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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


25-3705C.  quarantine — fencing — tissue samples. (1) For purposes of this chapter:
(a)  "Commingled" or "commingling" means animals that have direct contact with each other; have less than ten (10) feet of physical separation; or share equipment, pasture, or water sources or a watershed. Animals are considered to have commingled if they have had such contact with a CWD-positive animal or contaminated premises within the last five (5) years.
(b)  "CWD" means chronic wasting disease.
(c)  "CWD-exposed animal" means an animal that is part of a CWD-positive herd or that has been exposed to a CWD-positive animal or contaminated premises within the previous five (5) years.
(d)  "CWD-exposed herd" means a herd in which a CWD-positive animal has resided within five (5) years prior to that animal’s diagnosis of CWD, as determined by an animal and plant health inspection service (APHIS) employee or state representative.
(e)  "CWD-positive animal" means an animal that has had a diagnosis of CWD established through official confirmatory CWD testing conducted by the national veterinary services laboratories (NVSL).
(f)  "CWD-positive herd" means a herd in which a CWD-positive animal resided at the time it was diagnosed, which animal has not been released from quarantine.
(g)  "CWD-suspect animal" means an animal for which an APHIS employee or state representative has determined that unofficial CWD test results, laboratory evidence, or clinical signs suggest a diagnosis of CWD, but for which official laboratory results have been inconclusive or not yet conducted.
(h)  "Limited contact" means any brief, incidental contact between cervids from different herds, including contact that occurs in sale or show rings; alleyways at fairs; and livestock auctions, sales, shows, and exhibitions. Limited contact does not include penned animals having less than ten (10) feet of physical separation or contact through a fence or any activity where uninhibited contact occurs, such as sharing an enclosure; sharing a section of a transport vehicle; sharing equipment, food, or water sources; or contact with bodily fluids or excrement.
(2)  Any cervidae farm or cervidae ranch that is under quarantine due to the presence of CWD-positive, CWD-suspect, or CWD-exposed herds or animals shall have perimeter fencing adequate to prevent ingress or egress of cervids.
(a)  Fencing shall be:
(i)   Structurally sound;
(ii)  Maintained in good repair;
(iii) Of sufficient construction to contain the animals; and
(iv)  A minimum of eight (8) feet high.
(b)  Single fences shall be acceptable to meet the requirements of this subsection.
(3)  When harvest occurs during a period of quarantine, tissue samples as defined by administrative rule shall be taken and submitted by the owner or operator of the domestic cervidae farm or ranch to approved laboratories to be tested or examined for CWD. The carcass or parts of the carcass may be transported to an in-state processor or taxidermist. The meat from the carcass with the brain tissue and spinal cord removed may be transported without restriction. If processed at the farm or ranch, the brain tissue and spinal cord shall be removed and disposed of in compliance with administrative rules adopted by the department under this chapter. If a harvested animal tests positive for CWD, the person or persons in possession of the meat shall immediately be notified and the meat shall be disposed of in accordance with administrative rules adopted by the department under this chapter.
(4)  A quarantine shall be applied to all CWD-exposed, CWD-suspect, and CWD-positive herds and animals following an epidemiological investigation that confirms such status as defined in this section.
(5)  A multi-facility ranch under quarantine may move animals from one facility to another facility owned by the same entity for the purpose of harvest with the approval of the director of the Idaho state department of agriculture.

[25-3705C, added 2024, ch. 108, sec. 1, p. 478.]

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