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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


49-420S.  don’t tread on me license plates. (1) Effective January 1, 2025, any person who is the owner of a vehicle registered under the provisions of section 49-402, Idaho Code, or registered under any other section of law for which the purchase of special plates is allowed, may apply for and, upon department approval, receive don’t tread on me license plates in lieu of regular license plates. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any vehicle with a registered maximum gross weight over twenty-six thousand (26,000) pounds. Availability of don’t tread on me license plates for other vehicles shall be subject to the rules, policies, and procedures of the department.
(2)  In addition to the regular registration fee required in this chapter, the applicant shall be charged a fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for the initial issuance of plates, and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) upon each succeeding annual registration. Thirteen dollars ($13.00) of the initial fee and thirteen dollars ($13.00) of the renewal fee shall be deposited in the state highway account and shall be used to fund the cost of administration of this special license plate program, including the initial plate design for the plate provided for in this section. Except for the reimbursement of initial plate design costs as provided for in subsection (4) of this section, twenty-two dollars ($22.00) of each initial fee and twelve dollars ($12.00) of each renewal fee shall be transferred by the state treasurer to the firearms safety grant fund established in section 33-1628, Idaho Code.
(3)  Whenever title or interest in a vehicle registered under the provisions of this section is transferred or assigned, the owner may transfer the special plates to another vehicle upon payment of the required transfer fees. The owner may display the plates on another vehicle only upon receipt of the new registration from the department.
(4)  The don’t tread on me license plate shall be of a color and design in accordance with the provisions of section 49-402C, Idaho Code, and shall include the Gadsden flag on a bright yellow background with the image of a rattlesnake and the words "don’t tread on me." The design shall be approved by the Idaho transportation department utilizing a numbering system as determined by the department. Initial costs of the plate program, including costs of plate design, shall be paid by the state board of education and shall be reimbursed from the initial moneys distributed to the firearms safety grant fund established in section 33-1628, Idaho Code.
(5)  Sample don’t tread on me license plates may be purchased for a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00), thirteen dollars ($13.00) of which shall be deposited in the state highway account and seventeen dollars ($17.00) of which shall be transferred to the firearms safety grant fund established in section 33-1628, Idaho Code, to be used for the purpose stated in that section.

[49-420S, added 2024, ch. 187, sec. 3, p. 678.]

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