
 30        from:
 31             (i)   Taxes  originally levied to make the payment but which were not
 32             timely received by the municipality;
 33             (ii)  Taxes from a supplemental levy made to make the missed  payment
 34             or to replace the intercepted moneys;
 35             (iii) Moneys  transferred  from the undistributed reserve, if any, of
 36             the municipality; or
 37             (iv)  Any other source of money on hand and legally available.
 38        (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this sub-
 39        section, a municipality may not replace operating funds intercepted by the
 40        state with moneys collected by the municipality and held to make  payments
 41        on  its  municipal  bonds if that replacement would divert moneys from the
 42        payment of future debt service on the its municipal bonds and increase the
 43        risk that the state would be called upon an additional time to  make  pay-
 44        ments on the bonds of the authority.

 45          SECTION 3.  That Section 67-8727, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby
 46    amended to read as follows:

 47        67-8727.  ALTERNATIVE INTERCEPT PROCEDURE. Notwithstanding any other  pro-
 48    vision of law to the contrary, to the extent that any bonds are not secured by
 49    moneys  appropriated by the legislature to the reserve fund established pursu-
 50    ant to section 67-8713, Idaho Code, or such moneys  are  insufficient  to  pay
 51    debt  service  when  due  on the bonds, in lieu of the provisions set forth in
 52    section 67-8725, Idaho Code, the following provisions  shall  apply,  provided
 53    that  the  provisions  of section 67-8725, Idaho Code, shall continue to apply


  1    with respect to transfers of amounts in the reserve fund derived  from  moneys
  2    appropriated by the legislature:
  3        (1)  (a) Each  municipality with outstanding unpaid municipal bonds as set
  4        forth in this chapter held by or  for  the  authority,  except  for  those
  5        municipal  bonds  described  in section 67-8728, Idaho Code, and so desig-
  6        nated by the authority at the time it issues bonds to acquire such munici-
  7        pal bonds, shall transfer moneys sufficient for the scheduled debt service
  8        payment to its paying agent at least fifteen (15) days before any  princi-
  9        pal  or  interest  payment date for the bonds. The paying agent may be the
 10        trustee for the bonds of the authority that are secured by those municipal
 11        bonds.
 12        (b)  A municipality which is unable to transfer the scheduled debt service
 13        payment to the paying agent at least fifteen (15) days before  the  sched-
 14        uled payment date shall immediately notify the paying agent, the authority
 15        and the state treasurer by:
 16             (i)   Telephone;
 17             (ii)  A writing sent by facsimile transmission; and
 18             (iii) A writing sent by first-class United States mail.
 19        (c)  If  sufficient  funds  are  not  transferred  to  the paying agent as
 20        trustee for the bonds of the authority that are secured by those municipal
 21        bonds at least ten (10) days before the  scheduled  debt  service  payment
 22        date  of  those  bonds,  the  trustee  shall  transfer any available funds
 23        pledged to secure payment of the bonds of the authority or the  municipal-
 24        ity held in any reserve fund or other pledged fund, or draw on any reserve
 25        surety  policy  securing the such bonds, sufficient amounts to make up any
 26        shortfall in the amount necessary to pay debt service on the bonds on  the
 27        scheduled payment date and deposit such amount in the debt service payment
 28        fund for those bonds.
 29        (d)  If  the  trustee  is required to transfer funds pursuant to paragraph
 30        (c) of this subsection to pay debt service on the bonds of  the  authority
 31        or  there  are not sufficient funds available pursuant to paragraph (c) of
 32        this subsection to make up for any shortfall in the  amount  necessary  to
 33        pay  debt service on the such bonds in order that the bonds of the author-
 34        ity may be timely paid, at least ten (10) days before the  scheduled  debt
 35        service  payment date of the bonds, the trustee shall notify the authority
 36        and the state treasurer by:
 37             (i)   Telephone;
 38             (ii)  A writing sent by facsimile transmission; and
 39             (iii) A writing sent by first-class United States mail.
 40        (e)  Upon the notice provided in subsection (1)(d) of  this  section,  the
 41        state  treasurer,  subject  to  the  limitations  provided  in  subsection
 42        (1)(e)(iii) of this section shall:
 43             (i)   Immediately intercept any payments from:
 44                  (A)  The receipts of any payment of property taxes; or
 45                  (B)  Sales tax moneys that would be distributed pursuant to sec-
 46                  tion 63-3638, Idaho Code; or
 47                  (C)  Liquor  tax  moneys  that  would be distributed pursuant to
 48                  section 23-404, Idaho Code; or
 49                  (D)  Any other source of operating moneys provided by the  state
 50                  to  the  municipality that issued the municipal bonds that would
 51                  otherwise be paid to the municipality by the state; and
 52             (ii)  Transfer the intercepted payments in  the  following  order  of
 53             priority:
 54                  (A)  To  the  trustee for the bonds of the authority for deposit
 55                  in the debt service payment fund for the such bonds until  there


