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     Idaho Statutes

Idaho Statutes are updated to the website July 1 following the legislative session.


67-5909B [67-5909C].  public postsecondary education — diversity statements. (1) Hiring and admissions decisions at any public postsecondary educational institution in the state of Idaho shall be made on merit. Hiring and admissions decisions shall not be conditioned on a requirement that applicants submit or ascribe to a diversity statement. No public postsecondary educational institution in the state of Idaho shall require or solicit a diversity statement as part of an admissions process, employment application process, hiring process, contract renewal process, or promotion process or as a condition of participation in any administrative or decision-making function of the institution.
(2)  "Diversity statement" means any written or oral statement discussing:
(a)  The applicant’s or candidate’s race, sex, color, ethnicity, or sexual orientation;
(b)  The applicant’s or candidate’s views on, experience with, or contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion; social justice; confessing one’s race-based privilege; confessing one’s sex-based privilege; partisan politics; or religion;
(c)  The applicant’s or candidate’s views on or experience with the race, sex, color, ethnicity, or sexual orientation of students and coworkers; or
(d)  The applicant’s or candidate’s views regarding any theory that advocates for the differential treatment of any individual or groups of individuals based on race, sex, color, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
(3)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to:
(a)  Prevent an institution requiring applicants and candidates:
(i)   To disclose or discuss the content of their scholarly research or creative works;
(ii)  To certify compliance with state and federal anti-discrimination law; or
(iii) To discuss pedagogical approaches; or experience with students with mental or physical disabilities; or
(b)  Prevent an applicant or candidate from providing, of the applicant’s or candidate’s own initiative, any information described in this section.

[67-5909B [67-5909C], added 2024, ch. 112, sec. 1, p. 485.]

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