The status of each bill, resolution, proclamation, and memorials listed on this page are updated when the offices of the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House publish the un-official daily journals and should not be deemed official. The official bill actions are located in the final journal, which are maintained by the offices of the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House. The daily journals are published at the end of each legislative day.
(*) indicates previous days action (+) indicates ADOPTED or LAW |
H0001 | State amphibian, giant salamander | LAW | + | |
H0002 | Sexual orientation, gender identity | H St Aff | ||
H0003 | Election qualifications | S St Aff | ||
H0004 | Controlled substances | LAW | + | |
H0005 | Pharmacy, licensure requirements | LAW | + | |
H0006 | Prescription drugs | LAW | + | |
H0007 | Controlled substances | LAW | + | |
H0008 | Pharmacy bd | LAW | + | |
H0009 | Uniform controlled substances | LAW | + | |
H0010 | Printing/publishin/electronic form | LAW | + | |
H0011 | Sales tax exemptions | LAW | + | |
H0012 | Sales tax | LAW | + | |
H0013 | Federal tax comp, credit requirmnts | LAW | + | |
H0014 | Motor vehicles/labor material liens | S Transp | ||
H0015a | Motor vehicles/title stop requirmnt | LAW | + | |
H0016 | Rifle association license plates | LAW | + | |
H0017a | Autocycles | LAW | + | |
H0018 | Urban renewal, eminent domain | H Loc Gov | ||
H0019 | Urban renewal, debt, bonds | H Loc Gov | ||
H0020 | Appraisement, lease, sale of land | LAW | + | |
H0021 | Nurses, ed brd approval/curriculum | LAW | + | |
H0022 | Education, district trustees | LAW | + | |
H0023 | Massage therapy | LAW | + | |
H0024 | Occupational therapy | LAW | + | |
H0025 | Physical therapy practice exemption | LAW | + | |
H0026 | Approp, Deficiency fund transfers | LAW | + | |
H0027 | Recreation districts | LAW | + | |
H0028 | Levy and apportionment of taxes | LAW | + | |
H0029a | Tax exemptions/personal property | LAW | + | |
H0030 | Shorthand reporters | LAW | + | |
H0031 | F&G, illegal killing, possession | LAW | + | |
H0032 | F&G, fee provisions | H Res/Con | ||
H0033 | Hlth & sfty/substanc abuse treatmnt | LAW | + | |
H0034 | Administrative procedure act | LAW | + | |
H0035 | Rev & tax/ electronic filing/return | H FAILED | ||
H0036 | Income tax deductions | LAW | + | |
H0037 | Income tax, charitable contribs | LAW | + | |
H0038 | Income tax/net op loss deduction | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0039 | Production exemption | LAW | + | |
H0040 | Approp, Energy Resources, add’l | LAW | + | |
H0041 | Approp, St Independ Liv Cncl, add’l | LAW | + | |
H0042 | Fuels tax | LAW | + | |
H0043 | Fuels tax, dyed/marked diesel | LAW | + | |
H0044 | Elk license plates | LAW | + | |
H0045 | Incom tax credits/charitabl contrib | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0046 | Health benefit plans | LAW | + | |
H0047 | Land board, navigable waterways | LAW | + | |
H0048 | Oil and gas | LAW | + | |
H0049 | Oil and gas, sched of fees | LAW | + | |
H0050 | Oil & gas, unit operations | LAW | + | |
H0051 | Dredge mining | H Res/Con | ||
H0052 | Youth challenge prog/repeal sunset | LAW | + | |
H0053a | Military justice code | LAW | + | |
H0054 | Special fuels | H Transp | ||
H0055 | Officer disability act, sunset date | LAW | + | |
H0056 | Public drinking water system loans | H Env | ||
H0057 | Community reinvstmnt pilot initiatv | H Env | ||
H0058 | Water quality/effect of rules provs | LAW | + | |
H0059 | Plumbing, inactive/temp certificate | LAW | + | |
H0060 | Building safety div | H Bus | ||
H0061 | Juvenile corrections, probation | LAW | + | |
H0062 | Victim restitution | LAW | + | |
H0063 | Bail | H Jud | ||
H0064 | Imprisonment, credit on time served | LAW | + | |
H0065 | Education, superintendent duties | H W/M | ||
H0066 | Concealed weapons licenses | S St Aff | ||
H0067 | Idaho limited convention act | S St Aff | ||
H0068 | Printing work, counties | LAW | + | |
H0069 | Sanitation trucks | H Transp | ||
H0070 | Tire load | LAW | + | |
H0071 | License plates, Orofino maniacs | H Transp | ||
H0072a | Veterinarians, vet technicians | LAW | + | |
H0073 | Veterinarians | S Agric Aff | ||
H0074 | School districts | H Educ | ||
H0075 | Sales tax, glasses, contacts | LAW | + | |
H0076 | Taxes, base assessment roll | LAW | + | |
H0077 | Internal revenue code reference | LAW | + | |
H0078 | Employment security law | LAW | + | |
H0079 | Economic advisory council | H Com/HuRes | ||
H0080 | Cosmetologists | H Bus | ||
H0081 | Geologists | LAW | + | |
H0082 | Police, public hwys, safety | LAW | + | |
H0083 | Postsecondary credit scholarship | H Educ | ||
H0084 | Income tax/real property definition | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0085 | Income tax, capital gains deduct | LAW | + | |
H0086 | Areas of city impact | H W/M | ||
H0087 | Motor vehicles, rental fleets | H Transp | ||
H0088 | Chemical abortion | H St Aff | ||
H0089 | Concealed weapons | H St Aff | ||
H0090 | Open meetings law, recodify | LAW | + | |
H0091 | Code references, public records act | LAW | + | |
H0092a | Voidable transactions act | LAW | + | |
H0093 | Liquefied petroleum gas containers | H Bus | ||
H0094a | Trespass | LAW | + | |
H0095a | Sales tax, road materials | H Held at Desk | ||
H0096 | Driver’s licenses, id cards | LAW | + | |
H0097 | Education services for deaf, blind | H Educ | ||
H0098 | Telehealth access act | H Health/Wel | ||
H0099 | Chartered banks | LAW | + | |
H0100 | Retirement provisions, legislature | S St Aff | ||
H0101 | Criminal procedure | LAW | + | |
H0102 | Curfews, penalties/juveniles | LAW | + | |
H0103 | F&G, violations/penalties | H Res/Con | ||
H0104 | Debris, highways, property | LAW | + | |
H0105 | Fireworks | H St Aff | ||
H0106 | Food safety, home kitchen operation | H Health/Wel | ||
H0107 | Immunization board, sunset date | LAW | + | |
H0108 | Pharmacy, opioid antagonists | LAW | + | |
H0109a | Income tax/real property definition | LAW | + | |
H0110 | Mastery-based education system | LAW | + | |
H0111 | Highways and bridges, vehicle fees | H Transp | ||
H0112 | Campaign contributions | LAW | + | |
H0113a | Parental rights protection | LAW | + | |
H0114 | Pure seed law | LAW | + | |
H0115 | Elevator safety code | H Bus | ||
H0116 | Occupational licenses, agencies | LAW | + | |
H0117 | Occupational licenses | LAW | + | |
H0118 | Damage prevention board | H Bus | ||
H0119 | Public works contracts | H Bus | ||
H0120a | Economic advisory council | LAW | + | |
H0121 | Criminal procedure, penalty revise | LAW | + | |
H0122 | Schools, strategic plan | LAW | + | |
H0123 | Oil/gas commission, contested case | LAW | + | |
H0124 | Oil-gas, spacing units, minerals | LAW | + | |
H0125 | Definition of “gas” revised | LAW | + | |
H0126 | Schools, staff allowance | H Held at Desk | ||
H0127 | Annexation by cities, revisions | H Loc Gov | ||
H0128 | Elections, withdrawal of candidacy | LAW | + | |
H0129 | Off-highway vehicles | LAW | + | |
H0130 | Liens, labor/material/motor vehicle | H Transp | ||
H0131 | Motor vehicles, “place of business” | S Transp | ||
H0132 | Gaseous special fuels, tax | LAW | + | |
H0133 | Income tax, livestock deduction | LAW | + | |
H0134 | Taxation, solar energy | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0135 | Prisoner litigation reform act | H Jud | ||
H0136 | County jail, probationers, parolees | LAW | + | |
H0137a | Retirement, police, deputy sheriffs | LAW | + | |
H0138 | County jails, repeals | LAW | + | |
H0139 | Duels, law repealed | LAW | + | |
H0140 | No contact orders | H Jud | ||
H0141 | Delinquent property taxes | H Loc Gov | ||
H0142a | Planning and zoning | LAW | + | |
H0143 | Exempt employment, motor carriers | LAW | + | |
H0144 | Road safety, econ development act | H Transp | ||
H0145 | Vehicle sales and use tax exemption | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0146 | Motor fuels, repeal, refund | H Transp | ||
H0147 | Motor vehicles, rental fleets | LAW | + | |
H0148 | Cherry commission | LAW | + | |
H0149 | Contact lenses, prohibited acts | S Jud | ||