  1                  are  sufficient  amounts  on  deposit to pay debt service on the
  2                  bonds of the authority on the scheduled payment  date;  provided
  3                  that  if  the  state treasurer will be unable to transfer suffi-
  4                  cient intercepted payments for such purpose, the state treasurer
  5                  shall give notice to the state tax  commission,  certifying  the
  6                  amount  of  the  deficiency, at least five (5) days prior to the
  7                  scheduled payment date of the bonds;
  8                  (B)  To the trustee for  the  bonds  to  reimburse  any  amounts
  9                  transferred  from a reserve or other pledged fund or surety pol-
 10                  icy pursuant to paragraph (c)  of  this  subsection  up  to  the
 11                  required  balance in such fund or required reimbursement of such
 12                  surety; and
 13                  (C)  To the state for the reimbursement  of  any  moneys  trans-
 14                  ferred  from  the  state  sales  tax account pursuant to section
 15                  67-8716, Idaho Code, to pay debt service on  the  bonds  on  the
 16                  scheduled  payment date, together with any interest or penalties
 17                  established pursuant to section 67-8725, Idaho Code;
 18             (iii) When intercepting payments under  this  subsection,  the  state
 19             treasurer  shall  intercept  only  such payments, if any, which would
 20             otherwise be lawfully available to the municipality for the repayment
 21             of its municipal bonds and further subject to the limitations of sec-
 22             tion 67-8728, Idaho Code The foregoing intercept and transfer  provi-
 23             sions  shall  operate  by  force  of  law  and  no consent thereto is
 24             required of the municipality in order  to  be  enforceable,  provided
 25             that  such  provisions  shall  not apply to any municipal bonds which
 26             were previously deemed exempt from intercept under  section  67-8728,
 27             Idaho Code, when such section was in full force and effect.
 28        (f)  The  state  has no obligation to the municipality or to any person or
 29        entity to replace any moneys intercepted under the authority of this  sub-
 30        section.  Any  funds  intercepted  under subsection (1)(e) of this section
 31        shall be used only for payment of bonds of the authority and not  for  the
 32        bonds  of  the  municipality, and the municipality shall receive no credit
 33        against amounts due under its municipal bonds for any amounts  intercepted
 34        under subsection (1)(e) of this section.
 35        (2)  (a) The  municipal bonds or the agreement for purchase of the munici-
 36        pal bonds by the authority may provide for payment of interest and  penal-
 37        ties  and  other terms for reimbursement of any amounts drawn from reserve
 38        funds, pledged funds, reserve surety policies or other credit  enhancement
 39        to  pay  debt  service on the bonds of the authority due to the failure of
 40        the municipality to make payment on its municipal bonds in a  timely  man-
 41        ner. To the extent that debt service on the bonds of the authority is paid
 42        from  the state sales tax account pursuant to section 67-8716, Idaho Code,
 43        the provisions of sections 67-8725(3), (4)  and  (5),  Idaho  Code,  shall
 44        apply.
 45        (b)  If  the authority determines that amounts obtained under this section
 46        will not fully make up any amounts which a municipality has failed to  pay
 47        on  for  failure  of the municipality to pay its municipal bonds when due,
 48        together with any interest and penalties established pursuant to this sec-
 49        tion, within one (1) year from the payment of the municipality's scheduled
 50        debt service payment, the authority or the trustee for the  bonds  of  the
 51        authority  may  pursue  any  legal action, including mandamus, against the
 52        municipality to compel the municipality to:
 53             (i)   Levy and provide tax or other revenues to pay debt  service  on
 54             its municipal bonds when due; and
 55             (ii)  Meet  its  repayment  obligations, under its municipal bonds or


  1             otherwise, to the authority.
  2        (c)  In pursuing their rights under this subsection, the authority and the
  3        trustee shall also have the same substantive and procedural  rights  as  a
  4        holder of the bonds of a municipality.
  5        (d)  The  attorney  general shall assist the authority in carrying out its
  6        duties under this subsection.
  7        (e)  The municipality shall pay the attorney's fees, expenses and costs of
  8        the authority, the trustee and the attorney general.
  9        (3)  (a) Except as provided in  paragraph  (c)  of  this  subsection,  any
 10        municipality whose operating funds were intercepted under this section may
 11        replace  those  funds  from other municipal moneys or from property taxes,
 12        subject to the limitations provided in  this  subsection.  Said  operating
 13        funds  may also be replaced by the authority from excess amounts available
 14        to it if the municipality subsequently pays the delinquent payments on its
 15        municipal bonds and any penalties or costs of expenses due the   authority
 16        in connection therewith.
 17        (b)  A  municipality  may  use  property  taxes or other moneys to replace
 18        intercepted funds only if the property taxes or other moneys were  derived
 19        from:
 20             (i)   Taxes  originally levied to make the payment but which were not
 21             timely received by the municipality;
 22             (ii)  Taxes from a supplemental levy made to make the missed  payment
 23             or to replace the intercepted moneys;
 24             (iii) Moneys  transferred  from the undistributed reserve, if any, of
 25             the municipality; or
 26             (iv)  Any other source of money on hand and legally available.
 27        (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (3)(a) and (b) of  this
 28        section, a municipality may not replace operating funds intercepted by the
 29        state  with moneys collected by the municipality and held to make payments
 30        on its municipal bonds if that replacement would divert  moneys  from  the
 31        payment of future debt service on the its municipal bonds and increase the
 32        risk  that  the state would be called upon an additional time to make pay-
 33        ments on the bonds of the authority.

 34        SECTION 4.  That Section 67-8728, Idaho Code, be, and the same  is  hereby
 35    repealed.

Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Impact

                       STATEMENT OF PURPOSE


This legislation is intended to clarify that sales tax, liquor tax
or other revenues which are distributed to municipalities
throughout the state are subject to intercept by the state
treasurer if those municipalities fail to make payment on loans to
such municipalities from the Idaho Bond Bank Authority in order
that the Authority's bonds may be paid, and such state intercept
operates by force of law and not by consent of the municipality.

                           FISCAL NOTE

No general fund monies will be expended due to this legislation.

Name: Liza Carberry, Idaho Bond Bank Authority 
Phone: 208-332-2997
Ron Crane, Idaho State Treasurer
Phone: 208-332-3200

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE/FISCAL NOTE                        S 1485