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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


43-109.  Divisions of district for election of directors. (1) Such board shall also make an order dividing the district into not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7) divisions of as nearly equal size as practicable, which shall be numbered first, second, third, etc., and one (1) director, who shall be an elector and resident in the division, shall be elected from each division of the district at large, except that in districts of three thousand (3,000) acres or less the directors may be elected from qualified electors, holding title or evidence of title to land in the district and residing in the county in which some portion of the district is located. The number of divisions into which said district shall be divided shall be specified in the petition for the organization of the district, and if not otherwise specified shall be three (3).
(2)  The board of directors of the district may, after approval of a resolution by two-thirds (2/3) of the board, petition the board of county commissioners to modify the boundaries of divisions of the district previously ordered by the board of the county commissioners. The petition shall provide a reason for modifying the division boundaries and a map showing the new proposed boundaries. The divisions shall be of as nearly equal size as possible. No bond or examination by the department of water resources shall be required. The board of county commissioners shall hold a hearing on the petition pursuant to the procedures of section 43-106, Idaho Code. The board of county commissioners shall make an order revising the division boundaries as requested by the petition, unless the board of county commissioners finds there is good cause to deny the petition or to modify the division boundaries in a different way.

[(43-109) 1903, p. 150, sec. 2a, as added by 1907, p. 484, sec. 1; reen. R.C., sec. 2374; am. 1915, ch. 89, sec. 1, last part of subd. 2374, p. 207; reen. C.L., sec. 2374f; C.S., sec. 4321; I.C.A., sec. 42-109; am. 1957, ch. 80, sec. 1, p. 130; am. 2024, ch. 92, sec. 1, p. 431.]

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