H0150 | Medical licensure compact | LAW | + | |
H0151 | Health insurance exchange | H Health/Wel | ||
H0152a | Sign language interpreters | VETOED | ||
H0153 | Emergency medical services | LAW | + | |
H0154a | Chemical abortions | LAW | + | |
H0155a | Open meeting law violation, penalty | S PASSED | ||
H0156 | Tax collector, property purchase | LAW | + | |
H0157a | State police contracts | LAW | + | |
H0158 | Bail, failure to appear | LAW | + | |
H0159 | Tobacco infractions, minors | LAW | + | |
H0160 | Debris on highways, misdemeanor | LAW | + | |
H0161 | Fish and game infractions, penalty | LAW | + | |
H0162 | Juror compensation | S Jud | ||
H0163 | Justice system, effective dates | LAW | + | |
H0164 | Sexual, violent offenders registry | H Jud | ||
H0165 | Concealed weapon license fee revise | H Held at Desk | ||
H0166 | Irrigation district, incurring debt | LAW | + | |
H0167a | Labor, executive and open sessions | LAW | + | |
H0168 | Approp, Education Network, amended | LAW | + | |
H0169 | Education, sunset/effective dates | LAW | + | |
H0170a | Education, pay for success contract | LAW | + | |
H0171 | Insurance, transport network cos. | H Bus | ||
H0172 | Reimbursement incentive act | LAW | + | |
H0173 | Education, new construction roll | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0174 | Idaho code, domain, section repeal | H Jud | ||
H0175 | Medications, communication | H Health/Wel | ||
H0176 | Med synchronization, fee standard | H Health/Wel | ||
H0177 | Tanning devices, minors | LAW | + | |
H0178 | Education debt, rural physicians | LAW | + | |
H0179 | Hospital treasurers | LAW | + | |
H0180 | Health insurance status | H Health/Wel | ||
H0181a | Naturopathic physicians licensing | S FAILED | ||
H0182a | Consumer health plans | LAW | + | |
H0183 | Human trafficking, signs | LAW | + | |
H0184 | Small brewer self-distribution | LAW | + | |
H0185 | Electric motor vehicles | LAW | + | |
H0186 | Tax exemption, wildlife costs | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0187 | Home kitchen operations | H Health/Wel | ||
H0188 | Pharmacy audits, benefit managers | H Health/Wel | ||
H0189 | Telehealth access act | LAW | + | |
H0190 | Education, crime history check fee | LAW | + | |
H0191 | Bullying, information, development | H Educ | ||
H0192 | Pet friendly license plates | H Held at Desk | ||
H0193 | Unfair sales act, motor fuel | H St Aff | ||
H0194a | Farm and sanitation vehicles | LAW | + | |
H0195 | Fireworks penalties | LAW | + | |
H0196 | Vehicles, dealer-salesman licensing | H Transp | ||
H0197 | Ground water, mines | LAW | + | |
H0198 | Daylight saving time exemption | H St Aff | ||
H0199 | Tax credit qualifications | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0200 | Office of inspector general | H St Aff | ||
H0201 | Transportation network companies | H Transp | ||
H0202a | Fire districts, sale of property | LAW | + | |
H0203 | Fire district employment contracts | H Loc Gov | ||
H0204 | Fire distrct commissioner residency | S Loc Gov | ||
H0205 | Approp, H&W Medicaid, chg | LAW | + | |
H0206 | Approp, Correction Dept, chg | LAW | + | |
H0207 | Approp, Drug Policy, Off, orig | LAW | + | |
H0208 | Property tax relief, “claimant” | LAW | + | |
H0209 | Tax, property definition | LAW | + | |
H0210 | Approp, H&W Indirect & Welfare, chg | LAW | + | |
H0211 | Approp, H&W Benefits/Indirect, chg | LAW | + | |
H0212 | Election, levy, judges, poll book | LAW | + | |
H0213 | Library district meetings, oath | LAW | + | |
H0214 | Sunshine law | LAW | + | |
H0215 | Liquor licenses, resort city | H St Aff | ||
H0216a | Initiative, referendum procedures | LAW | + | |
H0217 | Public works law provisions revised | H Bus | ||
H0218 | Approp, H&W Hlthcare Initiativ, chg | LAW | + | |
H0219 | Indebtedness, levies disclosure | LAW | + | |
H0220 | Tax credit, nonprofits | LAW | + | |
H0221 | Tax exemption, wildlife costs | LAW | + | |
H0222 | Education, career ladder | H Educ | ||
H0223 | Approp, Energy Resources, orig | LAW | + | |
H0224 | Approp, Medical Boards, orig | LAW | + | |
H0225 | Approp, Lava Hot Springs, orig | LAW | + | |
H0226 | Approp, Juvenile Corrections, orig | LAW | + | |
H0227 | Approp, Veterans Srvcs Div, orig | LAW | + | |
H0228 | Approp, Public Utilities Com, orig | LAW | + | |
H0229 | Approp, Military Division, orig | LAW | + | |
H0230 | Approp, Public Hlth Districts, orig | LAW | + | |
H0231 | Approp, Endow Fund Invest, orig | LAW | + | |
H0232 | Approp, H&W MnHlh & Sub Abuse, chg | LAW | + | |
H0233 | School counselors, student mentors | H Educ | ||
H0234 | Property exempt from taxation | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0235 | Health insurance, chemotherapy | H Health/Wel | ||
H0236 | Food tax credit, information | LAW | + | |
H0237 | Tax, food/beverage for employee | LAW | + | |
H0238 | Electrical contractors, equipment | LAW | + | |
H0239 | Urban renewl agency brd commissnrs | H Loc Gov | ||
H0240 | Approp, H&W Medicaid, orig | LAW | + | |
H0241 | Orders prohibiting conduct | H Jud | ||
H0242 | Elections, automatic recount | LAW | + | |
H0243 | Concealed weapons | H St Aff | ||
H0244 | Lottery formula | H St Aff | ||
H0245 | Exchange pupils, exception removed | LAW | + | |
H0246 | Bullying, minors, information | LAW | + | |
H0247 | Approp, Idaho State Police, orig | LAW | + | |
H0248 | Approp, Aging Com, orig | LAW | + | |
H0249 | Approp, Controller State, orig | LAW | + | |
H0250 | Approp, Libraries Com, orig | LAW | + | |
H0251 | Approp, Voc Rehab Div, orig | LAW | + | |
H0252a | Tax exemption, vehicle sales | S Loc Gov | ||
H0253 | Approp, Blind Com, orig | LAW | + | |
H0254 | Approp, Attorney Gen, orig | LAW | + | |
H0255 | Recreational, dredge mining | H Res/Con | ||
H0256 | Public works, applicability of law | LAW | + | |
H0257a | Property tax, park model vehicles | S Loc Gov | ||
H0258 | Food establishments | H Health/Wel | ||
H0259 | UBOC surcharge revision | H Bus | ||
H0260 | Transportation | H 3rd Rdg | ||
H0261 | Transportation funding | H Transp | ||
H0262 | Transportation network companies | LAW | + | |
H0263 | Approp, Sup Pub Instruction/trailer | LAW | + | |
H0264 | Approp, H&W Mental Hlth, orig | LAW | + | |
H0265a | Land transfer compact | S Res/Env | ||
H0266 | Transportation, fees, distrib taxes | H Transp | ||
H0267 | Health care deduction | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0268 | Approp, Lands Dept, add’l, orig | LAW | + | |
H0269 | Oil, gas tax collection | LAW | + | |
H0270 | At-home school readiness program | H Educ | ||
H0271 | Approp, Appellate Defender, orig | LAW | + | |
H0272 | Approp, Treasurer, State, orig | LAW | + | |
H0273 | Approp, Water Resources, orig | LAW | + | |
H0274 | Approp, H&W Welfare Division, orig | LAW | + | |
H0275 | Educational support program | H Educ | ||
H0276 | Approp, H&W Chld Wlfr DDS Srv, orig | LAW | + | |
H0277 | Title insurance | LAW | + | |
H0278 | School counselors | H Educ | ||
H0279 | State gaming commission | H St Aff | ||
H0280 | Liquor license, resort city center | H St Aff | ||
H0281 | Approp, H&W Public Hlth Srvcs, orig | LAW | + | |
H0282 | Approp, Catastrophic Hth Care, orig | LAW | + | |
H0283 | Streamlined sales tax | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0284 | Approp, Correction Dept, orig | LAW | + | |
H0285 | Education, career ladder | H Educ | ||
H0286 | Property, tax exemption, business | S Loc Gov | ||
H0287 | Approp, Edu Bd, Hlth Ed Prgrm, orig | LAW | + | |
H0288 | Approp, H&W Ind Cnl Indrct LC, orig | LAW | + | |
H0289 | Approp, Public Instruc Supt, addl | LAW | + | |
H0290 | Approp, Edu Bd, Special Prgms, orig | LAW | + | |
H0291 | Public records, land, sage grouse | LAW | + | |
H0292 | Transportation network insurance | H Bus | ||
H0293 | Approp, Historical Society, orig | LAW | + | |
H0294 | Approp, Capitol Com, orig | LAW | + | |
H0295 | Approp, Bond Payment Program, orig | LAW | + | |
H0296 | Education, career ladder | LAW | + | |
H0297 | Tax commission, appeals board | H Rev/Tax | ||
H0298 | Medicaid, reimbursement | LAW | + | |
H0299 | Transportation, fees | H Transp | ||
