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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


33-5210.  APPLICATION OF SCHOOL LAW — EXEMPTION FROM STATE RULES. (1) All public charter schools are under the general supervision of the state board of education.
(2)  Each public charter school shall comply with the financial reporting requirements of section 33-701 5. through 10., Idaho Code, in the same manner as those requirements are imposed upon school districts and shall comply with laws governing safety, including but not limited to sections 33-122 and 33-130, Idaho Code, and chapter 2, title 33, Idaho Code, and rules promulgated thereunder.
(3)  Other than as specified in this section, each public charter school is exempt from rules governing school districts promulgated by the state board of education, with the exception of state rules relating to:
(a)  Teacher certification as necessitated by the provisions of section 33-5206, Idaho Code;
(b)  Accreditation of the school as necessitated by the provisions of section 33-119, Idaho Code;
(c)  Qualifications of a student for attendance at an alternative school as necessitated by the provisions of section 33-5207, Idaho Code; and
(d)  Rules promulgated pursuant to section 33-1612, Idaho Code.

[33-5210, added 2024, ch. 9, sec. 31, p. 78.]

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