H0300 | Alternative school support units | LAW | + | |
H0301 | Carrying concealed weapons | LAW | + | |
H0302 | Science, technology center | LAW | + | |
H0303 | Eminent domain | S Loc Gov | ||
H0304 | Approp, Edu Bd, Comm College, orig | LAW | + | |
H0305 | Approp, Edu Bd, Off of, orig | LAW | + | |
H0306 | Federal education act | H Educ | ||
H0307 | Kindergarten preparedness program | H Educ | ||
H0308 | Public charter schools | LAW | + | |
H0309a | Charter school debt reserve | LAW | + | |
H0310 | Transportation, apportionment | S Transp | ||
H0311 | Grocery tax | S Transp | ||
H0312a | Transportation, vehicle fees | LAW | + | |
H0313 | Education, counselors | LAW | + | |
H0314 | Federal education act | LAW | + | |
H0315 | Opportunity network act | H St Aff | ||
H0316 | Transportation network companies | LAW | + | |
H0317 | Contracts, state officers | H Held at Desk | ||
H0318 | Liquor licenses, event centers | LAW | + | |
H0319 | Administrative rules, continuing | LAW | + | |
H0320 | Approp, Fish & Game, add’l | LAW | + | |
H0321 | Approp, Public Instruc Supt, trail | LAW | + | |
H0322 | Office appointments | H St Aff | ||
H0323 | Education, renewable contracts | LAW | + | |
H0324 | Open meeting law violations | LAW | + | |
H0325 | Approp, Regulatory Boards, trailer | H Approp | ||
H0326 | Approp, STEM Action Center, orig | LAW | + | |
H0327 | Underinsured vehicle coverage | H Bus | ||
H0328 | Session laws, journals | LAW | + | |
H0329 | Highway assistance council | H Transp | ||
H0330 | Income tax | S Loc Gov | ||
HCR001 | Governor’s state of the state | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR002 | Eagle rock bridge anniversary | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR003 | Education, data system study | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR004 | Taxes, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR005 | Diabetes month | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR006 | PERSI, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR007 | Outdoor retailer show | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR008 | Natural resource study | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR009 | Social work month | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR010 | Water resources, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR011 | Comm. for the blind, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR012 | Council, endowment assets study | S Res/Env | ||
HCR013 | Idaho state police, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR014 | Farm bureau federation, 75 years | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR015 | Idaho statehood anniversary | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR016 | Benewah County | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR017 | Urban renewal study committee | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR018 | Balanced budget amendment | H St Aff | ||
HCR019 | EMS working group, legislation | S Health/Wel | ||
HCR020 | Chiropractors, rule rejection | H Health/Wel | ||
HCR021 | Education, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR022 | Education, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR023 | Purchasing laws | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR024 | Family caregivers | ADOPTED | + | |
HCR025 | Transportation, rule rejection | S Transp | ||
HCR026 | Broadband access study committee | ADOPTED | + | |
HJM001 | Regulation freedom amendment | S St Aff | ||
HJM002 | Caldera national monument | ADOPTED | + | |
HJM003 | Turkey, religious, human rights | S St Aff | ||
HJM004 | Judges, marriage | S St Aff | ||
HJM005 | Boulder-White Clouds memorial | ADOPTED | + | |
HJM006 | Food labeling, genetic engineering | ADOPTED | + | |
HJM007 | INL, geothermal area study | ADOPTED | + | |
HJM008 | Interstate, heavy vehicles | ADOPTED | + | |
HJM009 | Sage-grouse | ADOPTED | + | |
HJM010 | Deer Flat refuge | ADOPTED | + | |
HJM011 | Water resources, dams | ADOPTED | + | |
HJM012 | Turkey, human rights | ADOPTED | + | |
S1001 | Workplace safety | LAW | + | |
S1002 | Approp, Public Television, add’l | LAW | + | |
S1003 | Approp, Environment Quality, add’l | LAW | + | |
S1004 | Brd of Correction/inmate incent pay | LAW | + | |
S1005 | Executions, confidentiality | S Jud | ||
S1006 | Real estate license law | LAW | + | |
S1007 | Real estat licens law/licens denial | LAW | + | |
S1008 | Real estate | LAW | + | |
S1009 | Real estate license law, certs | LAW | + | |
S1010 | Real estate license, fee-splitting | LAW | + | |
S1011 | Horse racing | VETOED | ||
S1012 | Approp, Voc Rehab Div, add’l | LAW | + | |
S1013 | Approp, Fish & Game, reduced | LAW | + | |
S1014 | Exemption of property, attment/levy | LAW | + | |
S1015a | Motor vehicle dealers, bond rqrmnt | LAW | + | |
S1016 | Driver’s license/commrl learner’s | LAW | + | |
S1017 | Telecommunications service | S Transp | ||
S1018 | Education, certificates, fees | LAW | + | |
S1019 | Education, criminal history check | H Educ | ||
S1020 | F&G, set-aside account exemptions | LAW | + | |
S1021 | Public charter schools | LAW | + | |
S1022 | License plates | S Transp | ||
S1023 | Unclaim life insurance benefits act | LAW | + | |
S1024 | Energy resources authority | LAW | + | |
S1025 | Uniform business organizations code | LAW | + | |
S1026 | Driving privileges, DUI | LAW | + | |
S1027 | Senior judge eligibility | LAW | + | |
S1028 | Speed limits | LAW | + | |
S1029 | Fraud, financial transaction cards | LAW | + | |
S1030 | Codifier corrections | LAW | + | |
S1031 | Fish and game licenses | LAW | + | |
S1032 | Motor vehicle fines | S Jud | ||
S1033a | Criminl histry records/fingerprints | H FAILED | ||
S1034 | Prisoners, juvenile escape | LAW | + | |
S1035 | Juvenile corrections | LAW | + | |
S1036 | Dentistry, licensees, notice | LAW | + | |
S1037 | Dentistry, license renewal | LAW | + | |
S1038 | Public assistance/child support | S Health/Wel | ||
S1039 | Eminent domain, damages | S Transp | ||
S1040a | Criminal procedure | LAW | + | |
S1041a | Sexual offender management board | LAW | + | |
S1042 | Residential care | LAW | + | |
S1043 | Certified family homes | LAW | + | |
S1044 | Eminent domain | LAW | + | |
S1045 | Port district audits | LAW | + | |
S1046 | Engineers and surveyors | LAW | + | |
S1047 | Purchasing definitions/alpha | LAW | + | |
S1048 | Historical horse racing | S St Aff | ||
S1049 | Presidential primary | S St Aff | ||
S1050 | Advanced opportunities, 8 in 6 prog | LAW | + | |
S1051 | Informal probate | LAW | + | |
S1052 | Spendthrift trusts | LAW | + | |
S1053a | Guardians | LAW | + | |
S1054 | Documents act | LAW | + | |
S1055 | Digital assets access | S Jud | ||
S1056a | Nonprobate transfers | LAW | + | |
S1057 | Irrigation district meetings | LAW | + | |
S1058 | Irrigation districts, payments | LAW | + | |
S1059a | Irrigation district facilities | LAW | + | |
S1060 | Psychologists, prescriptions | H Health/Wel | ||
S1061a | Highway commissioner terms | H Gen Ord | ||
S1062a | Direct medical care act | LAW | + | |
S1063 | Land surveying | LAW | + | |
S1064 | Cosmeticians, license | S Com/HuRes | ||
S1065 | Annexation, parcels election | S Loc Gov | ||
S1066 | Presidential primary | LAW | + | |
S1067 | Health-welfare, family support act | H Jud | ||
S1068 | Judgments, enforcement | S Jud | ||
S1069a | Judgment enforcement time | LAW | + | |
S1070a | Education, alt. graduation route | H Educ | ||
S1071a | Civics test for graduation | LAW | + | |
S1072a | School district trustee elections | LAW | + | |
S1073a | Noxious weeds removal | LAW | + | |
S1074 | Idaho honey commission | LAW | + | |
S1075 | Inmates, employee status, benefits | LAW | + | |
S1076 | Benefit corporation act | LAW | + | |
S1077 | Death certificates | LAW | + | |
S1078 | Mortgage insurance, limits | LAW | + | |
S1079 | Engineers/surveyors | LAW | + | |
S1080a | Genetic counselors | LAW | + | |
S1081 | Self-funded health care plans | LAW | + | |
S1082 | Highway districts, nonpaper mediums | LAW | + | |
S1083 | America the beautiful license plate | S Transp | ||
S1084 | Support our troops plates | H Transp | ||
S1085 | Education, assessment consortium | S Educ | ||
S1086 | Division of prof.-tech. education | LAW | + | |
S1087 | Admission to charter schools | LAW | + | |
S1088a | Education, reduction in force | LAW | + | |
S1089 | Beer and wine licenses | S St Aff | ||
S1090 | Concealed weapons, clarifications | S St Aff | ||
S1091 | Apportionment challenges | LAW | + | |
S1092 | Knives | H Jud | ||
S1093 | Annexation notice of intent | S Loc Gov | ||
S1094 | Abortion, hospital location | S St Aff | ||
S1095a | Sexual offender registration | H Jud | ||
S1096a | Ed, parental rights in education | H Educ | ||
S1097 | Pupil transportation audits, repeal | LAW | + | |
S1098a | Parks & recreation, funding sources | LAW | + | |
S1099 | Irrigation, lateral water users | LAW | + | |
S1100 | Watermasters | LAW | + | |
S1101 | Indigent sick | S Health/Wel | ||
S1102 | Abortion, hospital location | S St Aff | ||
S1103 | Records, human trafficking | S Jud | ||
S1104a | Veterans home | LAW | + | |
S1105 | Internet regulation | S St Aff | ||
S1106 | Cannabidiol oil | S St Aff | ||
S1107 | Trust accounts, scholarship | H St Aff | ||
S1108a | Autonomous driven vehicles | H Transp | ||
S1109 | UBOC, repeals | LAW | + | |
S1110 | Approp, Appellate Defender, add’l | LAW | + | |
S1111 | Minimum wage | S St Aff | ||
S1112 | State office vacancies | LAW | + | |
S1113 | Beef council, property | LAW | + | |
S1114 | Approp, Human Rsrcs Div, orig | LAW | + | |
S1115 | Approp, Fish & Game, add’l | H FAILED | ||
S1116 | Approp, Pub Schls/Children, add’l | LAW | + | |
S1117 | Approp, PERSI, orig | LAW | + | |
S1118 | Approp, Arts Comm, orig | LAW | + | |
S1119 | Approp, PUC/Tax/Industrial Salaries | LAW | + | |
S1120 | Driver training, course fees | LAW | + | |
S1121 | Immunization registry | LAW | + | |
S1122 | Duties for federal funds receipt | S Fin | ||
S1123 | Indigent sick | H Health/Wel | ||
S1124 | Sealing of juvenile records | S Jud | ||
S1125 | Approp, Secretary of State, orig | LAW | + | |
S1126 | Approp, Finance Dept, orig | LAW | + | |
S1127 | Approp, Liquor Div, State, orig | LAW | + | |
S1128 | Approp, Species Conservation, orig | LAW | + | |
S1129 | Approp, St Indpend Liv Cncl, orig | LAW | + | |
S1130 | Approp, Lottery, State, orig | LAW | + | |
S1131 | Approp, Lieutenant Gov, orig | LAW | + | |
S1132 | Approp, Regulatory Boards, orig | LAW | + | |
S1133 | Approp, Fish & Game, orig | LAW | + | |
S1134 | Office of public lands | S Res/Env | ||
S1135a | Claim of lien, owner, deed of trust | LAW | + | |
S1136 | Parole violations, hearing officers | LAW | + | |
S1137 | Electric utilities, property | S St Aff | ||
S1138 | Approp, Financial Mgmt Div, orig | LAW | + | |
S1139 | Approp, Insurance Dept, orig | LAW | + | |
S1140 | Approp, Industrial Com, orig | LAW | + | |
S1141 | Approp, Bld Safety Div, orig | LAW | + | |
S1142 | Approp, Legislative Branch, orig | LAW | + | |
S1143 | Approp, Gov, Exec Office, orig | LAW | + | |
S1144 | Approp, Millennium Fund, orig | LAW | + | |
S1145 | Approp, Public Defense Com, orig | LAW | + | |
S1146a | Cannabidiol oil | VETOED | ||
S1147 | Municipal corps,fire/police bonds | H W/M | ||
S1148 | Approp, Hispanic Affairs Com, orig | LAW | + | |
S1149 | Approp, Public Television, orig | LAW | + | |
S1150 | Approp, Edu Bd, Ag Research, orig | LAW | + | |
S1151 | Approp, Edu Bd, Prof-Tech, orig | LAW | + | |
S1152 | Federal funds receipt, reduction | LAW | + | |
S1153 | Indigent sick, program eligibility | S Health/Wel | ||
S1154a | Criminal history record expungement | LAW | + | |
S1155 | Flags at half-staff | LAW | + | |
S1156 | Investigational drugs | H St Aff | ||
S1157 | Approp, Pardons/Parole, orig | LAW | + | |
S1158 | Approp, Parks & Rec, orig | LAW | + | |
S1159 | Approp, Supreme Court, orig | LAW | + | |
S1160 | Approp, Wolf Control Fund Transfer | LAW | + | |
S1161 | Approp, Agriculture, orig | LAW | + | |
S1162 | Approp, Soil & Water Conserv, orig | LAW | + | |
S1163 | Approp, Environmental Quality, orig | LAW | + | |
S1164 | Approp, Rev&Tax, Tax Appeals, orig | LAW | + | |
S1165 | Approp, Rev&Tax, Tax Com, orig | LAW | + | |
S1166 | Approp, Commerce, orig | LAW | + | |
S1167 | Hemp extract | S St Aff | ||
S1168 | Worker’s comp/premium tax reduced | LAW | + | |
S1169 | Ground water district warrants | LAW | + | |
S1170 | Judges, justices qualifications | LAW | + | |
S1171 | Approp, Public Instruc Supt, orig | LAW | + | |
S1172 | Approp, Perm Bldg Fund, add’l, orig | LAW | + | |
S1173 | Approp, Labor Dept, add’l, orig | S Fin | ||
S1174 | Approp, Transportation, orig | LAW | + | |
S1175 | Approp, Administration, orig | LAW | + | |
S1176 | Approp, Edu Bd, College Univ, orig | LAW | + | |
S1177 | Naturopathic physicians, repeal | LAW | + | |
S1178 | Approp, Secretary of State, trailer | LAW | + | |
S1179 | Approp, Legislative Branch, trailer | S Fin | ||
S1180 | Approp, H&W Public Health, trailer | H Approp | ||
S1181 | Session, laws, journals | H Jud | ||
S1182 | Uniform business code | LAW | + | |
S1183 | Approp, Pub Schls Admin, orig | LAW | + | |
S1184 | Approp, Pub Schls Teachers, orig | LAW | + | |
S1185 | Approp, Pub Schls Ops Div, orig | LAW | + | |
S1186 | Approp, Pub Schls Children’s, orig | LAW | + | |
S1187 | Approp, Pub Schls Facilities, orig | LAW | + | |
S1188 | Approp, Pub Schls Deaf Blind, orig | LAW | + | |
S1189 | Approp, Pub Schls Cntrl Srvs, orig | LAW | + | |
S1190 | Approp, Year-End Transfers | LAW | + | |
S1191 | Approp, Stabilization Fund Transfer | H 3rd Rdg | ||
S1192 | Approp, Labor Dept, add’l, orig | LAW/Line Item Veto | + | |
S1193 | Primary care program | S Health/Wel | ||
SCR101 | Gary Stevens honored | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR102 | LHTAC evaluation | H Transp | ||
SCR103 | Public defense reform committee | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR104 | Suicide prevention | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR105 | Education, core standards | S Educ | ||
SCR106 | Student testing | H Educ | ||
SCR107 | State land exchanges | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR108 | Public lands control | S Res/Env | ||
SCR109 | Music therapy | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR110 | Diaper need awareness week | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR111 | Family caregivers | S Health/Wel | ||
SCR112 | Boundary County anniversary | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR113 | Agriculture, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR114 | Veterinary medicine, rule rejection | H Agric Aff | ||
SCR115 | Federal lands, duties, reports | S St Aff | ||
SCR116 | Agriculture, rule rejected | H Agric Aff | ||
SCR117 | John Grossenbacher honored | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR118 | YMCA day, recognized | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR119 | Education, rule rejected | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR120 | Education, rule rejected | H Educ | ||
SCR121 | Education, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR122 | Education, rule rejection | H Educ | ||
SCR123 | Family caregivers study | H Health/Wel | ||
SCR124 | Admin. hearing officer committee | H Jud | ||
SCR125 | Health savings accounts, recognized | H Health/Wel | ||
SCR126 | Federal lands | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR127 | Administrative temporary rules | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR128 | Administrative fee rules | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR129 | Administration, rule rejection | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR130 | Session laws, printing contract | ADOPTED | + | |
SCR131 | Broadband study | H St Aff | ||
SJM101 | Invasive species, mussels | ADOPTED | + | |
SJM102 | Craters of the Moon | S St Aff | ||
SJM103 | Craters of the Moon | H W/M | ||
(A) = Adopted | (V) = Vetoed | ||
Approp = Appropriation | Assn = Association | ||
Bd = Board | Com = Commission | ||
Comm = Committee | Dept = Department | ||
DEQ = Department of Environmental Quality | Dist = District | ||
Div = Division | F&G = Fish and Game | ||
Govt = Government | H&W = Health and Welfare | ||
PERSI = Public Employee Retirement System of Idaho | PUC = Public Utilities Commission | ||
UCC = Uniform Commercial Code | Univ = University |
Abortion providers, must have hospital privileges | S1094 |
Abortion providers, must have hospital privileges | S1102 |
Chemical abortions, requirements, court proceedings | H0088 |
Chemical abortions, requirements, court proceedings | H0154 – Ch.270 |
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Port district annual audited financial statement | S1045 – Ch.57 |
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F&G set-aside acct, class 7 licenses exempt | S1020 – Ch.44 |
Tax refund donations, certain recipient accts deleted | S1107 |
Transportation funding, general funds, highway acct | H0310 |
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Benefit Corporation Act, add | S1076 – Ch.217 |
Direct Primary Care Act, add | S1062 – Ch.291 |
Genetic Counselors Licensing Act, add | S1080 – Ch.128 |
Idaho Code of Military Justice (model code) added | H0053 – Ch.268 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, add | S1025 – Ch.243 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, trailer | H0259 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, trailer bill | S1109 – Ch.251 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, trailer bill | S1182 – Ch.337 |
Interstate Compact on Transfer of Public Lands Act, add | H0265 |
Limited Convention/No Runaway Convention Act, add | H0067 |
Naturopathic Medical Physicians Licensing Act, add | H0181 |
Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Act repealed | S1177 – Ch.317 |
Pharmacy Audit Integrity Act, add | H0188 |
Physician Physical Presence and Women Protection Act | H0088 |
Physician Physical Presence and Women Protection Act | H0154 – Ch.270 |
Prisoner Litigation Reform Act, add | H0135 |
Reimbursement Incentive Act, amend | H0172 – Ch.200 |
Road Safety and Economic Development Act of 2015, add | H0144 |
Road Safety and Economic Development Act of 2015, add | H0260 |
Sexual and Violent Offender Registration Act | H0164 |
State Opportunity Network Act, add | H0315 |
Streamlined Sales Tax Simplification Act, add | H0283 |
Telehealth Access Act, add | H0098 |
Telehealth Access Act, add | H0189 – Ch.121 |
Transportation Network Company Services Act, add | H0201 |
Transportation Network Company Services Act, add | H0262 – Ch.267 |
Transportation Network Insurance Act, add | H0316 – Ch.316 |
Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Act, add | S1023 – Ch.74 |
Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, add | S1055 |
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, amend | S1067 |
Uniform Recognition of Substitute Decision-Making … | S1054 – Ch.115 |
Uniform Voidable Transactions Act, formerly Fraudulent | H0092 – Ch.342 |
Water Resources Reform Act…..expedite federal funding | SJM101 – (A) |
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Administration Dept Purchasing Div rules rejected | SCR129 – (A) |
Approp | S1175 – Ch.346 |
Approp, bond payment program | H0295 – Ch.266 |
Approp, Capitol Com | H0294 – Ch.242 |
Approp, Public Works Div | S1172 – Ch.312 |
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See also RULES |
Administrative hearing officers, legislative study comm | SCR124 |
Oil/Gas Com, contested case hearings, when | H0123 – Ch.102 |
Tax Com, rulemaking, fiscal impact, continue in effect | H0034 – Ch.33 |
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Parks & Rec Dept, fundraising/sponsorship agreements | S1098 – Ch.335 |
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Approp | H0248 – Ch.187 |
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Agriculture Dept animal importation rule rejected | SCR116 |
Agriculture Dept, livestock rule rejected | SCR113 – (A) |
Agriculture Dept, noxious weeds, research facility | S1073 – Ch.279 |
Beef Council, property lease or ownership | S1113 – Ch.294 |
Cherry Com, creation of districts by rule | H0148 – Ch.156 |
Columbia Snake River system, state sovereignty | HJM011 – (A) |
Conservation easements/grazing permits, tax deduction | H0084 |
Conservation easements/grazing permits, tax deduction | H0109 – Ch.269 |
Dept, approp | S1161 – Ch.261 |
Dept, approp, Pest Control Deficiency Fund | H0026 – Ch.4 |
Farm/ranching income, capital gains tax deduction | H0133 – Ch.70 |
Food labeling, genetically engineered, FDA standards | HJM006 – (A) |
Hand tools, sales tax production exemption | H0039 – Ch.85 |
Highway transportation, agricultural products, vehicles | H0194 – Ch.208 |
Honey Com, membership qualifications | S1074 – Ch.124 |
Idaho Farm Bureau Federation Day, 75 years | HCR014 – (A) |
Prisoners, private farm employers, no benefits | S1075 – Ch.125 |
Seed cultivation, production, processing, no local laws | H0114 – Ch.101 |
Trucks on highways, agricultural products defined | H0069 |
Wolf Control Fund, approp | S1160 – Ch.260 |
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Special fuels tax refund claim procedure | H0146 |
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Community health emergency medical services, ambulance | H0153 – Ch.157 |
Emergency Medical Services Bureau, draft legislation | HCR019 |
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See also WILDLIFE |
Agriculture Dept animal importation rule rejected | SCR116 |
Helping Idaho Dogs, Inc., special license plates | H0192 |
Historical horse race wagering, certain premises only | S1048 |
Historical horse races, betting repealed | S1011 – Ch.347 |
Sage-grouse, long-term management, state primacy | HJM009 – (A) |
Salmon/steelhead, unlawful killing, delete flagrant | H0031 – Ch.97 |
State amphibian is Idaho Giant Salamander | H0001 – Ch.218 |
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City annexation classifications amended | H0127 |
City annexation types, notice of intent, voter approval | S1093 |
City annexation, overlapping areas of impact | H0086 |
City annexation, when voter approval is required | S1065 |
Recreation districts, first year restrictions | H0027 – Ch.9 |
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Tax Com, Tax Appeals Bd, restructure and repeal | H0297 |
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Fire commissioner terms, subdistricts, reapportion | H0204 |
Local boards, appointed by county commissioners | H0322 |
State office vacancies, failed appointments, documents | S1112 – Ch.338 |
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Administration Dept | S1175 – Ch.346 |
Administration Dept, bond payment program | H0295 – Ch.266 |
Administration Dept, Capitol Com | H0294 – Ch.242 |
Administration Dept, Public Works Div | S1172 – Ch.312 |
Aging Com | H0248 – Ch.187 |
Agriculture Dept | S1161 – Ch.261 |
Arts Com | S1118 – Ch.130 |
Attorney General | H0254 – Ch.192 |
Blind/Visually Impaired Com | H0253 – Ch.191 |
Budget Stabilization Fund | S1191 |
Catastrophic Health Care Program | H0282 – Ch.235 |
Commerce Dept | S1166 – Ch.265 |
Correction Dept | H0284 – Ch.236 |
Correction Dept, add’l. | H0206 – Ch.92 |
DEQ | S1163 – Ch.263 |
DEQ, add’l. | S1003 – Ch.3 |
Economic Recovery Reserve Fund, 27th payroll | S1190 – Ch.330 |
Education Bd, community colleges | H0304 – Ch.276 |
Education Bd, Idaho Public Television | S1149 – Ch.255 |
Education Bd, Idaho Public Television, add’l. | S1002 – Ch.2 |
Education Bd, Office of | H0305 – Ch.277 |
Education Bd, Professional-Technical Education Div | S1151 – Ch.257 |
Education Bd, Vocational Rehabilitation Div | H0251 – Ch.190 |
Education Bd, Vocational Rehabilitation Div, add’l. | S1012 – Ch.1 |
Education Bd/Univ of Idaho, colleges/universities | S1176 – Ch.313 |
Education Bd/Univ of Idaho, health education programs | H0287 – Ch.237 |
Education Bd/Univ of Idaho, special programs | H0290 – Ch.240 |
Education Dept, broadband services to schools | H0168 – Ch.15 |
Education Dept, broadband services to schools, trailer | H0263 – Ch.211 |
Education Dept, public schools, administrators div | S1183 – Ch.319 |
Education Dept, public schools, central services div | S1189 – Ch.325 |
Education Dept, public schools, children’s programs | S1186 – Ch.322 |
Education Dept, public schools, deaf/blind services | S1188 – Ch.324 |
Education Dept, public schools, facilities div | S1187 – Ch.323 |
Education Dept, public schools, operations div | S1185 – Ch.321 |
Education Dept, public schools, teachers div | S1184 – Ch.320 |
Education Dept/Sup’t of Public Instruction | H0289 – Ch.239 |
Endowment Fund Investment Bd | H0231 – Ch.165 |
F&G Dept | S1133 – Ch.138 |
F&G Dept, add’l | S1115 |
Finance Dept | S1126 – Ch.131 |
Fire Suppression Deficiency Fund | H0026 – Ch.4 |
Fish and Game Com | H0320 – Ch.334 |
Fish and Game Dept | S1013 – Ch.7 |
Governor, Executive Office of | S1143 – Ch.172 |
Governor, Office of, Drug Policy Office | H0207 – Ch.93 |
Governor, Office of, Energy Resources | H0223 – Ch.109 |
Governor, Office of, Financial Management Div | S1138 – Ch.167 |
Governor, Office of, Human Resources Div | S1114 – Ch.84 |
Governor, Office of, Military Div | H0229 – Ch.163 |
Governor, Office of, Species Conservation Office | S1128 – Ch.133 |
Governor, Office of, State Liquor Div | S1127 – Ch.132 |
Governor, Office of, STEM Action Center | H0326 – Ch.328 |
H&W Dept, add’l., indirect support services | H0210 – Ch.145 |
H&W Dept, add’l., indirect support services | H0211 – Ch.146 |
H&W Dept, add’l., Medicaid | H0205 – Ch.144 |
H&W Dept, add’l., mental health, substance abuse | H0232 – Ch.166 |
H&W Dept, add’l., physical health services | H0218 – Ch.147 |
H&W Dept, child welfare, developmentally disabled | H0276 – Ch.228 |
H&W Dept, independent councils/indirect support/license | H0288 – Ch.238 |
H&W Dept, medicaid programs | H0240 – Ch.185 |
H&W Dept, mental health | H0264 – Ch.212 |
H&W Dept, public health services | H0281 – Ch.234 |
H&W Dept, public health services, add’l. | S1180 |
H&W Dept, Welfare Div | H0274 – Ch.216 |
Hazardous Substance Emergency Response Fund | H0026 – Ch.4 |
Hispanic Affairs Com | S1148 – Ch.254 |
Idaho State Historical Society | H0293 – Ch.241 |
Idaho State Lottery | S1130 – Ch.135 |
Idaho State Police | H0247 – Ch.186 |
Industrial Com | S1140 – Ch.169 |
Insurance Dept | S1139 – Ch.168 |
Juvenile Corrections Dept | H0226 – Ch.160 |
Labor Dept | S1173 |
Labor Dept (line-item veto) | S1192 – Ch.331 |
Lands Dept | H0268 – Ch.213 |
Lands Dept, fire suppression deficiency fund | S1190 – Ch.330 |
Lava Hot Springs | H0225 – Ch.149 |
Legislative Legal Defense Fund, sage-grouse | S1190 – Ch.330 |
Legislative Services Office | S1142 – Ch.171 |
Legislative Services Office, OPE | S1179 |
Libraries Com | H0250 – Ch.189 |
Lieutenant Governor | S1131 – Ch.136 |
Pardons and Parole Com | S1157 – Ch.258 |
Parks and Recreation Dept | S1158 – Ch.259 |
PERSI, approp | S1117 – Ch.119 |
Pest Control Deficiency Fund | H0026 – Ch.4 |
Public Health Trust Fund | H0230 – Ch.164 |
Public schools, children’s programs | S1116 – Ch.118 |
PUC | H0228 – Ch.162 |
Secretary of State | S1125 – Ch.151 |
Secretary of State, presidential primary | S1178 – Ch.318 |
Self-Governing Agencies, Building Safety Div | S1141 – Ch.170 |
Self-Governing Agencies, medical boards | H0224 – Ch.148 |
Self-Governing Agencies, Public Defense Com | S1145 – Ch.174 |
Self-Governing Agencies, regulatory boards | S1132 – Ch.137 |
Self-Governing Agencies, regulatory boards, add’l. | H0325 |
Self-Governing Agencies, Veterans Services Div | H0227 – Ch.161 |
Soil and Water Conservation Com | S1162 – Ch.262 |
State Appellate Public Defender | H0271 – Ch.214 |
State Appellate Public Defender, add’l. | S1110 – Ch.83 |
State Controller | H0249 – Ch.188 |
State Independent Living Council | H0041 – Ch.6 |
State Independent Living Council | S1129 – Ch.134 |
Superintendent of Public Instruction | S1171 – Ch.311 |
Superintendent of Public Instruction, add’l | H0321 – Ch.327 |
Supreme Court | S1159 – Ch.296 |
Tax Appeals Bd | S1164 – Ch.264 |
Tax Com | S1165 – Ch.297 |
Tobacco/drug programs, Millennium Income Fund | S1144 – Ch.173 |
Transportation Dept | S1174 – Ch.340 |
Treasurer, State | H0272 – Ch.227 |
University of Idaho, Agricultural Research/Extension | S1150 – Ch.256 |
Water Resources Dept | H0273 – Ch.215 |
Water Resources Dept, Secondary Aquifer Planning Fund | S1190 – Ch.330 |
Wolf Control Fund | S1160 – Ch.260 |
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Com, approp | S1118 – Ch.130 |
Music therapy, important health care service | SCR109 – (A) |
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Capital investment property tax exemption criteria | H0234 |
Delinquent property tax notice, penalties assessment | H0141 |
Eminent domain property valuation, factors in assessing | S1039 |
Ground water dist, increase maximum amount of warrants | S1169 – Ch.309 |
Immunization Assessments Bd act, extend to 2017 | H0107 – Ch.153 |
Irrigation dist, special assessments, protect facility | S1059 – Ch.123 |
Lateral water users assn, assessments, withdrawal | S1099 – Ch.80 |
New plant investments, property tax exemption criteria | H0286 |
Personal/operating property tax exemption, apportion | H0029 – Ch.96 |
Recreational “park model” vehicles, assessment standard | H0257 |
Tax sale of property, purchase by county, best interest | H0156 – Ch.199 |
Water Users Dist, project resolutions and funding | S1100 – Ch.82 |
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Residential care lease, relicensing not required | S1042 – Ch.46 |
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Idaho Farm Bureau Federation Day, 75 years | HCR014 – (A) |
Lateral water users assn, assessments, withdrawal | S1099 – Ch.80 |
National Rifle Assn friends, special license plates | H0016 – Ch.8 |
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Gary Stevens, Idaho jockey, honor accomplishments | SCR101 – (A) |
Massage therapy, licensure, short-term, athletic events | H0023 – Ch.30 |
Orofino Maniacs, special license plates | H0071 |
Physical therapy license exemptions, athletic events | H0025 – Ch.32 |
YMCA Day, March 20th, recognize community contributions | SCR118 – (A) |
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Approp | H0254 – Ch.192 |
State officers, contracts over $500K, annual report | H0317 |
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Capital case deadline to claim ineffective counsel | S1040 – Ch.245 |
Public defense reform, legislative study comm | SCR103 – (A) |
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Fire protection dist, property auction | H0202 – Ch.272 |
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Local Highway Technical Assistance Council, evaluation | SCR102 |
Pharmacy audit procedures, benefit management | H0188 |
Port district annual audited financial statement | S1045 – Ch.57 |
School transportation, repeal Education Dept audits of | S1097 – Ch.81 |
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Bench warrant, bail amount and conditions | H0158 – Ch.182 |
Court, setting amount/conditions of bail | H0063 |
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Debtor collection exemption, life insurance contracts | S1014 – Ch.112 |
Uniform Voidable Transactions Act, property transfers | H0092 – Ch.342 |
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Banks, regulation of, loan production offices | H0099 – Ch.204 |
Financial transaction card number acquisition, defraud | S1029 – Ch.62 |
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Public works contracts, maximum price, incentives | H0119 |
State government purchasing laws, legislative study com | HCR023 – (A) |
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State Gaming Com, oversee lottery, racing, bingo/raffle | H0279 |
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Blind Com rule rejected | HCR011 – (A) |
Blind/Visually Impaired Com, approp | H0253 – Ch.191 |
Educational Services Bureau, who shall be chair | H0097 |
Hearing aids/eyeglass parts, sales tax exemption | H0075 – Ch.95 |
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Electrical Bd, industrial equipment, certification | H0238 – Ch.233 |
Endowment Fund Investment Bd, approp | H0231 – Ch.165 |
Local boards, appointed by county commissioners | H0322 |
Professional engineers/surveyors, bd members, licensing | S1046 – Ch.114 |
Sex Offender Management Bd member terms, experience | S1041 – Ch.306 |
STEM Action Center and Board created | H0302 – Ch.304 |
Tax Com, Tax Appeals Bd, restructure and repeal | H0297 |
Underground facilities excavation, Damage Prevention Bd | H0118 |
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Vehicle sales tax treatment of nonresident purchasers | H0252 |
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City bond, allowable uses, police departments | S1147 |
Levy/bond indebtedness, disclosures before ballot | H0219 – Ch.286 |
New construction roll tax income, public schools use | H0173 |
Urban renewal agency, bonding authority, conditions | H0019 |
Wholesale vehicle dealer, license bond, fund exemption | S1015 – Ch.53 |
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Eagle Rock Bridge/Idaho Falls, 150 years | HCR002 – (A) |
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Budget Stabilization Fund, approp | S1191 |
Federal balanced budget, U.S. Constitutional amendment | HCR018 |
Irrigation Bd power to incur debts, mitigation projects | H0166 – Ch.107 |
Legislative budgeting, reporting of federal funding | S1122 |
New construction roll tax income, public schools use | H0173 |
Property tax, budget requests, correct code reference | H0028 – Ch.10 |
State budget, federal funding reports and planning | S1152 – Ch.307 |
Transportation funding calculation after expenditures | H0261 |
Transportation funding, general funds, highway acct | H0310 |
Water Users Dist, project resolutions and funding | S1100 – Ch.82 |
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Administrator’s authority to contract services | H0060 |
Approp | S1141 – Ch.170 |
Elevator contractor and mechanic licensure | H0115 |
Industrial equipment, when certification unnecessary | H0238 – Ch.233 |
Industrial safety inspection powers, training, funds | S1001 – Ch.110 |
Underground facilities excavation, Damage Prevention Bd | H0118 |
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Building Safety Div, industrial safety training | S1001 – Ch.110 |
New plant investments, property tax exemption criteria | H0286 |
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Hunting/fishing business, sales tax production exempt | H0186 |
Hunting/fishing business, sales tax production exempt | H0221 – Ch.225 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, add | S1025 – Ch.243 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, trailer | H0259 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, trailer bill | S1109 – Ch.251 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, trailer bill | S1182 – Ch.337 |
Net operating loss, domestic production activities | H0038 |
New plant investments, property tax exemption criteria | H0286 |
Reimbursement Incentive Act, tax credit requirements | H0172 – Ch.200 |
Vehicle dealer’s business place, phone number posted | H0131 |
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Benefit Corporation Act | S1076 – Ch.217 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, add | S1025 – Ch.243 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, trailer | H0259 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, trailer bill | S1109 – Ch.251 |
Idaho Uniform Business Organizations Code, trailer bill | S1182 – Ch.337 |
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Campaign contribution disclosures, political committees | H0112 – Ch.231 |
Electronic poll book and miscellaneous election laws | H0212 – Ch.282 |
Expenditure, nonbusiness, nonpolitical entities | H0214 – Ch.284 |
Presidential primary date, conduct of election | S1049 |
Presidential primary date, conduct of election | S1066 – Ch.292 |
Primary election candidate withdrawal deadline | H0128 – Ch.155 |
School board candidates, campaign finance reporting | S1072 – Ch.248 |
State legislator qualifications, registered elector | H0003 |
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Capital case deadline to claim ineffective counsel | S1040 – Ch.245 |
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Com, approp | H0294 – Ch.242 |
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Local boards, appointed by county commissioners | H0322 |
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Benefit Corporation Act | S1076 – Ch.217 |
Charitable contributions, tax credit, agencies, amounts | H0045 |
Charitable contributions, tax treatment of reductions | H0037 – Ch.19 |
Charity meals, school/church/senior citizen, tax exempt | H0011 – Ch.17 |
Community primary care pilot program, counties | S1193 |
Corporations benefiting schools, tax credit requirement | H0199 |
Helping Idaho Dogs, Inc., special license plates | H0192 |
Live Laugh Love Give, Inc., special license plates | S1022 |
Live Laugh Love Give, Inc., special license plates | S1083 |
National Diaper Need Awareness Week | SCR110 – (A) |
Tax refund donations, certain recipient accts deleted | S1107 |
YMCA Day, March 20th, recognize community contributions | SCR118 – (A) |
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At-home early education technology pilot program | H0270 |
Charity meals, school/church/senior citizen, tax exempt | H0011 – Ch.17 |
Crimes leading to termination of parental rights | S1095 |
Immunization Assessments Bd act, extend to 2017 | H0107 – Ch.153 |
License plates, special, America the Beautiful, charity | S1083 |
Medicaid reimbursement rate, adolescent mental health | H0298 – Ch.301 |
Minors, restrictions on use of tanning devices | H0177 – Ch.91 |
National Diaper Need Awareness Week | SCR110 – (A) |
Parental fundamental rights over children affirmed | H0113 – Ch.219 |
Public assistance recipient, no forgiveness of support | S1038 |
Tobacco use by minors, first offense an infraction | H0159 – Ch.158 |
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, foreign country | S1067 |
Voluntary Kindergarten preparedness pilot program | H0307 |
YMCA Day, March 20th, recognize community contributions | SCR118 – (A) |
Youth Challenge program, extend indefinitely | H0052 – Ch.22 |
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Occupational Licenses, chiropractor rules rejected | HCR020 |
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City annexation classifications amended | H0127 |
City annexation types, notice of intent, voter approval | S1093 |
City annexation, overlapping areas of impact | H0086 |
City annexation, when voter approval is required | S1065 |
City bond, allowable uses, police departments | S1147 |
City initiative and referendum procedures, dates | H0216 – Ch.285 |
Eagle Rock Bridge/Idaho Falls, 150 years | HCR002 – (A) |
Knives, no city/county regulation | S1092 |
Planning & Zoning Com vacancies, appointee requirements | H0142 – Ch.205 |
Resort city conference/event center, liquor licenses | H0215 |
School emergency fund levy, effect on tax rate | H0076 – Ch.40 |
Seed cultivation, production, processing, no local laws | H0114 – Ch.101 |
Underground facilities excavation, Damage Prevention Bd | H0118 |
Urban renewal agency, bonding authority, conditions | H0019 |
Urban renewal agency, remove eminent domain power | H0018 |
Urban renewal financial reports, use of funds limited | H0239 |
Urban renewal laws, legislative study comm | HCR017 – (A) |
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Chemical abortions, requirements, court proceedings | H0088 |
Chemical abortions, requirements, court proceedings | H0154 – Ch.270 |
Human trafficking victims, expunge criminal records | S1154 – Ch.308 |
Judgments, enforcement period increased to ten years | S1068 |
Judgments, liens, duration extended by five years | S1069 – Ch.278 |
Parental fundamental rights over children affirmed | H0113 – Ch.219 |
Prisoner Litigation Reform Act | H0135 |
Property trespass, water rights penalty exception | H0094 – Ch.298 |
Redistricting plan, court challenges, when | S1091 – Ch.250 |
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Sexual orientation/gender identity, no discrimination | H0002 |
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Electrical Bd, industrial equipment, certification | H0238 – Ch.233 |
Federal Internal Revenue Code, update reference to | H0077 – Ch.13 |
Idaho Code codifier’s corrections | S1030 – Ch.244 |
Idaho Code of Military Justice (model code) added | H0053 – Ch.268 |
Idaho Code, public domain, no copyright | H0174 |
Joint legislative publishing comm, session laws | S1181 |
Joint legislative publishing comm, session laws | H0328 – Ch.329 |
Property tax, budget requests, correct code reference | H0028 – Ch.10 |
Public records laws, correct code citations | H0091 – Ch.141 |
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College classes, foreign exchange high school students | H0245 – Ch.288 |
College health care plans, self-funded, minimum surplus | S1081 – Ch.49 |
Education Bd, approp, community colleges | H0304 – Ch.276 |
Education Bd/Univ of Idaho, approp, health education | H0287 – Ch.237 |
Education Bd/Univ of Idaho, approp, special programs | H0290 – Ch.240 |
Education Bd/Univ of Idaho, approp, universities | S1176 – Ch.313 |
Postsecondary credit scholarship, requirements | H0083 |
Postsecondary credit scholarship, requirements | S1050 – Ch.58 |
Professional-technical education credit transferability | S1086 – Ch.150 |
Rural physician incentive fund, appropriate balance | H0178 – Ch.159 |
School counselors, college/career advisors | H0233 |
School counselors, college/career advisors | H0278 |
School counselors, college/career advisors | H0313 – Ch.314 |
STEM Action Center and Board created | H0302 – Ch.304 |
STEM Action Center, approp | H0326 – Ch.328 |
Univ of Idaho, approp, agricultural research/extension | S1150 – Ch.256 |
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Columbia Snake River system, state sovereignty | HJM011 – (A) |
Conference/event center, liquor license, requirements | H0280 |
Conference/event center, liquor license, requirements | H0318 – Ch.333 |
Dept, approp | S1166 – Ch.265 |
Economic Advisory Council, membership and compensation | H0079 |
Economic Advisory Council, membership, qualifications | H0120 – Ch.154 |
Federal interstates in Idaho, truck weights, Congress | HJM008 – (A) |
Highway transportation, agricultural/forestry products | H0194 – Ch.208 |
Idaho Farm Bureau Federation Day, 75 years | HCR014 – (A) |
Outdoor recreation, Outdoor Retailer shows invited | HCR007 – (A) |
Reimbursement Incentive Act, tax credit requirements | H0172 – Ch.200 |
STEM Action Center and Board created | H0302 – Ch.304 |
STEM Action Center, approp | H0326 – Ch.328 |
Unfair Sales Act, applies only to motor fuel sales | H0193 |
Vehicle dealer licenses, succession, franchise contract | H0196 |
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Blind Com rule rejected | HCR011 – (A) |
Blind/Visually Impaired Com, approp | H0253 – Ch.191 |
Cherry Com, creation of districts by rule | H0148 – Ch.156 |
Hispanic Affairs Com, approp | S1148 – Ch.254 |
Honey Com, membership qualifications | S1074 – Ch.124 |
Oil/Gas Com, contested case hearings, when | H0123 – Ch.102 |
Oil/Gas Com, unit operation application, plan and order | H0050 – Ch.66 |
Planning & Zoning Com vacancies, appointee requirements | H0142 – Ch.205 |
PUC/Tax/Industrial commissioner salary increase | S1119 – Ch.120 |
Soil and Water Conservation Com, approp | S1162 – Ch.262 |
Tax Com, Tax Appeals Bd, restructure and repeal | H0297 |
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Administrative hearing officers, legislative study comm | SCR124 |
Endowment asset issues, legislative study comm | HCR012 |
Federal lands, legislative study comm | SCR108 |
Joint legislative publishing comm, session laws | S1181 |
Joint legislative publishing comm, session laws | H0328 – Ch.329 |
Natural resources legislative study comm | HCR008 – (A) |
Public defense reform, legislative study comm | SCR103 – (A) |
State broadband services, legislative study comm | SCR131 |
State broadband services, legislative study comm | HCR026 – (A) |
State government purchasing laws, legislative study com | HCR023 – (A) |
Student data collection, legislative study comm | HCR003 – (A) |
Substance abuse, repeal advisory comm, treatment record | H0033 – Ch.63 |
Urban renewal laws, legislative study comm | HCR017 – (A) |
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Cherry Com, creation of districts by rule | H0148 – Ch.156 |
Honey Com, membership qualifications | S1074 – Ch.124 |
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Conservation easements/grazing permits, tax deduction | H0084 |
Conservation easements/grazing permits, tax deduction | H0109 – Ch.269 |
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge, oppose conservation | HJM010 – (A) |
Energy Resources Authority, conservation measures | S1024 – Ch.59 |
Land and sage-grouse management plans not public | H0291 – Ch.300 |
Sage-grouse, long-term management, state primacy | HJM009 – (A) |
Soil and Water Conservation Com, approp | S1162 – Ch.262 |
Species Conservation Office, approp | S1128 – Ch.133 |
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Federal balanced budget, U.S. Constitutional amendment | HCR018 |
Limited Convention/No Runaway Convention Act, add | H0067 |
Regulation Freedom Amendment, U.S. Constitution | HJM001 |
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New construction roll tax income, public schools use | H0173 |
Public construction replacement work w/o engineers | H0217 |
Public irrigation construction, engineer exemption | H0256 – Ch.273 |
Public roads, materials, sales tax exemption | H0095 |
Public works contracts, maximum price, incentives | H0119 |
Underground facilities excavation, Damage Prevention Bd | H0118 |
Urban renewal financial reports, use of funds limited | H0239 |
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Contact lens manufacturers, unlawful practices | H0149 |
Office of the Inspector General created, duties | H0200 |
Unfair Sales Act, applies only to motor fuel sales | H0193 |
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Public construction replacement work w/o engineers | H0217 |
Public irrigation construction, engineer exemption | H0256 – Ch.273 |
Public roads, materials, sales tax exemption | H0095 |
Public works contracts, maximum price, incentives | H0119 |
Underground facilities excavation, Damage Prevention Bd | H0118 |
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Building Safety Div authority to contract services | H0060 |
Debtor collection exemption, life insurance contracts | S1014 – Ch.112 |
Direct Primary Care Act, contracts, not insurance | S1062 – Ch.291 |
Education Dept, contracts for approved services | H0170 – Ch.299 |
Fire protection commissioners, at-will employment | H0203 |
Idaho Session Laws, printing contract | SCR130 – (A) |
Idaho State Police, extra services, reimbursement | H0157 – Ch.232 |
Labor negotiations, open meeting, exceptions | H0167 – Ch.271 |
Land and sage-grouse management plans not public | H0291 – Ch.300 |
Parks & Rec Dept, fundraising/sponsorship agreements | S1098 – Ch.335 |
Public works contracts, maximum price, incentives | H0119 |
Spendthrift trusts, correct standards | S1052 – Ch.77 |
State officers, contracts over $500K, annual report | H0317 |
Teacher contracts, factfinders, repealed | H0169 – Ch.108 |
Teacher contracts, reductions in force | S1088 – Ch.249 |
Teacher renewable contracts if career ladder unfunded | H0323 – Ch.344 |
Vehicle dealer licenses, succession, franchise contract | H0196 |
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Campaign contribution disclosures, political committees | H0112 – Ch.231 |
Charitable contributions, tax credit, agencies, amounts | H0045 |
Charitable contributions, tax credit, identify schools | H0220 – Ch.209 |
Charitable contributions, tax treatment of reductions | H0037 – Ch.19 |
Corporations benefiting schools, tax credit requirement | H0199 |
Live Laugh Love Give, Inc., special license plates | S1022 |